*! version 3.0.1 1/20/94 program define adjksm version 3.0 local varlist "req ex min(2) max(2)" local if "opt" local in "opt" #delimit ; local options "Line Weight noGraph GEN(string) BWidth(real 0) Adjust LOWess LOgit T1title(string) Symbol(string) Connect(string) *"; #delimit cr parse "`*'" if "`gen'"~="" { confirm new var `gen' } parse "`varlist'", parse(" ") if "`lowess'"!="" { local weight "weight" local line "line" } tempvar Y X smooth quietly { gen `Y'=`1' `if' `in' gen `X'=`2' `if' `in' replace `X'=. if `Y'==. summ `X' local cnt = _result(1) if `cnt'<3 { noisily error 2001 } if _result(6)-_result(5)<1e-30 { di in red "Range of `2' is too small" exit 499 } _crcslbl `Y' `1' _crcslbl `X' `2' sort `X' /* Set up complete. */ local bw = `bwidth' if `bw' <= 0 | `bw' >= 1 { local bw .8 } /* smopt=0 (unwtd mean), 1(unwtd line), 2(wtd mean), 3(wtd line). */ if "`line'" == "line" { local smopt = 1 } else { local smopt = 0 } if "`weight'" == "weight" { local smopt = `smopt'+2 } _adjksm `Y' `X' `cnt' `bw' `smooth' `smopt' /* Adjust smooth so that mean of Y-values equals mean of smoothed values. */ if "`adjust'" == "adjust" { sum `smooth' local mean = _result(3) sum `Y' replace `smooth' = `smooth'*_result(3)/`mean' } if "`logit'" == "logit" { local adj = 1/`cnt' local small = 0.0001 replace `smooth' = `adj' if `smooth'<`small' replace `smooth' = 1-`adj' if `smooth'>(1-`small') replace `smooth' = log(`smooth'/(1-`smooth')) } } /* Graph (if required) */ if "`graph'" ~= "nograph" { if "`t1title'" ==""{ if "`lowess'"!="" { local t1title "Lowess smoother" } else if "`line'" == "line" { local t1title "Running line smoother" } else { local t1title "Running mean smoother" } local t1title "`t1title', bandwidth = `bw'" } if "`logit'"=="" { if "`symbol'"=="" { local symbol "oi" } if "`connect'"=="" { local connect ".l" } graph `Y' `smooth' `X', `options' /* */ t1("`t1title'") /* */ s(`symbol') c(`connect') } else { if "`symbol'"=="" { local symbol "i" } if "`connect'"=="" { local connect "l" } gr `smooth' `X', `options' t1("`t1title'") /* */ s(`symbol') c(`connect') } } if "`gen'"~="" { rename `smooth' `gen' } end