*! Attaullah Shah; attaullah.shah@imsciences.edu.pk *! Tenured Associate Professor at the Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan. *!------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *! Version : Changes made on April 10 , 2021 : Bug fixed in sum command when a variable had all empty values *! Version : Changes made on Jan 30, 2021 : Time series operatr now works with the variable names when exorting data with the list comand. eg asdoc list id year l.x D.x, replace * Version : Changes made on Jan 1, 2021 : Bug fixed in the ttest with option unequal: Previously, it would report results for samples with equal variance. * Version : Changes made on Dec 25, 2020 : Added Option cell to tabulate command to report cell percentages; (2) eform now works with the detailed regression * Version : Changes made on Nov 3, 2020 : Added inspect command to asdoc * Version : Changes made on October 30, 2020 : Added option chi2 to tabulate * Version : Changes made on October 21, 2020 : Added opton row and col to the table command * Version : Changes made on October 12, 2020 : Factor variable now appear with value lables in details regression. Also, the number of observations now do no not have decimal points * Version : Changes made on October 5, 2020 : Bug fixed with bys tabstat * Version : Changes made on Sep 9, 2020 : Option force added to newey regression * Version : Changes made on Sep 4, 2020 : Option col fixed in tabulate * Version : Changes made on August 27, 2020 : cnames() option added to two sample ttest. This option can be used to write custom column titles for the mean values of the two groups. Prevously only Mean1 and Mean2 were used as default names. * Version : Changes made on August 27, 2020 : Bug fixed in pwcorr * Version : Changes made on August 26, 2020 : More than 20 nested regressions are now supported * Version : Changes made on August 19, 2020 : Fix to Option row in tabulate when used with nofreq option. * Version : Changes made on August 19, 2020 : applies to sum command: bysort or by() now correctly follows the order if the byvariable is numeric. * Version : Changes made on August 16, 2020 : Factor variables can now be included in summary statistics, though work on detailed summary is on the to-do list * Version : Changes made on August 16, 2020 : Support added for multiple equation regresions such sureg, sqreg in the nest option. * Version : Changes made on July 30, 2020 : Option row fix in table command. Previously, it was incorrectly reporting column totals * Version : Changes made on July 28, 2020 : Option row fix in tabulate * Version : Changes made on April 16, 2020 : Digit Rounding issue resolved in table command. * Version : Changes made on April 15, 2020 : Option nofvlabel can be used now to suppress the base category of factor variables in nested regressions * Version : Changes made on April 9, 2020 : One sample ttest can now accept expression other than == 0 * Version : Changes made on April 1, 2020 : Fixed bug in ttest by(vars) * Version : Changes made on March 19,2020 : Fixed bug in xtpoisson for irr option * Version : Changes made on March 9, 2020 : Fixed bug in tabulate with column option * Version : Changes made on March 7, 2020 : Added the bysort support for tab commands * Version : Changes made on Jan 25, 2020 : Bug fixed in paired ttests * Version : Changes made on Jan 17, 2020 : p-values can now be reported in nested regression tables using option rep(p) * Version : Changes made on Jan 1, 2020 : Three- way table : corrected the rowtotal calculations * Version : Changes made on Nov 22, 2019 : Option row now works with nofreq option in the tabulate command * Version : Changes made on October 12, 2019 : table command now works even with no space between command and option row * Version : Changes made on October 11, 2019 : bug fixed in ttest by(varlist) * Version : Changes made on October 8, 2019 : Decimal points can be controlld with t-statistics and ttest commands * Version : Changes made on October 2, 2019 : IF and IN conditios now works with the table command * Version : Changes made on Seperator 29, 2019 : Fixed bug in reset option of nested regression * Version : Changes made on Seperator 21, 2019 : Fixed bug when option replace was used as ,replace * Version : Changes made on Seperator 10, 2019 : Fixed row and column names issue with wmat * Version : Changes made on Aug 18, 2019 : Added support for spearman command * Version Changes made on Aug 15, 2019 : Custome title fixed in bys reg * Version Changes made on Aug 14, 2019 : Bug fixed where if had both numeric and string-basde conditions * Version Changes made on July 27 , 2019 : Bug fixing in the setstars option * Version Changes made on July 25 , 2019 : Adding dpcomma, sep000 for comma period swapping and digit seperators. * Version Changes made July 16 , 2019: Adding column formating uisng globals c1_dec etc. * Version Changes made July 18 , 2019: Added lastrow(mean) and lastrow(total) to tabstat with bys: * Version Changes made July 13 , 2019: tab command with string variables * Version Changes made July 12 , 2019: Label now works with factor variables in regressions * Version Changes made July 03 , 2019: Significance stars customizable uisng setstar() option. * Version Changes made June 29 , 2019: weights added to the table command * Version Changes made June 25 , 2019: aweights added * Version Changes made June 25 , 2019: stat() opton of nested reg improved * Version Changes made June 24 , 2019: Total row added to the tab command * Version Changes made June 24 , 2019: Table command now supports date/time variables * Version Changes made June 19, 2019: File saving made easy. Just use global save "Whatever file name" or use option save() first time with asdoc, then asdoc will remember the file name until Stata is closed or another name is written to the global save macro * Version Changes made June 19, 2019: Support for emtpy value in accum option, used with row option: 2. Integers do not have decimal points now in option row() * Version Changes made June 15, 2019: option label added to list command; Fixing bys sum in MacOS * Version Changes made June 6, 2019: eform() logistic pvalues correction in nested table * Version command replay added. This is used with bootstrap or other regressions that have complex syntax * Version Adding significance level for multi levels * Version Windows and MAC separate processing /* 1. eform option added to nested tables for logistic family of regressions 2. Option font added to specify font face, for example, font(Garamond) 3. support for ivregress and 2sls added 4. Improving output of non-standard Stata output, i.e. multilevel models 5. Option fhr fhc for formating header-row and header-column e.g., fhr(\b) for making the title row bold 6. Support added for xtmelogit 7. Added header row to tab command 7. Added support for macOS for the following 7.1 wide regression table 7.2 option row() 7.3 table command revamped completely 7.4 proportions 8. setting stars level with option setstar e.g, setstars(***@.1, **@.04, *@.01) 9. Added confidence intervals to detailed regression 10. making stars and confidence intervals optional in detailed regression 11. tab command revamped completely 12. Table command revamped completely */ version 12 prog asdoc, byable(onecall) if `"`0'"' == "" { di "No command found" help asdoc exit } cap file close temphandle cap file open temphandle using "temp.tmp", write replace if _rc { display as error "The current directory is not writable! display as res "The current working directory is " c(pwd) dis as text "{help asdoc} cannot write to this directory. As a solution, {break}you can change to another directory with command {bf: cd}" dis as text "For example, try creating a folder {bf:results} in drive {bf:C:},{break}change to that directory, and retry your asdoc command." di dis as smcl `"{stata "cap mkdir c:/results": mkdir c:/results}"' di dis as smcl `"{stata "cd c:/results": cd c:/results}"' di dis as smcl `"{stata "asdoc `0'": asdoc `0'}"' exit } else cap file close temphandle cap rm "temp.tmp" gettoken anything options : 0, parse(",") bind loc svyexists = strmatch("`anything'", "*svy:*") if `svyexists' { gettoken svy remaining : anything, parse(":") gettoken throw anything : remaining, parse(":") } getoptions `options' if strmatch("`poptions'", "*,replace*") loc replace replace if "`isreg'" != "" loc command detailedReg if "`poptions'" == "" loc poptions , if "`fs'" == "" loc fs = 20 else loc fs = `fs'*2 if "`frs'" == "" loc frs = 1300 if "`abb'" == "" loc abb = 20 if "`stats'" != "" | "`stat'"!="" | "`statistics'" != "" loc stats "`stats' `stat' `statistics'" if "`mat'" != "" loc matrix `mat' if "`align'" == "" loc align r if "`font'" == "" loc font Garamond if "`cellwidth'" =="" loc cellwidth 6 if "`setstars'" != "" global setstars `setstars' else if "$setstars" == "" global setstars "***@.01, **@.05, *@.1" if "`dec'" == "" loc dec 3 loc opsys `c(os)' global system = cond("`opsys'" == "Windows", 4, 1) if "`sep000'" != "" & "`sepspace'" != "" { dis as error "sepspace and sep000 cannot be used together" dis as text "Option sep000 is retained" loc sepspace global sepspace } if "`dpcomma'" != "" global dpcomma "," if "`sep000'" != "" { global sep000 sep000 global sepspace } if "`sepspace'" != "" { global sep000 global sepspace sepspace } if "`cs'" != "" { confirm number `cs' loc cs = `cs' * 100 } // header row and column formating if "`fhr'" != "" loc fhr = subinstr("`fhr'", "/", "\", .) if "`fhc'" != "" loc fhc = subinstr("`fhc'", "/", "\", .) if "`accum'" != "" { if "`replace'" ~= "" { dis as error "Option replace cannot be combined with option accum" exit } if "${accum}" != "" global accum ${accum} , gettoken myvalue accum : accum, parse(",") while "`myvalue'" != "" { cap confirm number `myvalue' if _rc loc plucked `myvalue' else { capture confirm integer number `myvalue' if _rc loc plucked : di %9.`dec'f = `myvalue' else loc plucked `myvalue' } global accum ${accum} `plucked' gettoken myvalue accum : accum, parse(",") } global accum = subinstr("${accum}", ")", "\i", .) if "`show'" != "" di "${accum}" exit } if "`nest'"=="" & "`nested'" == "" & "$nest" == "" { global reset reset global nest } if "`wide'" != "" & "`nest'" != "" { dis as error " wide and nest cannot be used together" exit } else if "`wide'" != "" loc command wideReg else if "`accum'" != "" loc command accum else if "`nest'" != "" | "`nested'"!="" { loc command "nestedReg" if "`anything'" == "replay" loc replay replay if "`add'" != "" { ctq `add' loc ntext : word count `ctext' if mod(`ntext',2) { dis as error "Error in option {bf:add()}" dis as text " You have entered `ntext' word(s) in the option add()" dis as smcl " add() requires even number of words, each one seperated by a comma" dis as text " For example,{bf: add}{it:(Industry dummies, YES, Year dummies, YES)}" dis as smcl " See {help asdoc##37add:this entry} in the help file for more details." exit } } if "`replace'" != "" { global modelrun = 1 loc POS 0 global AlldepVars "" if "`rep'" == "" global REP se else global REP `rep' global attach1 global attach2 global attach3 global textrun = 1 loc header yes } global nest = 1 } else { if `"`anything'"' != "," { loc byexists = strmatch("`anything'", "*:*") if inlist("`: word 1 of `0''", "mixed", "xtmelogit", "mi", "xtmixed") { loc byexists 0 } if `byexists' { gettoken BY remaining : anything, parse(":") gettoken throw _byvars : BY gettoken throw anything : remaining, parse(":") } loc something "is here" gettoken what varlistifin : anything getcmd `what' *----------------------------------fmt blck--------------------------------------------- *---------------end---------------------------------------------------------------- if "`command'" == "replay" loc replay replay if "`dec'" == "" loc dec 3 cap confirm integer number `dec' if _rc { dis as error "Error in the option dec()" dis as text "you have entered dec(`dec') where dec() expects integers" exit } if inlist("`command'", "tab", "tab1", "tab2", "table") { if strmatch("`options'", "*row*") loc row row } if inlist("`command'", "sum", "tabstat", "list", "cor", "ttest", /// "pwcorr", "aslist", "tab", "tab1") | inlist("`command'", "tab2", "table"){ cap getifin `varlistifin' if _rc getifin2 `varlistifin' } if "`command'" == "sum" & "`by'" != "" { loc command tabstat if "`stats'" == "" loc stats "N mean sd min max" loc myfirst: word 1 of `anything' loc anything = subinstr("`anything'", "`myfirst'", "tabstat", .) } if "`command'" == "sum" & "`_byvars'" != "" { loc command tabstat if "`stats'" == "" loc stats "N mean sd min max" loc myfirst: word 1 of `anything' loc anything = subinstr("`anything'", "`myfirst'", "tabstat", .) } if "`command'" == "sum" & "`stats'" != "" loc command tabstat if inlist("`command'", "sum","cor", "tabstat", "pwcorr", "ameans") { if "`varlist'" == "" { qui ds, has(type numeric) local varlist "`r(varlist)'" } } if "`command'" != "ttest" { cap tsunab varlist : `varlist' cap unab varlist : `varlist' } } else { if "`text'" == "" & "`matrix'" == "" & "`rowappend'" == "" & "`row'" == ""{ display as error "No command found" display as text "The program requires a valid Stata command or option {opt text(string)}" di as text "e.g, {opt asdoc sum, replace} for summary statistics} OR" di as text "{cmd: asdoc, text(I want to add this line) append} for adding text to your file" exit } else if "`row'" != "" loc command row } } *---------------------------fmt block------------------------------------------- if "`command'" != "setfmt" & "`command'" != "resetfmt" { if "`align'" != "" { if "`align'" == "r" loc align else loc align align(`align') } //if "`fontformat'" != "" loc fontformat fontformat(`fontformat') set_default_format, dec(`dec') format(`format') `dpcomma' `sep000' /// `sepspace' `tzok' `align' fontformat(`fontformat') } if "`command'" == "setfmt" | "`command'" == "resetfmt" { //if "`format'" != "" loc format format(`format') //else loc format format("%14.`dec'f") if "`align'" != "" { if "`align'" == "r" loc align else loc align align(`align') } //if "`fontformat'" != "" loc fontformat fontformat(`fontformat') } if "`command'" == "setfmt" { if "$dpcomma" != "" loc dpcomma $dpcomma if "$sep000" != "" loc sep000 $sep000 if "$sepspace" != "" loc sepspace $sepspace dis "All formating options are successfully saved" dis "asdoc will remember these until over-written or Stata is closed" set_default_format, dec(`dec') format(`format') `dpcomma' `sep000' /// `sepspace' `tzok' `align' fontformat(`fontformat') if "`currency'" != "" global currency "`currency'" if "`bracket'" != "" global bracket_type "`bracket'" exit } else if "`command'" == "resetfmt" { if "`dpcomma'" == "" global dpcomma if "`sep000'" == "" global sep000 if "`sepspace'" == "" global sepspace forv i = 1 / 50 { cap mac drop c`i'_tzok cap mac drop c`i'_disfmt cap mac drop c`i'_dec cap mac drop c`i'_fmt cap mac drop c`i'_align } set_default_format, dec(`dec') `format' `dpcomma' `sep000' /// `sepspace' `tzok' `align' fontformat(`fontformat') dis "All formating options have been reset to default" exit } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "`hideresults'" != "" local qui if "`save'" != "" global save "`save'" if "${save}" != "" loc save "${save}" if "`save'" == "" local save "Myfile.doc" else { if !strmatch("`save'", "*.*") loc save "`save'.doc" } loc regtableanything `anything' if "`svy'" != "" loc anything svy: `anything' closemall *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * REPLACE APPEND ROWAPPEND *----------------------------------------------------------------------- if "`append'" != "" & "`replace'" != "" { di as error "Option append and replace cannot be used together" exit } else if "`rowappend'" != "" & "`replace'" != "" { di as error "Option rowappend and replace cannot be used together" exit } cap qui confirm file "`save'" if _rc{ if "`append'" != "" loc append "" loc POS 0 loc replace replace if "`header'" == "" loc header yes loc rowappend } else { if "`append'" == "" & "`replace'"=="" { dis as txt "(File `save' already exists, option {bf:append} was assumed)" loc append append } else if "`replace'" != "" { qui cap rm "`save'" if "`header'" == "" loc header yes } } if "`command'" != "wideReg" global wideReg if "`command'" != "row" global row if "`text'" != "" mata : rtftext("`save'",`fs',"`append'", "`text'", "`something'", "`font'") *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * wideReg *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- else if "`command'" == "wideReg" { if "`by'" == "" & "`_byvars'" == "" { `qui' `anything' `poptions' loc regcommand : word 1 of `anything' if inlist("`regcommand'" , "ivreg", "ivregr", "ivregre", "ivregres", "ivregress") { loc depvar : word 3 of `anything' } else loc depvar : word 2 of `anything' if "`add'" != "" loc depvar "`add'" cap confirm matrix r(table) if _rc { dis as error "Your Stata command does not have a regression output" exit } mat t = r(table) loc varnames : colnames t if "`cnames'" != "" { loc Ncnames : word count `cnames' loc Nvarnames : word count `varnames' loc n = 1 while `n' <= `Nvarnames' { if "`: word `n' of `cnames''" != "" loc coltitles `coltitles' `: word `n' of `cnames'' else loc coltitles `coltitles' `: word `n' of `varnames'' loc `++n' } loc varnames `coltitles' } if "`bracket'" == "" { loc btp btp loc bName parenthesis } else loc bName square brackets *--------------------------------------- * E(STATS) *--------------------------------------- if "`stats'" != "" { loc stats= subinstr("`stats'", ",", "", .) local AllowedStats "N df_m df_r F rmse mss rss r2_a ll ll_0 rank chi2 p sigma_u sigma_e sigma rho Tbar Tcon N_g g_min r2_o r2_b r2_w" if !`: list stats in local(AllowedStats)'{ display as error "Error in the stats(`stats') option!" display as text "only the following statistics are allowed with option flat" display as result "`AllowedStats'" } } loc i = 1 foreach s of local stats { if `i' == 1{ loc estat_text ",`s'" if "`s'" != "N" loc a : di %9.`dec'f = e(`s') else loc a : di %9.0f = e(`s') loc estat ",`a'" loc `++i' } else { loc estat_text "`estat_text', `s'" loc a : di %9.`dec'f = e(`s') loc estat "`estat', `a'" loc `++i' } } loc estat_text = subinstr("`estat_text'", "r2_a", "Adj.R2", .) loc estat_text = subinstr("`estat_text'", "rmse", "RMSE", .) loc estat_text = subinstr("`estat_text'", "chi2", "Chi2", .) // Stats ends if "`t'" != "" & "`se'" != "" { dis as error "Option t cannot be combined with option se" exit } if "`se'" != "" { loc STAT_VAL SE loc STATS_TEXT se loc se `se' } else if "`t'" != "" { loc STAT_VAL T loc STATS_TEXT t loc t `t' } if "`end'" != "" { if "`t'" != "" loc ReportText t-statistics are in `bName' else if "`se'" != "" loc ReportText Standard errors are in `bName' if "`stars'" != "" { if "`ReportText'" == "" loc ReportText *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 else loc ReportText `ReportText'; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 } } if "`STATS_TEXT'" != "" { if !inlist("``STATS_TEXT''", "below" , "side") { di as error "Error in option `STATS_TEXT'(). Only `STATS_TEXT'(below) or `STATS_TEXT'(side) or allowed" exit } else { loc i = 1 foreach v of local varnames { if `i' == 1 loc SE_text ",`STATS_TEXT'[`v']" else loc SE_text "`SE_text', `STATS_TEXT'[`v']" loc `++i' } } } if "`title'" == "" loc title "Table: Regression results" if "`save'" == "" loc save "Myfile.doc" if "`stars'" == "" { * accumulate coefficients loc i = 2 loc cof : di %9.`dec'f = t[1,1] loc SE : di %9.`dec'f = t[2,1] loc T : di %9.`dec'f = t[3,1] loc SE ",`SE'" loc T ",`T'" loc count : word count `varnames' forv v = 2 / `count' { loc a : di %9.`dec'f = t[1,`i'] loc cof `cof', `a' loc a : di %9.`dec'f = t[2,`i'] loc SE `SE', `a' loc a : di %9.`dec'f = t[3,`i'] loc T `T', `a' loc `++i' } } else { // Reporting Stars loc asterisk = cond(t[4,1] <= .01, "***", cond(t[4,1] <= .05, "***", cond(t[4,1]<=.1, "*", ""))) loc i = 2 loc cof : di %9.`dec'f = t[1,1] loc SE : di %9.`dec'f = t[2,1] loc T : di %9.`dec'f = t[3,1] loc cof `cof'`asterisk' loc SE ",`SE'" loc T ",`T'" loc count : word count `varnames' forv v = 2 / `count' { loc a : di %9.`dec'f = t[1,`i'] loc asterisk = cond(t[4,`i'] <= .01, "***", cond(t[4,`i'] <= .05, "***", cond(t[4,`i']<=.1, "*", ""))) loc cof `cof', `a'`asterisk' loc a : di %9.`dec'f = t[2,`i'] loc SE `SE', `a' loc a : di %9.`dec'f = t[3,`i'] loc T `T', `a' loc `++i' } } ltc `varnames' *---------------------- * R2 handle *---------------------- if "`nor2'" == "" { loc rsquare_value = cond("`e(r2_p)'"!="", "`e(r2_p)',", /// cond("`e(r2)'"!="", "`e(r2)',", /// cond("`e(r2_o)'"!="", "`e(r2_o)',",""))) loc r2text ",R\super\ 2" cap loc r2 : di %9.`dec'f = `rsquare_value' loc r2 ",`r2'" } if "`FirsCellTitle'" == "" loc FirsCellTitle "Vars" *-------------------- * Handle new reg *-------------------- if "`append'" == "" & "`newtable'" == "" { loc AppendType 1 loc line2 3 } else if "`newtable'" != "" { loc AppendType 2 loc line2 3 } else if "$wideReg" != "" & "`append'" != "" { loc AppendType 3 loc line2 3 } else if "$wideReg" == "" & "`append'" != "" { loc AppendType 4 loc line2 4 } loc statval ``STAT_VAL'' gettoken myvalue statval : statval, parse(",") while "`myvalue'" != "" { if "`myvalue'" == "," loc plucked `myvalue' else loc plucked [`myvalue'] loc STAT_VALUES `STAT_VALUES' `plucked' gettoken myvalue statval : statval, parse(",") } if "`notse'" == "" { if "``STATS_TEXT''" == "below" { if "`t'" != "" loc TSEReport \i\ t-value if "`se'" != "" loc TSEReport \i\ se } } else loc TSEReport \i if "`AppendType'"!= "3" mata : CustomCellSize("`depvar', `cof' `STAT_VALUES' `r2' `estat'") cap mata : CustomCellSize if "`t'" != "below" & "`se'" != "below" { if "`AppendType'" == "1" | "`AppendType'" == "2" { mata : sparse_table("`save'",`fs', "`FirsCellTitle', `ctext' `SE_text' `r2text'`estat_text'" /// , "`title'", "`AppendType'" , "`cs'", "`align'", "`btp'", "" , /// "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") } mata : sparse_table("`save'",`fs', "`depvar', `cof' `STAT_VALUES' `r2' `estat'", /// "`title'", "`line2'", "`cs'", "`align'","`btp'", "`ReportText'" , /// "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") } else { if "`AppendType'" == "1" | "`AppendType'" == "2" mata : sparse_table("`save'",`fs', "`FirsCellTitle', `ctext' `r2text' `estat_text'", "`title'", "`AppendType'", "`cs'","`align'","`btp'","" , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") mata : sparse_table("`save'",`fs', "`depvar', `cof' `r2' `estat'", "`title'", "`line2'", "`cs'","`align'","`btp'", "" , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") mata : sparse_table("`save'",`fs',"`TSEReport' `STAT_VALUES',\i", "`title'", "`line2'", "`cs'","`align'","`btp'", "`ReportText'" , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") } if "`end'" == "" global wideReg wideReg else global wideReg } // end of one call wideReg *-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * wideReg : bys regressions *-------------------------------------------------------------------------- else { tempvar Groups qui ds `by' `_byvars' , has(type string) if "`r(varlist)'" == "" { tempvar strby ds `by' `_byvars' , has(vallabel) if "`r(varlist)'" != "" { decode `by' `_byvars', gen(`strby') qui encode `strby' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') } else { // Pure numeric without labels qui asencode `by' `_byvars' , gen(`Groups') } } else qui encode `by' `_byvars' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') qui sum `Groups' `if' `in' if "`r(max)'" == "" loc maxGroups 0 else loc maxGroups = `r(max)' cap getifin `varlistifin' if "`if'" != "" loc byGroup & `Groups' else loc byGroup if `Groups' forv g = 1 / `maxGroups' { if `g'>1 { loc append append global wideReg wideReg } cap noi `qui' `anything' `byGroup' == `g' `poptions' if _rc continue loc depvar : label `Groups' `g' loc regcommand : word 1 of `anything' if "`add'" != "" loc depvar "`add'" cap confirm matrix r(table) if _rc { dis as error "Your Stata command does not have a regression output" exit } mat t = r(table) loc varnames : colnames t if "`bracket'" == "" { loc btp btp loc bName parenthesis } else loc bName square brackets *--------------------------------------- * E(STATS) *--------------------------------------- if "`stats'" != "" { loc stats= subinstr("`stats'", ",", "", .) local AllowedStats "N df_m df_r F rmse mss rss r2_a ll ll_0 rank chi2 p sigma_u sigma_e sigma rho Tbar Tcon N_g g_min r2_o r2_b r2_w" if !`: list stats in local(AllowedStats)'{ display as error "Error in the stats(`stats') option!" display as text "only the following statistics are allowed with option flat" display as result "`AllowedStats'" } } loc i = 1 foreach s of local stats { if `i' == 1{ loc estat_text ",`s'" if "`s'" != "N" loc a : di %9.`dec'f = e(`s') else loc a : di %9.0f = e(`s') loc estat ",`a'" loc `++i' } else { loc estat_text "`estat_text', `s'" loc a : di %9.`dec'f = e(`s') loc estat "`estat', `a'" loc `++i' } } loc estat_text = subinstr("`estat_text'", "r2_a", "Adj.R2", .) loc estat_text = subinstr("`estat_text'", "rmse", "RMSE", .) loc estat_text = subinstr("`estat_text'", "chi2", "Chi2", .) // Stats ends if "`t'" != "" & "`se'" != "" { dis as error "Option t cannot be combined with option se" exit } if "`se'" != "" { loc STAT_VAL SE loc STATS_TEXT se loc se `se' } else if "`t'" != "" { loc STAT_VAL T loc STATS_TEXT t loc t `t' } if "`end'" != "" { if "`t'" != "" loc ReportText t-statistics are in `bName' else if "`se'" != "" loc ReportText Standard errors are in `bName' if "`stars'" != "" { if "`ReportText'" == "" loc ReportText *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 else loc ReportText `ReportText'; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 } } if "`STATS_TEXT'" != "" { if !inlist("``STATS_TEXT''", "below" , "side") { di as error "Error in option `STATS_TEXT'(). Only `STATS_TEXT'(below) or `STATS_TEXT'(side) or allowed" exit } else { loc i = 1 foreach v of local varnames { if `i' == 1 loc SE_text ",`STATS_TEXT'[`v']" else loc SE_text "`SE_text', `STATS_TEXT'[`v']" loc `++i' } } } if "`title'" == "" loc title "Table: Regression results" if "`save'" == "" loc save "Myfile.doc" if "`stars'" == "" { * accumulate coefficients loc i = 2 loc cof : di %9.`dec'f = t[1,1] loc SE : di %9.`dec'f = t[2,1] loc T : di %9.`dec'f = t[3,1] loc SE ",`SE'" loc T ",`T'" loc count : word count `varnames' forv v = 2 / `count' { loc a : di %9.`dec'f = t[1,`i'] loc cof `cof', `a' loc a : di %9.`dec'f = t[2,`i'] loc SE `SE', `a' loc a : di %9.`dec'f = t[3,`i'] loc T `T', `a' loc `++i' } } else { // Reporting Stars loc asterisk = cond(t[4,1] <= .01, "***", cond(t[4,1] <= .05, "***", cond(t[4,1]<=.1, "*", ""))) loc i = 2 loc cof : di %9.`dec'f = t[1,1] loc SE : di %9.`dec'f = t[2,1] loc T : di %9.`dec'f = t[3,1] loc cof `cof'`asterisk' loc SE ",`SE'" loc T ",`T'" loc count : word count `varnames' forv v = 2 / `count' { loc a : di %9.`dec'f = t[1,`i'] loc asterisk = cond(t[4,`i'] <= .01, "***", cond(t[4,`i'] <= .05, "***", cond(t[4,`i']<=.1, "*", ""))) loc cof `cof', `a'`asterisk' loc a : di %9.`dec'f = t[2,`i'] loc SE `SE', `a' loc a : di %9.`dec'f = t[3,`i'] loc T `T', `a' loc `++i' } } ltc `varnames' *---------------------- * R2 handle *---------------------- if "`nor2'" == "" { loc rsquare_value = cond("`e(r2_p)'"!="", "`e(r2_p)',", /// cond("`e(r2)'"!="", "`e(r2)',", /// cond("`e(r2_o)'"!="", "`e(r2_o)',",""))) loc r2text ",R\super\ 2" cap loc r2 : di %9.`dec'f = `rsquare_value' loc r2 ",`r2'" } if "`FirsCellTitle'" == "" loc FirsCellTitle "`by'`_byvars'" *-------------------- * Handle new reg *-------------------- if "`append'" == "" & "`newtable'" == "" { loc AppendType 1 loc line2 3 } else if "`newtable'" != "" { loc AppendType 2 loc line2 3 } else if "$wideReg" != "" & "`append'" != "" { loc AppendType 3 loc line2 3 } else if "$wideReg" == "" & "`append'" != "" { loc AppendType 4 loc line2 4 } loc statval ``STAT_VAL'' gettoken myvalue statval : statval, parse(",") while "`myvalue'" != "" { if "`myvalue'" == "," loc plucked `myvalue' else loc plucked [`myvalue'] loc STAT_VALUES `STAT_VALUES' `plucked' gettoken myvalue statval : statval, parse(",") } if "`notse'" == "" { if "``STATS_TEXT''" == "below" { if "`t'" != "" loc TSEReport \i\ t-value if "`se'" != "" loc TSEReport \i\ se } } else loc TSEReport \i if "`AppendType'"!= "3" mata : CustomCellSize("`depvar', `cof' `STAT_VALUES' `r2' `estat'") if "`t'" != "below" & "`se'" != "below" { if "`AppendType'" == "1" | "`AppendType'" == "2" mata : sparse_table("`save'",`fs', "`FirsCellTitle', `ctext' `SE_text' `r2text'`estat_text'" , "`title'", "`AppendType'" , "`cs'", "`align'", "`btp'", "" , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") mata : sparse_table("`save'",`fs', "`depvar', `cof' `STAT_VALUES' `r2' `estat'", "`title'", "`line2'", "`cs'", "`align'","`btp'", "`ReportText'" , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") } else { if "`AppendType'" == "1" | "`AppendType'" == "2" mata : sparse_table("`save'",`fs', "`FirsCellTitle', `ctext' `r2text' `estat_text'", "`title'", "`AppendType'", "`cs'","`align'","`btp'","" , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") mata : sparse_table("`save'",`fs', "`depvar', `cof' `r2' `estat'", "`title'", "`line2'", "`cs'","`align'","`btp'", "" , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") mata : sparse_table("`save'",`fs',"`TSEReport' `STAT_VALUES',\i", "`title'", "`line2'", "`cs'","`align'","`btp'", "`ReportText'" , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") } loc SE_text loc STAT_VALUES loc cof loc estat loc r2text loc estat loc r2 loc title loc ReportText loc loc T loc SE } } if "`end'" == "" global wideReg wideReg else global wideReg } // end of bys-wideReg regressions else if "`command'"== "row" { if "`noheader'" != "" global row row if "`bracket'" == "" loc btp btp if "`title'" == "" loc title "Table 1" if "`append'" == "" { loc AppendType 1 // replace loc newCellSize = 1 } else { if "$row" == "" loc AppendType 2 // add title row else loc AppendType 3 // add row loc newCellSize = 0 } if "`dec'"!= "" { gettoken myvalue row : row, parse(",") while "`myvalue'" != "" { cap confirm number `myvalue' if _rc loc plucked `myvalue' else { capture confirm integer number `myvalue' if _rc loc plucked : di %9.`dec'f = `myvalue' else loc plucked `myvalue' } loc CELLS `CELLS' `plucked' gettoken myvalue row : row, parse(",") } } if `newCellSize' == 1 mata : CustomCellSize("`CELLS'") cap confirm matrix cs if _rc mata : CustomCellSize("`CELLS'") mata : sparse_table("`save'",`fs', "`CELLS'" , "`title'", "`AppendType'", /// "`cs'", "`align'", "`btp'", "" , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") global row row global accum } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TABULATION *=========================================================================== if inlist("`command'" , "tab1", "tab2", "tab") { if strmatch("`poptions'", "*chi2*") loc chi2 chi2 if "`_byvars'" != "" { loc byexists = 1 tempvar Groups qui ds `_byvars' , has(type string) if "`r(varlist)'" == "" { tempvar strby qui ds `_byvars' , has(vallabel) if "`r(varlist)'" != "" { decode `by' `_byvars', gen(`strby') qui encode `strby' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') } else { // Pure numeric without labels qui asencode `by' `_byvars' , gen(`Groups') } } else qui encode `_byvars' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') qui sum `Groups' `if' `in' if "`r(max)'" == "" loc maxGroups 0 else loc maxGroups = `r(max)' qui aslev `_byvars', vl loc allLabels "`r(vLabel)'" //loc groupName : label `Groups' `j' //di "`: word `j' of `allLabels''" //} } else { loc maxGroups = 1 loc byexists = 0 } loc orignal_if `if' loc orignal_title `title' forv j = 1 / `maxGroups' { if `byexists' { loc label : word `j' of `allLabels' loc theByTitle when `_byvars' is `label' if `j' > 1 loc append append if "`orignal_if'" ~= "" loc if `if' & `j' == `Groups' else loc if if `Groups' == `j' } if "`command'" == "tab1" { foreach r of varlist `varlist' { qui ds `r' , has(type string) if "`r(varlist)'" != "" { tempvar `r'_ qui encode `r' , gen(``r'_') loc accum_vars `accum_vars' ``r'_' } else loc accum_vars `accum_vars' `r' } loc original_vars `varlist' loc varlist `accum_vars' loc run = 1 foreach var of varlist `varlist' { asdoc_tabulate `var' `if' `poptions' `row' /// matcell(frequencies) matrow(header_row) loc original_name : word `run' of `original_vars' if "`title'" == "" loc temptitle "Tabulation of `original_name' `theByTitle'" else temptitle `title' if `run' == 1 loc append `append' else loc append append mata: asdoc_tab_onevar("`var'", "`save'", "`temptitle'", /// "`append'", `fs', "`dec'", "`cmd'",`abb', "`nofreq'", /// "`nolabel'", "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`nocf'") loc `++run' } } * Tabulate2 if "`command'" == "tab2" { if strmatch("`poptions'", "*first*") loc firstonly firstonly if strmatch("`poptions'", "*col*") loc subopt col if strmatch("`poptions'", "*nof*") loc nofreq nofreq if strmatch("`poptions'", "*nok*") loc nokey nokey foreach r of varlist `varlist' { qui ds `r' , has(type string) if "`r(varlist)'" != "" { qui encode `r' , gen(`r'_) loc tempvars_string `tempvars_string' `r'_ loc accum_vars `accum_vars' `r'_ } else loc accum_vars `accum_vars' `r' } loc original_vars `varlist' loc varlist `accum_vars' if "`row'" != "" loc subopt `subopt' row loc run = 1 tokenize `varlist' local stop : word count `varlist' local i 1 while `i' <= `stop' { local L "``i''" mac shift local varlist "`*'" local stop : word count `varlist' local j 1 while `j' <= `stop' { noisily di `"-> tabulation of `L' by ``j'' `if' `in'"' asdoc_tabulate `L' ``j'' `if' `poptions' `row' /// matcell(frequencies) matrow(header_row) if "`title'" == "" loc titlej "Tabulation of `L' by ``j''" if "`col'"!="" | "`column'"!="" loc subopt column if `run' == 1 loc append `append' else loc append append if "`chi2'" != "" { loc chi2 : dis %9.2f = `r(chi2)' loc chip2 : dis %9.4f = `r(p)' loc chistr "`chi2' | `chip2'" } mata: asdoc_tab_twovars("`L' ``j''", "`save'", "`titlej'", /// "`append'", `fs', "`dec'", "`cmd'",`abb', "`nofreq'", /// "`subopt'", "`nolabel'", "`nokey'", "`font'", "`fhr'", /// "`fhc'", "`notes'", "`chistr'" ) loc `++run' local j = `j' + 1 if _rc!=0 & _rc!=1001 { exit _rc } } if "`firstonly'" ~= "" loc i 1000 //loc i = `i' + 1 tokenize `varlist' } qui cap drop `tempvars_string' } else if "`command'" == "tab" { if strmatch("`poptions'", "*col*") loc subopt col if strmatch("`poptions'", "*cell*") loc subopt `subopt' cell if strmatch("`poptions'", "*nof*") loc nofreq nofreq if strmatch("`poptions'", "*nolab*") loc nolabel nolabel foreach r of varlist `varlist' { qui ds `r' , has(type string) if "`r(varlist)'" != "" { tempvar `r'_ qui encode `r', gen(``r'_') loc accum_vars `accum_vars' ``r'_' } else loc accum_vars `accum_vars' `r' } loc original_vars `varlist' loc varlist `accum_vars' if "`row'" != "" loc subopt `subopt' row asdoc_tabulate `varlist' `weights' `if' `poptions' /// matcell(frequencies) matrow(header_row) `matcol' `subopt' if "`chi2'" != "" { loc chi2 : dis %9.2f = `r(chi2)' loc chip2 : dis %9.4f = `r(p)' loc chistr "`chi2' | `chip2'" } if "`abb'" == "" loc abb = 150 if "`orignal_title'" == "" loc title `"Tabulation of `original_vars' `theByTitle'"' else loc title `orignal_title' loc title : dis "`title' * Tabulation of one variable if `number_of_variables' == 1 { if "`nofreq'" == "" mata: asdoc_tab_onevar("`varlist'", "`save'", "`title'", /// "`append'", `fs', "`dec'", "`cmd'",`abb', "`nofreq'", "`nolabel'", /// "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`nocf'") } * Tabulation of two variables else { if "`col'"!="" | "`column'"!="" loc subopt column mata: asdoc_tab_twovars("`varlist'", "`save'", "`title'", /// "`append'", `fs', "`dec'", "`cmd'",`abb',"`nofreq'", /// "`subopt'", "`nolabel'","`nokey'", "`font'", "`fhr'", /// "`fhc'", "`notes'", "`chistr'") } } loc accum_vars loc if `orignal_if' loc title `orignal_title' } } // End of Tabulation else if "`command'" == "list" { if "`cmd'" != "" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' loc list list loc flesh : list anything - list asdoclist `flesh' , `append' dec(`dec') fs(`fs') save("`save'") /// title("`title'") align(default) font(`font') fhc(`fhc') /// fhr(`fhr') `label' `qui' `anything' `poptions' } else if "`command'" == "aslist" { qui aslist `varlist' `if' `in' , `append' dec(`dec') fs(`fs') /// save("`save'") title("`title'") font(`font') } else if "`command'" == "des" { if "`title'" == "" loc title Description of variables loc poptions = subinstr("`poptions'", ",","", .) qui asdocdes `varlist', `append' dec(`dec') fs(`fs') save("`save'") /// title("`title'") `poptions' font(`font') } if "`command'" == "mean" { if "`cmd'" != "" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' mata: ghkstart() `qui' `anything' `poptions' mata: ghkend() if "`title'" == "" loc title "`what' of `varlist'" if strmatch("`poptions'", "*over(*") loc over over if "`over'" == "over" loc space " " else loc space "" mata: asdocmean("`save'", "`title'","`over'", "`space'", "`append'", /// `fs', "`cmd'" , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") } else if "`command'" == "cor" { if strmatch("`anything'", "*spearman*") { loc cor spearman if "`title'" == "" loc title "Spearman's rank correlation coefficients " } else { loc cor cor if "`title'" == "" loc title "Matrix of correlations" } if `abb'==10 loc abb 22 if "`cmd'" != "" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' `qui' `cor' `varlist' `if' `in' if "`cor'" == "cor" mat C = r(C) else { mat C = r(Rho) loc roh : dis %9.`dec'f = `r(rho)' loc roh "Spearman rho =`roh'" if "`notes'" == "" loc notes `roh' else loc notes `roh' \par `notes' } mata: asdoccor("`save'", "`varlist'", "`title'", `fs', `abb', "`append'", /// "`dec'", "`cmd'","`nonum'", "`label'" , "`font'", "`fhc'", /// "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") } if "`command'" == "pwcorr" { if "`cmd'" != "" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' if "`title'" == "" loc title "Pairwise correlations" `qui' asdocor `varlist' `if' `in' `poptions' save(`save') title(`title') /// fs(`fs') `append' `replace' `label' dec(`dec') `nonumber' `non' `nonum' /// `cmd' font(`font') fhr(`fhr') fhc(`fhc') `store' `tzok' notes(`notes') abb(`abb') } if "`command'" == "tetrachoric" { if "`cmd'" != "" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' mat C = r(rho) `qui' `anything' `poptions' matrix if "`title'" == "" loc title "Matrix with tetrachoric correlations" loc rownames : rowfullnames r(Rho) mata: asdoccor("`save'", "`rownames'", "`title'", `fs', `abb', /// "`append'", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`nonumber'", "`label'", /// "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'", "`notes'", "`store'") } if "`command'" == "proportion" { if "`cmd'" != "" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' if "`what'" == "ameans" { local noh "" loc InterSectSpace no loc space "yes" if "`title'" == "" loc title " Arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means" } else local noh noh mata: ghkstart() `qui' `anything' `poptions' `noh' if "`title'" == "" loc title "`what' estimation" if strmatch("`poptions'", "*over(*") { loc space yes loc InterSectSpace yes } else if "`what'" != "ameans" { loc InterSectSpace yes loc space no } mata: asproportion("`save'", "`title'","`InterSectSpace'", "`space'", /// "`append'", `fs', "`cmd'",`dec' , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") } else if "`command'" == "pcorr" { if "`cmd'" != "" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' mata: ghkstart() `qui' `anything' mata: ghkend() mata: asdocpcorr("`save'", "`title'", "`append'", `fs', "`cmd'", /// "`dec'", "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") } else if "`command'" == "icc" { if "`cmd'" != "" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' mata: ghkstart() `qui' `anything' `poptions' loc F = `r(icc_avg_F)' loc P = `r(icc_i_p)' mata: ghkend() mata: asdocicc("`save'", `F', `P', "`title'", "`append'",`fs', "`cmd'", "`dec'", "`font'") } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * TABLE *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ else if "`command'" == "table" { if "`cmd'" != "" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' * Handle BY if "`by'" != "" | "`_byvars'" != "" { loc by `by' `_byvars' loc byexists 1 tempvar Groups qui ds `by' , has(type string) if "`r(varlist)'" == "" { tempvar strby ds `by' , has(vallabel) if "`r(varlist)'" != "" decode `by' , gen(`strby') else qui tostring `by' , gen(`strby') qui encode `strby' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') } else qui encode `by' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') qui sum `Groups' `if' `in' if "`r(max)'" == "" loc maxGroups 0 else loc maxGroups = `r(max)' //cap getifin `varlistifin' if "`if'" != "" loc byGroup & `Groups' else loc byGroup if `Groups' } else loc byexists 0 if strmatch("`poptions'", "*sc*") loc super_colum super_colum if strmatch("`poptions'", "*col*") loc col col if "`title'" == "" loc title Tabulation of `varlist' if "`dec'" != "" loc dec dec(`dec') foreach v of varlist `varlist' { cap confirm string variable `v' if _rc { local varformat : format `v' loc i = 1 if regexm(`"`varformat'"', "^%-?(t|d)") { loc `++i' gen temp_`v' = string(`v', "`varformat'") encode temp_`v', gen(VARsForTableCommand_`i') qui getlable `v' label var VARsForTableCommand_`i' "`varLabel'" qui drop temp_`v' loc allvars `allvars' VARsForTableCommand_`i' } else loc allvars `allvars' `v' } else { qui encode `v', gen(VARsForTableCommand_`i') loc allvars `allvars' VARsForTableCommand_`i' } loc varlist `allvars' } if !`byexists' { `qui' tablex `varlist' `if' `in' `weights' `poptions' `row' `dec' mata: astable("`save'", "`title'", "`append'","`varlist'", "`row'", /// "`col'", "`super_colum'", `fs', "`cmd'", "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'", /// "`if'", "`in'") } else { loc run = 1 loc labi : var label `by' if "`labi'" == "" loc labi `by' local lbe : value label `Groups' forv g = 1 / `maxGroups' { preserve keep `if' `in' `byGroup' == `g' if `run' == 1 loc append `append' else loc append append cap local vlabel : label `lbe' `g' `qui' tablex `varlist' `poptions' `row' `dec' mata: astable("`save'", "`by' = `vlabel'", "`append'", "`varlist'", "`row'", /// "`col'", "`super_colum'", `fs', "`cmd'", "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'", /// "`if'", "`in'") set trace off loc `++run' restore } } cap drop VARsForTableCommand_* } else if "`command'" == "hausman" { if "`cmd'" != "" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' `qui' `anything' `poptions' mat C = J(2,1,.) qui asdocdec `r(chi2)', dec(`dec') mat C[1,1] = `value' qui asdocdec `r(p)', dec(`dec') mat C[2,1] = `value' if "`title'" == "" loc title "Hausman (1978) specification test" if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "Coef.", "Chi-square test value, P-value", "C", /// "`title'", `fs', 30, "`append'", "`noheader'", "`rowappend'", "," ,2000, "", /// "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'", "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") } else if "`command'" == "vif" { if "`cmd'" != "" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' `qui' vif loc name `r(name_1)' mat a = J(1,2,.) local i = 1 while "`name'" != ""{ if `i' == 1{ mat a[1,1] = `r(vif_1)' mat a[1,2] = 1/`r(vif_1)' mat C = a loc `++i' loc rownames `rownames' `name' loc name `r(name_`i')' } else { mat a[1,1] = `r(vif_`i')' mat a[1,2] = 1/`r(vif_`i')' mat C = C \ a loc rownames `rownames' `name' loc `++i' loc name `r(name_`i')' } if "`title'" == "" loc title "Variance inflation factor" } mat a = C[1..., 1] mata: meanvif("a") mat a = J(1,2,.) mat a[1,1] = `meanvif' mat C = C \ a loc rownames "`rownames' Mean_VIF" if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "VIF 1/VIF", "`rownames'", "C", /// "`title'", `fs', `abb', "`append'", "`noheader'", "`rowappend'", /// " " ,`frs',"", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'", "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") } *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * nestedReg *============================================================================= else if "`command'"=="nestedReg" { loc multireg 0 if "`eform'" != "" & "`or'" != "" dis as error "Please note that option eform and or do the same thing, i.e report odd ratios" if "`notse'" != "" & "`rep'" == "t" dis as error "Option notse ignored as you have used option rep(t)" if "`by'" == "" & "`_byvars'" == "" { if "`replay'" != "replay" { gettoken cmd varlist : regtableanything //loc abb = max(18,.) if inlist("`cmd'", "sqreg", "sureg", "reg3", "mvreg") loc multireg 1 gettoken depvar indepvars : varlist if inlist("`cmd'" , "ivreg", "ivregr", "ivregre", "ivregres", "ivregress", "mi") { gettoken depvar indepvars : indepvars } if !`multireg' qui _fv_check_depvar `depvar' } else { estimates replay loc depvar `e(depvar)' loc indepvars : colnames r(table) loc conS _cons local indepvars : list indepvars - conS } if "`cnames'"=="" loc coltitle `depvar' else { loc cnames = subinstr("`cnames'", " ", "_", .) loc coltitle `cnames' } if "`reset'" != "" { global UseVarnames "`ExpIndepVars'" global AlldepVars "" if "`rep'" == "" global REP se else global REP `rep' global attach1 global attach2 global attach3 global textrun = 1 global modelrun = 1 } if "$modelrun" == "" global modelrun = 1 if "$modelrun" == "1" { mata: delete_closing_lines("`save'") mata : st_global("Startpos", strofreal(rtfposition("`save'"))) } if "`append'" != "" { local PreviousVars "$UseVarnames" global UseVarnames : list PreviousVars | ExpIndepVars if "`reset'" == "" loc POS $Startpos if "`POS'" == "" loc POS 0 if "`rep'" != "" display as text "option `rep' ignored, it can be used only with option replace or reset" } global AlldepVars $AlldepVars `coltitle' if "`drop'"!="" { loc drop "drop(`drop')" } if "`keep'"!="" { loc keep "keep(`keep')" } if strmatch("`poptions'", "*robust*") loc info "Robust standard" if "`eform'" == "eform" loc or or if "`or'" == "or" loc eform eform if "`cmd'" == "xtpoisson" { if strmatch("`poptions'", "* irr*") { loc eform eform } } if "`replay'" != "replay" `qui' `anything' `poptions' `or' `force' mat A = r(table) loc neq `e(n_q)' loc eq_names `e(eqnames)' if "`e(r2)'" != "" loc r2 r2 else loc r2 r2_p if !`multireg' qui estimates store M$modelrun if "$textrun" =="" global textrun = 1 if "`add'"!="" { global textrun = $textrun + 1 loc ntext : word count `add' if `ntext' > 3 { loc nt = 0 while "`add'"!="" { gettoken base rest : add, parse(",") gettoken throw rest : rest, parse(",") gettoken hand add : rest, parse(",") gettoken throw add : add, parse(",") loc `++nt' if "$attach1"=="" global attach1 "`base'" mata: asdocaddtext2("`base'", "`hand'", $modelrun) } } else { gettoken base rest : add, parse(",") gettoken throw rest : rest, parse(",") gettoken hand add : rest, parse(",") if "$attach1"=="" global attach1 "`base'" if "$attach1"=="" global attach1 "`base'" mata: asdocaddtext("`base'", "`hand'", $modelrun) } } else { if "$attach1" != "" global attach1 "$attach1,_ " if "$attach2" != "" global attach2 "$attach2,_ " if "$attach3" != "" global attach3 "$attach3,_ " } if !`multireg' { forv i = 1 / $modelrun { loc AllModels "`AllModels' M`i'" } cap drop _est_M$modelrun global modelrun = $modelrun + 1 } if "`stat'" != "" loc stat = subinstr("`stat'", ",", " ", .) if strmatch("`poptions'", "* nofvlabel*") global nofvlabel nofvlabel loc removeN N loc removeDFR df_r if `: list removeDFR in local(stat)' global dfr dfr if "`e(r2)'" != "" global r2 `r2' local stat : list stat - removeN local stat : list stat - removeDFR loc statlable "N `r2' `stat'" loc nstlab : word count `statlable' if !`multireg' { qui estimates table `AllModels', stats(df_r N `r2' `stat') `drop' `keep' equations(1) `eform' loc rownames : rowfullnames r(coef) if strmatch("`rownames'", "*#*") loc frs = 2000 mat coefmat = r(coef) if "`cmd'" == "iqreg" { if "`title'" == "" loc title "Table : Interquantile regression" loc info "Boostrap standard" } if "`cmd'" == "qreg" & "`title'" == "" loc title "Table : Quantile regression" if "`title" == "" loc title "Table : Regression results" mata: func_nested_reg("`save'", "$AlldepVars", "`rownames'", "coefmat", /// "r(stats)", "`title'", `fs', `abb', "`append'", "`noheader'", /// " " ,`frs', `POS',"$REP", "`dec'", "`statlable'", /// `nstlab', $modelrun, "`header'", "`label'" , "`eform'","`notse'", "`font'", /// "`fhr'", "`fhc'", "`tzok'", "`notes'", "`force'", "`transpose'", "`info'") } else { loc Eqvars: colfullnames A mata: ParseEqVars("`Eqvars'") if "`neq'" != "" loc N `neq' qui estimate store m1 qui estimate table m1, stats(df_r N `r2' `stat') `drop' `keep' equations(1) `eform' mat A = r(coef) loc allvarnames : rowvarlist r(coef) if "`eq_names'" == "" { loc eq_names "`eq1' `eq2' `eq3' `eq4' `eq5' `eq6' `eq7' `eq8' `eq9' `eq10'" } if "$modelrun" == "" global modelrun = 1 forv e = 1 / `N' { if `e' > 1 loc append append if "$modelrun" == "1" { mata: delete_closing_lines("`save'") mata : st_global("Startpos", strofreal(rtfposition("`save'"))) } global modelrun = $modelrun + 1 loc jump : word count `eq`e'vars' loc f = `e' - 1 loc from_row = (`f' * `jump') + 1 loc to_row = `e' * `jump' mat ThisMat = A[`from_row' .. `to_row' , 1..2] matrix coleq ThisMat = : matrix roweq ThisMat = : mat tempstats = r(stats) if inlist("`cmd'", "sqreg" ) { mat tempstats[3,1] = `e(r2_p_q`e')' if `title'"=="" loc title "Table : Simultaneous Quantile Regression" loc info "Boostrap standard" } else if inlist("`cmd'", "sureg") { if "`title'"=="" loc title "Table : Seemingly Unrelated Regression" mat tempstats[3,1] = `e(r2_`e')' } else if inlist("`cmd'", "reg3") { if "`title'"=="" loc title "Table : Three-Stage Least-Squares Regression" mat tempstats[3,1] = `e(r2_`e')' } if `e' == 1 { mat coefmat = ThisMat mat rstats = tempstats } else { matrix coljoin coefmat = coefmat ThisMat mat rstats = rstats , tempstats } } loc rownames: rowfullnames coefmat loc title "Table : Regression results" mata: func_nested_reg("`save'", "`eq_names'", "`rownames'", "coefmat", /// "rstats", "`title'", `fs', `abb', "`append'", "`noheader'", /// " " ,`frs', `POS',"$REP", "`dec'", "`statlable'", /// `nstlab', $modelrun, "`header'", "`label'" , "`eform'","`notse'", "`font'", /// "`fhr'", "`fhc'", "`tzok'", "`notes'", "`force'", "`transpose'", "`info'") } global reset global nest } // end of one call nested ************************************************************************** * bysort nested reg ************************************************************************** else{ tempvar Groups qui ds `by' `_byvars' , has(type string) if "`r(varlist)'" == "" { tempvar strby ds `by' `_byvars' , has(vallabel) if "`r(varlist)'" != "" { decode `by' `_byvars', gen(`strby') qui encode `strby' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') } else { // Pure numeric without labels qui asencode `by' `_byvars' , gen(`Groups') } } else qui encode `by' `_byvars' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') qui sum `Groups' `if' `in' if "`r(max)'" == "" loc maxGroups 0 else loc maxGroups = `r(max)' cap getifin `varlistifin' if "`if'" != "" loc byGroup & `Groups' else loc byGroup if `Groups' forv j = 1 / `maxGroups' { qui cap noi `anything' `byGroup' == `j' `poptions' `force' if _rc continue if `j' > 1 loc append append gettoken cmd varlist : regtableanything gettoken depvar indepvars : varlist qui _fv_check_depvar `depvar' loc cnames : label `Groups' `j' loc coltitle = subinstr("`cnames'", " ", "_", .) if "$reset" != "" { global UseVarnames "`ExpIndepVars'" global AlldepVars "" if "`rep'" == "" global REP se else global REP `rep' global attach1 global attach2 global attach3 global textrun = 1 global modelrun = 1 } if "$modelrun" == "" global modelrun = 1 if "$modelrun" == "1" { mata: delete_closing_lines("`save'") mata : st_global("Startpos", strofreal(rtfposition("`save'"))) } if "`append'" != "" { local PreviousVars "$UseVarnames" global UseVarnames : list PreviousVars | ExpIndepVars if "$reset" == "" loc POS $Startpos if "`POS'" == "" loc POS 0 } global AlldepVars $AlldepVars `coltitle' if "`drop'" != "" { loc drop "drop(`drop')" } if "`keep'" != "" { loc keep "keep(`keep')" } if "`eform'" == "eform" loc or or if "`or'" == "or" loc eform eform cap noi `qui' `anything' `byGroup' == `j' `poptions' `or' qui estimates store M$modelrun if "`title'" == "" loc title "Table : Regression results" if "$textrun" == "" global textrun = 1 if "`add'" != "" { global textrun = $textrun + 1 loc ntext : word count `add' if `ntext' > 3 { loc nt = 0 while "`add'" != "" { gettoken base rest : add, parse(",") gettoken throw rest : rest, parse(",") gettoken hand add : rest, parse(",") gettoken throw add : add, parse(",") loc `++nt' if "$attach1" == "" global attach1 "`base'" mata: asdocaddtext2("`base'", "`hand'", $modelrun) } } else { gettoken base rest : add, parse(",") gettoken throw rest : rest, parse(",") gettoken hand add : rest, parse(",") if "$attach1" == "" global attach1 "`base'" if "$attach1" == "" global attach1 "`base'" mata: asdocaddtext("`base'", "`hand'", $modelrun) } } else { if "$attach1" != "" global attach1 "$attach1,_ " if "$attach2" != "" global attach2 "$attach2,_ " if "$attach3" != "" global attach3 "$attach3,_ " } forv i = 1/$modelrun { loc AllModels "`AllModels' M`i'" } cap drop _est_M$modelrun global modelrun = $modelrun + 1 if "`stat'" != "" loc statb = subinstr("`stat'", ",", " ", .) qui estimates table `AllModels', stats(df_r N r2 `statb') `drop' `keep' equations(1) loc rownames : rowfullnames r(coef) if strmatch("`rownames'", "*#*") loc frs = 2000 if "`stat'" != "" loc stat ",`stat'" loc statlable "Obs., R-squared `stat'" ctq `statlable' loc nstlab : word count `ctext' mat coefmat = r(coef) global reset global nest } mata: func_nested_reg("`save'", "$AlldepVars", "`rownames'", "coefmat", /// "r(stats)", "`title'", `fs', `abb', "`append'", "`noheader'", /// " " ,`frs', `POS',"$REP", "`dec'", "`statlable'", /// `nstlab', $modelrun, "`header'", "`label'", "`eform'","`notse'", "`font'", /// "`fhr'", "`fhc'", "`tzok'", "`notes'", "`force'", "`transpose'", "`info'") } } // end of nested else if "`command'" == "ttest" { if "`cmd'" != "" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' if "`cnames'" != "" loc cnames cnames(`cnames') if "`stats'" != "" { local AllowedStats "mean se df obs t p sd dif" if !`: list stats in local(AllowedStats)'{ display as error "Error in the stats(`stats') option!" display as text "only the following statistics are allowed with t-tests" display as result "`AllowedStats'" } loc statsOptions "stat(`stats')" } else loc statsOptions "" //if "`by'" != "" loc by "by(`by')" if "`exp'" != "" loc varlist `varlist'=`exp' loc frs = 1400 if "`title'" != "" loc title "title(`title')" if "`rowappend'" != "" { loc noheader "header not needed" local TableTitle "" } if "`_byvars'" == "" & "`by'" == "" { asttom `varlist' `if' `in' `poptions' sep(,) `title' `statsOptions' `cnames' mat T = r(T) //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec T, dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`r(colnames)'", "`r(rownames)'", /// "T", "`r(ttitle)'", `fs', `abb', "`append'", "`noheader'", /// "`rowappend'", "," ,`frs',"", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", /// "`tzok'", "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") } else { // First handle by(groups) and then _bysort if ("`by'" != "") { loc by by(`by') asttom `varlist' `if' `in' `poptions' sep(,) `by' `title' `statsOptions' `cnames' mat T = r(T) matlist T set trace on mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`r(colnames)'", "`r(rownames)'", /// "T", "`r(ttitle)'", `fs', `abb', "`append'", "`noheader'", /// "`rowappend'", "," ,`frs',"", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", /// "`tzok'", "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") set trace off } else { // _bysort tempvar Groups qui ds `by' `_byvars' , has(type string) if "`r(varlist)'" == "" { tempvar strby ds `by' `_byvars' , has(vallabel) if "`r(varlist)'" != "" decode `by' `_byvars', gen(`strby') else qui tostring `by' `_byvars', gen(`strby') qui encode `strby' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') } else qui encode `by' `_byvars' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') qui sum `Groups' `if' `in' if "`r(max)'" == "" loc maxGroups 0 else loc maxGroups = `r(max)' bys `Groups' : asttomby `varlist' `poptions' sep(,) `title' `statsOptions' mat T = r(T) local colnames : colfullnames T local rownames : rowfullnames T //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec T, dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`colnames'", "`rownames'", /// "T", "`r(ttitle)'", `fs', `abb', "`append'", "`noheader'", /// "`rowappend'", "" ,`frs',"", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", /// "`tzok'", "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") set trace off } } } else if "`command'"=="tabstat" { if "`cmd'"!="" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' if "`stats'"!="" | "`stat'"!=""| "`statistics'"!="" { local AllowedStats "N sd mean semean median count sum range min max var cv skewness kurtosis iqr p1 p5 p10 p25 p50 p75 p90 p95 p99 tstat" if !`: list stats in local(AllowedStats)'{ display as error "Error in the stat(`stats') option!" display as text "only the following statistics are allowed" display as result "`AllowedStats'" exit } local tstat "tstat" if `: list tstat in local(stats)'{ local stats: list stats - tstat loc tstat "yes" } if "`tstat'"=="yes" & "`by'" == ""{ qui tabstat `varlist' `if' `in', save stat(mean semean) mat ts = r(StatTotal) loc tsCols = colsof(ts) mat tstat = J(1, `tsCols', .) forv c = 1 / `tsCols' { mat tstat[1,`c'] = ts[1,`c'] / ts[2,`c'] mat rowname tstat = "t-value" } } } if "`by'" != "" | "`_byvars'"!= "" { if "`by'"!="" & "`_byvars'"! = "" { dis as error "bysort: and by() cannot be combined!" exit } // New by coding---------------------------- tempvar Groups qui ds `by' `_byvars' , has(type string) // numeric if "`r(varlist)'" == "" { tempvar strby ds `by' `_byvars' , has(vallabel) if "`r(varlist)'" != "" { decode `by' `_byvars', gen(`strby') qui encode `strby' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') } else { // Pure numeric without labels qui asencode `by' `_byvars' , gen(`Groups') } } else qui encode `by' `_byvars' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') qui sum `Groups' `if' `in' if "`r(max)'" == "" loc maxGroups 0 else loc maxGroups = `r(max)' * One Statistics //-------------------------------------- local nstats : word count `stats' if `nstats' <2 { loc statlable = /// cond("`stats'" == "mean", "Mean", /// cond("`stats'" == "sd", "Standard deviation", /// cond("`stats'" == "min", "Minimum", /// cond("`stats'" == "max", "Maximum", /// cond("`stats'" == "tstat", "t-statistic", /// cond("`stats'" == "median", "Median", /// cond("`stats'" == "cv", "Coefficient of variation", /// cond("`stats'" == "var", "Variance", /// cond("`stats'" == "iqr", "Inter-quartile range", "`stats'"))))))))) loca nvars : word count `varlist' loc byName `by' `_byvars' local NameLabel : variable label `by' `_byvars' if "`NameLabel'" == "" local NameLabel `by' `_byvars' if "`title'"=="" loc title "Descriptive statistics - `statlable' by(`by' `_byvars')" qui `anything', by(`by' `_byvars') stat(`stats') save local i = 1 forv v = 1 / `maxGroups' { if `i' == 1 { mat C = r(Stat1) local f1 : label `Groups' 1 qui space_remover, text(`f1') loc accum `xspace' loc name = abbrev("`xspace'", 30) loc name = subinstr("`name'", ".","_",.) mat rownames C = `name' local `++i' } else { mat B = r(Stat`i') local f1 : label `Groups' `i' qui space_remover, text(`f1') loc accum `accum' `xspace' loc name = abbrev("`xspace'", 30) loc name = subinstr("`name'", ".","_",.) mat rownames B = `name' mat C = C \ B local `++i' } } if "`tstat'" == "yes" { qui tstatby `varlist', by(`by' `_byvars') mat C = C,TSTAT } local NaturalCname : colfullnames C local TableTitle `r(name`i')' //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') if "`lastrow'" != "" { if "`lastrow'" == "mean" { mata: C = st_matrix("C") mata: Mean = mean(C) mata: st_matrix("Mean", Mean) mat rownames Mean = Average if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec Mean, dec(`dec') mat C = C \ Mean loc accum `accum' Average } else if "`lastrow'" == "total" { mata: C = st_matrix("C") mata: Mean = sum(C) mata: st_matrix("Mean", Mean) mat rownames Mean = Total //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec Mean, dec(`dec') mat C = C \ Mean loc accum `accum' Total } } matlist C mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`NaturalCname'", "`accum'", /// "C", "`title'", `fs', 30, "`append'", "", "`rowappend'", " ", /// `frs',"", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'", "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") } else { loc byName `by' `_byvars' local NameLabel : variable label `by' `_byvars' if "`NameLabel'" == "" local NameLabel `by' `_byvars' qui aslev `by' `_byvars', vlab loc Ngroups "`r(groups)'" loc Vlables `r(vLabel)' if "`title'"=="" loc title "Summary statistics: `stats' by(`by' `_byvars')" local nvars : word count `varlist' loc i = 1 if `nvars' == 1 { // problem if "`tstat'" == "yes" { qui tstatby `varlist', by(`by' `_byvars') `qui' tabstat `varlist' `if' `in', by(`by' `_byvars') stat(`stats') save local NaturalCname : rowfullnames r(Stat1) local NaturalCname `NaturalCname' t-value local TableTitle "`NameLabel' : `r(name`i')'" foreach v of local Ngroups { local NaturalRname "`v'" mat C = r(Stat`i')' , TSTAT[`i',1] if `i' == 1 { loc rowappend "`i'" loc append `append' //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') if "`lastrow'" != "" { if "`lastrow'" == "mean" { mata: C = st_matrix("C") mata: Mean = mean(C) mata: st_matrix("Mean", Mean) mat rownames Mean = Average if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec Mean, dec(`dec') mat C = C \ Mean loc NaturalRname `NaturalRname' Average } else if "`lastrow'" == "total" { mata: C = st_matrix("C") mata: Mean = sum(C) mata: st_matrix("Mean", Mean) mat rownames Mean = Total if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec Mean, dec(`dec') mat C = C \ Mean loc NaturalRname `NaturalRname' Total } } mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`NaturalCname'", /// "`NaturalRname'", "C", "`title'", `fs', `abb', /// "`append'", "", "`rowappend'", " ", `frs', /// "`by'`_byvars'", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", /// "`tzok'", "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") loc `++i' } else { loc append loc rowappend "`i'" mat C = r(Stat`i')' , TSTAT[`i',1] //loc rowappend "yes" //mata : append("`save'", "`rowappend'") //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`NaturalCname'", /// "`NaturalRname'", "C", "`'", `fs', `abb', /// "append", "noheader","`rowappend'"," ", `frs', /// "", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'", /// "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") loc `++i' } } } // end problem else { `qui' `anything', by(`Groups') stat(`stats') save local NaturalCname : rowfullnames r(Stat1) local TableTitle "`NameLabel' : `r(name`i')'" global Ngroups `maxGroups' forv i = 1 / `maxGroups' { loc rowappend "`i'" local f1 : label `Groups' `i' qui space_remover, text(`f1') loc accum `xspace' loc accum = abbrev("`xspace'", 30) mat C = r(Stat`i')' if `i' == 1 { loc rowappend "`i'" loc append `append' //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`NaturalCname'", /// "`accum'", "C", "`title'", `fs', `abb', /// "`append'", "", "`rowappend'", " ", `frs', /// "`by'`_byvars'", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", /// "`tzok'", "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") } else { loc append mat C = r(Stat`i')' loc rowappend "`i'" //mata : append("`save'", "`rowappend'") //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`NaturalCname'", /// "`accum'", "C", "`'", `fs', `abb', "append", /// "noheader","`rowappend'"," ", `frs',"", /// "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'", /// "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") } } } } else{ // problem if "`tstat'" == "yes" { qui tstatby `varlist', by(`by' `_byvars') `qui' tabstat `varlist' `if' `in', by(`by' `_byvars') stat(`stats') save loc i = 1 foreach v of local Ngroups { local NaturalRname : rowfullnames r(Stat`i') local NaturalRname `NaturalRname' t-value local NaturalCname : colfullnames r(Stat`i') local TableTitle`i' "`NameLabel' : `r(name`i')'" if `i' == 1 { mat C = r(Stat`i') \ TSTAT[1, 1...] mat C = C' //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`NaturalRname'", /// "`NaturalCname'", "C", "`title' \line `TableTitle`i''", `fs', `abb', /// "`append'", "", "`rowappend'", " ", `frs', /// "", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'", /// "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") loc `++i' } else { local TableTitle "`NameLabel' : `r(name`i')'" mat C = r(Stat`i') \ TSTAT[2, 1...] mat C = C' mata : appendtoExistingFile("`save'", "`rowappend'", $system) //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`NaturalRname'", /// "`NaturalCname'", "C", "`TableTitle`i''", `fs', /// `abb', "append", "noheader","`rowappend'"," ", /// `frs',"", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'", /// "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'" , "`store'") loc `++i' } } } // end problem else { //by - 2 variables or more - no tstat `qui' tabstat `varlist' `if' `in', by(`Groups') stat(`stats') save local TableTitle`i' "`NameLabel': `r(name`i')'" forv i = 1 / `maxGroups' { local NaturalCname : rowfullnames r(Stat`i') local NaturalRname : colfullnames r(Stat`i') local TableTitle `r(name`i')' if `i' == 1 { mat C = r(Stat1)' //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`NaturalCname'", "`NaturalRname'", /// "C", "`title' \line `TableTitle`i''", `fs', `abb', /// "`append'", "", "`rowappend'", /// " ", `frs',"", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'", /// "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") } else { local TableTitle : label `Groups' `i' mata : appendtoExistingFile("`save'", "`rowappend'", $system) mat C = r(Stat`i')' //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`NaturalCname'", "`NaturalRname'", /// "C", "`TableTitle'", `fs', `abb', "append", "noheader", /// "`rowappend'"," ", `frs',"", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", /// "`tzok'", "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") } } } } } } else { if "`title'"=="" loc title "Summary statistics" qui tabstat `varlist' `if' `in', stat(`stats') save if "`tstat'"=="yes" mat StatTotal = r(StatTotal) \ tstat else mat StatTotal = r(StatTotal) loc ActualCols = colsof(StatTotal) loc ActualRows = rowsof(StatTotal) mat StatTotal = StatTotal' local NaturalRname : rowfullnames StatTotal local NaturalCname : colfullnames StatTotal loc NaturalCname = subinstr("`NaturalCname'", "sd", "St.Dev", .) loc NaturalCname = subinstr("`NaturalCname'", "p50", "Median", .) loc NaturalCname = subinstr("`NaturalCname'", "mean", "Mean", .) if "`rowappend'" != "" { loc noheader "header not needed" local title } matlist StatTotal if "`lastrow'" != "" { if "`lastrow'" == "total" { } else if "`lastrow'" == "mean" { } } //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec StatTotal, dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`NaturalCname'", "`NaturalRname'", /// "StatTotal", "`title'", `fs', `abb', "`append'", "`noheader'", /// "`rowappend'", " ", `frs',"", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", /// "`tzok'", "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") } } else if "`command'"=="wmat" { if "`cmd'"!="" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' if "`title'"=="" loc title "Results Table" if "`matrix'" != "mata" { cap confirm matrix `matrix' if _rc { dis as error "Matrix `matrix' not found" dis as text "If you are trying to get a matrix from results stored" dis as text " in r or e, those are cleared before this program gets control." dis as text " Therefore, first shift results stored in r() to a matrix. " dis as text " For example {opt mat C = r(table)}" exit } local NaturalRname : rowfullnames `matrix' local NaturalCname : colfullnames `matrix' loc ActualCols = colsof(`matrix') loc ActualRows = rowsof(`matrix') if "`rnames'"!="" | "`cnames'"!=""{ loc NaturalRname `rnames' loc NaturalCname `cnames' loc SuppliedRows : word count `rnames' loc SuppliedCols : word count `cnames' if `SuppliedRows' < `ActualRows' { loc dif = `ActualRows'-`SuppliedRows' forv i = 1 / `dif' { loc NaturalRname `rnames' Row } } if `SuppliedCols' < `ActualCols' { loc dif = `ActualCols'-`SuppliedCols' forv i = 1/`dif'{ loc NaturalCname `cnames' Col } } } else { mata: colnames = st_matrixcolstripe("`matrix'") mata: rownames = st_matrixrowstripe("`matrix'") mata: st_local("NaturalRname", rownames[1,2]) local NaturalRname "`NaturalRname'" mata: st_local("NaturalCname", colnames[1,2]) local NaturalCname "`NaturalCname'" forv r = 2 / `ActualRows' { mata: st_local("new", rownames[`r',2]) if `r' == `ActualRows' local NaturalRname "`NaturalRname', `new'" else local NaturalRname "`NaturalRname', `new'" } forv c = 2 / `ActualCols' { mata: st_local("new", colnames[`c',2]) if `c' == `ActualCols' local NaturalCname "`NaturalCname', `new'" else local NaturalCname "`NaturalCname', `new'" } loc parse "," } `qui' matlist `matrix', border(top bottom) format(%9.`dec'f) title("`title'") //if "`tzok'" == "" qui asdocmatdec `matrix', dec(`dec') mata: asdoctable("`save'", "`NaturalCname'", "`NaturalRname'", "`matrix'", /// "`title'", `fs', `abb', "`append'", "`noheader'","`rowappend'", "`parse'", `frs', /// "", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'", "`font'", "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`notes'", "`store'") } else if "`cnames'" != "" | "`rnames'" != "" { mata: asdoc_mata_matrix("`save'", "`cnames'", "`rnames'", "`matrix'", /// "`title'", `fs', 12, "`append'", "`noheader'","`rowappend'", " ", `frs', /// "", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'" , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") } else mata: asdoc_mata_matrix_noheaders("`save'", "_00.asdoc", /// "`title'", `fs', 12, "`append'", "`rowappend'", " ", `frs', /// "", "`dec'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'" , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'") } if "`command'" == "sum" { if strmatch("`poptions'", "*d*") loc details details if "`details'"==""{ // Basic summary statistics if "`cmd'"!="" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' if "`title'"=="" loc title "Descriptive Statistics" loc nVars : word count `varlist' if "`qui'"=="" sum `varlist' `if' `in' loc i = 1 loc nz = 1 foreach z of local varlist { loc factor_var_exists 0 if strmatch("`z'", "*.*") { if regexm("`z'", "^ibn.") { loc z = regexr("`z'","^ibn.","") loc factor_var_exists 1 } else if regexm("`z'", "^ib.") { loc z = regexr("`z'","^ib.","") loc factor_var_exists 1 } else if regexm("`z'", "^i.") { loc z = regexr("`z'","^i.","") loc factor_var_exists 1 } } if `factor_var_exists' { loc i = `i' + 1 qui aslev `z', nl vl sep(,) loc groups `r(groups)' cap qui space_remover, text(`r(vLabel)') local rowtitles `rowtitles' \b_`z' `xspace' loc nVars = `r(ng)' + 1 if `nz' == 1 mat SUM = J(`nVars', 5, .) else mat SUM = SUM \ J(`nVars', 5, .) foreach v of local groups { qui sum `v'.`z' `if' `in' mat SUM[`i',1] = `r(N)' mat SUM[`i',2] = `r(mean)' mat SUM[`i',3] = `r(sd)' mat SUM[`i',4] = `r(min)' mat SUM[`i',5] = `r(max)' loc `i++' } } else { qui sum `z' `if' `in' if `nz' == 1 mat SUM = J(1, 5, .) else mat SUM = SUM \ J(1, 5, .) loc rowtitles `rowtitles' `z' confirm numeric var `z' qui sum `z' `if' `in' if `r(N)' != 0 { mat SUM[`i',1] = `r(N)' mat SUM[`i',2] = `r(mean)' mat SUM[`i',3] = `r(sd)' mat SUM[`i',4] = `r(min)' mat SUM[`i',5] = `r(max)' loc `i++' } else { mat SUM[`i',1] = 0 loc `i++' } } loc `++nz' } //if "`tzok'" == "" asdocmatdectzok SUM, dec(`dec') `tzok' loc ctitle "Variable Obs Mean Std.Dev. Min Max" mata: asdocsum("`save'", "`ctitle'", "`rowtitles'", "`title'", `fs', `abb', /// "`append'", "`dec'","`details'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'" , "`font'", /// "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`force'", "`notes'", "`store'") } else { if "`title'"=="" loc title "Descriptive Statistics" if "`cmd'"!="" loc cmd `anything' `poptions' loc nVars : word count `varlist' mat SUM = J(`nVars', 9, .) loc i = 1 foreach v of varlist `varlist' { qui sum `v' `if' `in', d mat SUM[`i',1] = `r(N)' qui asdocdec `r(mean)', dec(`dec') mat SUM[`i',2] = `value' qui asdocdec `r(sd)', dec(`dec') mat SUM[`i',3] = `value' qui asdocdec `r(min)', dec(`dec') mat SUM[`i',4] = `value' qui asdocdec `r(max)', dec(`dec') mat SUM[`i',5] = `value' qui asdocdec `r(p1)', dec(`dec') mat SUM[`i',6] = `value' qui asdocdec `r(p99)', dec(`dec') mat SUM[`i',7] = `value' qui asdocdec `r(skewness)', dec(`dec') mat SUM[`i',8] = `value' qui asdocdec `r(kurtosis)', dec(`dec') mat SUM[`i',9] = `value' loc `i++' } loc ctitle "Obs Mean Std_Dev Min Max p1 p99 Skew Kurt" if "`qui'"=="" { mat colnames SUM = `ctitle' mat rownames SUM = `varlist' if "`tzok'" != "" matlist SUM, border(top bottom) format(%9.`dec'f) title("`title'") else matlist SUM, border(top bottom) title("`title'") } loc ctitle "Variables Obs Mean Std.Dev. Min Max p1 p99 Skew. Kurt." mata: asdocsum("`save'", "`ctitle'", "`varlist'", "`title'", `fs', `abb', /// "`append'", "`dec'", "`details'", "`cmd'", "`label'", "`tzok'", "`font'", /// "`fhc'", "`fhr'", "`force'", "`notes'", "`store'") } } *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Multi variate regressions *====================================================================== else if "`command'"=="multireg"{ `qui' `anything' `poptions' * number of equations loc nEquations = e(k_eq) loc indepvarsNames : colname(e(b)) } ************************* END multi variate regressions **************** *--------------- * reg one call *-------------- else if "`command'"=="detailedReg"{ if "`by'" == "" & "`_byvars'" == "" { `qui' `anything' `poptions' `force' `eform' `or' if "`e(cmd)'" == "mi estimate" loc indepvarsNames : colname(e(b_mi)) else loc indepvarsNames : colname(e(b)) loc depvar `e(depvar)' cap loc ftp = fprob(`e(df_m)',`e(df_r)',`e(F)') if "`e(chi2)'"!="" { if "`e(df_m)'"== "" loc dfm = `e(N)' - `e(df)' else loc dfm = `e(df_m)' if "`e(p)'" == "" loc chipvalue = chi2tail(`dfm', `e(chi2)') else loc chipvalue = `e(p)' } loc f_testP_value = chi2tail(e(df_m), e(chi2)) loc rsquare_value = cond("`e(r2_p)'"!="", "`e(r2_p)',", /// cond("`e(r2)'"!="", "`e(r2)',", /// cond("`e(r2_o)'"!="", "`e(r2_o)',",""))) loc rsquare_text = cond("`e(r2_p)'"!="", ",Pseudo r-squared", /// cond("`e(r2)'"!="", ",R-squared", /// cond("`e(r2_o)'"!="", ",Overall r-squared","" ))) loc f_test_value = cond("`e(chi2)'"!="", "`e(chi2)',", /// cond("`e(F)'"!="", "`e(F)',", ".,")) loc f_test_text = cond("`e(chi2)'"!="", ",Chi-square", /// cond("`e(F)'"!="", ",F-test", "")) loc f_testP_value = cond("`e(chi2)'"!="", "`chipvalue',", /// cond("`e(F)'"!="", "`ftp',", ".,")) loc f_testP_text = cond("`e(chi2)'"!="", ",Prob > chi2", /// cond("`e(F)'"!="", ",Prob > F", "")) loc model_name `e(title)' loc depvar `e(depvar)' loc nobs ",Number of obs" loc nobs_value = "`e(N)'," loc model_name `e(title)' if "`cmd'"!="" loc cmd `e(cmdline)' mat C = r(table) //qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') qui cap estat ic mat S = r(S) if S[1,1]!= . { loc aictext ",Akaike crit. (AIC), Bayesian crit. (BIC)" loc AIC_value = S[1,5] loc BIC_value = S[1,6] loc aicvalue = "`AIC_value', `BIC_value'" loc fp = "`f_testP_value'" } else { if "`e(r2_o)'"!=""{ loc aictext ",R-squared within, R-squared between" loc AIC_value = `e(r2_w)' loc BIC_value = `e(r2_b)' loc aicvalue = "`AIC_value', `BIC_value'" loc fp = "`f_testP_value'" } else { loc fp = "`f_testP_value' ." } } qui sum `depvar' if e(sample) loc Mean = "`r(mean)'" loc SD = "`r(sd)'" if "`Mean'" == "" loc Mean ".," else loc Mean "`Mean'," if "`SD'" == "" loc SD ".," else loc SD "`SD'," if "`title'"=="" loc title "`model_name'" if "`title'"=="" loc title "Regression results" if `abb' == 10 loc abb 20 loc model_info "`title', `depvar'" loc topline "`depvar' Coef. St.Err t-value p-value Sig." loc reg_text "Mean dependent var, SD dependent var `rsquare_text' `nobs' `f_test_text' `f_testP_text' `aictext'" mat reg_value_vector =`Mean' `SD' `rsquare_value' `nobs_value' `f_test_value' `fp' `aicvalue' mata: func_detailed_reg("`reg_text'", "`model_info'", "`topline'", "`save'", /// "`indepvarsNames'","`depvar'", `fs', `abb', "`append'", "SE_option", "`title'", /// "`cmd'", "`dec'", "`label'",1 , "`font'", "`fhr'", "`fhc'", /// "`nostars'", "`noci'", "`tzok'", "`notes'", "`force'") //makertf, notes(`notes') title(`title') save(`save') append(`append') /// // fs(`fs') font(`font') abb(`abb') `tzok' cs(`cs') notes(`notes') } else { ************************************************************************** * bysort detailedReg ************************************************************************** tempvar Groups qui ds `by' `_byvars' , has(type string) if "`r(varlist)'" == "" { tempvar strby ds `by' `_byvars' , has(vallabel) if "`r(varlist)'" != "" { decode `by' `_byvars', gen(`strby') qui encode `strby' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') } else { // Pure numeric without labels qui asencode `by' `_byvars' , gen(`Groups') } } else qui encode `by' `_byvars' `if' `in', gen(`Groups') qui sum `Groups' `if' `in' if "`r(max)'" == "" loc maxGroups 0 else loc maxGroups = `r(max)' cap getifin `varlistifin' if "`if'" != "" loc byGroup & `Groups' else loc byGroup if `Groups' forv j = 1 / `maxGroups' { qui cap noi `anything' `byGroup' == `j' `poptions' `eform' `or' if _rc continue if `j' == `maxGroups' loc bylast = 1 else loc bylast = 0 if `j' > 1 loc append append loc groupName : label `Groups' `j' loc coltitle = subinstr("`cnames'", " ", "_", .) loc indepvarsNames : colname(e(b)) loc depvar `e(depvar)' cap loc ftp = fprob(`e(df_m)',`e(df_r)',`e(F)') if "`e(chi2)'"!="" { if "`e(df_m)'"== "" loc dfm = `e(N)' - `e(df)' else loc dfm = `e(df_m)' if "`e(p)'" == "" loc chipvalue = chi2tail(`dfm', `e(chi2)') else loc chipvalue = `e(p)' } loc f_testP_value = chi2tail(e(df_m), e(chi2)) loc rsquare_value = cond("`e(r2_p)'"!="", "`e(r2_p)',", /// cond("`e(r2)'"!="", "`e(r2)',", /// cond("`e(r2_o)'"!="", "`e(r2_o)',",""))) loc rsquare_text = cond("`e(r2_p)'"!="", ",Pseudo r-squared", /// cond("`e(r2)'"!="", ",R-squared", /// cond("`e(r2_o)'"!="", ",Overall r-squared","" ))) loc f_test_value = cond("`e(chi2)'"!="", "`e(chi2)',", /// cond("`e(F)'"!="", "`e(F)',", ".,")) loc f_test_text = cond("`e(chi2)'"!="", ",Chi-square", /// cond("`e(F)'"!="", ",F-test", "")) loc f_testP_value = cond("`e(chi2)'"!="", "`chipvalue',", /// cond("`e(F)'"!="", "`ftp',", ".,")) loc f_testP_text = cond("`e(chi2)'"!="", ",Prob > chi2", /// cond("`e(F)'"!="", ",Prob > F", "")) loc model_name `e(title)' loc depvar `e(depvar)' loc nobs ",Number of obs" loc nobs_value = "`e(N)'," loc model_name `e(title)' if "`cmd'"!="" loc cmd `e(cmdline)' mat C = r(table) qui asdocmatdec C, dec(`dec') qui cap estat ic mat S = r(S) if S[1,1]!= . { loc aictext ",Akaike crit. (AIC), Bayesian crit. (BIC)" loc AIC_value = S[1,5] loc BIC_value = S[1,6] loc aicvalue = "`AIC_value', `BIC_value'" loc fp = "`f_testP_value'" } else { if "`e(r2_o)'"!=""{ loc aictext ",R-squared within, R-squared between" loc AIC_value = `e(r2_w)' loc BIC_value = `e(r2_b)' loc aicvalue = "`AIC_value', `BIC_value'" loc fp = "`f_testP_value'" } else { loc fp = "`f_testP_value' " } } qui sum `depvar' if e(sample) loc Mean = "`r(mean)'" loc SD = "`r(sd)'" if "`Mean'" == "" loc Mean ".," else loc Mean "`Mean'," if "`SD'" == "" loc SD ".," else loc SD "`SD'," if "`title'"=="" loc titletouse "`model_name': `by' `_byvars' = `groupName'" else loc titletouse "`title'" if `abb' == 10 loc abb 20 loc model_info "`title', `depvar'" loc topline "`depvar' Coef. St.Err t-value p-value Sig." loc reg_text "Mean dependent var, SD dependent var `rsquare_text' `nobs' `f_test_text' `f_testP_text' `aictext'" mat reg_value_vector =`Mean' `SD' `rsquare_value' `nobs_value' `f_test_value' `fp' `aicvalue' mata: func_detailed_reg("`reg_text'", "`model_info'", "`topline'", "`save'", /// "`indepvarsNames'", "`depvar'",`fs', `abb', "`append'", "SE_option", "`titletouse'", /// "`cmd'", "`dec'", "`label'", `bylast', "`font'", "`fhr'", /// "`fhc'", "`nostars'", "`noci'", "`tzok'", "`notes'", "`force'") } } } else if "`command'" == "inspect" { if "`varlistifin'" == "" | "`varlistifin'" == " " { qui ds, has(type numeric) loc varlistifin "`r(varlist)'" } loc nvars : word count `varlistifin' if `nvars' > 1 { loc index = 1 foreach v of varlist `varlistifin' { capture confirm numeric variable `v' if !_rc { loc label : variable label `v' if `index' == 1 { asdoc_inspect `v', notes(`notes') title(`v' : `label') save(`save') append(`append') /// fs(`fs') font(`font') abb(`abb') `tzok' loc ++index } else { asdoc_inspect `v', notes(`notes') title(`v' : `label') save(`save') append(append) /// fs(`fs') font(`font') abb(`abb') `tzok' loc ++index } } } } else { capture confirm numeric variable `varlistifin' if !_rc { loc label : variable label `varlistifin' asdoc_inspect `varlistifin', notes(`notes') title(`v' : `label') save(`save') append(`append') /// fs(`fs') font(`font') abb(`abb') `tzok' } else { dis as error "Variable '`varlistifin'' is not numeric, no table generated." exit } } } else if "`command'"=="other" { if "`by'" != "" loc by by(`by') mata: ghkstart() `anything' `poptions' `by' mata: ghkend() mata:asdocfsize() if `nlines'>1 mata: asdocrest("`save'","`title'", "`append'", `fs', /// "`cmd'", "`font'", `dec', "`fhr'", "`fhc'") } else if "`command'"=="other_custom" { if "`by'" != "" loc by by(`by') mata: ghkstart() `anything' `poptions' `by' mata: ghkend() mata:asdocfsize() if `nlines'>1 mata: asdocrest_custom("`save'","`title'", "`append'", `fs', /// "`cmd'", "`font'", `dec', "`fhr'", "`fhc'") } closemall if "`command'" !="accu," { if "`output'" != "no" di as smcl `"Click to Open File: {browse "`save'"}"' } cap rm a2.log if "`cite'" != "" { } if "`transpose'" != "" makertf, transpose end program define set_default_format syntax, [format(str) dec(str) dpcomma sep000 fontformat(str) tzok sepspace align(str) *] if ("`format'" != "" & "`sep000'" != "") dis "Please note that the option sep000 uses the %14,#fc format and overrides any custom format" if ("`format'" != "" & "`sepspace'" != "") dis "Please note that the option sepspace uses the %14,#fc format and overrides any custom format" if ("`sep000'" != "") loc format "%14,`dec'fc" if ("`sepspace'" != "") loc format "%14.`dec'fc" if ("`dpcomma'" != "") loc format "%14.`dec'fc" if "`sep000'" == "" { if "`format'" != "" { mata: st_local("is_correct_format", strofreal(st_isfmt("`format'"))) if !`is_correct_format' { dis as error "Invalide format specified in the the fmt() option, hence ignored" loc format } } else loc format %14.`dec'f } if "`dpcomma'" != "" loc format = subinstr("`format'", ".", "," , .) else loc format = subinstr("`format'", ",", "." , .) forv i = 1 / 50 { if ("${c`i'_dec}" == "") global c`i'_dec = `dec' else global c`i'_dec ${c`i'_dec} global c`i'_disfmt "`format'" if ("${c`i'_tzok}" != "" ) global c`i'_tzok "${c`i'_tzok} " if ("${c`i'_fmt}" != "" ) global c`i'_fmt ${c`i'_fmt} //global c`i'_align `align' } end program define reset_colfmt syntax, [dpcomma] forv i = 1 / 50 { global c`i'_dec = 3 global c`i'_disfmt "%20.3f" global c`i'_tzok global c`i'_fmt global c`i'_align } end *! Attaullah Shah : Formatted macro: flocal creates a local that is formated for decimal points prog flocal syntax anything, [dec(int 3)] local nwindow : word count `anything' if `nwindow'>2 { dis "" display as error "Only two arguments allowed! name of the macro and a number" exit } tokenize `anything' gettoken MacroName anything : anything gettoken Number anything : anything cap confirm number `Number' if _rc c_local `MacroName' `Number' else c_local `MacroName' : di %9.`dec'f = `Number' end *! ltc 1 : List to comma, by Attaullah Shah, May 5, 2018 prog ltc loc count : word count `0' loc accum : word 1 of `0' loc accum "`accum'" loc nt = 1 forv i = 2 / `count' { loc alone : word `i' of `0' loc accum "`accum', `alone'" } c_local ctext `accum' end *! tstatby : ttests over a grouping variable: Attaullah Shah July 2007 prog tstatby syntax varlist [in][if], [by(varlist)] marksample touse if "`by'" != ""{ qui aslev `by', noq loc groups `r(groups)' loc ng = `r(ng)' loc nvar : word count `varlist' qui tabstat `varlist' if `touse', stat(mean semean) save by(`by') if `nvar' == 1{ mat TSTAT = J(`ng',1,.) loc i = 1 foreach v of local groups{ mat ts = r(Stat`i') mat TSTAT[`i',1] = ts[1,1] / ts[2,1] loc `++i' } mat rowname TSTAT = `groups' mat colname TSTAT = "t-value" } else { loc i = 1 foreach v of local groups{ mata: C = st_matrix("r(Stat`i')") mata: T = C[|1,1 \ 1,.|]:/ C[|2,1 \ 2,.|] mata: st_matrix("T", T) if `i' == 1 mat TSTAT = T else mat TSTAT = TSTAT \ T loc `++i' } loc i = 1 foreach v of varlist `varlist' { if `i' == 1 { loc cnames "t(`v')" loc `++i' } else { loc cnames "`cnames' t(`v')" loc `++i' } } mat rowname TSTAT = `groups' mat colname TSTAT = `cnames' } } else { qui ttest `varlist' == 0 if `touse' mat TSTAT = J(1,1,.) mat TSTAT[1,1] = `r(t)' } matlist TSTAT end *! closemall : Close all open file handles: Attaullah Shah, July 2017 program closemall forvalues i=0/10 { cap mata: fclose(`i') } end prog no_output dis as res "No output found" c_local output no end *! asttom 1.0: ttests to matrix by Attaullah Shah 08Jan2018 prog asttom, byable(onecall) rclass gettoken vn rest : 0, parse(" =") gettoken eq rest : rest, parse(" =") if "`eq'" == "==" { local 0 `vn' = `rest' } syntax varname /// [=/exp] /// [if] [in] [, /// Title(string) /// save(string) /// ABBreviate(int 8) /// DECimal(int 3) /// FSize (int 8) /// Robust /// Newey(int 0) /// ROWNames(string) /// COLNames(string) /// TABLEname(string) /// BY(varlist) /// UNPaired /// UNEqual /// Welch /// Level(int 95) /// ONEsample /// TWOsample /// STatistics(string) /// SEPerator(string) /// CNames(str) /// ] cap confirm variable `exp' if `"`exp'"'!="" { if "`by'"!="" { di in red "may not combine = and option by()" di as txt "You can use the bysort prefix for repeating t-test over groups" di as txt " e.g, {cmd: bysort `by': asdoc ttest `varlist' == `exp', replace}" exit 198 } cap confirm variable `exp' if _rc local test "OneSample" else local test "TwoSampleVar" } else if "`by'"=="" { loc exp = "=0" local test "OneSample" } else local test "TwoSampleBy" marksample touse if "`robust'"!="" & "`unpaired'"!="" & "`unequal'"!="" & "`welch'"!=""{ dis as error "Option robust and `unpaired' `unequal' `welch' cannot be used together" exit } loc options ", `robust' `unpaired' `unequal' `welch'" local AllowedStats "mean se df obs t p sd dif" if !`: list statistics in local(AllowedStats)'{ display as error "Error in the statistics(`statistics') option!" display as text "only the following statistics are allowed" display as result "`AllowedStats'" } if "`_byvars'"!="" { qui aslev `_byvars', nl local groups "`r(groups)'" loc NameLabel `r(nLabel)' loc ng `r(ng)' if "`NameLabel'" == "" local NameLabel `by' } if "`cnames'" != "" { gettoken a cnames : cnames, p(",") gettoken b cnames : cnames, p(",") gettoken c cnames : cnames, p(",") } else { loc a Mean1 loc c Mean2 } if "`a'" == "" loc a Mean1 if "`c'" == "" loc c Mean2 qui space_remover, text(`a') loc a "`xspace'" qui space_remover, text(`c') loc c "`xspace'" if "`robust'"!="" loc optRobust_text "(with robust standard errors)" if "`test'" == "OneSample" { if "`title'"=="" local title "One-sample t test for `varlist' `optRobust_text'" if "`statistics'"=="" local statistics "obs mean se t p" loc nstats : word count `statistics' qui reg `varlist' if `touse' , `robust' mat C = J(1,`nstats',.) loc se = _se[_cons] loc mean = _b[_cons] loc t = `mean' / `se' loc df = e(df_r) loc p = 2*ttail(`df', abs(`t')) loc obs = e(N) loc sd = sqrt(`obs') * `se' if "`exp'" != "0" { tempvar expvar qui gen `expvar' = `varlist' - `exp' qui reg `expvar' if `touse' , `robust' loc se = _se[_cons] loc t = _b[_cons] / `se' loc sd = sqrt(`obs') * `se' loc p = 2*ttail(`df', abs(`t')) } local i = 1 foreach v of local statistics{ if "`v'" == "obs" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`obs' , .5) loc accum "`accum' obs" loc `++i' } else if "`v'" == "mean" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`mean' , .0005) loc accum "`accum' Mean" loc `++i' } else if "`v'" == "se" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`se' , .0005) loc accum "`accum' St_Err" loc `++i' } else if "`v'" == "t" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`t', .0005) loc accum "`accum' t_value" loc `++i' } else if "`v'" == "p" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`p' , .0005) loc `++i' loc accum "`accum' p_value" } else if "`v'" == "df" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`df' , .5) loc `++i' loc accum "`accum' df" } else if "`v'" == "sd" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`sd' , .0005) loc accum "`accum' St_Dev" loc `++i' } } local rownames "`varlist'" loc twidth = 16 } if "`test'"=="TwoSampleBy" { if "`title'" == "" { if "`unequal'"!= "" loc pair unequal else loc pair equal local title "Two-sample t test with `pair' variances" } if "`statistics'"=="" local statistics "obs mean dif se t p" loc nstats : word count `statistics' loc mean "mean" if `: list mean in local(statistics)'{ loc nstats = `nstats' + 1 } loc mean "obs" if `: list obs in local(statistics)'{ loc nstats = `nstats' + 1 } ttest `varlist' if `touse', by(`by') `welch' `unequal' level(`level') mat C = J(1,`nstats',.) loc mean1 = r(mu_1) loc mean2 = r(mu_2) loc obs1 = r(N_1) loc obs2 = r(N_2) loc se = r(se) loc dif = `mean1' - `mean2' loc t = r(t) loc p = r(p) loc df = r(df_t) qui aslev `by', nl loc ByCategories `r(groups)' local i = 1 foreach v of local statistics{ if "`v'" == "obs" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`obs1' , .5) loc accum "`accum' obs1" loc `++i' mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`obs2' , .5) loc accum "`accum' obs2" loc `++i' } else if "`v'" == "mean" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`mean1' , .0005) loc accum "`accum' `a'" loc `++i' mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`mean2' , .0005) loc accum "`accum' `c'" loc `++i' } else if "`v'" == "se" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`se' , .0005) loc accum "`accum' St_Err" loc `++i' } else if "`v'" == "t" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`t', .05) loc accum "`accum' t_value" loc `++i' } else if "`v'" == "p" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`p' , .0005) loc `++i' loc accum "`accum' p_value" } else if "`v'" == "df" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`df' , .5) loc `++i' loc accum "`accum' df" } else if "`v'" == "dif" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`dif', .0005) loc accum "`accum' dif" loc `++i' } loc ByCategories "`ByCategories'" mata: stloc = st_local("ByCategories") mata: st = subinstr(stloc, char(34), "") mata: st_local("ByCategories", st) local rownames "`varlist' by `by': `ByCategories'" loc twidth = 22 } } if "`test'" == "TwoSampleVar" { if "`statistics'"=="" local statistics "obs mean dif se t p" loc nstats : word count `statistics' if "`unpaired'"!= "" loc pair Unpaired else loc pair Paired if "`title'" == "" local title "`pair' t test : `varlist' `exp'" * IF mean loc mean "mean" if `: list mean in local(statistics)'{ loc nstats = `nstats' + 1 } `qui' ttest `varlist' = `exp' if `touse', `welch' `unequal' level(`level') mat C = J(1,`nstats',.) loc mean1 = r(mu_1) loc mean2 = r(mu_2) loc obs = r(N_1) loc se = r(se) loc dif = `mean1' - `mean2' loc t = r(t) loc p = r(p) loc df = r(df_t) local i = 1 foreach v of local statistics{ if "`v'" == "obs" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`obs' , .5) loc accum "`accum' obs" loc `++i' } else if "`v'" == "mean" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`mean1' , .0005) loc accum "`accum' `a'" loc `++i' mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`mean2' , .0005) loc accum "`accum' `c'" loc `++i' } else if "`v'" == "se" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`se' , .0005) loc accum "`accum' St_Err" loc `++i' } else if "`v'" == "t" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`t', .05) loc accum "`accum' t_value" loc `++i' } else if "`v'" == "p" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`p' , .0005) loc `++i' loc accum "`accum' p_value" } else if "`v'" == "df" { mat C[1 , `i'] = round(`df' , .5) loc `++i' loc accum "`accum' df" } else if "`v'" == "dif" { mat C[1 , `i'] = `dif' loc accum "`accum' dif" loc `++i' } } local rownames "`varlist' - `exp'" loc twidth = 22 } if "`seperator'"!="" { aseploc `accum', seperator(`seperator') loc colnames `r(sep)' } else loc colnames "`accum'" mat colnames C = `accum' mat rownames C = "`rownames'" matlist C, title("`title'") tindent(20) line(eq) border(top bottom) twidth(`twidth') return matrix T = C return local colnames "`colnames'" return local rownames "`rownames'`seperator'" return local ttitle "`title'" return hidden local sep "`seperator'" end *! ctq: comma to quotes: Version 1.0 Attaullah Shah 05Feb2018 prog ctq loc nt = 1 while "`0'"!="" { gettoken base rest : 0, parse(",") gettoken throw 0 : rest, parse(",") loc `++nt' if `nt' == 1 loc accum "`base'" else loc accum "`accum'" "`base'" } c_local ctext `accum'"" end *! asttomby: ttests over a grouping variable: Version 1.0 Attaullah Shah 09Jan2018 prog asttomby, byable(onecall) rclass //syntax varlist [if] [in], [by(str)] if strmatch("`0'", "*if*") loc andif "&" else loc andif "if" gettoken p1 options : 0, parse(",") qui sum `_byvars' if "`r(max)'" == "" loc maxGroups 0 else loc maxGroups = `r(max)' forv g = 1 / `maxGroups' { if `g' == 1 { cap qui asttom `p1' `andif' `_byvars' == `g' `options' if !_rc mat accum = r(T) local f1 : label `_byvars' 1 qui space_remover, text(`f1') loc name = abbrev("`xspace'", 50) mat rownames accum = `name' } else { cap qui asttom `p1' `andif' `_byvars' == `g' `options' if !_rc { mat B = r(T) loc title "`r(ttitle)'" local f1 : label `_byvars' `g' qui space_remover, text(`f1') loc name = abbrev("`xspace'", 50) mat rownames B = `name' mat accum = accum \ B } } } /* Work on combined and difference is remaining if `maxGroups' == 2 { qui ttest `p1' , by(`_byvars') loc cols = colsof(accum) loc rows = rowsof(accum) mat accum = accum \ J(`rows', `cols', .) mat accum[`rows'+1, 1] = `r(N_1)' + `r(N_2)' mat accum[`rows'+1, 2] = `r(mu_1)' - `r(mu_2)' } */ matlist accum, /// title(`title') /// tindent(20) /// line(eq) /// border(top bottom) /// twidth(22) /// return matrix T = accum return local ttitle "`title'" end *! Added global Jan4, 2018 *! Added [if] [in] support: Aug 28, 2018 *! Version 2.1.0 , Attaullah Shah, attaullah.shah@imsciences.edu.pk,Aug1, 2018 *! Version 1.0 , Attaullah Shah, attaullah.shah@imsciences.edu.pk,7Jan2018 prog aslev, sortpreserve rclass syntax varname [if] [in], [VLabel NLabel NOQuotes SEP(str) global NOSpace] preserve marksample touse, nov qui keep if `touse' capture confirm numeric variable `varlist' if _rc loc varnum = 0 else loc varnum = 1 tempname id first bys `varlist' `touse' : gen `first' = _n==1 gen `id' = sum(`first') qui replace `id' = . if `first'==0 qui sum `id' sort `id' loc i = 1 if `varnum'==1 | "`noquotes'"~="" { if "`varnum'" == "0" local p = `""""' else local p = . while `id'[`i']!=. & `varlist'[`i']!=`p' { loc level = `varlist'[`i'] loc accum `accum' `level' loc i = `i'+1 } } else { tempvar dummy qui gen `dummy' =`"""'+`varlist'+`"""' if `first'==1 while `id'[`i']!=. { if `i'!= 1 { loc level = `dummy'[`i'] loc accum `accum' `level' loc i = `i'+1 } else{ loc level = `dummy'[`i'] loc accum `level'" loc i = `i'+1 } } } if "`vlabel'" ~= ""{ qui ds `varlist', has(vallabel) if "`r(varlist)'" != "" { local lbe : value label `varlist' loc n = 1 foreach i of local accum { cap local f`i' : label `lbe' `i' if _rc { if `n'!=1 loc vLabel "`vLabel'`sep' `i'" else loc vLabel "`vLabel'`i'" if "`nospace'" != "" qui space_remover, text(`vLabel') } else if `n'!=1 loc vLabel "`vLabel'`sep' `f`i''" else loc vLabel "`vLabel'`f`i''" loc `++n' } return local vLabel "`vLabel'" if "`global'" != "" global vLabel "`vLabel'" } // numeric variables else{ loc n = 1 foreach i of local accum { if `n'!=1 loc vLabel "`vLabel'`sep' `i'" else loc vLabel "`i'" loc `++n' } return local vLabel "`vLabel'" if "`global'" != "" global vLabel "`vLabel'" } } if "`nlabel'"~=""{ local nLabel : variable label `varlist' return local nLabel "`nLabel'" if "`global'" != "" global nLabel "`nLabel'" } *----------------------------- if `varnum' | "`noquotes'"~="" { di "`accum'" return local groups `accum' local ng : word count `accum' return local ng `ng' if "`global'" != "" global ng `ng' } *----------------------------- else { di `""`accum'"' loc g = `""`accum'"' return local groups ""`accum'" local ng : word count `g' return local ng `ng' if "`global'" != "" global ng `ng' } if `varnum' == 1 return local vartype numeric else return local vartype string end *! getlable: get variable lable prog def getlable local NameLabel : variable label `0' if "`NameLabel'" == "" local NameLabel `0' c_local varLabel "`NameLabel'" end *! asdocby : Handle byvars prog asdocby syntax varlist [if] [in] qui ds `varlist' , has(type string) if "`r(varlist)'" != "" { c_local str = 1 loca str = 1 } else { c_local str = 0 local str = 0 } qui aslev `varlist' `if' `in', vlabel if `str' == 1 c_local Ngroups `"`r(groups)'"' else c_local Ngroups `r(groups)' cap qui space_remover, text(`r(vLabel)') c_local vgroups `xspace' end *! getoptions: seperate asdoc and Stata options: version 1.0 15Jan2018 Attaullah Shah prog getoptions, rclass loc col_tzok_list c1_tzok c2_tzok c3_tzok c4_tzok c5_tzok c6_tzok c7_tzok /// c8_tzok c9_tzok c10_tzok c11_tzok c12_tzok c13_tzok c14_tzok c15_tzok /// c16_tzok c17_tzok c18_tzok c19_tzok c20_tzok loc col_align_list c1_align c2_align c3_align c4_align c5_align c6_align /// c7_align c8_align c9_align c10_align c11_align c12_align c13_align /// c14_align c15_align c16_align c17_align c18_align c19_align c20_align loc col_fmt_list c1_fmt c2_fmt c3_fmt c4_fmt c5_fmt c6_fmt c7_fmt c8_fmt /// c9_fmt c10_fmt c11_fmt c12_fmt c13_fmt c14_fmt c15_fmt c16_fmt c17_fmt /// c18_fmt c19_fmt c20_fmt loc col_disfmt_list c1_disfmt c2_disfmt c3_disfmt c4_disfmt c5_disfmt c6_disfmt c7_disfmt c8_disfmt /// c9_disfmt c10_disfmt c11_disfmt c12_disfmt c13_disfmt c14_disfmt c15_disfmt c16_disfmt c17_disfmt /// c18_disfmt c19_disfmt c20_disfmt loc col_dec_list c1_dec c2_dec c3_dec c4_dec c5_dec c6_dec c7_dec c8_dec /// c9_dec c10_dec c11_dec c12_dec c13_dec c14_dec c15_dec c16_dec c17_dec /// c18_dec c19_dec c20_dec loc singleOption nest nested append replace hid cmd noheader pbreak reset end /// nonum non label isreg tzok newtable stars nor2 rowappend wide bracket /// notse btp show eform nostars noci or force dpcomma sep000 /// sepspace store nocf transpose loc alist frs keep drop title save abb dec text add rnames cnames mat matrix /// fcolor stats stat statistics fs by rep row t se align addend cs accum /// fhr fhc cellwidth subopt setstars font cite notes lastrow format currency /// bracket fontformat while "`0'" != ""{ gettoken a 0 : 0, bind gettoken c p2: a, parse("(") bind if `: list c in local(alist)'{ loc compopt `compopt' `c'`p2' loc sepCompact "`sepCompact' "`c'`p2'"" } else if `: list c in local(singleOption)'{ loc signleopt `signleopt' `c' } else if `: list c in local(col_tzok_list)' { loc tzok_option `tzok_option' `c' } else if `: list c in local(col_align_list)'{ loc align_opton "`align_opton' "`c'`p2'"" } else if `: list c in local(col_fmt_list)'{ loc fmt_opton "`fmt_opton' "`c'`p2'"" } else if `: list c in local(col_disfmt_list)'{ loc disfmt_opton "`disfmt_opton' "`c'`p2'"" } else if `: list c in local(col_dec_list)'{ loc dec_opton "`dec_opton' "`c'`p2'"" } else { loc pOptions `pOptions' `c'`p2' } } c_local aoption "`asdocOptions'" foreach i of local signleopt { c_local `i' `i' } foreach i of local tzok_option { global `i' `i' } foreach i of local align_opton { gettoken name content : i, parse("(") gettoken par content : content, parse("(") gettoken content par : content, parse(")") global `name' `content' } foreach i of local fmt_opton { gettoken name content : i, parse("(") gettoken par content : content, parse("(") gettoken content par : content, parse(")") global `name' `content' } foreach i of local disfmt_opton { gettoken name content : i, parse("(") gettoken par content : content, parse("(") gettoken content par : content, parse(")") global `name' `content' } foreach i of local dec_opton { gettoken name content : i, parse("(") gettoken par content : content, parse("(") gettoken content par : content, parse(")") global `name' `content' } foreach i of local sepCompact { gettoken name content : i, parse("(") gettoken par content : content, parse("(") gettoken content par : content, parse(")") c_local `name' `content' } c_local poptions "`pOptions'" return local aoption "`signleopt' `compopt'" return local poptions "`pOptions'" end *! asdocdec: Handle decimal points: Attaullah Shah : Feb20, 2018 prog asdocdec syntax anything, dec(str) cap confirm number `anything' if _rc c_local value `anything' else { if strmatch("`anything'", "*.*") { if length("`anything'") > `dec' { c_local value : di %9.`dec'f = `anything' } else c_local value = `anything' } else c_local value = `anything' } end *! asdocmatdec: Handle matrix decimal points: Attaullah Shah : Feb20, 2018 prog asdocmatdec syntax anything, dec(str) loc c = colsof(`anything') loc r = rowsof(`anything') forv C = 1 / `c' { forv R = 1 / `r' { loc v = `anything'[`R', `C'] if strmatch("`v'", "*.*") { if length("`v'") > `dec' loc value : di %19.`dec'f = `v' else loc value = `v' } else loc value `v' mat `anything'[`R', `C'] = `value' } } end *! asdocmatdectzok: matrix equal decimal points: Attaullah Shah prog asdocmatdectzok syntax anything, dec(str) [tzok] mata: set_column_formats("`tzok'") loc c = colsof(`anything') loc r = rowsof(`anything') forv C = 1 / `c' { if (`C' > 1) mata: st_local("dec", matrixfmt[1,`=`C'+1']) forv R = 1 / `r' { loc v = `anything'[`R', `C'] loc value : di %9.`dec'f = `v' mat `anything'[`R', `C'] = `value' } } end *! asdoclist: Write values from list command: Attaullah Shah, 2017 cap prog drop asdoclist prog asdoclist syntax [varlist(ts)] [if] [in], [append dec(int 3) fs(int 20) save(str) /// title(str) align(str) font(str) fhc(str) fhr(str) label ] * If time series variables fvexpand `varlist' loc varlist `r(varlist)' loc varnames `varlist' if "`r(tsops)'" == "true" { loc tsops 1 tsrevar `varlist' loc varlist `r(varlist)' } if "`align'" == "left" loc justify \ql else loc justify \qr preserve if "`if'" != "" | "`in'" != "" qui keep `if' `in' loc FS "\fs`fs'" loc save "`save'" cap file close fh_out if "`title'"=="" loc title "Table: List of Variables" file open fh_out using "`save'" , write `append' if "`append'"=="" { file write fh_out "{\rtf1\ansi\deff0 {\fonttbl{\f0\fnil `font';}}" _n file write fh_out "{\info {\author .}{\company .}{\title .}}" _n file write fh_out "\deflang1033\plain`FS'" _n file write fh_out "{\footer\pard\qc\plain\f0`FS'\chpgn\par}" _n file write fh_out "{" _n } else mata: delete_closing_lines("`save'") file write fh_out "{\b\qc\line `title' }{\par}" _n if "`varlist'" == "" loc varlist * loc nvars : word count `varlist' loc MaxNumLength = cond(`nvars'<4, 1300, /// cond(`nvars'<6, 1200, /// cond(`nvars'<8, 1100, /// cond(`nvars'<10, 1000, 900)))) loc MaxStrLength = cond(`nvars'<4, 4000, /// cond(`nvars'<6, 3000, /// cond(`nvars'<8, 2500, /// cond(`nvars'<10, 2000, 1500)))) loc i = 1 foreach v of varlist `varlist' { local varformat : format `v' if regexm(`"`varformat'"', "^%-?(t|d)") { gen temp_`v' = string(`v', "`varformat'") drop `v' ren temp_`v' `v' } local whichformat : type `v' if strmatch("`whichformat'", "*str*") { qui gen temp_`v' = length(`v') qui sum temp_`v' loc max = `r(max)' loc f`i' = min(max(`max'*120, 850),`MaxStrLength') loc strvars `strvars' `v' } else { if strmatch("`f'", "*.*") loc f = 555555 loc f`i' = min(max(length("`f'") * 190, `MaxNumLength'),1800) } loc `++i' } file write fh_out "{\trowd\trgaph108\trleft-108" _n loc i = 1 loc cw = `f`i'' foreach v of varlist `varlist' { loc vari : word `i' of `varnames' if "`tsops'" !="" { fvexpand `vari' } if "`r(tsops)'" == "true" loc variable `r(varlist)' else { if "`label'" == "" loc variable `v' else loc variable : variable label `v' if "`variable'" == "" loc variable `v' } file write fh_out "\clbrdrt\brdrw10\brdrs \clbrdrb\brdrw25\brdrs \cellx`cw'" _n file write fh_out "`FS' \pard\intbl `justify' {`fhc' `variable'}\cell" _n //mata: output loc `++i' cap loc cw = `cw'+`f`i'' loc lastsize = `cw' } file write fh_out "\row}" _n qui des loc N = r(N) forv n = 1 / `N' { file write fh_out "{\trowd\trgaph108\trleft-108" _n loc i = 1 loc cw = `f`i'' foreach v of varlist `varlist' { file write fh_out "\cellx`cw'" _n loc value = `v'[`n'] if !`: list v in local(strvars)' { loc justify \qr if strmatch("`value'", "*.*") { if length("`value'") > `dec' loc value : di %9.`dec'f = `value' } } else loc justify \ql if `i' == 1 file write fh_out "`FS' \pard\intbl `justify' {`fhr' `value'}\cell" _n else file write fh_out "`FS' \pard\intbl `justify' {`value'}\cell" _n loc `++i' cap loc cw = `cw'+`f`i'' loc lastsize = `cw' } file write fh_out "\row}" _n } file write fh_out "" _n file write fh_out "" _n file write fh_out "\writepositionforappend" _n file write fh_out "{\trowd\trgaph108\trleft-108"_n file write fh_out "\clbrdrt\brdrw15\brdrs\cellx`lastsize' \cell" _n file write fh_out "\row}}}" _n cap file close fh_out end prog makertf syntax, [save(str) title(str) append(str) fs(int 20) font(str) /// abb(int 30) dec(int 3) tzok matname(str) cs(int 200) vlines(str) /// notes(str) transpose(str) *] if "`save'" == "" loc save "Myfile_`transpose'.doc" if "`title'" == "" loc title Table : Results //cap rm "`save'" if "`matname'" == "" loc matname "_stored_results.asd" if "`cs'" == "" loc cs 300 if "`font'" == "" loc font Garamond mata: rtf_maker("`save'", "`title'", "`append'", 20, "`font'", /// 30, "`dec'", "tzok", "`matname'", `cs', "`vlines'", "`notes'") end *! asdocor: Write values from correlation command: Version 1: Attaullah Shah : March 3, 2018 program define asdocor, byable(recall) version 11 syntax [varlist(min=2 ts)] [if] [in] [aw fw] /// [, Bonferroni Obs Print(real -1) SIDak SIG /// STar(str) LISTwise CASEwise dec(int 3) /// save(str) fs(int 20) title(str) REPLACE /// APPEND LABel NONumber cmd(str) font(str) /// fhr(str) fhc(str) notes(str) store `tzok' abb(str) * ] tempvar touse if "`star'" == "" loc star = -1 loc nvars : word count `varlist' if "`sig'" == "" mata: output = J(`nvars' +1 , `nvars' +1 , "") else mata: output = J(`nvars' *2 +1 , `nvars' +1 , "") mata: set_column_formats("`tzok'") mark `touse' `if' `in' if "`font'" == "" loc font Garamond if "`listwise'" != "" | "`casewise'" != "" { markout `touse' `varlist' } loc FS "\fs`fs'" if "`title'"=="" loc title "Matrix of correlations" if "`label'" != "" loc frw = 2200 else loc frw = 1700 loc cw = `frw' if `dec'== 3 loc CellSize = 740 else if `dec' == 2 loc CellSize = 640 else if `dec' == 4 loc CellSize = 840 if "`star'" != "" { if "`star'" == "all" loc CellSize = `CellSize' + 200 else loc CellSize = `CellSize' + 100 } if `abb' == 22 loc CellSize = `CellSize' + 80 loc k = 1 cap loc cw = `cw' + `CellSize' mata{ k = strtoreal(st_local("k")) if (matrixfmt[4,k] == "") align = "\ql " else align = matrixfmt[4,k] st_local("align", align) font_formating = "{"+ matrixfmt[3,k] st_local("font_formating", font_formating) } mata: output[1,1] = "Variables" foreach b of varlist `varlist' { cap confirm numeric variable `b' if _rc == 0 { if "`nonumber'" == "" { mata: output[1, `=1+`k''] = "(`k')" } else { mata: output[1, `=1+`k''] = "(`b')" } } loc `++k' } tokenize `varlist' local i 1 while "``i''" != "" { capture confirm str var ``i'' if _rc==0 { di in gr "(``i'' ignored because string variable)" local `i' " " } local i = `i' + 1 } local varlist `*' tokenize `varlist' local nvar : word count `varlist' if `nvar' < 2 error 102 local weight "[`weight'`exp']" local adj 1 if "`bonferr'" != "" | "`sidak'" != "" { if "`bonferr'" != "" & "`sidak'" != "" error 198 local nrho=(`nvar'*(`nvar'-1))/2 if "`bonferr'" != "" local adj `nrho' } if "`star'" != "all" { if (`star' >= 1) { local star = `star'/100 if `star' >= 1 { di in red "star() out of range" exit 198 } } } if (`print'>=1) { local print = `print'/100 if `print'>=1 { di in red "print() out of range" exit 198 } } local j0 1 while (`j0'<=`nvar') { di local j1=min(`j0'+100,`nvar') local j `j0' di in smcl in gr _skip(13) "{c |}" _c while (`j'<=`j1') { di in gr %9s abbrev("``j''",8) _c local j=`j'+1 } local l=9*(`j1'-`j0'+1) di in smcl in gr _n "{hline 13}{c +}{hline `l'}" local i `j0' while `i'<=`nvar' { if ("`label'" != "") { loc v : variable label ``i'' if "`v'" == "" loc v ``i'' } else loc v ``i'' if "`nonumber'" == "" loc vname = abbrev("(`i') `v'", `abb') else loc vname = abbrev("`v'", `abb') if "`sig'" == "" mata: output[`=1+`i'', 1] = "`vname'" else { if `i' == 1 loc row = 2 else loc row = `row' + 2 mata: output[`row', 1] = "`vname'" } di in smcl in gr %12s abbrev("``i''",12) " {c |} " _c local j `j0' while (`j'<=min(`j1',`i')) { cap corr ``i'' ``j'' if `touse' `weight' if _rc == 2000 { local c`j' = . } else { local c`j' = r(rho) } local n`j'=r(N) if (r(rho) != . & r(rho) < 1) { local p`j'= min(2*`adj'*ttail(r(N)-2, abs(r(rho))*sqrt(r(N)-2)/ sqrt(1-r(rho)^2)),1) } else if (r(rho)>=1 & r(rho) != .) { local p`j'=0 } else if r(rho) == . { local p`j'= . } if "`sidak'"!="" { local p`j'=min(1,1-(1-`p`j'')^`nrho') } local j=`j'+1 } local j `j0' while (`j'<=min(`j1',`i')) { if "`star'" == "all" { if `i'!=`j' { mata: sigstars(`p`j'') } else local ast " " } else { if `p`j''<=`star' & `i'!=`j' { local ast "*" } else local ast " " } if `p`j''<=`print' | `print'==-1 |`i'==`j' { loc value : di %7.`dec'f =`c`j'' loc value = trim("`value'`ast'") if "`sig'" == "" mata: output[`=1+`i'', `=1+`j''] = "`value'" else mata: output[`row', `=1+`j''] = "`value'" di " " %7.4f `c`j'' "`ast'" _c } else di _skip(9) _c local j=`j'+1 } di if "`sig'"!="" { di in smcl in gr _skip(13) "{c |}" _c local j `j0' while (`j'<=min(`j1',`i'-1)) { loc value2 : di %7.`dec'f =`p`j'' loc value2 = trim("`value2'") mata: output[`=`row'+1', `=1+`j''] = "(`value2')" if `p`j''<=`print' | `print'==-1 { di " " %7.4f `p`j'' _c } else di _skip(9) _c local j=`j'+1 } di } if "`obs'"!="" { di in smcl in gr _skip(13) "{c |}" _c local j `j0' while (`j'<=min(`j1',`i')) { if `p`j''<=`print' | `print'==-1 |`i'==`j' { di " " %7.0g `n`j'' _c } else di _skip(9) _c local j=`j'+1 } di } if "`obs'"!="" | "`sig'"!="" { di in smcl in gr _skip(13) "{c |}" } local i=`i'+1 } local j0=`j0'+100 } if "`star'" != "-1" { if "`star'" != "-1" { if "`star'" !="all" { } } } if "`star'" != "-1" { loc siginfo "\i *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1" if "`notes'" == "" loc notes `siginfo' else loc notes `siginfo' \par `notes' } makertf, notes(`notes') title(`title') save(`save') append(`append') /// fs(`fs') font(`font') abb(`abb') `tzok' cs(`cs') notes(`notes') //} end *! getcmd: Get stata commands: Attaullah Shah prog getcmd loc SUM sum summarize summ summar summari su loc REG reg regre regres regress logit tobit ivreg ivregress ivreg2 gmm /// reg3 ivprobit ivtobit ivpoisson xtivreg xthtaylor /// xtabond2 asreg asregc xtfmb gls xtgls logistic arch arima exlogistic nl cnsreg /// intreg truncreg boxcox fp mfp qreg iqreg sqreg bsqreg eivreg frontier /// xtreg xtregar xtrc xtabond xtdpdsys xtdpd xtintreg xttobit xtgls xtpcse /// xtfrontier mixed reg3 nlsur vwls rreg areg areg2gen xtlogit melogit /// probit ivprobit heckprob heckprobit biprobit xtprobit meprobit cloglog /// xtcloglog mecloglog binreg hetprob hetprobit scobit blogit bprobit glogit /// gprobit ologit oprob opr oprobi oprobit rologit asroprobit xtologit /// xtoprobit mlogit mprobit clogit asclogit asmprobit cloglog slogit /// nlogit poisson expoisson zip tpoisson xtpoisson mepoisson nbreg gnbreg /// zinb tnbreg xtnbreg menbreg glm xtgee meglm teffects etreg etregress /// mecloglog anova heckman heckprob heckprobit arima arch arfima ucm prais /// newey sspace svar vec dfactor mgarch meologit meqrlogit /// meqrpoisson mi mixed stcox stcrreg stcrr streg rocreg rocfit roctab manova /// xtmelogit xtmixed xtqreg ppmlhdfe *loc MREG mvreg var loc TTEST ttest loc VIF vif loc TABSTAT tabstat loc COR cor corr corre correl correla correlat correlate spearman loc TAB tab tabulate tabu tabul tabula tabulat loc TAB1 tab1 tabulate1 loc TAB2 tab2 tabulate2 loc SUM sum summarize summ summar summari su loc GEN mean total pwmean ci loc PROP proportion ratio ameans loc PCORR pcorr loc DES des desc descr descri describ describe loc OTHER_CUSTOM irf estat if `: list 0 in local(REG)' c_local command detailedReg else if `: list 0 in local(MREG)' c_local command multireg else if `: list 0 in local(SUM)' c_local command sum else if `: list 0 in local(COR)' c_local command cor else if `: list 0 in local(TAB)' c_local command tab else if `: list 0 in local(TAB1)' c_local command tab1 else if `: list 0 in local(TAB2)' c_local command tab2 else if `: list 0 in local(GEN)' c_local command mean else if `: list 0 in local(PROP)' c_local command proportion else if `: list 0 in local(PCORR)' c_local command pcorr else if `: list 0 in local(DES)' c_local command des else if `: list 0 in local(OTHER_CUSTOM)' c_local command other_custom else if "`0'" == "vif" c_local command vif else if "`0'" == "ttest" c_local command ttest else if "`0'" == "tabstat" c_local command tabstat else if "`0'" == "hausman" c_local command hausman else if "`0'" == "table" c_local command table else if "`0'" == "pwcorr" c_local command pwcorr else if "`0'" == "icc" c_local command icc else if "`0'" == "tetrachoric" c_local command tetrachoric else if "`0'" == "list" c_local command list else if "`0'" == "wmat" c_local command wmat else if "`0'" == "aslist" c_local command aslist else if "`0'" == "replay" c_local command replay else if "`0'" == "resetfmt" c_local command resetfmt else if "`0'" == "setfmt" c_local command setfmt else if "`0'" == "inspect" c_local command inspect else c_local command other end prog define asdoc_inspect syntax varlist, [save(str) append(str) notes(str) title(str) /// fs(str) font(str) abb(str) tzok * ] qui count if `varlist' != . loc nonmissing = `r(N)' qui count if `varlist' == . loc missing = `r(N)' loc all = `nonmissing' + `missing' inspect `varlist' mata{ output = J(7, 4, "") output[1,2] = "Total" output[1,3] = "Integers" output[1,4] = "Non-integers" row = 1 col = 1 negative_nonintegers = strofreal(`r(N_neg)' - `r(N_negint)') positive_nonintegers = strofreal(`r(N_pos)' - `r(N_posint)') all_integers = strofreal(`r(N_0)' + `r(N_posint)' + `r(N_negint)') all_nonintegers = strofreal(`r(N_neg)' - `r(N_negint)' + `r(N_pos)' - `r(N_posint)') // Row Negative output[row+1,col] = "Negative" output[row+2,col] = "Zero" output[row+3,col] = "\line Positive" output[row+4,col] = " Total" output[row+5,col] = "Missing" output[row+6,col] = "All" col = 2 output[row+1,col] = "`r(N_neg)'" output[row+2,col] = "`r(N_0)'" output[row+3,col] = "`r(N_pos)'" output[row+4,col] = "`r(N)'" output[row+5,col] = "`missing'" output[row+6,col] = "`all'" col = 3 output[row+1,col] = "`r(N_negint)'" output[row+2,col] = "`r(N_0)'" output[row+3,col] = "`r(N_posint)'" output[row+4,col] = all_integers col = 4 output[row+1,col] = negative_nonintegers output[row+2,col] = "-" output[row+3,col] = positive_nonintegers output[row+4,col] = all_nonintegers //mata: output } if "`title'" == "" loc title Number of Observations makertf, notes(`notes') title(`title') save(`save') append(`append') /// fs(`fs') font(`font') abb(`abb') `tzok' cs(`cs') dec(0) end *! getifin: Parse if in command : Attaullah Shah - 2017 cap prog drop getifin prog getifin syntax [anything] [=/exp] [if] [in] c_local if `if' c_local in `in' c_local exp `exp' c_local varlist `anything' end prog get_label_tab loc rows = rowsof(header_row) local lbe : value label `1' mata: A = J(strtoreal(st_local("rows")),3,"") forv i = 1 / `rows' { loc v = header_row[`i',1] local value_label : label `lbe' `v' mata: A[strtoreal(st_local("i")),1]=st_local("value_label") } end *! getifin2: Parse if in command : Attaullah Shah - 2017 cap prog drop getifin2 prog getifin2 syntax [anything] [aweight fweight pweight iweight/] [if] [in] c_local weights "[`weight'=`exp']" c_local if `if' c_local in `in' c_local exp `exp' c_local varlist `anything' end *! aseploc: Change words seperator type: Version 1.0 Attaullah Shah 10Jan2018 prog aseploc, rclass syntax anything [, Seperator(string)] if "`seperator'"=="" loc seperator "," loc i = 1 loc last : word count `anything' foreach m of local anything { if `i' == 1 { loc accum "`m' `seperator'" loc `++i' } else if `i'~=`last' { loc accum "`accum' `m' `seperator'" loc `++i' } else { loc accum "`accum' `m'" loc `++i' } } return local sep "`accum'" end program asdoc_tabulate syntax varlist [if] [in] [fweight aweight iweight] /// [, chi2 Exact(str) gamma LRchi2 Taub V cchi2 COlumn /// Row CLRchi2 CEll EXPected NOFreq rowsort colsort Missing /// Wrap NOkey NOLabel nolog FIRSTonly All matcell(str) matrow(str) matcol(str) * ] if "`weight'" != "" loc weights [`weight' `exp'] local varRow `1' /* points to the variable to be displayed in the row */ local varCol `2' /* points to the variable to be dipslayed in the column */ loc number_of_variables : word count `varlist' c_local number_of_variables `number_of_variables' if `number_of_variables' == 2 loc matcol matcol(header_col) tabulate `varlist' `if' `in' `weights', /// matcell(`matcell') matrow(`matrow') `matcol' /// `chi2' `exact' `gamma' `lrchi2' `taub' `v' `cchi2' `column' /// `clrchi2' `cell' `expected' `nofreq' `rowsort' `colsort' `missing' /// `wrap' `nokey' `nolabel' `nolog' `all' `row' c_local Nobs = r(N) end *! aslist: Create unique list of groups: Version 1.0 , Attaullah Shah, attaullah.shah@imsciences.edu.pk, 20Oct2017 prog aslist syntax [varlist] [if] [in], [append dec(int 3) fs(int 20) save(str) title(str) font(str) ] if "`font'" == "" loc font Garamond preserve marksample touse, nov bys `varlist' : keep if _n ==_N list `varlist' if `touse' asdoclist `varlist' `if' `in' , `append' dec(`dec') fs(`fs') save("`save'") /// title("`title'") align(default) font(`font') restore end *! asdocdes: Write variables and thier lables to files: Version 1.0 , Attaullah Shah, attaullah.shah@imsciences.edu.pk, Feb25, 2018 prog asdocdes syntax [varlist], [append dec(int 3) fs(int 20) save(str) title(str) Fullnames Numbers /// position type isnumeric format vallab font(str) ] if "`font'" == "" loc font Garamond preserve qui des `varlist', replace `fullnames' `numbers' clear list `position' name `type' `isnumeric' `format' `vallab' varlab asdoclist `position' name `type' `isnumeric' `format' `vallab' varlab , /// `append' dec(`dec') fs(`fs') save("`save'") title("`title'") align(left) font(`font') restore end *! Space_remover: replaces spaces with underscore, Aug 1, 2018; Attaullah Shah prog space_remover syntax, text(str) gettoken myvalue text : text, parse(",") while "`myvalue'" != "" { if "`myvalue'" == "," gettoken myvalue text : text, parse(",") loc plucked = subinstr("`myvalue'", " ", "_", .) loc CELLS `CELLS' `plucked' gettoken myvalue text : text, parse(",") } c_local xspace "`CELLS'" end cap prog drop makemat prog makemat, by(onecall) rclass syntax varlist, [ROWsum COLumn SColumn dec(str)] preserve qui { loc nvars : word count `varlist' loc var1 : word 1 of `varlist' //qui { qui use orig2, clear save OG, replace loc check = 1 while `check' != 0 { cap confirm var __000002 if _rc { ds __000* loc tempvars `r(varlist)' forv i = 3 / 8 { cap confirm var __00000`i' if _rc == 0 qui ren __00000`i' __00000`=-1+`i'' } } else loc check = 0 } if "`rowsum'`column'`scsum'" != "" { qui save sumdata, replace DropMis `varlist' } qui ds __* loc stats `r(varlist)' loc nstats : word count `stats' global nstats `nstats' if `nstats' > 1 { loc i = 1 foreach v of varlist `stats' { local w : var label `v' loc w = subinstr("`w'", "(","",.) loc w = subinstr("`w'", ")","_",.) loc w = subinstr("`w'", " ","",.) loc w = subinstr("`w'", "count__000000","Freq.",.) loc w = subinstr("`w'", "*p50*","med",.) loc accum `accum' `w' loc `++i' } } qui aslev `var1', vl nl sep(,) loc v1 "`r(groups)'" loc ng1 `r(ng)' loc vLabel `r(vLabel)' loc var1type `r(vartype)' qui des loc N = `r(N)' if `nvars' == 1 { qui ds loc all `r(varlist)' loc first: word 1 of `all' loc other : list all - first mkmat `other', mat(st_mat_main) } else if `nvars' == 2 { loc var2 : word 2 of `varlist' qui aslev `var2', vl nl sep(,) loc v2 "`r(groups)'" loc ng2 `r(ng)' loc var2type `r(vartype)' loc rows = `ng1' * `nstats' mat st_mat_main = J(`rows', `ng2', .) forv o = 1 / `N' { loc r = 0 foreach vr of local v1 { loc r = `r' + `nstats' loc c = 0 foreach vc of local v2 { loc `++c' if "`var2type'" == "string" loc vc ""`vc'"" if "`var1type'" == "string" loc vr ""`vr'"" if `nstats' == 1 { if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`r',`c'] = __000002[`o'] } else if `nstats' == 2 { if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`=-1+`r'',`c'] = __000002[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`r',`c'] = __000003[`o'] } else if `nstats' == 3 { if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`=-2+`r'',`c'] = __000002[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`=-1+`r'',`c'] = __000003[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`r',`c'] = __000004[`o'] } else if `nstats' == 4 { if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`=-3+`r'',`c'] = __000002[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`=-2+`r'',`c'] = __000003[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`=-1+`r'',`c'] = __000004[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`r',`c'] = __000005[`o'] } else if `nstats' == 5 { if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`=-4+`r'',`c'] = __000002[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`=-3+`r'',`c'] = __000003[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`=-2+`r'',`c'] = __000004[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`=-1+`r'',`c'] = __000005[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' mat st_mat_main[`r',`c'] = __000006[`o'] } } } } } else if `nvars' == 3 { if "`column'" == "" loc mfactor = 0 else loc mfactor= 1 loc var2 : word 2 of `varlist' loc var3 : word 3 of `varlist' qui aslev `var2', vl nl sep(,) loc var3type `r(vartype)' loc v2 `r(groups)' loc ng2 `r(ng)' qui aslev `var3', vl nl sep(,) loc v3 `r(groups)' loc ng3 `r(ng)' loc matcols = (`mfactor'+`ng2') * `ng3' loc rows = `ng1' * `nstats' mat st_mat_main = J(`rows', `matcols', .) forv o = 1 / `N' { loc r = 0 foreach vr of local v1 { loc r = `r' + `nstats' loc col = 0 foreach vs of local v3 { foreach vc of local v2 { loc `++col' if `nstats' == 1 { if "`var3type'" == "string" loc vs ""`vs'"" if "`var2type'" == "string" loc vc ""`vc'"" if "`var1type'" == "string" loc vr ""`vr'"" if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`r',`col'] = __000002[`o'] } else if `nstats' == 2 { if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-1+`r'',`col'] = __000002[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`r',`col'] = __000003[`o'] } else if `nstats' == 3 { if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-2+`r'',`col'] = __000002[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-1+`r'',`col'] = __000003[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`r',`col'] = __000004[`o'] } else if `nstats' == 4 { if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-3+`r'',`col'] = __000002[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-2+`r'',`col'] = __000003[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-1+`r'',`col'] = __000004[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`r',`col'] = __000005[`o'] } else if `nstats' == 5 { if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-4+`r'',`col'] = __000002[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-3+`r'',`col'] = __000003[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-2+`r'',`col'] = __000004[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-1+`r'',`col'] = __000005[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var2'[`o'] == `vc' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`r',`col'] = __000006[`o'] } } if "`column'"!= "" loc col = `col' + 1 } } } } if "`column'" != "" { if `nvars' == 3 { qui use sumdata, clear if "`rowsum'" != "" qui drop if `var2' == . & `var1' == . qui keep if `var2' == . qui sum __000002 loc N = `r(N)' forv o = 1 / `N' { loc r = 0 foreach vr of local v1 { // row variable loc r = `r' + `nstats' loc col = `ng2'+1 foreach vs of local v3 { // super col variable if "`var3type'" == "string" loc vs ""`vs'"" if "`var1type'" == "string" loc vr ""`vr'"" if `nstats' == 1 & `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`r',`col'] = __000002[`o'] else if `nstats' == 2{ if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-1+`r'',`col'] = __000002[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`r',`col'] = __000003[`o'] } else if `nstats' == 3{ if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-2+`r'',`col'] = __000002[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-1+`r'',`col'] = __000003[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`r',`col'] = __000004[`o'] } else if `nstats' == 4{ if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-3+`r'',`col'] = __000002[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-2+`r'',`col'] = __000003[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-1+`r'',`col'] = __000004[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`r',`col'] = __000005[`o'] } else if `nstats' == 5{ if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-4+`r'',`col'] = __000002[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-3+`r'',`col'] = __000003[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-2+`r'',`col'] = __000004[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`=-1+`r'',`col'] = __000005[`o'] if `var1'[`o'] == `vr' & `var3'[`o'] == `vs' mat st_mat_main[`r',`col'] = __000006[`o'] } loc col = `col'+`ng2'+1 } } } } else { qui use sumdata, clear if "`column'" != "" { qui drop if `var2' == . & `var1' == . AddOnlyColumn `var1' `var2' `var3', nstats(`nstats') } } } if "`column'" == "" & "`rowsum'" != "" { qui use sumdata, clear AddOnlyRow `var1' `var2' `var3', nstats(`nstats') } if "`column'" != "" & "`rowsum'" != "" { qui use sumdata, clear save sum3, replace AddBothColRow `var1' `var2' `var3', nstats(`nstats') } } //qui cap rm sumdata.dta qui cap rm orig2.dta if "`dec'" != "" qui asdocmatdec st_mat_main, dec(`dec') if `nstats' > 1 & `nvars' == 1 mat colnames st_mat_main = `accum' end progr AddBothColRow syntax varlist, nstats(str) loc nvars : word count `varlist' if `nvars' == 1 loc var1 : word 1 of `varlist' else if `nvars' == 2{ loc var1 : word 1 of `varlist' loc var2 : word 2 of `varlist' } else if `nvars' == 3{ loc var1 : word 1 of `varlist' loc var2 : word 2 of `varlist' loc var3 : word 3 of `varlist' } if `nstats' == 1 { drop if `var1' !=. & `var2' == . keep if `var1' ==. sort `var3' `var2' mkmat __000002, mat(rowmat) mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat' } if `nstats' == 2 { drop if `var1' !=. & `var2' == . keep if `var1' ==. sort `var3' `var2' mkmat __000002, mat(rowmat1) mkmat __000003, mat(rowmat2) mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat1' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat2' } else if `nstats' == 3 { drop if `var1' !=. & `var2' == . keep if `var1' ==. sort `var3' `var2' mkmat __000002, mat(rowmat1) mkmat __000003, mat(rowmat2) mkmat __000004, mat(rowmat3) mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat1' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat2' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat3' } else if `nstats' == 4 { drop if `var1' !=. & `var2' == . keep if `var1' ==. sort `var3' `var2' mkmat __000002, mat(rowmat1) mkmat __000003, mat(rowmat2) mkmat __000004, mat(rowmat3) mkmat __000005, mat(rowmat4) mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat1' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat2' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat3' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat4' } else if `nstats' == 5 { drop if `var1' !=. & `var2' == . keep if `var1' ==. sort `var3' `var2' mkmat __000002, mat(rowmat1) mkmat __000003, mat(rowmat2) mkmat __000004, mat(rowmat3) mkmat __000005, mat(rowmat4) mkmat __000006, mat(rowmat5) mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat1' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat2' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat3' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat4' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat5' } end progr AddOnlyRow syntax varlist, nstats(str) loc nvars : word count `varlist' if `nvars' == 1 loc var1 : word 1 of `varlist' else if `nvars' == 2{ loc var1 : word 1 of `varlist' loc var2 : word 2 of `varlist' } else if `nvars' == 3{ loc var1 : word 1 of `varlist' loc var2 : word 2 of `varlist' loc var3 : word 3 of `varlist' } if `nstats' == 1 { keep if `var1' == . drop if `var2' == . mkmat __000002, mat(rowmat) mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat' } else if `nstats' == 2 { keep if `var1' == . drop if `var2' == . mkmat __000002, mat(rowmat1) mkmat __000003, mat(rowmat2) mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat1' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat2' } else if `nstats' == 3 { keep if `var1' == . drop if `var2' == . mkmat __000002, mat(rowmat1) mkmat __000003, mat(rowmat2) mkmat __000004, mat(rowmat3) mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat1' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat2' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat3' } else if `nstats' == 4 { keep if `var1' == . drop if `var2' == . mkmat __000002, mat(rowmat1) mkmat __000003, mat(rowmat2) mkmat __000004, mat(rowmat3) mkmat __000005, mat(rowmat4) mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat1' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat2' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat3' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat4' } else if `nstats' == 5 { keep if `var1' == . drop if `var2' == . mkmat __000002, mat(rowmat1) mkmat __000003, mat(rowmat2) mkmat __000004, mat(rowmat3) mkmat __000005, mat(rowmat4) mkmat __000006, mat(rowmat5) mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat1' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat2' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat3' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat4' mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main \ rowmat5' } end progr AddOnlyColumn syntax varlist, nstats(str) loc nvars : word count `varlist' if `nvars' == 1 loc var1 : word 1 of `varlist' else if `nvars' == 2{ loc var1 : word 1 of `varlist' loc var2 : word 2 of `varlist' } else if `nvars' == 3{ loc var1 : word 1 of `varlist' loc var2 : word 2 of `varlist' loc var3 : word 3 of `varlist' } qui keep if `var2' == . if `nstats' == 1 { qui keep __000002 mkmat __000002 , mat(sc) } else if `nstats' == 2 { qui sum `var1' loc N = `r(N)' forv o = 1/ `N'{ if `o' == 1 mat sc = __000002[`o'] \ __000003[`o'] else mat sc = sc \ __000002[`o'] \ __000003[`o'] } } else if `nstats'==3 { qui sum `var1' loc N = `r(N)' forv o = 1/ `N'{ if `o' == 1 mat sc = __000002[`o'] \ __000003[`o']\ __000004[`o'] else mat sc = sc \ __000002[`o'] \ __000003[`o']\ __000004[`o'] } } else if `nstats'==4 { qui keep if `var2' == . qui sum `var1' loc N = `r(N)' forv o = 1/ `N'{ if `o' == 1 mat sc = __000002[`o'] \ __000003[`o']\ __000004[`o']\ __000005[`o'] else mat sc = sc \ __000002[`o'] \ __000003[`o']\ __000004[`o']\ __000005[`o'] } } else if `nstats'==5 { qui keep if `var2' == . qui sum `var1' loc N = `r(N)' forv o = 1/ `N'{ if `o' == 1 mat sc = __000002[`o'] \ __000003[`o']\ __000004[`o']\ __000005[`o']\ __000006[`o'] else mat sc = sc \ __000002[`o'] \ __000003[`o']\ __000004[`o']\ __000005[`o']\ __000006[`o'] } } mat st_mat_main = st_mat_main , sc end * Adopted from table program define tablex, byable(recall) syntax varlist(max=3) [if] [in] [fw aw pw iw] [, /* */ BY(varlist) COLumn CW Format(string) Name(string) REPLACE /* */ ROW SColumn markdown Contents(string) CELLwidth(string) dec(str) *] // Removing option Scolumn for now, shall work on it if someone is interested enough loc scolumn local sctotal "`scolumn'" local coltota "`column'" local rowtota "`row'" if "`replace'"!="" & _by()==1 { di in red "option replace may not be combined with by" exit 190 } local stats "`contents'" local contents if "`by'" != "" { local byopt "by(`by')" } if "`cellwidth'" =="" { /* set cellw to width implied by format() option if it is greater than 9. Set cellw to 0 otherwise. */ GetFormatWidth "`format'" if `s(formatwidth)' > 9 { local cellw `s(formatwidth)' local cellwidth `cellw' } else { local cellw 0 } } else local cellw `cellwidth' local msg 1 tokenize `varlist' local row "`1'" local col "`2'" local sc "`3'" if "`coltota'"!="" & "`col'"=="" { local coltota } if "`sctotal'"!="" & "`sc'"=="" { local sctotal } tempname one touse if "`stats'"=="" { local stats "freq" } if "`replace'"!="" & "`name'"=="" { local name "table" } local i 0 get_stats_in_order `stats' tokenize `"`stats'"' while "`1'" != "" { local i = `i' + 1 if "`replace'"!="" { tempname `name'`i' local res `"``name'`i''"' } else tempvar res Parse "`weight'" `"`format'"' `res' `one' `*' if "`replace'"!="" { local s3`i' = $S_3 } local clist "`clist' $S_1" local cell "`cell' `res'" local vlist "`vlist' $S_2" local flist "`flist' $S_4" mac shift $S_3 } if `i'>5 /* limit from tabdisp */ { di in red "too many stats()" exit 103 } /* take care of cell length */ if `i' <= 4 { local flag 1 } else local flag 0 confirm new var `res' /* in case replace */ quietly { if "`weight'" != "" { tempvar wvar gen double `wvar' `exp' local wgt "[`weight'=`wvar']" } mark `touse' `wgt' `if' `in' count if `touse' if r(N)==0 { noisily error 2000 } preserve keep if `touse' drop `touse' DropMis `varlist' `by' if _N==0 { noisily error 2000 } gen byte `one' = 1 keep `varlist' `by' `vlist' `wvar' if "`rowtota'"=="" & "`coltota'"=="" & "`sctotal'"=="" { capture collapse `clist' `wgt', /// by(`varlist' `by') fast `cw' qui save orig2, replace if (_rc == 111) { di as err /// "rowvar variable(s) may not be used in contents()" exit _rc } if (_rc == 135) { local sd_in = cond(strpos("`clist'","sd")==0,"0","sd") local se_in = cond(strpos("`clist'","sem")==0,"0","semean") local seb_in = cond(strpos("`clist'","seb")==0 /* */,"0","sebinomial") local sep_in = cond(strpos("`clist'","sep")==0 /* */,"0","sepoisson") GetError `weight' `sd_in' `se_in' `seb_in' `sep_in' di as err "`s(error)'" exit _rc } } else { tempfile res orig save "`orig'" capture collapse `clist' `wgt', /// by(`varlist' `by') fast `cw' qui save orig2, replace if (_rc == 111) { di as err /// "rowvar variable(s) may not be used in contents()" exit _rc } if (_rc == 135) { local sd_in = cond(strpos("`clist'","sd")==0,"0","sd") local se_in = cond(strpos("`clist'","sem")==0,"0","semean") local seb_in = cond(strpos("`clist'","seb")==0 /* */,"0","sebinomial") local sep_in = cond(strpos("`clist'","sep")==0 /* */,"0","sepoisson") GetError `weight' `sd_in' `se_in' `seb_in' `sep_in' di as err "`s(error)'" exit _rc } save "`res'" if "`rowtota'" != "" { AddRes "`res'" "`orig'" "`clist'" /* */ "`col' `sc' `by'" "`cw'" "`wgt'" } if "`coltota'"!= "" { AddRes "`res'" "`orig'" "`clist'" /* */ "`row' `sc' `by'" "`cw'" "`wgt'" if "`rowtota'" != "" { AddRes "`res'" "`orig'" "`clist'" /* */ "`sc' `by'" "`cw'" "`wgt'" } } if "`sctotal'"!="" { AddRes "`res'" "`orig'" "`clist'" /* */ "`row' `col' `by'" "`cw'" "`wgt'" if "`rowtota'" != "" { AddRes "`res'" "`orig'" "`clist'" /* */ "`col' `by'" "`cw'" "`wgt'" } if "`coltota'" != "" { AddRes "`res'" "`orig'" "`clist'" /* */ "`row' `by'" "`cw'" "`wgt'" } if "`rowtota'" != "" & "`coltota'"!="" { AddRes "`res'" "`orig'" "`clist'" /* */ "`by'" "`cw'" "`wgt'" } } } } qui save orig2, replace tokenize `"`flist'"' while "`1'" != "" { capture format `1' `2' if _rc { di as err "invalid format `2'" exit 198 } mac shift 2 } if "`c'"=="" | "`replace'"!="" { FixLabs "(count) `one'" `cellw' `flag' `msg' `cell' } if "`replace'"!="" { mac drop S_FN S_FNDATE restore, not } loc options = subinstr("`options'", "row", "", .) if "`cellwidth'" == "" { tabdisp `varlist', cell(`cell') `byopt' totals `options' `markdown' missing } else { local options "cellwidth(`cellwidth') `options'" tabdisp `varlist', cell(`cell') `byopt' totals `options' `markdown' missing } if "`replace'" != "" { tokenize `"`stats'"' local i = 0 while "`1'" != "" { local i = `i' + 1 mac shift `s3`i'' } } if "`dec'" != "" loc dec dec(`dec') makemat `varlist', `rowtota' `coltota' `sctotal' `dec' end program get_stats_in_order while `"`0'"' != "" { gettoken stat 0 : 0 loc TBL_STATS `TBL_STATS' `stat' gettoken variable 0 : 0 } global TBL_STATS `TBL_STATS' end program define AddRes /* resfn origfn clist by cw wgt */ args res orig clist by cw wgt use "`orig'", clear local n : word count `by' if `n' { collapse `clist' `wgt', by(`by') fast `cw' } else collapse `clist' `wgt', fast `cw' append using "`res'" save "`res'", replace end program define Parse /* "weighttype" fmt newvar onevar stuff */ args weight fmt res one mac shift 4 if "`1'"=="freq" { global S_1 "(count) `res'=`one'" global S_2 "`one'" global S_3 1 if ("`weight'"=="aweight" | "`weight'"=="iweight" /* */ | "`weight'"=="pweight" | "`weight'"=="fweight") /* */ & `"`fmt'"'!="" { global S_4 "`res' `fmt'" } else if `"`fmt'"' != "" { global S_4 "`res' `fmt'" } else global S_4 "`res' %9.0gc" exit } if "`2'"=="" { di in red "`1' invalid or requires argument" exit 198 } /* synonyms */ if lower("`1'")=="n" { local 1 "count" } else if substr("median",1,max(3,length("`1'")))=="`1'" { local 1 "median" } else if substr("mean",1,length("`1'"))=="`1'" { local 1 "mean" } unabbrev `2', max(1) local vn "`s(varlist)'" confirm numeric variable `vn' Valid `1' `vn' `"`fmt'"' `weight' global S_4 "`res' $S_1" global S_1 "(`1') `res'=`vn'" global S_2 "`vn'" global S_3 2 end program define Valid /* word fromvar dfltfmt weighttype */ args w v f weight local len : length local w if substr("semean", 1, max(3,`len')) == "`w'" { local w "sem" } if substr("sebinomial", 1, max(3,`len')) == "`w'" { local w "seb" } if substr("sepoisson", 1, max(3,`len')) == "`w'" { local w "sep" } if "`w'"=="sd" | "`w'"=="sem" | "`w'"=="sep" | /* */ "`w'"=="seb" | "`w'"=="iqr" | "`w'"=="sum" | "`w'"=="rawsum" { /* meaning default format */ global S_1 = cond(`"`f'"'=="", "%9.0g", `"`f'"') exit } if "`w'"=="count" { if ("`weight'"=="aweight" | "`weight'"=="iweight" /* */ | "`weight'"=="pweight") & `"`f'"'!="" { global S_1 `"`f'"' } else global S_1 "%9.0gc" /* meaning as-is format */ exit } /* remaining have default format or variable's date format */ local fmt : format `v' if substr("`fmt'",2,1)=="-" { local fmt = "%" + substr("`fmt'",3,.) } if substr("`fmt'",1,2)=="%d" | substr("`fmt'",1,2)=="%t" { global S_1 "`fmt'" } else global S_1 = cond("`f'"=="", "`fmt'", "`f'") if "`w'"=="mean" | "`w'"=="median" { exit } if "`1'"=="max" | "`1'"=="min" { exit } if substr("`1'",1,1)=="p" { local n = substr("`1'",2,.) capture confirm integer number `n' if _rc==0 { if `n'>0 & `n'<100 { exit } } } di in red "`1' invalid" exit 198 end program define DropMis /* varnames */ while "`1'" != "" { local t : type `1' if substr("`t'",1,3)=="str" { drop if `1'=="" } else drop if `1'==. mac shift } end program define FixLabs /* lab varnames */ args true cellw flag msg mac shift 4 while "`1'" != "" { local lab : variable label `1' if "`lab'"=="`true'" { label var `1' "Freq." } else { FixLab2 `cellw' `flag' `msg' `1' `lab' local msg `s(tmp)' } mac shift } end program define FixLab2, sclass /* label */ args cellw flag msg var wrd mac shift 5 sreturn clear if "`wrd'"=="(count)" { if `cellw' == 0 { local len = cond(`flag'==1, 8, 9) } else local len = `cellw'-3 FixLab3 `var' N "`*'" `len' `msg' /* sreturn local tmp = `s(tmp)' */ exit } if "`wrd'" == "(p" { local wrd "`1'" mac shift if "`wrd'"=="50)" { local wrd "med" if `cellw' == 0 { local len = cond(`flag'==0, 7, 8) } else local len = `cellw' - 5 } else { local wrd = substr("`wrd'",1,length("`wrd'")-1) if `cellw' == 0 { local len = cond(`flag'==0,9-length("`wrd'"),8) } else local len = `cellw' - length("`wrd'") - 3 local wrd p`wrd' } FixLab3 `var' `wrd' "`*'" `len' `msg' /* sreturn local tmp = `s(tmp)' */ exit } if "`wrd'"=="(sepoisson)" | "`wrd'"=="(sebinomial)" | "`wrd'"=="(semean)" { local wrd = substr("`wrd'",2,3) if `cellw' == 0 { local len = cond(`flag'==0, 7, 8) } else local len = `cellw' - 5 FixLab3 `var' `wrd' "`*'" `len' `msg' /* sreturn local tmp = `s(tmp)' */ exit } if substr("`wrd'",1,1)=="(" & substr("`wrd'",-1,1)==")" { local wrd = substr("`wrd'",2,length("`wrd'")-2) if `cellw' == 0 { local len=cond(`flag'==0,10-length("`wrd'"),8) } else local len = `cellw'-length("`wrd'")-2 FixLab3 `var' `wrd' "`*'" `len' `msg' /* sreturn local tmp=`s(tmp)' */ exit } end program define FixLab3, sclass args vn fcn name len msg local len = `len' if `len' < 0 { local nam = "" local fcn = "" di _n in gr /* */ "note: cellwidth too small, cannot display column heading;" di in gr /* */ "to increase cellwidth, specify cellwidth(#)" local msg 0 label var `vn' " " } else if `len' == 0 { di _n in gr /* */ "note: cellwidth too small, cannot display variable name;" di in gr /* */ "to increase cellwidth, specify cellwidth(#)" local msg 0 label var `vn' "`fcn'()" } else if `len' < 5 { local nam = udsubstr("`name'", 1, `len') if `msg' & "`nam'"!="" & "`nam'"!="`name'" { di _n in gr /* */ "note: cellwidth too small, variable name truncated;" di in gr /* */ " to increase cellwidth, specify cellwidth(#)" local msg 0 } label var `vn' "`fcn'(`nam')" } else { local nam = abbrev("`name'", `len') label var `vn' "`fcn'(`nam')" } sret local tmp `msg' end program define GetFormatWidth, sclass args fmt if "`fmt'" == "" | substr("`fmt'",1,1)!="%" { sret local formatwidth 0 } else { local fmt = substr("`fmt'",2,.) /* remove the % */ if substr("`fmt'",1,1)=="-" { local fmt = substr("`fmt'",2,.) /* remove the - */ } if substr("`fmt'",1,1)=="d" | substr("`fmt'",1,1)=="t" { sret local formatwidth 0 } else if index("`fmt'","s") { /* string format */ sret local formatwidth = /* */ substr("`fmt'",1,length("`fmt'")-1) } else if index("`fmt'",".") { /* numeric format */ sret local formatwidth = /* */ substr("`fmt'",1,index("`fmt'",".")-1) } else if index("`fmt'",",") { /* european numeric format */ sret local formatwidth = /* */ substr("`fmt'",1,index("`fmt'",",")-1) } else { /* bad format -- default to 0 (unknown) */ sret local formatwidth 0 } } end // Encode numeric variables without following alphabatical order prog asencode syntax varlist [if] [in], GEN(str) marksample touse qui aslev `varlist' if `touse' loc ng = `r(ng)' loc levels `r(groups)' cap qui label drop `gen' forv i = 1 / `ng' { loc itemi : word `i' of `levels' label define `gen' `i' "`itemi'", modify } tempvar strby qui tostring `varlist', gen(`strby') replace `strby' = "" if `touse' == 0 qui encode `strby', gen(`gen') label(`gen') noextend end program define GetError, sclass args wgt sd_in se_in seb_in sep_in local s_list "`sd_in' `se_in' `seb_in' `sep_in'" if "`wgt'"=="iweight" { local s_list = subinstr("`s_list'","sd","",1) } if "`wgt'"=="aweight" { local s_list = subinstr("`s_list'","sd","",1) local s_list = subinstr("`s_list'","semean","",1) } local s_list = subinstr("`s_list'","0","",.) local count: word count `s_list' local error "" local i=0 foreach opt of local s_list { local ++i if `i' < `count'-1{ local error "`error'`opt', " } else if `i'==`count'-1 { local error "`error'`opt' and " } else if `i'==`count' { local error "`error'`opt' not allowed with `wgt's" } } sret local error "`error'" end