----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name: log: c:\ian\git\artbin\testing\artbin_test_ltfu.log log type: text opened on: 14 Nov 2023, 18:43:07 . /* > artbin_test_ltfu.do > new testing file for artbin > IW 14/11/2023 > */ . pda . . * evaluate ltfu() for power->n . artbin, pr(.02 .02) margin(.02) noround ART - ANALYSIS OF RESOURCES FOR TRIALS (binary version 2.0.2 23may2023) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A sample size program by Abdel Babiker, Patrick Royston, Friederike Barthel, Ella Marley-Zagar and Ian White MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, London WC1V 6LJ, UK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type of trial non-inferiority Number of groups 2 Favourable/unfavourable outcome unfavourable Inferred by the program Allocation ratio equal group sizes Statistical test assumed unconditional comparison of 2 binomial proportions using the score test Local or distant distant Continuity correction no Null hypothesis H0: H0: pi2 - pi1 >= .02 Alternative hypothesis H1: H1: pi2 - pi1 < .02 Anticipated event probabilities 0.020 0.020 Alpha 0.050 (two-sided) (taken as .025 one-sided) Power (designed) 0.800 Total sample size (calculated) 1743.7366 Sample size per group (calculated) 871.86832 871.86832 Expected total number of events 34.87 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . local n=r(n) . artbin, pr(.02 .02) margin(.02) noround ltfu(.1) ART - ANALYSIS OF RESOURCES FOR TRIALS (binary version 2.0.2 23may2023) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A sample size program by Abdel Babiker, Patrick Royston, Friederike Barthel, Ella Marley-Zagar and Ian White MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, London WC1V 6LJ, UK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type of trial non-inferiority Number of groups 2 Favourable/unfavourable outcome unfavourable Inferred by the program Allocation ratio equal group sizes Statistical test assumed unconditional comparison of 2 binomial proportions using the score test Local or distant distant Continuity correction no Null hypothesis H0: H0: pi2 - pi1 >= .02 Alternative hypothesis H1: H1: pi2 - pi1 < .02 Anticipated event probabilities 0.020 0.020 Alpha 0.050 (two-sided) (taken as .025 one-sided) Power (designed) 0.800 Loss to follow up assumed: 10 % Total sample size (calculated) 1937.4851 Sample size per group (calculated) 968.74257 968.74257 Expected total number of events 38.75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . di r(n),`n'/0.9 1937.4851 1937.4851 . assert reldif(r(n),`n'/0.9) < 1E-7 . . . * evaluate ltfu() for n->power . artbin, pr(.02 .02) margin(.02) noround n(1000) ltfu(.2) ART - ANALYSIS OF RESOURCES FOR TRIALS (binary version 2.0.2 23may2023) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A sample size program by Abdel Babiker, Patrick Royston, Friederike Barthel, Ella Marley-Zagar and Ian White MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, London WC1V 6LJ, UK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type of trial non-inferiority Number of groups 2 Favourable/unfavourable outcome unfavourable Inferred by the program Allocation ratio equal group sizes Statistical test assumed unconditional comparison of 2 binomial proportions using the score test Local or distant distant Continuity correction no Null hypothesis H0: H0: pi2 - pi1 >= .02 Alternative hypothesis H1: H1: pi2 - pi1 < .02 Anticipated event probabilities 0.020 0.020 Alpha 0.050 (two-sided) (taken as .025 one-sided) Power (calculated) 0.547 Loss to follow up assumed: 20 % Total sample size (designed) 1250 Sample size per group (designed) 625 625 Expected total number of events 20.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . local power=r(power) . artbin, pr(.02 .02) margin(.02) noround n(800) ART - ANALYSIS OF RESOURCES FOR TRIALS (binary version 2.0.2 23may2023) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A sample size program by Abdel Babiker, Patrick Royston, Friederike Barthel, Ella Marley-Zagar and Ian White MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, London WC1V 6LJ, UK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type of trial non-inferiority Number of groups 2 Favourable/unfavourable outcome unfavourable Inferred by the program Allocation ratio equal group sizes Statistical test assumed unconditional comparison of 2 binomial proportions using the score test Local or distant distant Continuity correction no Null hypothesis H0: H0: pi2 - pi1 >= .02 Alternative hypothesis H1: H1: pi2 - pi1 < .02 Anticipated event probabilities 0.020 0.020 Alpha 0.050 (two-sided) (taken as .025 one-sided) Power (calculated) 0.452 Total sample size (designed) 800 Sample size per group (designed) 400 400 Expected total number of events 16.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . di r(power),`power' .45192744 .54683603 . assert reldif(r(power),`power') < 1E-7 assertion is false r(9); end of do-file name: log: c:\ian\git\artbin\testing\artbin_test_ltfu.log log type: text closed on: 14 Nov 2023, 18:43:07 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------