*! version 2 23may2005 ************************************************************************************************************ * Backrasch : Backward procedure under a Rasch model * version 2 : may 23, 2005 * * Historic * Version 1 (2004-02-13) : Jean-Benoit Hardouin * * Needed modules : * raschtestv7 version 7.2.1 (http://freeirt.free.fr) * gammasym version 2.1 (http://freeirt.free.fr) * gausshermite version 1 (http://freeirt.free.fr) * geekel2d version 4.1 (http://freeirt.free.fr) * ghquadm (findit ghquadm) * gllamm version 2.3.10 (ssc describe gllamm) * gllapred version 2.3.2 (ssc describe gllapred) * elapse (ssc describe elapse) * * Jean-benoit Hardouin, Regional Health Observatory of Orléans - France * jean-benoit.hardouin@orscentre.org * * News about this program : http://anaqol.free.fr * FreeIRT Project : http://freeirt.free.fr * * Copyright 2004-2005 Jean-Benoit Hardouin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************************************************ program define backrasch , rclass version 8.0 syntax varlist(min=3 numeric) , [p(real 0.05) Method(string) Test(string) NBSCales(integer 1) nodetail noAUTOGroup] local nbitems : word count `varlist' tokenize `varlist' preserve tempfile saveraschtest qui save `saveraschtest' local autogroup2 if "`autogroup'"=="" { local autogroup2 autogroup } if "`method'"=="" { local method cml } if "`test'"=="" { local test R } tempname select matrix `select'=J(1,`nbitems',0) local dim=1 local less3items=0 while `dim'<=`nbscales'&`less3items'!=1 { di di in green _col(25) "subscale : " in yellow `dim' di in green _col(25) "{hline 12}" local nobaditem=0 while `nobaditem'!=1 { local varlistscale local nbitemsscale=0 forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { if `select'[1,`i']==0 { local nbitemsscale=`nbitemsscale'+1 local ssitem`nbitemsscale'=`i' local varlistscale `varlistscale' ``i'' } } if `nbitemsscale'<3 { if "`detail'"=="" { di in green "The " in yellow "`dim'th " in green "sub-scale can not be created, because there is less than three items remaining" } local `less3items'=1 local dim=`dim'-1 continue, break } else { qui raschtestv7 `varlistscale',m(`method') t(`test') `autogroup2' tempname itemFit matrix `itemFit'=r(itemFit) local minp=`p' local deleteitem local nobaditem=1 forvalues i=1/`nbitemsscale' { if `itemFit'[`i',3]<`minp' { local minp=`itemFit'[`i',3] local deleitem=`i' local rowdeleteitem=`ssitem`i'' local nobaditem=0 } } if `nobaditem'==1 { if "`detail'"=="" { di in green "No more item to remove of the scale " in yellow "`dim'" } continue, break } else { if "`detail'"=="" { di in green "The item " in yellow "``rowdeleteitem'' " in green "is removed of the scale " in yellow "`dim'" in green " (p=" in yellow %6.4f `minp' in green ")" } matrix `select'[1,`rowdeleteitem']=-1 } } } if `nbitemsscale'>=3 { forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { if `select'[1,`i']==0 { matrix `select'[1,`i']==`dim' } if `select'[1,`i']==-1 { matrix `select'[1,`i']==0 } } local scale`dim' forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { if `select'[1,`i']==`dim' { local scale`dim' "`scale`dim'' ``i''" } } if "`scale`dim''"!="" { di di in green _col(4) "Number of selected items : " in yellow "`nbitemsscale'" raschtestv7 `scale`dim'',m(`method') t(`test') `autogroup2' di di _dup(70) "-" } local dim=`dim'+1 } if `nbitemsscale'<3{ forvalues i=1/`nbitems' { if `select'[1,`i']==-1 { matrix `select'[1,`i']==0 } } continue, break } } matrix colnames `select'=`varlist' matrix rownames `select'=scale return matrix selection `select' end