capture program drop basetable_example_data program define basetable_example_data *Retrieve a sample dataset: use low age race ftv smoke using "", clear *Variable labels and value labels can be set to make the table publication ready: label define low 0 "Normal" 1 "Low" label values low low label define ftv 0 "0 visits" 1 "1 visit" 2 "2 visits" 3 "3 visits" 4 "4 visits" 5 "5 visits" 6 "6 visits" label values ftv ftv *Creating a sample dataset and missings: replace low = . in 4/6 replace age = . in 5/8 replace race = . in 3/8 *Generate a significant test to demonstrate the use less than signs at P values: replace age = age + 2 if !low end