*! Date : 15 May 2009 *! Version : 1.2 *! Author : Adrian Mander *! Email : adrian.mander@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk *! Display all the ascii characters /* 2Nov2006 v 1.1 added the start option to avoid printing the first 32 characters that can cause problems in unix 15May2009 v 1.2 changed email */ pr ascii version 9.2 syntax [,Start(int 33)] local yourls = c(linesize) local col 1 forv i=`start'/255 { local ncol = `col'+4 di in smcl _continue _col(`col') "`i'" _col(`ncol') `"{c `i'}"' if `col'<`yourls'-10 local col = `col'+6 else { di local col 1 } } end