affiliationexposure -- Compute the Affiliation Exposure Model for two-mode network data
affiliationexposure modevars , attribute(attribvar) result(resultvarname)
affiliationexposure calculates the Affiliation Exposure metric based on one or more modevars and a single attribvar, placing the results in resultvarname. Only one set of data in memory is supported at this time. attribvar is not constrained in any way, but caution should be used if the scale is not linear (ranks are okay). Missing values are treated as zeros.
Example: computing the affiliation exposure based on three events for one (ran > ked) attribute
. use my_twomode_data . list +--------------------------------+ | event1 event2 event3 a1 | |--------------------------------| 1. | 0 0 1 1 | 2. | 1 1 0 1 | 3. | 0 0 1 5 | 4. | 1 0 0 4 | 5. | 1 0 0 4 | +--------------------------------+
. affiliationexposure event1 event2 event3, attrib(a1) result(ae_a1) . list +--------------------------------------+ | event1 event2 event3 a1 ae_a1 | |--------------------------------------| 1. | 0 0 1 1 5 | 2. | 1 1 0 1 4 | 3. | 0 0 1 5 1 | 4. | 1 0 0 4 2.5 | 5. | 1 0 0 4 2.5 | +--------------------------------------+
Kayo Fujimoto, Jennifer Unger, and Thomas W. Valente. "Network Method of Measuring Affiliation-based Peer Influence: Assessing the Influences of Teammates Smokers on Adolescent Smoking." Child Development, PMCID#299349.