{smcl} {hline} help for {hi:anythingtodate} {hline} {title:Convert all types of date variables to Stata date variables} {p 4 8 2} {cmdab:anythingtodate} {it:varlist} [{cmd:,} {opt Keepvarlists} {opt Format(string asis)} {opt Reference(integer 19000000)} ] {title:Description} {pstd} The command {cmd:anythingtodate} converts date variables entered as strings or long number to Stata date variables. Change dates recognized as numbers in Stata to date format. {title:Options} {phang} {opt Keepvarlists} If you don't want to rewrite the original variables, it is an option to copy and save the original variables. {phang} {Format(string asis)} By specifying the date format here, you can specify the display format after conversion of the Stata dates. {phang} {opt Reference(integer 19000000)} The default is 19000000, but this number can be changed. If the variable has a number that is greater than the specified number, this date variable is considered to be displayed as a long number. {title:Examples} Set up {inp: . clear all} Enter various types of data data into Stata {inp: . input str8 typestr long typelnum noformatdate} {inp: 1. "20170101" 20170101 20820} {inp: 2. "20180320" 20180320 21263} {inp: 3. "20200202" 20200202 21947} {inp: 4. end} {inp: list} {inp: des} {inp: anythingtodate typestr typelnum noformatdate, k} {inp: list} {inp: des} {inp: anythingtodate typestr_original, f(%tdMonth_nn,_CCYY)} {inp: list} {inp: des} {title:Author} {p 4 4 2} Nobuaki Michihata, Department of Health Services Research, Graduate School of Medicine {p 4 4 2} The University of Tokyo {p 4 4 2} Please email {browse "mailto:gha10771+stata@gmail.com":gha10771+stata@gmail.com} if you encounter problems with this program