Edit an ado-file in Stata's do-file editor
adoedit cmdname Description
adoedit attempts to edit whichever ado-file named cmdname.ado is first on the current adopath. If you are using an old version of Stata, you may not be able to edit files larger than 32,000 bytes in the do-file editor. Built-in commands cannot edited no matter what. This routine is designed for use by those who are writing their own ado-files; users are exhorted to make a copy of any official ado-files, and to save modified official ado-files in the ado directory, rather than the Stata directory.
adoedit cmdname.ado is tolerated.
After a successful edit, the discard command is issued so that Stata will load the revised ado-file. This will also clear any estimates from the last estimation.
If you wish to edit ado-files with a different text editor, please see fedit and the texteditors modules on the SSC archive.
. adoedit tsspell
Saved Results
The adoedit command saves in r(): Macros r(adofile) the ado-file name and full path
Dan Blanchette The Carolina Population Center University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, USA dan_blanchette@unc.edu
This program grew out of previous work by:
Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K.
Christopher F Baum, Boston College, USA
Eric Booth suggested option to open the ado-file in whatever software is setup to open ".ado" file types if the file is too big to open in Stata's do-file editor.
Also see
On-line: doedit findfile, fedit (if installed)