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[R] bitobit -- Bivariate Tobit regression


bitobit estimate [if] [in] , y1(depvar1) y2(depvar2) x1(varlist) x2(varlist) censor1(varname) censor1(varname) [level(#)]


bitobit fits a two equation seemingly-unrelated model of the y1 variable on the x1 variables and the y2 variable on the x2 variables, where the censoring status is determined by the censor1 and censor2 variables.


estimate Any arbitrary string of letters or numbers could be substituted for the word "estimate"; an argument before the comma is required so the syntax command recognizes this as an estimation command and not a replay command.

y1 designates the dependent variable in the first equation.

y2 designates the dependent variable in the second equation.

x1 designates the independent variables in the first equation.

x2 designates the independent variables in the second equation.

censor1 designates the variable that indicates the censoring status of the first equation. For observations where this variable takes on a value of zero, the actual value is equal to the observed value of y1 (no censoring). For observations where this variable takes on a value of one, the actual value is above the observed value of y1 (left censoring). For observations where this variable takes on a value of negative one, the actual value is less than the observed value of y1 (right censoring).

censor2 designates the variable that indicates the censoring status of the second equation. For observations where this variable takes on a value of zero, the actual value is equal to the observed value of y2 (no censoring). For observations where this variable takes on a value of one, the actual value is above the observed value of y2 (left censoring). For observations where this variable takes on a value of negative one, the actual value is less than the observed value of y2 (right censoring).

The behavior of this routine is undefined if censor1 or censor2 contain values other than -1, 0, or 1.


Fixed censoring threshhold

. generate fridge_censor = 0

. replace fridge_censor = -1 if refrigerators == 0

. generate wash_censor = 0

. replace wash_censor = -1 if washing_machines == 0

. bitobit estimate, y1(refrigerators) x1(temperature food_price interest_rate GDP) y2(washing_machines) x2(interest_rate GDP clothes_price dry_cleaning_price) censor1(fridge_censor) censor2(wash_censor)

Variable censoring threshhold

. bitobit estimate, y1(age_entering_league) x1(height weight family_income) y2(age_leaving_league) x2(height weight family_income) censor1(hasnt_joined_league_to_date) censor2(hasnt_left_league_to_date)


Daniel Lawson, Drew University,
