version 13 capture mata mata drop xlsetup() capture mata mata drop __basetable_to_xl() mata: class xlsetup { private: void reset(), set_xl() public: string scalar filename, fileext, sheetname real scalar rowpos, colpos, replacesheet, xl_is_set class xl scalar xl void new(), destroy(), set(), show(), insert_matrix() } void xlsetup::new() { this.reset() } void xlsetup::destroy() { this.xl.close_book() } void xlsetup::reset() { this.filename = "" this.fileext = "xlsx" this.sheetname = "" this.rowpos = 1 this.colpos = 1 this.replacesheet = 0 } void xlsetup::set(string scalar rgxtxt) { real scalar r this.reset() rgxf = "^(.+)\.(xls) *, *(.+) *, *([0-9]+) *, *([0-9]+) *, *(r|replace) *, *\(([0-9 ,]+)\)$", "^(.+)\.(xls) *, *(.+) *, *([0-9]+) *, *([0-9]+) *, *(r|replace)$", "^(.+)\.(xls) *, *(.+) *, *([0-9]+) *, *([0-9]+)$", "^(.+)\.(xls) *, *(.+) *, *(r|replace) *, *\(([0-9 ,]+)\)$", "^(.+)\.(xls) *, *(.+) *, *\(([0-9 ,]+)\)$", "^(.+)\.(xls) *, *(.+) *, *(r|replace)$", "^(.+)\.(xls) *, *(.+)$", "" for(r=1;r<=cols(rgxf);r++) if ( regexm(rgxtxt, rgxf[r]) ) break if ( r == 1 ) { this.filename = regexs(1) this.fileext = regexs(2) this.sheetname = regexs(3) this.rowpos = strtoreal(regexs(4)) this.colpos = strtoreal(regexs(5)) this.replacesheet = 1 printf(`"{error: Warning!! Coulumn widths can not be set in Stata version 13!}"') } else if ( r == 2 ) { this.filename = regexs(1) this.fileext = regexs(2) this.sheetname = regexs(3) this.rowpos = strtoreal(regexs(4)) this.colpos = strtoreal(regexs(5)) this.replacesheet = 1 } else if ( r == 3 ) { this.filename = regexs(1) this.fileext = regexs(2) this.sheetname = regexs(3) this.rowpos = strtoreal(regexs(4)) this.colpos = strtoreal(regexs(5)) } else if ( r == 4 ) { this.filename = regexs(1) this.fileext = regexs(2) this.sheetname = regexs(3) this.replacesheet = 1 printf(`"{error: Warning!! Coulumn widths can not be set in Stata version 13!}"') } else if ( r == 5 ) { this.filename = regexs(1) this.fileext = regexs(2) this.sheetname = regexs(3) printf(`"{error: Warning!! Coulumn widths can not be set in Stata version 13!}"') } else if ( r == 6 ) { this.filename = regexs(1) this.fileext = regexs(2) this.sheetname = regexs(3) this.replacesheet = 1 } else if ( r == 7 ) { this.filename = regexs(1) this.fileext = regexs(2) this.sheetname = regexs(3) } else { printf(`"\nxlsetup Error help:\n"') printf(`"Mandatory are an XL file name (Extension xls), a sheetname (no commas).\n"') printf(`"Optional are row and column number for placement on sheet. Defaults are (1,1).\n"') printf(`"Optional is "r" or "replace" for replace sheet. Default is no.\n"') printf(`"All comma separated.\n\n"') _error(sprintf(`"ERROR: "%s" can not be parsed!"', rgxtxt)) } } void xlsetup::show() { printf(`"\nSaved in "%s.%s" at sheet "%s" in position (row, col) = (%f, %f).\n"', this.filename, this.fileext, this.sheetname, this.rowpos, this.colpos) printf(`"The sheet is %sreplaced.\n\n"', this.replacesheet ? "" : "not ") } void xlsetup::set_xl() { string scalar xlbookname, path if ( this.filename == "" ) _error("Class xlsetup is not set.") xlbookname = invtokens((this.filename, this.fileext), ".") if ( fileexists(xlbookname) ) { this.xl.load_book(xlbookname) if ( all(xl.get_sheets() :!= this.sheetname) ) { this.xl.add_sheet(this.sheetname) } else { if ( this.replacesheet ) { //xl.set_sheet(this.sheetname) this.xl.clear_sheet(this.sheetname) } else { _error(sprintf("Excel sheet |%s| is already in |%s|", this.sheetname, xlbookname)) } } } else { pathsplit(xlbookname, path, fn) if ( direxists(path) ) { this.xl.create_book(xlbookname, this.sheetname) } else { _error(sprintf("Path |%s| do not exist", path)) } } } void xlsetup::insert_matrix(string matrix strmat) { real scalar c, col real vector colwidth this.set_xl() this.xl.put_string(this.rowpos, this.colpos, strmat) } void __basetable_to_xl( class basetable scalar tbl, string scalar xl_txt, | real scalar show_pv, real scalar show_total) { class xlsetup scalar xlz real rowvector slct_columns string scalar str_regex string matrix M if ( show_total ) str_regex = "Total" if ( show_pv ) str_regex = "P-value" if ( show_total & show_pv ) str_regex = "Total|P-value" slct_columns = tbl.regex_select_columns(str_regex) xlz.set(xl_txt) // M = tbl.output[., slct_columns] xlz.insert_matrix(M) } end