help for ^adotype^

Type ado file -------------

^adotype^ cmdname

Description -----------

^adotype^ types whichever ado file named cmdname.^ado^ is first on the current adopath. If none exists, ^which^ cmdname is invoked.

^adotype^ cmdname^.ado^ is tolerated.

Saved results -------------

^r(file)^ full filename of cmdname.^ado^

Examples --------

. ^adotype reshape^

To edit your own ado files, have a file like this:

^program def^ myedit ^version 6.0^ ^if "`2'" != "" { error 198 }^ ^args fname^ ^qui adotype `fname'^ ^if `"`r(file)'"' == "" { which `fname' }^ ^else^ path-leading-to-editor ^`"`r(file)'"'^ ^end^ Author ------

Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk

Acknowledgements ----------------

Kit Baum and Vince Wiggins made useful suggestions.

Also see --------

On-line: help for @adopath@, @which@