Graph ASCII character set in current graph font
asciiplot [ , scatter_options ]
asciiplot creates a graph of all ASCII characters from 33 through 255 using the current graph font. The graph can be used to identify quickly the ASCII code of a symbol which you want to insert into a graph or to ascertain that such a symbol is not in fact available.
scatter_options are options of twoway scatter.
The ASCII code of a symbol is needed to insert special characters into the text of a Stata graph using the char() function. You may assign the symbol to a local macro which is then referenced in a subsequent graph command, or you may use in-line evaluation of a call to char() in such a command.
. asciiplot . local cubed = char(179) . scatter mpg trunk, xti( "Trunk Volume ft`cubed'" ) . scatter mpg trunk, xti( "Trunk Volume (ft`=char(179)')" )
. asciiplot, scheme(lean1) saving(ascii)
Michael Blasnik
Svend Juul Institut for Folkesundhed, Afdeling for Epidemiologi, Aarhus
Nicholas J. Cox Durham University
Michael Blasnik developed the original idea of the graph. Svend Juul provided some nice design suggestions, and Nick Cox wrote the initial ado file.
Also see
Online: help for char()