Graph added-variable plots in a single image
avplots4 [varlist] [, rlopts(cline_options) scatter_options combine_options ]
avplots4 is for use after regress; see help regress.
avplots4 is a variant on official Stata's avplots (see help avplot). It allows specifying a varlist.
avplots4 graphs the added-variable plots for the specified variables in a single image. The variables in varlist may be regressors that are currently in the model or not. If varlist is omitted, all regressors in the model are used.
rlopts(cline_options) affect the rendition of the reference line; see help cline_options.
scatter_options affect the rendition of the plotted points; see help scatter.
combine_options are any of the options documented in help graph_combine. These include options for titling the graph (see help title_options) and options for saving the graph to disk (see help saving_option).
. regress price weight mpg forxmpg foreign . avplots4 mpg displ
Ben Jann, ETH Zurich,
Also see
Manual: [R] regress, [R] regression diagnostics