/* Do-file to run the examples in section 4 of "Sample size calculation for an ordered categorical outcome" by White et al */ version 14 // Six-level outcome artcat, pc(.018 .036 .156 .141 .39) or(1/1.77) unfavourable artcat, pc(.259 .390 .141 .156 .036 .018) or(1.77) favourable noheader artcat, pc(.018 .036 .156 .141 .39) or(1/1.77) n(322) noprobtable unf nohead artcat, pc(.018 .036 .156 .141 .39) or(1/1.77) whitehead noprobt unf nohead artcat, pc(.010 .021 .099 .103 .384) or(1) margin(1.33) noprobt unf nohead // Binary outcome and comparison with artbin artcat, pc(.4) pe(.2) power(.9) unf nohead artbin, pr(0.4 0.2) power(.9) // Effect of subdividing the categories artcat, pc(.01 .4) cum or(.375) power(.9) unf nohead artcat, pc(.01 .1 .4) cum or(.375) power(.9) unf nohead artcat, pc(.4 .7) cum or(.375) power(.9) unf nohead