help archqq

Q-Q plots and tests to assess distributional assumptions for ARCH models


archqq [varname] [if] [in] [, distribution(dist [#]) nograph notest jb]


archqq is primarily for use after arch but can also be applied to an arbitrary variable. It displays Q-Q plots of the standardized residuals from an ARCH model against a standard normal, t-distribution normalized to variance 1 or the GED distribution. The distribution (and degrees of freedom for a t-distribution or shape parameter for the GED) is the one used with arch if not specified explicitly.

Additionally, the data and assumed moments, mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis and.the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for distribution are reported. In addition the Jarque-Bera test for normality is reported if the assumed distribution is normal. Optionally, a Jarque-Bera type test generalized to allow other null hypothesis than a normal distribution can be reported. Note that the properties of the generalized test are unknown. In particular, the test appears to have very low power when the alternative is a distribution with thinner tails than the null.

If a variable is specified the comparison distribution is scaled to the data mean and variance.


option Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------

distribution(dist [#]) Use the dist distribution with parameter #. dist can be one gaussian, normal, t or ged. gaussian and normal are synonyms. The second argument specifies the degrees of freedom for t or the shape parameter for ged and is not allowed with gaussian and normal. The default is gaussian if a variable is specified, otherwise the default is taken from the arch estimation results.

nograph Suppress display of Q-Q plot.

nottest Suppress display of moments and test statistics.

jb Force calculation of Jarque-Bera type test with non-normal distributions.



Setup . webuse wpi1

Fit GARCH(1,1) under normality and display Q-Q plot . arch D.ln_wpi, arch(1) garch(1) . archqq

Fit GARCH(1,1) with a t-distribution and display Q-Q plot . arch D.ln_wpi, arch(1) garch(1) dist(t) . archqq


Sune Karlsson, Örebro University, Sweden