help for adodev, adoind, and adofac                              (Roger Newson)

Reorder ado-path for developers and other independent-minded users





adodev re-orders the ado-file path to start with the Stata system folders UPDATES, BASE, ., PERSONAL, PLUS, SITE, and OLDPLACE, in that order. adoind re-orders the ado-file path to start with the Stata system folders UPDATES, BASE, PERSONAL, PLUS, SITE, ., and OLDPLACE, in that order. adofac re-orders the ado-file path to start with the Stata system folders UPDATES, BASE, SITE, ., PERSONAL, PLUS, and OLDPLACE, in that order. All these commands preserve any existing ordering between other folders on the ado-file path. The adodev command was written for development work, and allows the user to develop ado-files in the current folder. The adoind command was written for independent-minded users, who think that they can update packages faster than their Stata site administrators (if any Stata site administrators exist). The adofac command restores the factory setting of the ordering between system folders, as defined in the manuals for Stata Version 10.


.adopath .adodev .adopath .adoind .adopath .adofac .adopath


Roger Newson, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, UK. Email: r.newson@imperial.ac.uk

Also see

Manual: [P] sysdir Online: help for adopath, sysdir