Utility for dialog box to create log files ------------------------------------------
^autolog using^ filename [,^sm^ ^path(^dirpath^)^]
Description -----------
^autolog^ is a utility designed for use in Stata's profile.do file (though it can be used interactively if desired).
^autolog^ causes a dialogue box to pop up every time Stata starts and prompts the user for a filename for the log file. This allows the user to easily enter project filenames depending on what analysis is underway. ^autolog^ is also designed to overcome the common frustration of forgetting to send output to a log file at the start of a session.
The input required for the command line (^using^) is the filename of the default file where output will be sent when no filename is entered in the dialogue box. This happens when the user presses Esc when confronted by the dialogue box. A typical name might be "basic" or "default". See examples below.
Options -------
^sm^ in the command line indicates that the log file should use Stata's smcl format. Omitting the ^sm^ option causes the log file to be written as a plain text file.
^path(^dirpath^)^ in the command line indicates that both the dialogue box file and the default file are to be placed in that directory. Omitting the ^path^ option places these file in the current working directory.
Examples --------
^autolog using basic, sm path(d:\data\current\projects)^
^autolog using default, path(d:\data\projects)^
^autolog^ should ideally be entered in the profile.do file (found in Stata's program directory). An example follows:
set memory 150m set matsize 800 set varlabelpos 20 cd d:\data autolog using basic, path(d:\data\logfiles) noisily di noisily di "This session began at: $S_TIME on: $S_DATE" noisily di
Author ------
Ian Watson ACIRRT University of Sydney Australia iangwatson@pnc.com.au www.pnc.com.au/~iangwatson Date: 18 December 2002