help for ^allcross^                          (statalist distribution Oct 1, 199
> 7)

All cross-products and squares - ------------------------------

^allcross^ varlist

Description - -----------

^allcross^ creates variables corresponding to the cross-products and squares of the variables in varlist. The names of the created variables are formed by concatenating the names in varlist involved in the cross-product term. Since variable names are limited to 8 characters an error occurs if varlist contains variables with names longer than 4 characters.

Examples - --------

. ^allcross x1 x2 x3^ . ^allcross x1-x4 age y1-y3^

Note - ----

The user should be aware that when ^allcross^ is given a large number of variables in the varlist that it will end up creating a very large number of variables in the user's working data set. For example, if the user has 30 variables in her data set and executes ^allcross _all^, she will then have 30+(30*31)/2 = 495 variables in her data set.

Author - ------

Kenneth Higbee Stata Corp. khigbee@@stata.com