{smcl} {* *! version 2.0.0 09/08/2020}{...} {hline} {cmd:help bootsamb} [STB-38; snp13] {hline} {title:Title} {p2colset 5 18 20 2}{...} {p2col :{hi:bootsamb} {hline 2}} Smoothed bootstrap samples generator for Silverman test of multimodality (Updated version){p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Syntax} {p 8 17 2} {cmd:boot bootsamb}{cmd:,} {cmdab:ar:gs(}{it:xvar criticalbw sdx}{cmd:)} {cmdab:i:terate(}{it:#}{cmd:)} {title:Description} {pstd}{cmd:bootsamb} is used with Stata's {hi:boot} command to generate smoothed bootstrap samples to be used by {cmd:silvtest1} to perform the multimodality test proposed by Silverman (1981). {title:Options} {phang}{opt args}({it:xvar criticalbw sdx}) {hi:xvar} is the variable to analize, {hi:criticalbw} is the critical bandwidth to the number of modes to be tested and {hi:sdx} is the standard deviation of xvar. {phang}{opt iterate}({it:#}) specify the number ({it:#}) of bootstrap samples {title:Remarks} {hi:xvar}, {hi:criticalbw}, and {hi:sdx}, are not optional. These values are required by the {cmd:boot} command. If the user does not provide them, the program halts and displays an error message on screen. This program adjust (smooth) the bootstrap samples generated by Stata's {cmd:boot} command according to Silverman (1981) to perform his propossed multimodality test. The program must be applied sequentially to each of the several number of modes to be tested. {title:Examples} {phang}{stata ". use silica2"} {phang}{stata "boot bootsamb, args(silica 2.4 4.291535) i(600)" :. boot bootsamb, args(silica 2.4 4.291535) i(600)}{p_end} {pstd}Will generate 600 smoothed bootstrap samples to be used by the {cmd:silvtes1} command {title:References} Izenman, A.J., and C. Sommer (1988) Philatelic mixtures and multimodal densities. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83(404): 941-953. Haerdle, W. (1991) Smoothing Techniques with Implementation in S. Springer-Verlag Chapter 2: 43-84; Chapters 1-2: 1-84. Salgado-Ugarte, I.H. (2002) Suavización no paramétrica para análisis de datos. DGAPA and FES Zaragoza, UNAM. Mexico. 139 p. Salgado-Ugarte, I.H., M. Shimizu, and T. Taniuchi (1993) snp6: Exploring the shape of univariate data using kernel density estimators. Stata Technical Bulletin 16: 8-19. Salgado-Ugarte, I.H., M. Shimizu, and T. Taniuchi (1995) snp6.1: ASH, WARPing, and kernel density estimation for univariate data. Stata Technical Bulletin 26: 23-31. Salgado-Ugarte, I.H., M. Shimizu, and T. Taniuchi (1995) snp6.2: Practical Rules for bandwidth selection in univariate density estimation. Stata Technical Bulletin 27: 5-19. Salgado-Ugarte, I.H., M. Shimizu, and T. Taniuchi (1997) snp13: Nonparametric assessment of multimodality for univariate data. Stata Technical Bulletin 38: 27-35. Scott, D.W. (1992) Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization. John Wiley Chapter 6: 125-143; Chapters 3-6: 47-193. Silverman, B.W. (1981) Using kernel density estimates to investigate multimodality. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, 43: 97-99. Silverman, B.W. (1986) Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis. Chapman and Hall. {title:Authors} Original version: Isaias Hazarmabeth Salgado-Ugarte Updated version: Isaías Hazarmabeth Salgado-Ugarte & V. Mitsui Saito-Quezada Laboratorio de Biometría y Biología Pesquera Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México isalgado@unam.mx {title:Also see} {psee} STB: snp6 (STB-16); snp6.1 (STB-26); snp6.2 (STB-27), snp13 (STB-38) {phang}On-line: {hi:help} for {help warpdenm1}, {help kerneld}, {help bandw1}, {help l2cvwarpy}, {help bcvwarpy}, {help numodes}, {help nuamodes} {p_end}