Contrasts in one-way ANOVA from means, SD's and N's ---------------------------------------------------
^aov1cont^ nvar meanvar sdvar [^if^ exp] [^in^ range]^,^ ^c^oeffs^(^coeffvar^)^|^tr^end [ ^le^vel^(^#^)^ ]
Description -----------
^aov1cont^ calculates the contrast (L) for coefficients in coeffvar over the means in meanvar. The group sizes are in nvar and the SDs are in sdvar.
Options -------
^coeffs(^coeffvar^)^|^trend^: one of these is REQUIRED. If ^trend^ is specified > , L is a standardized linear trend contrast using integers with spacing 1.
^level(^#^)^ defines the confidence interval coverage for L. Default: $S_level.
Remarks -------
Like @contrast@, ^aov1cont^ calculates the standardized contrast L as
L = (a1 * mean1) + (a2 * mean2) + (a3 * mean3) + ...
where mean1 is the first value of meanvar and a1 is the first STANDARDIZED coefficient in coeffvar, and so on. ^aov1cont^ always standardizes the coeff- icients so that they add up to zero; it does so by subtracting the mean of coeffvar from each of its values. The standardized coefficients (a1, a2, etc) are labelled ^__a^ in the output from ^aov1cont^. The output includes a confidence interval for L and a significance test for L = 0.
Examples --------
. ^aov1cont n mean sd, coeffs(c)^ . ^aov1cont n mean sd, trend^
Stored ------
^$S_1^ total number of observations in analysis of variance ^$S_2^ number of groups in analysis of variance ^$S_3^ value of standardized contrast, L ^$S_4^ standard error of L ^$S_5^ lower confidence limit for L ^$S_6^ upper confidence limit for L ^$S_7^ t value for test of L = 0 ^$S_8^ P value for test of L = 0
Also see --------
Manual: [R] oneway On-line: help for @oneway@, @contrast@.