*! 1.0.5 16sep2022 Andrew Goodman-Bacon, Thomas Goldring, Austin Nichols * change from 1.0.4 24feb2020: timing groups code in lines 291-292 commented out per Connor Forsythe (no X branch) * 1.0.4 24feb2022 Andrew Goodman-Bacon, Thomas Goldring, Austin Nichols * change from 1.0.3 14feb2020: multiple versions of 1.0.3 were circulating; fixed version control problems noted by Kit Baum * also fixes: some ddetail labeling, zero shares, and put anynever initialization to zero alongside anyalways * 1.0.3 14feb2020 Andrew Goodman-Bacon, Thomas Goldring, Austin Nichols * change from 1.0.2 15sep2019: if and in were not being passed to ddetail subroutine, pointed out by Brian Jacob * change from 1.0.2 15sep2019: remove ddetail subroutine, unless special option requested * 1.0.2 15sep2019 Andrew Goodman-Bacon, Thomas Goldring, Austin Nichols * changes from 1.0.1 31jul2019: * fix bug pointed out by Nic Duquette, i.e. anyalways not defined to be zero with no always-treated unit in the panel * and fixed branching with ddetail as reported by David McLaughlin, i.e. main code executes after baconddtiming and exits with error at foreach var of varlist `x' { * 1.0.1 31jul2019 Andrew Goodman-Bacon, Thomas Goldring, Austin Nichols * change from 1.0.0 22jul2019: only show graph options when debug option is shown *! Bacon decomposition of a Diff-in-Diff model per *! Goodman-Bacon, Andrew. (2019). "Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing." [http://www.nber.org/papers/w25018]. *! This code is licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal license. *! The full legal text as well as a human-readable summary can be accessed at http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ prog bacondecomp, eclass version 10.2 if replay() { syntax [anything] [, EForm(string) Level(real 95) * ] eret di, eform(`eform') level(`level') nopv noci `options' matlist e(sumdd), tw(20) tit(Bacon Decomposition) format(%12.0g) border(all) } else { syntax [varlist] [if] [in] [aw fw pw iw/] [, Msymbols(string) MColors(string) MSIZes(string) DDLine(string) noLine noNOte cvc within GROpt(string asis) noLEGend noGRaph stub(string) forcebalance(int 2) compare(string) txtformat(string) txtformat2(string) comparenox DDetail debug OLDddtiming * ] marksample touse ****************************** *parse the varlist into y (outcome), tr (treatment dummy), x (controls) ****************************** gettoken y rest: varlist gettoken tr x: rest ****************************** * Check data xtset and strongly balanced; issue error messages if not xtset or not balanced ****************************** qui xtset loc i=r(panelvar) loc t=r(timevar) loc b=r(balanced) if "`i'"=="" | "`t'"=="" | "`i'"=="." | "`t'"=="." { di as err "Both panel and time variables must be set" err 459 } qui xtset if "`b'"!="strongly balanced" { di as err "Panel must be strongly balanced, i.e. each panel must have the same set of time points" } ****************************** **** DROP THIS CALL unless oldddtiming specified *if no controls or weights, and ddetail option specified, do local version of ddtiming ****************************** if ("`x'"=="" & "`exp'"=="") & "`ddetail'"!="" & "`oldddtiming'"!="" { baconddtiming `y' `tr' `if' `in' , i(`i') t(`t') ms(`msymbols') mc(`mcolors') msiz(`msizes') `line' ddli(`ddline') stub(`stub') `options' } if !("`x'"=="") & "`exp'"=="" & "`ddetail'"!="" & "`oldddtiming'"!="" { di as err "ddetail with option oldddtiming only works without adjustment for control variables" err 198 } if ("`x'"=="") & !("`exp'"=="") & "`ddetail'"!="" & "`oldddtiming'"!="" { di as err "ddetail with option oldddtiming only works without weights" err 198 } if ("`x'"=="" & "`exp'"=="") & "`ddetail'"!="" & "`oldddtiming'"!="" { cap exit 601 } ****************************** *Create variables for graph STUB option in syntax; [stub] is prepended to any variables to be saved ****************************** * (check stub variable does not exist, or create tempvars if stub not specified) if "`stub'"=="" { tempvar T C S B R2 g cgroup } else { loc T="`stub'T" loc C="`stub'C" loc S="`stub'S" loc B="`stub'B" loc R2="`stub'R2" loc g="`stub'gp" loc cgroup="`stub'cgroup" } foreach var in T C { qui g str1 ``var''="" } foreach var in S B R2 cgroup { qui g byte ``var''=. } la var `T' "Bacon decomp 2x2 treated group" la var `C' "Bacon decomp 2x2 control group" la var `S' "Bacon decomp 2x2 weight" la var `B' "Bacon decomp 2x2 coefficient" la var `R2' "Bacon decomp 2x2 R-squared" cap la var `g' "Bacon decomp timing group" la var `cgroup' "Bacon decomp aggregation group" ****************************** *Check strongly balanced in nonmissing obs ****************************** markout `touse' `i' `t' `y' `tr' `x' qui xtset loc b=r(balanced) if "`b'"!="strongly balanced" { di as err "Panel must be strongly balanced, i.e. each panel must have the same set of time points" di as err "with nonmissing data on panel id, time, and covariates" di as txt "(panels are said to be strongly balanced if each panel contains the same time points," di as txt "weakly balanced if each panel contains the same number of observations but not the same" di as txt "time points, and unbalanced otherwise); see also " as smcl "{mansection XT xtset}" err 459 } ****************************** * Check treatment weakly increasing in time * will change after possibly working out * details of treatment turning on and off in a future paper ****************************** tempvar negt first last jump qui { gen `negt'=-`t' bys `touse' `i' (`negt'): g `first'=`tr'[_N] bys `touse' `i' (`t'): g `last'=`tr'[_N] bys `touse' `i' (`t'): g `jump'=`tr'-`tr'[_n-1] if `touse' } su `last', mean if (r(max)!=1) | !inlist(r(min),0,1) { di as err "Treatment variable `tr' does not have a maximum of one in last period" di as err "or has a minimum not either one or zero in last period" err 459 } su `first', mean if (r(min)!=0) | !inlist(r(max),0,1) { di as err "Treatment variable `tr' does not have a minimum of zero in first period" di as err "or has a maximum not either one or zero in first period" err 459 } su `jump', mean if (r(min)!=0) | (r(max)!=1) { di as err "Treatment variable `tr' does not weakly increase (0->1) over time periods" err 459 } ****************************** * Create variables for onset and timing groups (for dyads), calculations * this is like reverse engineering the t* variable from D ****************************** tempvar t1 onset never always samp tsamp dk qui { bys `touse' `i' (`t'): g `always'=(`tr'[1]==`tr'[_N]) & `tr'[1]==1 if `touse' bys `touse' `i' (`t'): g `never'=(`tr'[1]==`tr'[_N]) & `tr'[1]==0 if `touse' bys `touse' `i' (`t'): g `t1'=`t' if `jump'==1 & `touse' bys `touse' `i' (`t1'): g `onset'=`t1'[1] if `touse' ****************************** * Just make a consecutive variable for groups * to make it easier to loop through and map to observation numbers ****************************** qui egen long `g'=group(`onset') if `touse', lab su `g' if `touse', mean loc ntimegps=r(max) loc alwaysnever=0 loc anyalways=0 loc anynever=0 ****************************** * put always treated units at the end of the list of groups ****************************** count if `always'==1 & `touse' if r(N)>0 { qui replace `g'=`ntimegps'+1 if `always'==1 & `touse' la def `g' `=`ntimegps'+1' "Always", modify su `g' if `touse', mean loc ntimegps=r(max) loc alwaysnever=`alwaysnever'+1 loc anyalways=1 } ****************************** * put never treated units at the end of the list of groups (after always) ****************************** count if `never'==1 & `touse' if r(N)>0 { qui replace `g'=`ntimegps'+1 if `never'==1 & `touse' la def `g' `=`ntimegps'+1' "Never", modify su `g' if `touse', mean loc ntimegps=r(max) loc alwaysnever=`alwaysnever'+1 loc anynever=1 } qui compress `g' } * Mark sample to exclude cases with missing treatment onset markout `touse' `g' * Check treatment in {0,1} and restrict to balanced panel cap assert inlist(`tr',0,1) if `touse' if _rc!=0 { di as err "Treatment variable `tr' is not either 0 or 1 in all time periods in sample" err 459 } qui levelsof `t' if `touse', loc(ts) qui foreach i of loc ts { tempvar time`i' g byte `time`i''=(`t'==`i') if `touse' la var `time`i'' "`t'==`i'" loc timedummies `timedummies' `time`i'' } if "`exp'"!="" { loc wtexp `"[`weight'=`exp']"' } else loc exp "1" ****************************** * Estimate DiD model ****************************** **BACON: need to use this code for no controls AND separately do the detailed decomp here. qui xtreg `y' `tr' `x' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `touse', fe `options' tempname DDest origb origv scalar `DDest'=_b[`tr'] mat `origb'=e(b) mat `origv'=e(V) tempvar p d sumwt sumg samp Dtilde dp ptilde pgjtilde tempname VD Vb Vdp Rsq finals share BD Bp Beta finals *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** **BACON: #1 HERE'S THE BRANCH THAT EXECUTES THE UNCONTROLLED DECOMP (NO DDETAIL) *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** if "`x'"=="" & "`ddetail'"=="" { qui xtreg `y' `tr' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `touse', fe `options' tempname DDest origb origv scalar `DDest'=_b[`tr'] mat `origb'=e(b) mat `origv'=e(V) tempvar p d sumwt sumg samp Dtilde dp ptilde pgjtilde tempname VD Vb Vdp Rsq finals share BD Bp Beta finals ****************************** * comparisons across all timing groups * first tell user what is happening in case the regressions take a long time ****************************** loc index 1 di as txt "Computing decomposition across `ntimegps' timing groups" if `alwaysnever'>0 { di as txt "including " cond("`anyalways'"=="1","an always-treated group","") cond(`alwaysnever'==2," and ","") cond("`anynever'"=="1","a never-treated group","") } loc ncompare=`ntimegps' if `alwaysnever'>1 loc ncompare=`ntimegps'-1 * l is outer loop * k loops up to l-1 forv it=2/`ntimegps' { forv jt=1/`=`it'-1' { loc itstring="`:lab `g' `jt''" loc jtstring="`:lab `g' `it''" if "`debug'"!="" noi di as err "Treatment `itstring' and control `jtstring' " qui g byte `samp' =((`g'==`it')|(`g'==`jt'))&`touse' su `samp' if `touse' [aw=`exp'], mean scalar `share' = r(mean) ****************************** * this is VD so it shouldn't have the x's partialled out ****************************** if !(`alwaysnever'>1 & `it'==`ntimegps' & `jt'==`ntimegps'-1) { *get dyad variance qui xtreg `tr' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' qui predict double `Dtilde' if e(sample), e qui sum `Dtilde' [aw=`exp'] scalar `VD' = ((r(N)-1)/r(N))*r(Var) } else { scalar `VD' = 0 } *XXXXXXXXX scalar `finals' = (`share')^2*`VD' if !(`alwaysnever'>1 & `it'==`ntimegps' & `jt'==`ntimegps'-1) { ****get the proper X-adjusted dyad coef tempname BD Bb qui xtreg `y' `tr' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' scalar `Beta' = _b[`tr'] } qui { replace `T' = "`jtstring'" in `index' replace `C' = "`itstring'" in `index' replace `S' = `finals' in `index' replace `B' = `Beta' in `index' replace `cgroup'=1*(!inlist("`itstring'","Always","Never")&!inlist("`jtstring'","Always","Never"))+2*inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'")+3*inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'") in `index' * replace `T' = "Timing" if `cgroup'==1 * replace `C' = "Groups" if `cgroup'==1 loc index=`index'+1 } foreach name in samp Dtilde dp dk tsamp{ cap drop ``name'' } } } lab def `cgroup' 1 "Timing groups" 2 "Always treated vs timing" 3 "Never treated vs timing" 4 "Within" 5 "Always vs never treated", modify la val `cgroup' `cgroup' tempvar omega DD wgt sg tempname tb totals O ****************************** * rescale weights ****************************** su `S' if (`T'~="Within"), mean scalar `tb'=r(sum) qui gen double `sg' = `S'/scalar(`tb') if `T'~="Within" su `S', mean scalar `totals' = r(sum) qui gen double `DD' = `B' if !mi(`S') qui gen double `wgt' = `S'/`totals' if !mi(`S') } *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** **BACON: #2 HERE'S THE BRANCH THAT EXECUTES THE UNCONTROLLED DECOMP (WITH DDETAIL) *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** if "`x'"=="" & "`ddetail'"!="" { ****************************** * comparisons across all timing groups * first tell user what is happening in case the regressions take a long time ****************************** loc index 1 di as txt "Computing decomposition across `ntimegps' timing groups" if `alwaysnever'>0 { di as txt "including " cond("`anyalways'"=="1","an always-treated group","") cond(`alwaysnever'==2," and ","") cond("`anynever'"=="1","a never-treated group","") } loc ncompare=`ntimegps' if `alwaysnever'>1 loc ncompare=`ntimegps'-1 loc stoploop = `ncompare'-1 * l is outer loop * k loops up to l-1 forv it=2/`ntimegps' { forv jt=1/`=`it'-1' { loc itstring="`:lab `g' `it''" loc jtstring="`:lab `g' `jt''" **BACON: THIS PART IS DIFFERENT WITH DDETAIL--SAMPLE NEEDS TO RESTRICT ON TIME, TOO, **AND INCORPORATE THE WITHIN-SUBSAMPLE SHARES OF EACH GROUP **FIRST DO k vs l *DUMMY FOR GROUP l's PRE-PERIOD qui sum `t' if `tr'==0 & (`g'==`it') qui g byte `tsamp' = inrange(`t',r(min),r(max)) qui g byte `samp' =((`g'==`it')|(`g'==`jt')) & `tsamp' & `touse' su `samp' if `touse' [aw=`exp'], mean scalar `share' = r(mean) if `share'>0 { ****************************** * this is VD ****************************** if !(`alwaysnever'>1 & `it'==`ntimegps' & `jt'==`ntimegps'-1) { *get dyad variance qui xtreg `tr' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' qui predict double `Dtilde' if e(sample), e qui sum `Dtilde' [aw=`exp'] scalar `VD' = ((r(N)-1)/r(N))*r(Var) } else { scalar `VD' = 0 } scalar `finals' = (`share')^2*`VD' *compute + post block 1 if !(`alwaysnever'>1 & `it'==`ntimegps' & `jt'==`ntimegps'-1) { ****get the proper X-adjusted dyad coef tempname BD Bb qui xtreg `y' `tr' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' scalar `Beta' = _b[`tr'] } qui { if `finals'>0 { replace `T' = "`jtstring'" in `index' replace `C' = "`itstring'" in `index' replace `S' = `finals' in `index' replace `B' = `Beta' in `index' replace `cgroup'=1*(!inlist("`itstring'","Always","Never")&!inlist("`jtstring'","Always","Never")&`it'<`jt')+2*(!inlist("`itstring'","Always","Never")&!inlist("`jtstring'","Always","Never")&`it'>`jt')+3*(inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'")&!inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'"))+4*(inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'")&!inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'"))+5*(inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'")&inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'")) in `index' if "`debug'"!="" { loc cc=1*(!inlist("`itstring'","Always","Never")&!inlist("`jtstring'","Always","Never")&`it'<`jt')+2*(!inlist("`itstring'","Always","Never")&!inlist("`jtstring'","Always","Never")&`it'>`jt')+3*(inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'")&!inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'"))+4*(inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'")&!inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'"))+5*(inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'")&inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'")) di as err "in comp blo 1, putting `jtstring' for T, `itstring' for C, `=`finals'' for S, `=`Beta'' for B, and `cc' for G in `index'" } } loc index=`index'+1 } foreach name in samp Dtilde dp tsamp{ cap drop ``name'' } *comp block 2 *only do this when the "later" group isn't one of those last non-switchers if `it'<`stoploop'+1{ **DO THE l vs k part *DUMMY FOR GROUP k's POST-PERIOD qui sum `t' if `tr'==1 & (`g'==`jt') qui g byte `tsamp' = inrange(`t',r(min),r(max)) qui g byte `samp' =((`g'==`it')|(`g'==`jt')) & `tsamp' & `touse' su `samp' if `touse' [aw=`exp'], mean scalar `share' = r(mean) ****************************** * this is VD ****************************** if !(`alwaysnever'>1 & `it'==`ntimegps' & `jt'==`ntimegps'-1) { *get dyad variance qui xtreg `tr' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' qui predict double `Dtilde' if e(sample), e qui sum `Dtilde' [aw=`exp'] scalar `VD' = ((r(N)-1)/r(N))*r(Var) } else { scalar `VD' = 0 } scalar `finals' = (`share')^2*`VD' if !(`alwaysnever'>1 & `it'==`ntimegps' & `jt'==`ntimegps'-1) { ****get the proper X-adjusted dyad coef tempname BD Bb qui xtreg `y' `tr' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' scalar `Beta' = _b[`tr'] } qui { replace `T' = "`itstring'" in `index' replace `C' = "`jtstring'" in `index' replace `S' = `finals' in `index' replace `B' = `Beta' in `index' * replace `cgroup'=1*(!inlist("`itstring'","Always","Never")&!inlist("`jtstring'","Always","Never"))+2*inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'")+3*inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'") in `index' replace `cgroup'=1*(!inlist("`itstring'","Always","Never")&!inlist("`jtstring'","Always","Never")&(`it'>`jt'))+2*(!inlist("`itstring'","Always","Never")&!inlist("`jtstring'","Always","Never")&(`it'<`jt'))+3*(inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'")&!inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'"))+4*(inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'")&!inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'"))+5*(inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'")&inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'")) in `index' if "`debug'"!="" { loc cc=1*(!inlist("`itstring'","Always","Never")&!inlist("`jtstring'","Always","Never")&(`jt'<`it'))+2*(!inlist("`itstring'","Always","Never")&!inlist("`jtstring'","Always","Never")&(`jt'>`it'))+3*(inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'")&!inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'"))+4*(inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'")&!inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'"))+5*(inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'")&inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'")) di as err "in comp blo 2, putting `itstring' for T, `jtstring' for C, `=`finals'' for S, `=`Beta'' for B, and `cc' for G in `index'" } loc index=`index'+1 } foreach name in samp Dtilde dp dk tsamp { cap drop ``name'' } } } } } ***Uncontrolled decomp: show EARLY v LATE, LATE v EARLY instead of just "TIMING" lab def `cgroup' 1 "Late vs Early" 2 "Early vs Late" 3 "Always treated vs timing" 4 "Never treated vs timing" 5 "Always vs never treated", modify la val `cgroup' `cgroup' tempvar omega DD wgt sg tempname tb totals O ****************************** * rescale weights ****************************** su `S' if (`T'~="Within"), mean scalar `tb'=r(sum) qui gen double `sg' = `S'/scalar(`tb') if `T'~="Within" su `S', mean scalar `totals' = r(sum) qui gen double `DD' = `B' if !mi(`S') qui gen double `wgt' = `S'/`totals' if !mi(`S') } *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** **BACON: #3 HERE'S THE BRANCH THAT EXECUTES THE CONTROLLED DECOMP (NO DDETAIL) *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** if "`x'"~=""{ * Frisch-Waugh-Lovell Regression qui xtreg `tr' `x' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `touse', fe `options' qui predict double `p' if e(sample) qui predict double `d' if e(sample), ue ****************************** * collapse x's and p to the group/year level ****************************** loc xglist foreach v in `x' `p' { qui { tempvar g`v' bys `touse' `g' `t':g double `sumg'=sum(`v'*`exp') by `touse' `g' `t':g double `sumwt'=sum(`exp'/(`v'<.)) by `touse' `g' `t':g double `g`v''=`sumg'[_N]/`sumwt'[_N] if `touse' cap drop `sumg' `sumwt' if "`v'"!="`p'" loc xglist `xglist' `g`v'' } } ****************************** * comparisons across all timing groups * first tell user what is happening in case the regressions take a long time ****************************** loc index 1 di as txt "Computing decomposition across `ntimegps' timing groups" if `alwaysnever'>0 { di as txt "including " cond("`anyalways'"=="1","an always-treated group","") cond(`alwaysnever'==2," and ","") cond("`anynever'"=="1","a never-treated group","") } loc ncompare=`ntimegps' if `alwaysnever'>1 loc ncompare=`ntimegps'-1 * l is outer loop * k loops up to l-1 forv it=2/`ntimegps' { forv jt=1/`=`it'-1' { loc itstring="`:lab `g' `it''" loc jtstring="`:lab `g' `jt''" qui g byte `samp' =((`g'==`it')|(`g'==`jt'))&`touse' su `samp' if `touse' [aw=`exp'], mean scalar `share' = r(mean) ****************************** * this is VD so it shouldn't have the x's partialled out ****************************** if !(`alwaysnever'>1 & `it'==`ntimegps' & `jt'==`ntimegps'-1) { *get dyad variance qui xtreg `tr' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' qui predict double `Dtilde' if e(sample), e qui sum `Dtilde' [aw=`exp'] scalar `VD' = ((r(N)-1)/r(N))*r(Var) } else { scalar `VD' = 0 } ****************************** * this code partials FE out of the GROUP-level x's, not indiv-level hence `g`var'' ****************************** if !(`alwaysnever'>1 & `it'==`ntimegps' & `jt'==`ntimegps'-1) { local XXlist foreach var of varlist `x' { qui xtreg `g`var'' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' tempvar XX`var' qui predict double `XX`var'' if e(sample), e local XXlist `XXlist' `XX`var'' } cap drop `pgjtilde' qui reg `Dtilde' `XXlist' [aw=`exp'] scalar `Rsq' = e(r2) qui predict double `pgjtilde' if e(sample) drop `XXlist' *partialled out p in the dyad cap drop `ptilde' qui xtreg `g`p'' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' qui predict double `ptilde' if e(sample), e qui gen double `dp' = `pgjtilde' - `ptilde' if `samp' *get variance of "pg tilde" in the dyad qui sum `dp' [aw=`exp'] scalar `Vdp' = ((r(N)-1)/r(N))*r(Var) *weight: this is the variance of "dtilde" in the dyad. scalar `finals' = (`share')^2*((1-`Rsq')*`VD' + `Vdp') } else { scalar `VD' = 0 scalar `Vdp' = 0 scalar `Rsq' = 0 cap drop `ptilde' qui xtreg `g`p'' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' qui predict double `ptilde' if e(sample), e qui sum `ptilde' [aw=`exp'] scalar `Vb' = ((r(N)-1)/r(N))*r(Var) *weight: this is the variance of "dtilde" in the dyad. scalar `finals' = (`share')^2*(`Vb') } if !(`alwaysnever'>1 & `it'==`ntimegps' & `jt'==`ntimegps'-1) { ****get the proper X-adjusted dyad coef tempname BD Bb qui xtreg `y' `tr' `xglist' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' scalar `BD' = _b[`tr'] qui xtreg `y' `dp' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' scalar `Bb' = _b[`dp'] *The dyad "Beta" combines the proper controlled one and a term for how wrong the "FWL" coef is scalar `Beta' = ((1-`Rsq')*`VD'*`BD' + `Vdp'*`Bb')/((1-`Rsq')*`VD' + `Vdp') } else { ****get the proper X-adjusted dyad coef * tempname BD Bb qui xtreg `y' `g`p'' `timedummies' `wtexp' if `samp', fe `options' scalar `Beta' = -_b[`g`p''] } qui { replace `T' = "`jtstring'" in `index' replace `C' = "`itstring'" in `index' replace `S' = `finals' in `index' replace `B' = `Beta' in `index' replace `cgroup'=1*(!inlist("`itstring'","Always","Never")&!inlist("`jtstring'","Always","Never"))+2*inlist("Always","`itstring'","`jtstring'")+3*inlist("Never","`itstring'","`jtstring'") in `index' replace `T' = "Timing" if `cgroup'==1 replace `C' = "Groups" if `cgroup'==1 loc index=`index'+1 } foreach name in samp Dtilde dp { cap drop ``name'' } } } lab def `cgroup' 1 "Timing groups" 2 "Always treated vs timing" 3 "Never treated vs timing" 4 "Within" 5 "Always vs never treated", modify la val `cgroup' `cgroup' ****************************** * within part ****************************** tempname Bw Vw tempvar pw if `c(matsize)'<11000 cap set matsize 11000 qui xtreg `y' i.`g'##(`timedummies') `p' `wtexp' if `touse', fe `options' scalar `Bw' = -_b[`p'] qui xtreg `p' i.`g'##(`timedummies') `wtexp' if `touse', fe `options' qui predict double `pw' if e(sample), e qui sum `pw' [aw=`exp'] scalar `Vw' = ((r(N)-1)/r(N))*r(Var) qui replace `T' = "Within" in `index' qui replace `C' = "" in `index' qui replace `S' = `Vw' in `index' qui replace `B' = `Bw' in `index' qui replace `cgroup'=4 in `index' tempvar omega DD wgt sg tempname tb totals O ****************************** * rescale weights ****************************** su `S' if (`T'~="Within"), mean scalar `tb'=r(sum) qui gen double `sg' = `S'/scalar(`tb') if `T'~="Within" su `S', mean scalar `totals' = r(sum) qui g double `omega'= 1-scalar(`tb')/scalar(`totals') su `omega', mean scalar `O' = r(sum) qui gen double `DD' = `sg'*(1-`O')*`B'*(`T'~="Within")+`O'*`B'*(`T'=="Within") if !mi(`S') qui gen double `wgt' = `S'/`totals' if !mi(`S') } ****************************** * Post estimates * [ cvcwgt line once had wrong index value of 4 instead of 5 ] ****************************** tempname postb postv diagv output output1 output2 sumcalc summary summary1 summary2 summary3 forv ix=1/`index' { if ~mi(`=`B'[`ix']') & (`=`wgt'[`ix']'>0 & `=`wgt'[`ix']'<.) { mat `sumcalc'=nullmat(`sumcalc')\(`=`cgroup'[`ix']',`=`B'[`ix']',`=`wgt'[`ix']') if (`=`cgroup'[`ix']')==4 loc winest=`=`B'[`ix']' if (`=`cgroup'[`ix']')==4 loc winwgt=`=`wgt'[`ix']' if (`=`cgroup'[`ix']')==5 loc cvcest=`=`B'[`ix']' if (`=`cgroup'[`ix']')==5 loc cvcwgt=`=`wgt'[`ix']' mat `postb'=nullmat(`postb'),`=`B'[`ix']' mat `postv'=nullmat(`postv'),`=`wgt'[`ix']' mat `output1'=nullmat(`output1'),`=`B'[`ix']' mat `output2'=nullmat(`output2'),`=`wgt'[`ix']' loc rname `rname' "`=`T'[`ix']'`=cond("`=`C'[`ix']'"=="","","_")'`=`C'[`ix']'" } } if "`debug'"!="" di "sumcalc matrix" if "`debug'"!="" mat li `sumcalc' mata:st_matrix("`summary2'",panelsum(st_matrix("`sumcalc'")[.,3],panelsetup(st_matrix("`sumcalc'"),1))) mata:st_matrix("`summary1'",panelsum(st_matrix("`sumcalc'")[.,2],st_matrix("`sumcalc'")[.,3],panelsetup(st_matrix("`sumcalc'"),1)):/panelsum(st_matrix("`sumcalc'")[.,3],panelsetup(st_matrix("`sumcalc'"),1))) mata:st_matrix("`summary3'",panelsum(st_matrix("`sumcalc'")[.,1],panelsetup(st_matrix("`sumcalc'"),1)):/panelsum(st_matrix("`sumcalc'")[.,1]:<.,panelsetup(st_matrix("`sumcalc'"),1))) mat `summary'=`summary1',`summary2' if "`debug'"!="" di "summary matrix" if "`debug'"!="" mat li `summary' if "`debug'"!="" di "summary3 matrix" if "`debug'"!="" mat li `summary3' forv row=1/`=rowsof(`summary3')' { * T vs Never; T vs Always, Timing, Within, C vs C if `summary3'[`row',1]==1 loc sumrows `"`sumrows' "Timing_groups""' if `summary3'[`row',1]==2 loc sumrows `"`sumrows' "Always_v_timing""' if `summary3'[`row',1]==3 loc sumrows `"`sumrows' "Never_v_timing""' if `summary3'[`row',1]==4 loc sumrows `"`sumrows' "Within""' if `summary3'[`row',1]==5 loc sumrows `"`sumrows' "Always_v_never""' } if "`x'"=="" & "`ddetail'"!="" { loc sumrows forv row=1/`=rowsof(`summary3')' { * lab def `cgroup' 1 "Late vs Early" 2 "Early vs Late" 3 "Always treated vs timing" 4 "Never treated vs timing" 5 "Always vs never treated", modify if `summary3'[`row',1]==1 loc sumrows `"`sumrows' "Late_v_Early""' if `summary3'[`row',1]==2 loc sumrows `"`sumrows' "Early_v_Late""' if `summary3'[`row',1]==3 loc sumrows `"`sumrows' "Always_v_timing""' if `summary3'[`row',1]==4 loc sumrows `"`sumrows' "Never_v_timing""' if `summary3'[`row',1]==5 loc sumrows `"`sumrows' "Always_v_never""' } } mat rownames `summary'=`sumrows' mat colnames `summary'=Beta TotalWeight mat `output'=`output1'',`output2'' mat `diagv'=diag(`postv') mat rownames `postb'=y1 mat colnames `postb'=`rname' mat rownames `output'=`rname' mat colnames `output'=DDest Weight mat colnames `postv'=`rname' mat rownames `diagv'=`rname' mat colnames `diagv'=`rname' qui count if `touse' loc N = r(N) tempname subsetb subsetv matrix `subsetb' = `origb'[1,1] matrix `subsetv' = `origv'[1,1] mat rownames `subsetb'=y1 mat colnames `subsetb'=`tr' mat rownames `subsetv'=`tr' mat colnames `subsetv'=`tr' if "`debug'"!="" di "subsetb matrix" if "`debug'"!="" mat li `subsetb' if "`debug'"!="" di "subsetv matrix" if "`debug'"!="" mat li `subsetv' eret post `subsetb' `subsetv', esample(`touse') ereturn scalar N = `N' ereturn matrix dd = `postb' ereturn matrix wt = `postv' ereturn matrix sumdd = `summary', copy ereturn local depvar "`y'" ereturn local version "1.0.0" ereturn local cmd "bacondecomp" ereturn local properties "b V" eret di, eform(`eform') level(`level') matlist `summary', tw(20) tit(Bacon Decomposition) format(%12.0g) border(all) if "`debug'"!="" di "output matrix" if "`debug'"!="" mat li `output' ****************************** * Graphs, if not suppressed with nograph option ***BACON: NEED A DDETAIL GRAPH SYNTAX * currently just add gropt on the end of default options ****************************** if "`graph'"=="" { loc opt ytitle("2x2 DD Estimate") xtitle("Weight") ylabel(, nogrid) graphregion(fcolor(white) color(white) icolor(white) ) *plotregion(margin(medsmall)) margin(small) if "`line'"=="" loc opt `opt' yline(`=`DDest'', lwidth(thick) `ddline') loc capt `" "Overall DD Estimate = `: di `txtformat' `DDest''" "' if `alwaysnever'==2 & "`cvc'"=="" { loc capt `"`capt' "Always vs never treated = `: di `txtformat' `cvcest'' (weight = `: di `txtformat' `cvcwgt'')""' } if "`within'"=="" { loc capt `"`capt' "Within component = `: di `txtformat' `winest'' (weight = `: di `txtformat' `winwgt'')""' } loc opt `"`opt' caption(`capt')"' if "`debug'"!="" di `"`opt'"' qui levelsof `cgroup', loc(cgroups) loc cc 1 if "`msymbols'"=="" loc msymbols "oh t x d dh dh dh dh" if "`mcolors'"=="" loc mcolors "black gray black black black black black" if "`msizes'"=="" loc msizes "large large large large large large large large large" foreach c of loc cgroups { if "`cvc'"=="" & "`cc'"=="5" continue if "`within'"=="" & "`cc'"=="4" continue loc sym: word `cc' of `msymbols' loc col: word `cc' of `mcolors' loc siz: word `cc' of `msizes' loc sc `sc' sc `B' `wgt' if `cgroup'==`c', msym(`sym') msize(`siz') mcolor(`col')|| loc cc=`cc'+1 } if "`legend'"=="" & `alwaysnever'==2 { loc opt `opt' leg(lab(1 "Timing groups") lab(2 "Always treated vs timing") lab(3 "Never treated vs timing") lab(4 "Always vs never treated") lab(5 "Within")) } if "`legend'"=="" & `alwaysnever'==1 & `anyalways'==1 { loc opt `opt' leg(lab(1 "Timing groups") lab(2 "Always treated vs timing") lab(3 "Within")) } if "`legend'"=="" & `alwaysnever'==1 & `anynever'==1 { loc opt `opt' leg(lab(1 "Timing groups") lab(2 "Never treated vs timing") lab(3 "Within")) } if "`legend'"=="" & `alwaysnever'==0 { loc opt `opt' leg(off) } `sc', `opt' `gropt' } } end * adapted from ddtiming; took out save option and added stub option * version 0.1 11nov2018 Thomas Goldring, thomasgoldring@gmail.com /* CC0 license information: To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. This code is licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal license. The full legal text as well as a human-readable summary can be accessed at http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ cap program drop baconddtiming program define baconddtiming, eclass sortpreserve version 11.2 syntax varlist(min=2 max=2 numeric) [if], [i(varname numeric) /// t(varname numeric) Msymbols(string) MColors(string) MSIZes(string) /// DDLine(string) noLine stub(string) replace *] * Perform checks if "`i'" == "" { di as err `"A panel variable must be specified using option "i({it:panelvar})""' exit 198 } if "`t'" == "" { di as err `"A time variable must be specified using option "t({it:timevar})""' exit 198 } if "`ddline'" != "" & "`line'" != "" { di as err `"Cannot specify options "ddline" and "noline" together"' exit 198 } if "`replace'" == "" { if `"`savegraph'"' != "" { if regexm(`"`savegraph'"', "\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") confirm new file `"`savegraph'"' else confirm new file `"`savegraph'.gph"' } if `"`savedata'"' != "" { confirm new file `"`savedata'.csv"' confirm new file `"`savedata'.do"' } } * Mark sample marksample touse markout `touse' `i' `t' * Parse varlist tokenize `varlist' local y `1' local tr `2' * Check treatment variable is binary if !inlist(`tr',0,1) { di as error "Treatment variable must be binary 0/1" exit 198 } * Create temporary names and variables tempname untr_samp_share contr_samp_share tr_samp_share total_untr_samp_share /// tr_grps tr_share sigma_term1 sigma_term2 sigma /// tmp tmp_s tmp_mu tmp_s_mu tmp_s_1mu /// wt_untr wt_untr_tot wt_contr wt_contr_tot wt_tr_e wt_tr_e_tot /// wt_tr_l wt_tr_l_tot lrange urange savedatafile /// dd_untr_est dd_contr_est dd_e dd_l dd_e_tr_est dd_l_tr_est /// dd_est dd_wt dd_mat /// untr_est_avg contr_est_avg e_tr_est_avg l_tr_est_avg tempvar tr_time tr_never tr_before gr_dd_est gr_dd_wt gr_dd_type quietly { * Calculate treatment time noisily di as txt "Calculating treatment times..." bys `i' (`t'): gen `tr_time' = `t' * (sum(`tr') == 1 & sum(`tr'[_n-1]) == 0) if `touse' bys `i' (`tr_time'): replace `tr_time' = `tr_time'[_N] if `touse' * Indicators for never treated and already treated groups bys `i' (`t'): gen `tr_never' = (`tr'[_N] == 0 & `touse') bys `i' (`t'): gen `tr_before' = (`tr'[1] == 1 & `touse') replace `tr_time' = 0 if `tr_before' == 1 & `touse' * Indicator for presence of untreated group count if `tr_never' == 1 if r(N) > 0 local untr 1 else local untr 0 * Indicator for presence of already treated group count if `tr_before' == 1 if r(N) > 0 local contr 1 else local contr 0 * CREATE WEIGHTS * Group fraction of sample tab `tr_time' if `tr_time' == 0 & `tr_before' == 0 & `touse', matcell(`untr_samp_share') tab `tr_time' if `tr_time' == 0 & `tr_before' == 1 & `touse', matcell(`contr_samp_share') tab `tr_time' if `tr_time' != 0 & `touse', matcell(`tr_samp_share') tab `tr_time' if `touse' cap mat `untr_samp_share' = `untr_samp_share' / r(N) cap mat `contr_samp_share' = `contr_samp_share' / r(N) cap mat `tr_samp_share' = `tr_samp_share' / r(N) if `untr' == 1 & `contr' == 1 { mat `total_untr_samp_share' = `untr_samp_share' + `contr_samp_share' } else if `untr' == 1 & `contr' == 0 { mat `total_untr_samp_share' = `untr_samp_share' } else if `untr' == 0 & `contr' == 1 { mat `total_untr_samp_share' = `contr_samp_share' } * Fraction of time spent treated tab `tr_time' if `tr_time' != 0 & `touse', matrow(`tr_grps') // Treatment groups by treatment time forval k = 1/`= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { sum `tr' if `tr_time' == `tr_grps'[`k',1] & `touse', meanonly mat `tr_share' = nullmat(`tr_share')\r(mean) } * Variance of treatment if `untr' == 1 | `contr' == 1 { forval k = 1/`= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { scalar `tmp' = `tr_samp_share'[`k',1] * `total_untr_samp_share'[1,1] * `tr_share'[`k',1] * (1 - `tr_share'[`k',1]) mat `sigma_term1' = nullmat(`sigma_term1')\\`tmp' } } forval k = 1/`= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { local l = `k' + 1 while `l' <= `= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { mat `tmp' = `tr_samp_share'[`k',1] * `tr_samp_share'[`l',1] * (`tr_share'[`k',1] - `tr_share'[`l',1]) * (1 - (`tr_share'[`k',1] - `tr_share'[`l',1])) mat `sigma_term2' = nullmat(`sigma_term2')\\`tmp' local ++l } } if `untr' == 1 | `contr' == 1 { mata : st_matrix("`sigma'", colsum(st_matrix("`sigma_term1'")) + colsum(st_matrix("`sigma_term2'"))) } else { mata : st_matrix("`sigma'", colsum(st_matrix("`sigma_term2'"))) } noisily di as txt "Calculating weights..." * Weights where comparison group is untreated (never treated) if `untr' == 1 { forvalues k = 1/`= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { mat `tmp' = `k',0,((`tr_samp_share'[`k',1] * `untr_samp_share'[1,1] * `tr_share'[`k',1] * (1 - `tr_share'[`k',1])) / `sigma'[1,1]),3 mat `wt_untr' = nullmat(`wt_untr')\\`tmp' } mata : st_matrix("`wt_untr_tot'", colsum(st_matrix("`wt_untr'")[1...,3])) mata : st_matrix("`tmp'", st_matrix("`wt_untr'")[1...,3] / st_matrix("`wt_untr_tot'")) mat `wt_untr' = `wt_untr',`tmp' // Columns: treatment group, control group, weight, comparison type, weight scaled to 1 } * Weights where comparison group is untreated (already treated) if `contr' == 1 { forvalues k = 1/`= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { mat `tmp' = `k',0,((`tr_samp_share'[`k',1] * `contr_samp_share'[1,1] * `tr_share'[`k',1] * (1 - `tr_share'[`k',1])) / `sigma'[1,1]),4 mat `wt_contr' = nullmat(`wt_contr')\\`tmp' } mata : st_matrix("`wt_contr_tot'", colsum(st_matrix("`wt_contr'")[1...,3])) mata : st_matrix("`tmp'", st_matrix("`wt_contr'")[1...,3] / st_matrix("`wt_contr_tot'")) mat `wt_contr' = `wt_contr',`tmp' } * Weights where comparison group is ever treated forvalues k = 1/`= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { local l = `k' + 1 while `l' <= `= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { mat `tmp_s' = (`tr_samp_share'[`k',1] * `tr_samp_share'[`l',1] * (`tr_share'[`k',1] - `tr_share'[`l',1]) * (1 - (`tr_share'[`k',1] - `tr_share'[`l',1]))) / `sigma'[1,1] mat `tmp_mu' = (1 - `tr_share'[`k',1]) / (1 - (`tr_share'[`k',1] - `tr_share'[`l',1])) mat `tmp_s_mu' = `k',`l',(`tmp_s' * `tmp_mu'),1 mat `tmp_s_1mu' = `l',`k',(`tmp_s' * (1 - `tmp_mu')),2 mat `wt_tr_e' = nullmat(`wt_tr_e')\\`tmp_s_mu' // e = Treatment's treatment earlier than control's treatment mat `wt_tr_l' = nullmat(`wt_tr_l')\\`tmp_s_1mu' // l = Treatment's treatment later than control's treatment local ++l } } mata : st_matrix("`wt_tr_e'", sort(st_matrix("`wt_tr_e'"), (1,2))) mata : st_matrix("`wt_tr_l'", sort(st_matrix("`wt_tr_l'"), (1,2))) mata : st_matrix("`wt_tr_e_tot'", colsum(st_matrix("`wt_tr_e'")[1...,3])) mata : st_matrix("`tmp'", st_matrix("`wt_tr_e'")[1...,3] / st_matrix("`wt_tr_e_tot'")) mat `wt_tr_e' = `wt_tr_e',`tmp' // Columns: treatment group, control group, weight, comparison type, weight scaled to 1 mata : st_matrix("`wt_tr_l_tot'", colsum(st_matrix("`wt_tr_l'")[1...,3])) mata : st_matrix("`tmp'", st_matrix("`wt_tr_l'")[1...,3] / st_matrix("`wt_tr_l_tot'")) mat `wt_tr_l' = `wt_tr_l',`tmp' * ESTIMATE 2x2 DIFF-IN-DIFF REGRESSIONS noisily di as text "Estimating 2x2 diff-in-diff regressions..." * Never treated diff-in-diff estimates if `untr' == 1 { forvalues k = 1/`= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { sum `t' mat `tmp' = `k',0,`tr_grps'[`k',1],0,r(min),r(max),3 areg `y' `tr' i.`i' if (`tr_never' == 1 | `tr_time' == `tr_grps'[`k',1]) & `touse', a(`t') mat `tmp' = `tmp',_b[`tr'] mat `dd_untr_est' = nullmat(`dd_untr_est')\\`tmp' // Columns: (1) treatment group (2) control group (3) treatment's treatment time // (cont.) (4) control's treatment time (5) start time (6) end time // (cont.) (7) comparison category (8) diff-in-diff estimate } } * Already treated diff-in-diff estimates if `contr' == 1 { forvalues k = 1/`= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { sum `t' mat `tmp' = `k',0,`tr_grps'[`k',1],0,r(min),r(max),4 areg `y' `tr' i.`i' if (`tr_before' == 1 | `tr_time' == `tr_grps'[`k',1]) & `touse', a(`t') mat `tmp' = `tmp',_b[`tr'] mat `dd_contr_est' = nullmat(`dd_contr_est')\\`tmp' } } * Calculate lower and upper ranges for treatment time (only one range is used in each regression) sum `t' forvalues k = 1/`= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { mat `lrange' = nullmat(`lrange')\[r(min),`tr_grps'[`k',1] - 1] mat `urange' = nullmat(`urange')\[`tr_grps'[`k',1],r(max)] // Columns: (1) time lower bound (2) time upper bound } forvalues k = 1/`= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { // Treatment index forvalues l = 1/`= rowsof(`tr_grps')' { // Control index if `k' != `l' { mat `tmp' = `k',`l',`tr_grps'[`k',1],`tr_grps'[`l',1] if `tmp'[1,3] < `tmp'[1,4] { // If treatment's treatment time < control's treatment time mat `tmp' = `tmp',`lrange'[`l',1...],1 // ... use range below control's treatment time } else mat `tmp' = `tmp',`urange'[`l',1...],2 // ... else use range above control's treatment time if `k' < `l' mat `dd_e' = nullmat(`dd_e')\\`tmp' else mat `dd_l' = nullmat(`dd_l')\\`tmp' } } } local earlylate "e l" foreach x of local earlylate { forvalues k = 1/`= rowsof(`dd_`x'')' { areg `y' `tr' i.`i' if /// (`tr_time' == `dd_`x''[`k',3] | `tr_time' == `dd_`x''[`k',4]) & /// `t' >= `dd_`x''[`k',5] & `t' <= `dd_`x''[`k',6] & `touse', a(`t') mat `dd_`x'_tr_est' = nullmat(`dd_`x'_tr_est')\_b[`tr'] } mat `dd_`x'_tr_est' = `dd_`x'',`dd_`x'_tr_est' mata : st_matrix("`dd_`x'_tr_est'", sort(st_matrix("`dd_`x'_tr_est'"), (1,2))) } * Stitch DD and weights matrices together mat `dd_est' = `dd_e_tr_est'\\`dd_l_tr_est' mat `dd_wt' = `wt_tr_e'\\`wt_tr_l' if `untr' == 1 { mat `dd_est' = `dd_est'\\`dd_untr_est' mat `dd_wt' = `dd_wt'\\`wt_untr' } if `contr' == 1 { mat `dd_est' = `dd_est'\\`dd_contr_est' // 2x2 DD estimates matrix mat `dd_wt' = `dd_wt'\\`wt_contr' // Weights matrix } * Put matrices in tempvars for graphing gen `gr_dd_est' = . gen `gr_dd_wt' = . gen `gr_dd_type' = . forval k = 1/`= rowsof(`dd_est')' { replace `gr_dd_est' = `dd_est'[`k',8] in `k' replace `gr_dd_wt' = `dd_wt'[`k',3] in `k' replace `gr_dd_type' = `dd_est'[`k',7] in `k' } } // Ends quietly * Calculate DD estimate mata : st_matrix("`dd_mat'", st_matrix("`dd_est'")[1...,8] :* st_matrix("`dd_wt'")[1...,3]) mata : st_matrix("`dd_mat'", colsum(st_matrix("`dd_mat'"))) // Two-way FE estimate * Calculate weighted DD estimates by comparison type if `untr' == 1 { mata : st_matrix("`untr_est_avg'", st_matrix("`dd_untr_est'")[1...,8] :* st_matrix("`wt_untr'")[1...,5]) mata : st_matrix("`untr_est_avg'", colsum(st_matrix("`untr_est_avg'"))) } if `contr' == 1 { mata : st_matrix("`contr_est_avg'", st_matrix("`dd_contr_est'")[1...,8] :* st_matrix("`wt_contr'")[1...,5]) mata : st_matrix("`contr_est_avg'", colsum(st_matrix("`contr_est_avg'"))) } mata : st_matrix("`e_tr_est_avg'", st_matrix("`dd_e_tr_est'")[1...,8] :* st_matrix("`wt_tr_e'")[1...,5]) mata : st_matrix("`l_tr_est_avg'", st_matrix("`dd_l_tr_est'")[1...,8] :* st_matrix("`wt_tr_l'")[1...,5]) mata : st_matrix("`e_tr_est_avg'", colsum(st_matrix("`e_tr_est_avg'"))) mata : st_matrix("`l_tr_est_avg'", colsum(st_matrix("`l_tr_est_avg'"))) * PREPARE GRAPH * Define scatter command forval k = 1/4 { local scatter`k' "scatter `gr_dd_est' `gr_dd_wt' if `gr_dd_type' == `k'" } * Define labels local legend1 `"lab(1 "Earlier Group Treatment vs. Later Group Control")"' local legend2 `"lab(2 "Later Group Treatment vs. Earlier Group Control")"' if `untr' == 1 local legend3 `"lab(3 "Treatment vs. Never Treated")"' if `untr' == 1 & `contr' == 1 local legend4 `"lab(4 "Treatment vs. Already Treated")"' if `untr' == 0 & `contr' == 1 local legend4 `"lab(3 "Treatment vs. Already Treated")"' * Define marker symbols local msym1 "X" local msym2 "X" local msym3 "T" local msym4 "Oh" if "`msymbols'" != "" { forval k = 1/`: word count `msymbols'' { local msym`k' : word `k' of `msymbols' } } * Define marker colors local mcol1 "gs8" local mcol2 "black" local mcol3 "gs6" local mcol4 "black" if "`mcolors'" != "" { forval k = 1/`: word count `mcolors'' { local mcol`k' : word `k' of `mcolors' } } * Define marker sizes local msiz1 "medium" local msiz2 "medium" local msiz3 "medium" local msiz4 "medium" if "`msizes'" != "" { forval k = 1/`: word count `msizes'' { local msiz`k' : word `k' of `msizes' } } forval k = 1/4 { local scatter`k' "(`scatter`k'', ms(`msym`k'') mc(`mcol`k'') msiz(`msiz`k''))" } if `untr' == 0 local scatter3 "" if `contr' == 0 local scatter4 "" if "`line'" == "" { local gr_dd = `dd_mat'[1,1] local yline "yline(`gr_dd',`ddline')" } else local yline "" local graphcmd tw `scatter1' `scatter2' `scatter3' `scatter4', /// xlabel(,format(%5.2f)) ytitle("2x2 DD Estimate") xtitle("Weight") /// `yline' graphregion(color(white)) legend(col(1) `legend_order' /// `legend1' `legend2' `legend3' `legend4') `options' `graphcmd' local graphsave tw (scatter dd_est dd_wt if dd_type == 1) /// (scatter dd_est dd_wt if dd_type == 2) if `untr' == 1 local graphsave `graphsave' (scatter dd_est dd_wt if dd_type == 3) if `contr' == 1 local graphsave `graphsave' (scatter dd_est dd_wt if dd_type == 4) local graphsave_opts xlabel(,format(%5.2f)) ytitle("2x2 DD Estimate") xtitle("Weight") /// `yline' graphregion(color(white)) legend(col(1) `legend_order' /// `legend1' `legend2' `legend3' `legend4') `options' * Save graph if `"`savegraph'"' != "" { if regexm(`"`savegraph'"',"\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") local graphextension = regexs(0) /// Check file extension using a regular expression if inlist(`"`graphextension'"',".gph","") graph save `"`savegraph'"', `replace' else graph export `"`savegraph'"', `replace' } * Return scalars ereturn clear ereturn scalar dd = `dd_mat'[1,1] ereturn scalar dd_avg_e = `e_tr_est_avg'[1,1] ereturn scalar dd_avg_l = `l_tr_est_avg'[1,1] if `untr' == 1 { ereturn scalar dd_avg_u = `untr_est_avg'[1,1] } if `contr' == 1 { ereturn scalar dd_avg_a = `contr_est_avg'[1,1] } ereturn scalar wt_sum_e = `wt_tr_e_tot'[1,1] ereturn scalar wt_sum_l = `wt_tr_l_tot'[1,1] if `untr' == 1 { ereturn scalar wt_sum_u = `wt_untr_tot'[1,1] } if `contr' == 1 { ereturn scalar wt_sum_a = `wt_contr_tot'[1,1] } * Print output di as smcl as txt "" di as smcl as txt "Diff-in-diff estimate: " as res %-9.3f `dd_mat'[1,1] di as smcl as txt "" di as smcl as txt "DD Comparison Weight Avg DD Est" di as smcl as txt "{hline 49}" di as smcl as txt "Earlier T vs. Later C " as res %5.3f `wt_tr_e_tot'[1,1] " " as res %9.3f `e_tr_est_avg'[1,1] di as smcl as txt "Later T vs. Earlier C " as res %5.3f `wt_tr_l_tot'[1,1] " " as res %9.3f `l_tr_est_avg'[1,1] if `untr' == 1 { di as smcl as txt "T vs. Never treated " as res %5.3f `wt_untr_tot'[1,1] " " as res %9.3f `untr_est_avg'[1,1] } if `contr' == 1 { di as smcl as txt "T vs. Already treated " as res %5.3f `wt_contr_tot'[1,1] " " as res %9.3f `contr_est_avg'[1,1] } di as smcl as txt "{hline 49}" di as smcl as txt "T = Treatment; C = Control" * Save data if "`stub'" != "" { * "dd_est,weight,weight_rescale,time_lower,time_upper,dd_type" columns foreach v in dd_est weight weight_rescale time_lower time_upper dd_type { g `stub'`v'=. } forvalues k = 1/`= rowsof(`dd_est')' { replace `stub'dd_est = (`dd_est'[`k',8]) in `k' replace `stub'weight = (`dd_wt'[`k',3]) in `k' replace `stub'weight_rescale = (`dd_wt'[`k',5]) replace `stub'time_lower = (`dd_est'[`k',5]) replace `stub'time_upper = (`dd_est'[`k',6]) replace `stub'dd_type = (`dd_est'[`k',7]) } label var `stub'dd_est "2x2 DD estimate" label var `stub'weight "2x2 DD weight" label var `stub'weight_rescale "2x2 DD weight rescaled within comparison type" label var `stub'time_lower "2x2 DD time lower bound" label var `stub'time_upper "2x2 DD time upper bound" label var `stub'dd_type "2x2 DD type" label define `stub'dd_type 1 "Earlier T vs. Later C" 2 "Later T vs. Earlier C" 3 "T vs. Never T" 4 "T vs. Already T" label values `stub'dd_type `stub'dd_type } * Save data if "`savedata'" != "" { file open `savedatafile' using `"`savedata'.csv"', write text `replace' file write `savedatafile' "dd_est,weight,weight_rescale,time_lower,time_upper,dd_type" _n // Row headers forvalues k = 1/`= rowsof(`dd_est')' { file write `savedatafile' (`dd_est'[`k',8]) "," (`dd_wt'[`k',3]) "," (`dd_wt'[`k',5]) "," (`dd_est'[`k',5]) "," (`dd_est'[`k',6]) "," (`dd_est'[`k',7]) _n } file close `savedatafile' di as smcl as txt "" di as smcl as txt `"File `savedata'.csv written containing saved data"' * Save a do-file with the commands to generate a labeled dataset and re-create the ddtiming graph file open `savedatafile' using `"`savedata'.do"', write text `replace' file write `savedatafile' `"insheet using `savedata'.csv"' _n _n file write `savedatafile' `"label var dd_est "2x2 DD estimate""' _n file write `savedatafile' `"label var weight "2x2 DD weight""' _n file write `savedatafile' `"label var weight_rescale "2x2 DD weight rescaled within comparison type""' _n file write `savedatafile' `"label var time_lower "2x2 DD time lower bound""' _n file write `savedatafile' `"label var time_upper "2x2 DD time upper bound""' _n file write `savedatafile' `"label var dd_type "2x2 DD types""' _n _n file write `savedatafile' `"label define dd_type 1 "Earlier T vs. Later C" 2 "Later T vs. Earlier C" 3 "T vs. Never T" 4 "T vs. Already T""' _n file write `savedatafile' `"label values dd_type dd_type"' _n _n file write `savedatafile' `"`graphsave'"' `"`graphsave_opts'"' _n file close `savedatafile' di as smcl as txt `"File `savedata'.do written containing commands to process saved data"' } end exit