*! brrtab.ado version 1.1 Nicholas Winter 15Nov2001 * * program define brrtab /*-DEBUGGING: SET THE FOLLOWING TO BLANK TO DISPLAY CALLS TO BRRCALC; * TO SUPPRESS-*/ global dbug * /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ version 6 if replay() { if `"`e(cmd)'"'!="svytab" { error 301 } Display `0' /* display results */ exit } nobreak { capture noisily break { tempvar doit subvar SvyParse `doit' `subvar' `0' local dopt "$S_VYdopt" /* save display options */ SvyTab `doit' `subvar' } local rc = _rc macro drop S_VY* if `rc' { estimates clear exit `rc' } } Display, `dopt' /* display results */ global dbug end program define SvyTab, eclass args doit subvar tempname /* matrices */ Obs ObsSub b V Vdeff cstub rstub b0 row col /* */ Vrow Vcol Vfrow Vfcol X1 X2 D Da tempname /* scalars */ s zero Xp Xlr Wl Wp tr tr2 tra tr2a /* */ mgdeff cv total N_pop tempvar cat if "$S_VYwgt"!="" { local wt "[iw=$S_VYexp]" } /* Set-up for inclusion of tab() variable. */ if "$S_VYtab"!="" { local mult "$S_VYtab*" local vartype : type $S_VYtab local type "ratio" Total `total' $S_VYtab `doit' `subvar' } else { local vartype "byte" local type "mean" } /* Generate 0/1 dummies. */ quietly { sort `doit' $S_VYvar1 $S_VYvar2 by `doit' $S_VYvar1 $S_VYvar2: gen byte `cat' = (_n==1) /* */ if `doit' /* trace1 */ if "$S_VYsub" ~= "" { tab $S_VYvar1 $S_VYvar2 if `doit' , /* */ matcell(`ObsSub') subpop($S_VYsvar) } tab $S_VYvar1 $S_VYvar2 if `doit', $S_VYmiss matcell(`Obs') /* */ matrow(`rstub') matcol(`cstub') mat `rstub' = `rstub'' local nrow = _result(2) local ncol = _result(3) replace `cat' = sum(`cat') if `doit' local ncat = `cat'[_N] local k 1 while `k' <= `ncat' { tempvar x gen `vartype' `x' = `mult'(`cat'==`k') if `doit' local vars "`vars' `x' $S_VYtab" /* cell proportions */ local vt "`vt' `x'" /* totals */ local k = `k' + 1 } if "$S_VYse"=="row" | "$S_VYse"=="column" { if "$S_VYse"=="row" { local var $S_VYvar1 local colo "*" } else { local var $S_VYvar2 local rowo "*" } tempvar catx sort `doit' `var' by `doit' `var': gen byte `catx' = (_n==1) /* */ if `doit' replace `catx' = sum(`catx') if `doit' local ncatx = `cat'[_N] local i 1 while `i' <= `ncatx' { tempvar x`i' gen `vartype' `x`i'' = `mult'(`catx'==`i') /* */ if `doit' local i = `i' + 1 } local i 1 local j 1 local k 1 while `k' <= `ncat' { tempvar x gen `vartype' `x' = `mult'(`cat'==`k') if `doit' while `Obs'[`i',`j'] == 0 { local j = mod(`j',`ncol')+1 local i = cond(`j'==1,`i'+1,`i') } `rowo' local vs "`vs' `x' `x`i''" `colo' local vs "`vs' `x' `x`j''" local k = `k' + 1 local j = mod(`j',`ncol')+1 local i = cond(`j'==1,`i'+1,`i') } } } /* Put value labels into stub vectors. */ ValueLab $S_VYvar1 `rstub' 1 ValueLab $S_VYvar2 `cstub' 2 /* Call to _svy for point estimates and variance of proportions. */ if "$S_VYse"!="count" { local opts "vsrs(`Vdeff') $S_VYsrss" } $dbug di "brrcalc `vars' `wt' if `doit', type(`type') $S_VYopt b(`b') v(`V') brrw($S_BRRW) `opts' dof($S_VYdof)" brrcalc `vars' `wt' if `doit', type(`type') $S_VYopt /* */ b(`b') v(`V') brrw($S_BRRW) `opts' dof($S_VYdof) local n `r(N)' global S_VYnobs `r(N)' global S_VYnstr `r(N_strata)' global S_VYnpsu `r(N_psu)' scalar `N_pop' = r(N_pop) if "$S_VYtab"=="" { if "$S_VYsub"=="" { scalar `total' = r(N_pop) } else scalar `total' = r(N_subpop) } if "$S_VYsub"!="" { global S_VYosub `r(N_sub)' tempname N_spop scalar `N_spop' = r(N_subpop) } /* Get variance of totals. */ if "$S_VYwald"!="" | "$S_VYse"=="count" { if "$S_VYse"=="count" { tempname bs local topts "b(`bs') vsrs(`Vdeff') $S_VYsrss" } tempname Vt $dbug di "brrcalc `vt' `wt' if `doit', type(total) $S_VYopt v(`Vt') brrw($S_BRRW) `topts'" brrcalc `vt' `wt' if `doit', type(total) $S_VYopt /* */ v(`Vt') brrw($S_BRRW) `topts' } /* Get variance estimates for row or column proportions. */ if "$S_VYse"=="row" | "$S_VYse"=="column" { tempname bs Vs $dbug di "brrcalc `vs' `wt' if `doit', type(ratio) $S_VYopt b(`bs') v(`Vs') brrw($S_BRRW*)" brrcalc `vs' `wt' if `doit', type(ratio) $S_VYopt /* */ b(`bs') v(`Vs') brrw($S_BRRW*) } /* If `ncat'!=`nrow'*`ncol', then zeros need to be added to `b'. */ if `ncat'!=`nrow'*`ncol' { AddZeros `Obs' `b' `V' `Vdeff' `Vt' `bs' `Vs' } /* Get marginal row and column sums. */ Marginal `nrow' `ncol' `b' `row' `col' /* Get variance estimates for margins. */ if "$S_VYse"!="count" { VMargin `nrow' `ncol' `V' `Vrow' `Vcol' } else VMargin `nrow' `ncol' `Vt' `Vrow' `Vcol' VMargin `nrow' `ncol' `Vdeff' `Vfrow' `Vfcol' /* Get expected values of proportions assuming independence: b0 = pi.*p.j. */ Getb0 `row' `col' `b0' /* `zero' = true if there is a zero in marginal totals (sum of weights must be zero for this to occur). */ ChkZero `row' `col' `zero' /* `one' = true if there is only one row or column. */ local one = (`nrow'==1 | `ncol'==1) if !`zero' & !`one' { /* Compute unadjusted statistics. */ /* Pearson statistic. */ Pearson `n' `b' `b0' `Xp' /* Likelihood ratio statistic. */ LikeRat `n' `b' `b0' `Xlr' /* Get contrasts for test of independence. */ IndCon `nrow' `ncol' `X1' `X2' /* Compute adjustment factors and Wald tests. */ /* NJGW */ /* Compute design effects matrix D using b0. */ DeffMat `n' `b0' `V' `X2' `D' `tr' `tr2' /* Compute design effects matrix D using b. */ DeffMat `n' `b' `V' `X2' `Da' `tra' `tr2a' /* Check against other methods. COMMENTED OUT. FOR TESTING ONLY. * * Check `tr' `tra' `b' `b0' `V' `row' `col' `X1' `X2' `D' `Da' */ /* Standard log-linear Wald test. */ LLWald `b' `b' `V' `X2' `Wl' /* Pearson Wald test. */ if "$S_VYwald"!="" { PearWald `b' `Vt' `total' `row' `col' `Wp' } } else SetMiss `Xp' `Xlr' `tr' `tr2' `tra' `tr2a' `Wl' `Wp' /* Mean generalized deff and C.V. of eigenvalues. */ local dfnom = (`nrow'-1)*(`ncol'-1) scalar `mgdeff' = `tr'/`dfnom' scalar `cv' = sqrt(`dfnom'*`tr2'/`tr'^2 - 1) /*------------------------------ Save results ------------------------------*/ /* Post `bs' and `Vs'. */ if "$S_VYse"=="" { tempname bs mat `bs' = `b' /* `bs' destroyed by post; we want to save `b' */ local Vs "`V'" } else if "$S_VYse"=="count" { local Vs "`Vt'" } LabelMat `nrow' `ncol' `b' `bs' `Vs' if $S_VYdof==-1 { local dof = $S_VYnpsu - $S_VYnstr } else { local dof = $S_VYdof } estimates post `bs' `Vs', dof(`dof') obs($S_VYnobs) depn("svytab") /* */ esample(`doit') /* Adjust and save Pearson and LR statistics. */ MakeStat `dfnom' `tr' `tr2' `Xp' Penl MakeStat `dfnom' `tra' `tr2a' `Xp' Pear MakeStat `dfnom' `tr' `tr2' `Xlr' LRnl MakeStat `dfnom' `tra' `tr2a' `Xlr' LR MakeFull `dfnom' `tr' `tr2' `Xp' Full /* Adjust and save Wald tests. */ MakeWald `dfnom' `Wl' LLW if "$S_VYwald"!="" { MakeWald `dfnom' `Wp' Wald } /* Save other results. */ SvySave `N_pop' "`N_spop'" `nrow' `ncol' `total' `zero' /* */ `mgdeff' `cv' `Obs' `b' `rstub' `cstub' `Vrow' `Vcol' `Vdeff' /* */ `Vfrow' `Vfcol' "`ObsSub'" end program define MakeStat, eclass args dfnom tr tr2 stat name est scalar cun_`name' = `stat' est scalar F_`name' = `stat'/`tr' est scalar df1_`name' = `tr'^2/`tr2' est scalar df2_`name' = (`tr'^2/`tr2')*($S_VYnpsu - $S_VYnstr) est scalar p_`name' = fprob(e(df1_`name'),e(df2_`name'),e(F_`name')) end program define MakeFull, eclass /* Fuller et al. variant */ args dfnom tr tr2 stat name tempname tr3 scalar `tr3' = `tr2' - `tr'^2/($S_VYnpsu-$S_VYnstr) if `tr3' < 0 { scalar `tr3' = . } est scalar cun_`name' = `stat' est scalar F_`name' = `stat'/`tr' est scalar df1_`name' = min(`tr'^2/`tr3',`dfnom') est scalar df2_`name' = $S_VYnpsu - $S_VYnstr est scalar p_`name' = fprob(e(df1_`name'),e(df2_`name'),e(F_`name')) end program define MakeWald, eclass args df1 chi name local dfv = $S_VYnpsu - $S_VYnstr est scalar F_`name' = (`dfv'-`df1'+1)*`chi'/(`df1'*`dfv') if e(F_`name') < 0 { est scalar F_`name' = . } est scalar p_`name' = fprob(`df1',`dfv'-`df1'+1,e(F_`name')) est scalar cun_`name' = `chi' /* unadjusted */ est scalar Fun_`name' = `chi'/`df1' est scalar pun_`name' = fprob(`df1',`dfv',`chi'/`df1') end program define Pearson args n b b0 X tempname A B mat `A' = diag(`b0') mat `A' = syminv(`A') mat `B' = `b' - `b0' mat `A' = `A'*`B'' mat `A' = `B'*`A' scalar `X' = `n'*`A'[1,1] end program define LikeRat args n b b0 X local dim = colsof(`b') scalar `X' = 0 local i 1 while `i' <= `dim' { scalar `X' = `X' + `b'[1,`i']*log(`b'[1,`i']/`b0'[1,`i']) local i = `i' + 1 } scalar `X' = 2*`n'*`X' end program define LLWald args b b0 V C X tempname A B G logbi local dim = colsof(`b') mat `G' = J(`dim',1,0) local i 1 while `i' <= `dim' { scalar `logbi' = log(`b'[1,`i']) if `logbi'==. { scalar `X' = . exit } mat `G'[`i',1] = `logbi' local i = `i' + 1 } mat `G' = `C''*`G' mat `B' = diag(`b0') mat `B' = syminv(`B') mat `A' = `V'*`B' mat `A' = `B'*`A' mat `A' = `A'*`C' mat `A' = `C''*`A' SymInv `A' mat `A' = `A'*`G' mat `A' = `G''*`A' scalar `X' = `A'[1,1] end program define PearWald args b V total row col X tempname A B W b0ij local nrow = colsof(`row') local ncol = colsof(`col') local dfnom = (`nrow'-1)*(`ncol'-1) local dim = `nrow'*`ncol' mat `A' = J(`dfnom',`dim',0) mat `B' = J(1,`dfnom',0) local k 1 local i 1 while `i' < `nrow' { local j 1 while `j' < `ncol' { local l = `ncol'*(`i'-1) + `j' scalar `b0ij' = `row'[1,`i']*`col'[1,`j'] mat `B'[1,`k'] = `b'[1,`l'] - `b0ij' local m 1 local g 1 while `g' <= `nrow' { local h 1 while `h' <= `ncol' { if `g'==`i' | `h'==`j' { if `g'==`i' & `h'!=`j' { mat `A'[`k',`m'] = -`col'[1,`j'] + `b0ij' } else if `g'!=`i' & `h'==`j' { mat `A'[`k',`m'] = -`row'[1,`i'] + `b0ij' } else { mat `A'[`k',`m'] = /* */ 1 - `row'[1,`i'] - `col'[1,`j'] + `b0ij' } } else mat `A'[`k',`m'] = `b0ij' local m = `m' + 1 local h = `h' + 1 } local g = `g' + 1 } local k = `k' + 1 local j = `j' + 1 } local i = `i' + 1 } mat `W' = `V'*`A'' mat `W' = `A'*`W' SymInv `W' mat `W' = `W'*`B'' mat `W' = `B'*`W' scalar `X' = `total'^2*`W'[1,1] end program define DeffMat args n b V C D tr tr2 tempname B mat `B' = diag(`b') mat `B' = syminv(`B') mat `D' = `V'*`B' mat `D' = `B'*`D' mat `D' = `D'*`C' mat `D' = `C''*`D' mat `B' = `B'*`C' mat `B' = `C''*`B' SymInv `B' mat `D' = `B'*`D' mat `D' = `n'*`D' scalar `tr' = trace(`D') mat `B' = `D'*`D' scalar `tr2' = trace(`B') end program define Sym args X /* matrix in, replaced with exactly symmetric matrix */ mat `X' = 0.5*(`X'' + `X') *tempname Y *mat `Y' = `X'' *mat `Y' = `Y' + `X' /* labels picked from right */ *mat `X' = 0.5*`Y' end program define SymInv args X /* matrix in, replaced with inverse */ Sym `X' mat `X' = syminv(`X') end program define Marginal args nrow ncol b row col tempname A B mat `A' = I(`nrow') mat `B' = J(1,`ncol',1) mat `A' = `A' # `B' mat `row' = `b'*`A'' mat `A' = J(1,`nrow',1) mat `B' = I(`ncol') mat `A' = `A' # `B' mat `col' = `b'*`A'' end program define VMargin args nrow ncol V Vrow Vcol tempname A B mat `A' = I(`nrow') mat `B' = J(1,`ncol',1) mat `A' = `A' # `B' mat `Vrow' = `V'*`A'' mat `Vrow' = `A'*`Vrow' Sym `Vrow' mat `A' = J(1,`nrow',1) mat `B' = I(`ncol') mat `A' = `A' # `B' mat `Vcol' = `V'*`A'' mat `Vcol' = `A'*`Vcol' end program define Getb0 args row col b0 tempname A B /* Compute expected cell proportions. */ mat `A' = `row''*`col' /* Convert into a row vector. */ mat `b0' = `A'[1,1...] local nrow = colsof(`row') local i 2 while `i' <= `nrow' { mat `B' = `A'[`i',1...] mat `b0' = `b0' , `B' local i = `i' + 1 } end program define ChkZero args row col zero scalar `zero' = 0 local nrow = colsof(`row') local i 1 while `i' <= `nrow' { scalar `zero' = `zero' | (`row'[1,`i']==0) local i = `i' + 1 } local ncol = colsof(`row') local i 1 while `i' <= `ncol' { scalar `zero' = `zero' | (`col'[1,`i']==0) local i = `i' + 1 } end program define AddZeros args cell macro shift local nrow = rowsof(`cell') local ncol = colsof(`cell') local k 1 local i 1 while `i' <= `nrow' { local j 1 while `j' <= `ncol' { if `cell'[`i',`j'] == 0 { local m 1 while "``m''"!="" { PutZero ``m'' `k' local m = `m' + 1 } } local k = `k' + 1 local j = `j' + 1 } local i = `i' + 1 } end program define PutZero args A i tempname B Z if `i' <= colsof(`A') { mat `B' = `A'[.,`i'...] local matAB "mat `A' = `A' , `B'" } local dim = rowsof(`A') mat `Z' = J(`dim',1,0) local i1 = `i' - 1 if `i1' >= 1 { mat `A' = `A'[.,1..`i1'] mat `A' = `A' , `Z' } else mat `A' = `Z' `matAB' if `dim' == 1 { exit } if `i' <= `dim' { mat `B' = `A'[`i'...,.] local matAB "mat `A' = `A' \ `B'" } local dim = `dim' + 1 mat `Z' = J(1,`dim',0) if `i1' >= 1 { mat `A' = `A'[1..`i1',.] mat `A' = `A' \ `Z' } else mat `A' = `Z' `matAB' end program define IndCon args r c X1 X2 tempname A X J local r1 = `r' - 1 local c1 = `c' - 1 /* Build first `r'-1 columns: dummies for main effects of first variable. */ mat `A' = I(`r1') mat `J' = J(1,`r1',-1) mat `A' = `A' \ `J' mat `J' = J(`c',1,1) mat `X1' = `A' # `J' /* Build next `c'-1 columns: dummies for main effects of second variable. */ mat `A' = I(`c1') mat `J' = J(1,`c1',-1) mat `A' = `A' \ `J' mat `J' = J(`r',1,1) mat `X' = `J' # `A' mat `X1' = `X1' , `X' /* Build last (`r'-1)*(`c'-1) columns: interaction terms. */ mat `X2' = I(`r1') mat `X2' = `X2' # `A' mat `J' = J(1,`r1',-1) mat `A' = `J' # `A' mat `X2' = `X2' \ `A' end program define LabelMat args nrow ncol macro shift 2 local i 1 while `i' <= `nrow' { local j 1 while `j' <= `ncol' { local names "`names' p`i'`j'" local j = `j' + 1 } local i = `i' + 1 } local i 1 while "``i''"!="" { mat colnames ``i'' = `names' if rowsof(``i'') > 1 | `i'==3 { mat rownames ``i'' = `names' } local i = `i' + 1 } end program define ValueLab args var stub numb local dim = colsof(`stub') local lab : value label `var' if "`lab'"=="" { exit } local i 1 while `i' <= `dim' { local x = `stub'[1,`i'] local xlab : label `lab' `x' if `"`xlab'"'==`"`x'"' { local list `"`list' hoborxqc"' /* hoborxqc = flag for not labeled */ } else { local xlab = trim(substr(`"`xlab'"',1,8)) /* Replace periods with commas and colons with semicolons so -xlab- can safely be matrix names */ local j 1 while `j' <= 8 { local xpr = index(`"`xlab'"',".") local xcl = index(`"`xlab'"',":") if `xpr'==0 & `xcl'==0 { local j 9 /* exit the loop */ } if `xpr' ~= 0 { loc xlab=substr(`"`xlab'"',1,`xpr'-1)/* */ + "," + substr(`"`xlab'"',`xpr'+1,.) } if `xcl' ~= 0 { loc xlab=substr(`"`xlab'"',1,`xcl'-1)/* */ + ";" + substr(`"`xlab'"',`xcl'+1,.) } local j = `j' + 1 } local list `"`list' "`xlab'""' } local i = `i' + 1 } mat colnames `stub' = `list' global S_VYlab`numb' "label" end program define SetMiss local i 1 while "``i''"!="" { scalar ``i'' = . local i = `i' + 1 } end program define Total args total y doit subvar quietly { if "$S_VYwgt"!="" { tempvar x gen double `x' = ($S_VYexp)*`y' } else local x "`y'" if "$S_VYsub"=="" { summarize `x' if `doit', meanonly } else summarize `x' if `doit' & `subvar', meanonly scalar `total' = _result(18) } end /*----------------------------- Parse program --------------------------------*/ program define SvyParse gettoken doit 0 : 0 gettoken subvar 0 : 0 /* Parse. */ syntax varlist(min=2 max=2 numeric) [pweight/] [if] [in] /* */ [, /* STRata(varname) PSU(varname) FPC(varname numeric) */ /* */ /* SUBpop(varname numeric) SRSsubpop */ MISSing TAB(varname numeric) /* */ PEArson NULl LR WALD LLWALD noADJust UNADJust FULLER /* */ COUnt CELl ROW COLumn SE CI DEFF DEFT OBS /* */ noLABel noMARGinals PERcent PROPortion /* */ Level(int $S_level) FORmat(string) VERTical BRRWeight(string) dof(integer -1) /* */ fay(string) ] if "`null'"!="" & "`pearson'`lr'"=="" & "`wald'`llwald'"!="" { di in red "null option modifies pearson and lr options only" exit 198 } if "`unadjus'"!="" { local adjust "noadjust" } if "`adjust'"!="" & "`wald'`llwald'"=="" { di in red /* */ "noadjust option modifies wald and llwald options only" exit 198 } local ncell : word count `obs' `se' `deff' `deft' if "`ci'"!="" & "`vertical'"!="" & `ncell' > 2 { di in red "only 2 of se, deff, deft, and obs can " /* */ "be specified when ci and vertical" _n "specified" exit 198 } if "`ci'"!="" { local ncell = `ncell' + 1 } if "`vertical'"=="" & `ncell' > 4 { di in red "only 4 of se, ci, deff, deft, and obs can " /* */ "be specified" exit 198 } if "`format'"!="" { quietly di `format' 0 local format "format(`format')" } if `level' < 10 | `level' > 99 { di in red "level() must be between 10 and 99 inclusive" exit 198 } if "`cell'`count'`row'`column'"=="" { local cell cell } if "`se'`ci'`deff'`deft'"!="" { local nopts : word count `cell' `count' `row' `column' if `nopts' > 1 { local opt : word 1 of `se' `deff' `deft' di in red "only one of cell, count, row, or column " /* */ "can be specified when `opt' specified" exit 198 } } if "`percent'"!="" & "`proport'"!="" { di in red "both percent and proportion cannot be specified" exit 198 } if "`srssubp'"!="" & "`subpop'"=="" { di in red "srssubpop can only be specified when subpop() " /* */ "is specified" exit 198 } /* Set global macros. */ macro drop S_VY* global S_VYvar1 : word 1 of `varlist' global S_VYvar2 : word 2 of `varlist' global S_VYdopt `pearson' `null' `lr' `wald' `llwald' /* */ `adjust' `fuller' /* */ `label' `se' `deff' `deft' `margina' `percent' /* */ `proport' `cell' `count' `row' `column' level(`level') `ci' /* */ `format' `vertica' `obs' if "`se'`ci'`deff'`deft'"!="" { global S_VYse "`count'`row'`column'" } global S_VYwald "`wald'" global S_VYmiss "`missing'" global S_VYtab "`tab'" global S_VYsrss "`srssubp'" global S_VYopt /* erase macro */ global S_VYsvar "`subpop'" /* Get weights. */ if "`exp'"=="" { svy_get pweight, optional local exp "$S_1" } else if "`weight'"=="pweight" { /* try to varset pweight variable */ capture confirm variable `exp' if _rc==0 { svy_get pweight `exp' local exp "$S_1" } } if "`exp'"!="" { global S_VYexp "`exp'" if "`weight'"!="" { global S_VYwgt "`weight'" } else global S_VYwgt pweight capture confirm variable `exp' if _rc { tempvar `w' qui gen double `w' = `exp' } else local w "`exp'" } if "`brrweig'"=="" { /* Abbreviated because this program is v.6.0 */ local brrweig : char _dta[brrwspec] if "`brrweig'"=="" { di as error "Must specify BRR Weights with BRRWeight() option for first BRR command" error 198 } } char define _dta[brrwspec] "`brrweig'" if "`fay'"=="" { local fay : char _dta[brrfay] if "`fay'"=="" { local fay 0 } } cap confirm number `fay' if _rc { di in red "fay() must be a number in the range (0,1]" error 198 } else if (`fay'<0) | (`fay'>=1) { di in red "fay() must be a number in the range (0,1]" error 198 } char define _dta[brrfay] "`fay'" unab junk : `brrweig' local nbrrw : word count `junk' global S_nbrrw=`nbrrw' global S_VYfay `fay' global S_VYopt "$S_VYopt fay(`fay')" global S_BRRW "`brrweights'" global S_VYbrr "`brrweights'" global S_VYnr "`nbrrw'" global S_VYdof `dof' /* Get strata, psu, and fpc. */ * svy_get strata `strata', optional * global S_VYstr "$S_1" * if "$S_VYstr"!="" { * global S_VYopt "$S_VYopt str($S_VYstr)" * } * svy_get psu `psu', optional * global S_VYpsu "$S_1" * if "$S_VYpsu"!="" { * global S_VYopt "$S_VYopt psu($S_VYpsu)" * } svy_get fpc `fpc', optional global S_VYfpc "$S_1" if "$S_VYfpc"!="" { global S_VYopt "$S_VYopt fpc($S_VYfpc)" } /* Mark. */ mark `doit' `if' `in' /* Check for negative weights if pweights. */ if "$S_VYwgt"=="pweight" { capture assert `w' >= 0 if `doit' if _rc { error 402 } } /* Markout. */ markout `doit' `w' $S_VYfpc `subpop' `tab' markout `doit' $S_VYstr $S_VYpsu, strok if "`missing'"=="" { markout `doit' $S_VYvar1 $S_VYvar2 } /* Compute total #obs. */ qui count if `doit' if _result(1) == 0 { error 2000 } global S_VYnobs = _result(1) if "`subpop'"=="" { exit } /* Only here if subpop() specified. */ qui count if `subpop'!=0 & `doit' if _result(1) == 0 { di in red "no observations in subpop() " /* */ "subpopulation" _n /* */ "subpop() = 1 indicates observation in " /* */ "subpopulation" _n /* */ "subpop() = 0 indicates observation not in " /* */ "subpopulation" exit 461 } if _result(1) == $S_VYnobs { di in blu _n "Note: subpop() subpopulation is " /* */ "same as full population" _n /* */ "subpop() = 1 (or nonzero) indicates " /* */ "observation in subpopulation" _n /* */ "subpop() = 0 indicates observation not in " /* */ "subpopulation" local samemsg 1 } qui count if `subpop'!=1 & `subpop'!=0 & `doit' if _result(1) > 0 { if "`samemsg'"=="" { di in blu _n "Note: subpop() takes on " /* */ "values other than 0 and 1" _n /* */ "subpop() ~= 0 indicates subpopulation" } global S_VYsub "`subpop'~=0" } else global S_VYsub "`subpop'==1" qui gen byte `subvar' = (`subpop'!=0) if `doit' global S_VYopt "$S_VYopt by(`subvar') nby(1)" end /*--------------------------- Save results program ---------------------------*/ program define SvySave, eclass est scalar N = $S_VYnobs est scalar N_strata = $S_VYnstr est scalar N_psu = $S_VYnpsu est scalar N_pop = `1' if "`2'"!="" { est scalar N_sub = $S_VYosub est scalar N_subpop = `2' } est local setype = cond("$S_VYse"!="", "$S_VYse", "cell") est local wtype `"$S_VYwgt"' est local wexp `"$S_VYexp"' est local strata `"$S_VYstr"' est local psu `"$S_VYpsu"' est local fpc `"$S_VYfpc"' est local subpop `"$S_VYsub"' est local rowvar `"$S_VYvar1"' est local colvar `"$S_VYvar2"' local vlab1 : variable label $S_VYvar1 local vlab2 : variable label $S_VYvar2 est local rowvlab `"`vlab1'"' est local colvlab `"`vlab2'"' est local rowlab `"$S_VYlab1"' est local collab `"$S_VYlab2"' est local tab `"$S_VYtab"' est local brr_wspec `"$S_VYbrr"' est local fay `"$S_VYfay"' est local N_reps `"$S_VYnr"' est scalar r = `3' /* # of rows */ est scalar c = `4' /* # of columns */ est scalar total = `5' /* e(N_pop) or total of tab variable */ if `6' { est local zero "zero marginal" } est scalar mgdeff = `7' /* mean deff eigenvalue */ est scalar cvgdeff = `8' /* c.v. of deff eigenvalues */ est matrix Obs `9' /* cell # of observations */ if "$S_VYsub" != "" { est matrix ObsSub `18' /* cell # of observations in Sub */ } VectoMat `10' e(r) e(c) /* convert cell proportions to matrix */ est matrix Prop `10' /* proportions */ est matrix Row `11' /* row stub */ est matrix Col `12' /* column stub */ est matrix V_row `13' /* variance of row margins */ est matrix V_col `14' /* variance of column margins */ MakeDeff `15' /* make matrices e(Deff) and e(Deft) */ MakeDeff `16' _row /* matrices e(Deff_row) and e(Deft_row) */ MakeDeff `17' _col /* matrices e(Deff_col) and e(Deft_col) */ est local cmd "svytab" end program define VectoMat /* converts `A' from vector to matrix */ args A nrow ncol tempname row New mat `New' = `A'[1,1..`ncol'] local i = `ncol' + 1 while `i' <= `nrow'*`ncol' { local end = `i' + `ncol' - 1 mat `row' = `A'[1,`i'..`end'] mat `New' = `New' \ `row' local i = `end' + 1 } mat `A' = `New' end program define MakeDeff, eclass args Vdeff name tempname v f deff deft matrix `v' = vecdiag(e(V`name')) matrix `deff' = `v' matrix `deft' = `v' if "$S_VYfpc"!="" { /* remove fpc from `Vdeff' for deft (which is wr) */ tempname c if "$S_VYsrss"=="" { scalar `c' = 1 - e(N)/e(N_pop) } else scalar `c' = 1 - e(N_sub)/e(N_subpop) } else local c 1 local dim = colsof(`v') local i 1 while `i' <= `dim' { scalar `f' = `v'[1,`i']/`Vdeff'[`i',`i'] matrix `deff'[1,`i'] = cond(`f'!=., `f', 0) scalar `f' = sqrt(`c'*`f') matrix `deft'[1,`i'] = cond(`f'!=., `f', 0) local i = `i' + 1 } est matrix Deff`name' `deff' est matrix Deft`name' `deft' end /*---------------------------- Display programs ------------------------------*/ program define Display syntax [, PEArson NULl LR WALD LLWALD noADJust UNADJust FULLER /* */ COUnt CELl ROW COLumn SE CI DEFF DEFT OBS /* */ noLABel noMARGinals PERcent PROPortion /* */ Level(int $S_level) FORmat(string) VERTical ] /* Check for syntax errors. */ if "`null'"!="" & "`pearson'`lr'"=="" & "`wald'`llwald'"!="" { di in red "null option modifies pearson and lr options only" exit 198 } if "`unadjus'"!="" { local adjust "noadjust" } if "`adjust'"!="" & "`wald'`llwald'"=="" { di in red /* */ "noadjust option modifies wald and llwald options only" exit 198 } if "`wald'"!="" & "`e(F_Wald)'"=="" { di in red "wald not available on redisplay" _n /* */ "it must be specified at run time" exit 198 } if "`format'"!="" { quietly di `format' 0 } if `level' < 10 | `level' > 99 { di in red "level() must be between 10 and 99 inclusive" exit 198 } if "`cell'`count'`row'`column'"=="" { local cell cell } if "`se'`ci'`deff'`deft'"!="" { local nopts : word count `cell' `count' `row' `column' if `nopts' > 1 { local opt : word 1 of `se' `deff' `deft' di in red "only one of cell, count, row, or column " /* */ "can be specified when `opt' specified" exit 198 } if "`e(setype)'"!="`cell'`count'`row'`column'" { if "`se'"!="" { di in red "standard errors are only " /* */ "available for `e(setype)'s" _n /* */ "to compute `cell'`count'`row'`column' " /* */ "standard errors, rerun command with " /* */ "`cell'`count'`row'`column' and se options" exit 111 } if "`ci'"!="" { di in red "confidence intervals are only " /* */ "available for `e(setype)'s" _n /* */ "to compute `cell'`count'`row'`column' " /* */ "confidence intervals, rerun command " /* */ "with `cell'`count'`row'`column' and " /* */ "ci options" exit 111 } local deff : word 1 of `deff' `deft' di in red "`deff' is only available for `e(setype)'s" /* */ _n "to compute `cell'`count'`row'`column' `deff'," /* */ " rerun command with `cell'`count'`row'`column' " /* */ "and `deff' options" exit 111 } } if "`percent'"!="" & "`proport'"!="" { di in red "both percent and proportion cannot be specified" exit 198 } /* Display header. */ version 7 di di "{txt}Cross-tabulation with BRR-based standard errors" di di "{txt}Analysis weight: `e(wexp)'" _c di "{col 48}Number of obs ={res}{ralign 10:`e(N)'}" di "{txt}Replicate weights: `e(brr_wspec)'" _c di "{txt}{col 48}Population size ={res}{ralign 10:`e(N_pop)'}" di "{txt}Number of replicates: `e(N_reps)'" _c di "{txt}{col 48}Degrees of freedom{col 68}={res}{ralign 10:`e(df_r)'}" di "{txt}k (Fay's method): " %4.3f `e(fay)' version 6 /* Display tabulation. */ DispTab "`label'" "`se'" "`deff'" "`deft'" "`margina'" "`percent'" /* */ "`proport'" "`cell'" "`count'" "`row'" "`column'" "`level'" "`ci'" /* */ "`format'" "`vertica'" "`obs'" /* Display error and warning messages. */ if "`e(zero)'"!="" { di _n in blu " Table contains a zero in the marginals." _n /* */ " Statistics cannot be computed." } if e(r) == 1 { di _n in blu " Only one row category." _n /* */ " Statistics cannot be computed." } if e(c) == 1 { di _n in blu " Only one column category." _n /* */ " Statistics cannot be computed." } if e(N_psu) - e(N_strata) < (e(r) - 1)*(e(c) - 1) { di _n in blu " Note: variance estimate degrees of freedom " /* */ "= " in ye e(N_psu) - e(N_strata) _n in blu /* */ " are less than" _n /* */ " nominal table degrees of freedom = " /* */ in ye (e(r) - 1)*(e(c) - 1) } /* Display statistics. */ if "`pearson'`lr'`wald'`llwald'`fuller'"=="" { local pearson "pearson" } if "`pearson'"!="" { if "`null'"!="" { DispStat "Pearson:" Pear Penl } else DispStat "Pearson:" Pear } if "`lr'"!="" { if "`null'"!="" { DispStat "Likelihood ratio:" LR LRnl } else DispStat "Likelihood ratio:" LR } if "`fuller'"!="" { DispStat "Pearson (Fuller version):" Full } if "`wald'"!="" { DispWald "Wald (Pearson):" Wald `adjust' } if "`llwald'"!="" { DispWald "Wald (log-linear):" LLW `adjust' } /* Display mean generalized deff and cv. */ if "`deff'`deft'"!="" { di _n in gr " Mean generalized deff" _col(35) "= " in ye /* */ %9.4f e(mgdeff) _n in gr " CV of generalized deffs" /* */ _col(35) "= " in ye %9.4f e(cvgdeff) } /* Display FPC warning. */ if "`e(fpc)'"!="" { /* print FPC note */ di _n in blu "Finite population correction (FPC) assumes " /* */ "simple random sampling without " _n /* */ "replacement of PSUs within each stratum with no " /* */ "subsampling within PSUs." } end program define DispTab args label se deff deft margina percent proport cell count row /* */ column level ci format vertica obs if "`format'"=="" { local format "%6.0g" } /* Preserve, then make data set for -tabdisp-. */ preserve drop _all tempname b matr matc Row Col local ncat = e(r)*e(c) local iii "int((_n-1)/e(c))+1" /* row position */ local jjj "mod(_n-1,e(c))+1" /* column position */ mat `b' = e(Prop) local bij "`b'[`iii',`jjj']" mat `matr' = J(1,e(c),1) mat `matr' = `matr'*`b'' /* row marginals */ mat `matc' = J(1,e(r),1) mat `matc' = `matc'*`b' /* column marginals */ mat `Row' = e(Row) mat `Col' = e(Col) quietly { /* Set obs. */ if "`margina'"=="" { local Nr1 = `ncat' + 1 /* start row marginals */ local Nr2 = `ncat'+e(r) /* end row marginals */ local Nc1 = `Nr2' + 1 /* start column marginals */ local Nc2 = `Nr2' + e(c) /* end column marginals */ local N = `Nc2' + 1 /* end */ local total "total" } else local N `ncat' set obs `N' /* Make stubs of table. */ gen double `e(rowvar)' = `Row'[1,`iii'] in 1/`ncat' gen double `e(colvar)' = `Col'[1,`jjj'] in 1/`ncat' if "`margina'"=="" { replace `e(rowvar)' = `Row'[1,_n-`Nr1'+1] in `Nr1'/`Nr2' replace `e(colvar)' = `Col'[1,_n-`Nc1'+1] in `Nc1'/`Nc2' } /* Make variable labels and value labels for stub variables. */ if "`label'"=="" { label variable `e(rowvar)' `"`e(rowvlab)'"' label variable `e(colvar)' `"`e(colvlab)'"' if "`e(rowlab)'"!="" { MakeLab `e(rowvar)' `Row' } if "`e(collab)'"!="" { MakeLab `e(colvar)' `Col' } } /* Handle display of missing values if necessary. */ if `Row'[1,e(r)]==. { FixMiss `e(rowvar)' `Row'[1,e(r)-1] /* */ `ncat' `Nr1' `Nr2' } if `Col'[1,e(c)]==. { FixMiss `e(colvar)' `Col'[1,e(c)-1] /* */ `ncat' `Nc1' `Nc2' } /* Make counts and proportions or percents. */ local keyi 1 if "`count'"!="" { tempvar xc gen double `xc' = e(total)*`bij' in 1/`ncat' if "`margina'"=="" { replace `xc' = e(total)*`matr'[1,_n-`Nr1'+1] /* */ in `Nr1'/`Nr2' replace `xc' = e(total)*`matc'[1,_n-`Nc1'+1] /* */ in `Nc1'/`Nc2' replace `xc' = e(total) in l } if "`e(wtype)'"!="" { local key`keyi' "weighted counts" } else local key`keyi' "counts" local keyi = `keyi' + 1 } if "`percent'"!="" { local porp 100 /* percent or proportion */ local kporp "percentages" } else { local porp 1 local kporp "proportions" } if "`cell'"!="" { tempvar xp gen double `xp' = `porp'*`bij' in 1/`ncat' if "`margina'"=="" { replace `xp' = `porp'*`matr'[1,_n-`Nr1'+1] /* */ in `Nr1'/`Nr2' replace `xp' = `porp'*`matc'[1,_n-`Nc1'+1] /* */ in `Nc1'/`Nc2' replace `xp' = `porp' in l } local key`keyi' "cell `kporp'" local keyi = `keyi' + 1 } if "`row'"!="" { tempvar xrow gen double `xrow' = `porp'*`bij'/`matr'[1,`iii'] /* */ in 1/`ncat' if "`margina'"=="" { replace `xrow' = `porp' in `Nr1'/`Nr2' replace `xrow' = `porp'*`matc'[1,_n-`Nc1'+1] /* */ in `Nc1'/`Nc2' replace `xrow' = `porp' in l } local key`keyi' "row `kporp'" local keyi = `keyi' + 1 } if "`column'"!="" { tempvar xcol gen double `xcol' = `porp'*`bij'/`matc'[1,`jjj'] /* */ in 1/`ncat' if "`margina'"=="" { replace `xcol' = `porp'*`matr'[1,_n-`Nr1'+1] /* */ in `Nr1'/`Nr2' replace `xcol' = `porp' in `Nc1'/`Nc2' replace `xcol' = `porp' in l } local key`keyi' "column `kporp'" local keyi = `keyi' + 1 } /* From here to `obs', only one of count, cell, row, or column is chosen. */ local keylast = `keyi' - 1 local item "`key`keylast''" if "`count'"!="" { local porp 1 } if "`se'`ci'"!="" { tempvar xse tempname V mat `V' = e(V) gen double `xse' = `porp'*sqrt(`V'[_n,_n]) /* */ in 1/`ncat' if "`margina'"=="" { if "`row'"=="" { mat `V' = e(V_row) replace `xse' = `porp'* /* */ sqrt(`V'[_n-`Nr1'+1, /* */ _n-`Nr1'+1]) in `Nr1'/`Nr2' } if "`column'"=="" { mat `V' = e(V_col) replace `xse' = `porp'* /* */ sqrt(`V'[_n-`Nc1'+1, /* */ _n-`Nc1'+1]) in `Nc1'/`Nc2' } } if "`se'"!="" { if "`vertica'"=="" { local key`keyi' /* */ "(standard errors of `item')" } else { local key`keyi' /* */ "standard errors of `item'" } local keyi = `keyi' + 1 } } if "`ci'"!="" { tempname t tempvar lb ub scalar `t' = invt(e(N_psu)-e(N_strata),`level'/100) if "`count'"=="" { local x "`xp'`xrow'`xcol'" if `porp' == 100 { local x "(`x'/100)" } gen double `lb' = `porp'/(1 + /* */ exp(-(log(`x'/(1-`x')) /* */ - `t'*`xse'/(`porp'*`x'*(1-`x'))))) gen double `ub' = `porp'/(1 + /* */ exp(-(log(`x'/(1-`x')) /* */ + `t'*`xse'/(`porp'*`x'*(1-`x'))))) } else { gen double `lb' = `xc' - `t'*`xse' gen double `ub' = `xc' + `t'*`xse' } local xci "`lb' `ub'" if "`se'"=="" { local xse /* erase tempvar */ } if "`vertica'"=="" { local key`keyi' /* */"[`level'% confidence intervals for `item']" } else { local key`keyi' /* */ "lower `level'% confidence bounds for `item'" local keyi = `keyi' + 1 local key`keyi' /* */ "upper `level'% confidence bounds for `item'" } local keyi = `keyi' + 1 } if "`vertica'"=="" & "`se'`ci'"!="" { if "`se'"=="" { local nose "*" } if "`ci'"=="" { local noci "*" } `nose' tempvar xxse `nose' gen str1 `xxse' = "" in 1 `noci' tempvar xci `noci' gen str1 `xci' = "" in 1 local i 1 while `i' <= `N' { `nose' local ses : di `format' `xse'[`i'] `nose' replace `xxse' = "("+trim("`ses'")+")" /* */ in `i' if `xse'!=. `noci' local slb : di `format' `lb'[`i'] `noci' local sub : di `format' `ub'[`i'] `noci' replace `xci' = "["+trim("`slb'") /* */ +","+trim("`sub'")+"]" in `i' /* */ if `lb'!=. & `ub'!=. local i = `i' + 1 } `nose' local xse "`xxse'" } if "`deff'"!="" { tempvar xdeff DeffVar `xdeff' f `Nr1' `Nr2' `Nc1' `Nc2' /* */ "`margina'" "`row'" "`column'" local key`keyi' "deff for variances of `item'" local keyi = `keyi' + 1 } if "`deft'"!="" { tempvar xdeft DeffVar `xdeft' t `Nr1' `Nr2' `Nc1' `Nc2' /* */ "`margina'" "`row'" "`column'" local key`keyi' "deft for variances of `item'" local keyi = `keyi' + 1 } if "`obs'"!="" { tempname Obs tempvar xobs if "`e(ObsSub)'" ~= "" { mat `Obs' = e(ObsSub) } else mat `Obs' = e(Obs) gen long `xobs' = `Obs'[`iii',`jjj'] in 1/`ncat' if "`margina'"=="" { tempname J mat `J' = J(1,e(c),1) mat `J' = `J'*`Obs'' replace `xobs' = `J'[1,_n-`Nr1'+1] /* */ in `Nr1'/`Nr2' mat `J' = J(1,e(r),1) mat `J' = `J'*`Obs' replace `xobs' = `J'[1,_n-`Nc1'+1] /* */ in `Nc1'/`Nc2' if "`e(N_sub)'" ~= "" { replace `xobs' = e(N_sub) in l } else replace `xobs' = e(N) in l } local key`keyi' "number of observations" local keyi = `keyi' + 1 } } local vars "`xc' `xp' `xrow' `xcol' `xse' `xci' `xdeff' `xdeft' `xobs'" tabdisp `e(rowvar)' `e(colvar)', cell(`vars') `total' format(`format') if "`e(tab)'"!="" { di in gr " Tabulated variable: `e(tab)'" _n } di in gr " Key: " _c local col 1 local i 1 while `i' < `keyi' { di _col(`col') in ye "`key`i''" local col 9 local i = `i' + 1 } end program define DeffVar args var ft Nr1 Nr2 Nc1 Nc2 margina row column local ncat = e(r)*e(c) tempname def mat `def' = e(Def`ft') quietly { gen double `var' = cond(`def'[1,_n]!=0,`def'[1,_n],.) /* */ in 1/`ncat' if "`margina'"=="" { if "`row'"=="" { mat `def' = e(Def`ft'_row) replace `var' = cond(`def'[1,_n-`Nr1'+1]!=0, /* */ `def'[1,_n-`Nr1'+1],.) in `Nr1'/`Nr2' } if "`column'"=="" { mat `def' = e(Def`ft'_col) replace `var' = cond(`def'[1,_n-`Nc1'+1]!=0, /* */ `def'[1,_n-`Nc1'+1],.) in `Nc1'/`Nc2' } } } end program define FixMiss args var missval N N1 N2 local missval = round((`missval')+1,1) local lab : value label `var' if "`lab'"=="" { tempname lab label define `lab' `missval' "." label value `var' `lab' } else label define `lab' `missval' "." , add qui replace `var' = `missval' if `var'==.&(_n<=`N'|(`N1'<=_n&_n<=`N2')) end program define MakeLab args var stub tempname labname imat local dim = colsof(matrix(`stub')) local i 1 while `i' <= `dim' { mat `imat' = `stub'[1,`i'..`i'] local lab : colnames `imat' if "`lab'"!="hoborxqc" { local x = `stub'[1,`i'] label define `labname' `x' "`lab'", `add' local add "add" } local i = `i' + 1 } if "`add'"!="" { label value `var' `labname' } end program define DispStat args title stat null local col0 5 /* left margin */ local col1 19 /* statistic */ local col2 35 /* equal sign */ local col3 51 /* p-value */ local dfnom = (e(r)-1)*(e(c)-1) local df1 "e(df1_`stat')" local df2 "e(df2_`stat')" if `df1' != int(`df1') { local df1 "%4.2f `df1'" } if `df2' != int(`df2') { local df2 "%4.2f `df2'" } di _n in gr " `title'" di in gr _col(`col0') "Uncorrected" _col(`col1') "chi2(" in ye /* */ `dfnom' in gr ")" _col(`col2') "= " in ye %9.4f e(cun_`stat') if "`null'"!="" { local df1n "e(df1_`null')" local df2n "e(df2_`null')" if `df1n' != int(`df1n') { local df1n "%4.2f `df1n'" } if `df2n' != int(`df2n') { local df2n "%4.2f `df2n'" } di in gr _col(`col0') "D-B (null)" _col(`col1') "F(" in ye /* */ `df1n' in gr ", " in ye `df2n' in gr ")" _col(`col2') "= " /* */ in ye %9.4f e(F_`null') _col(`col3') in gr "P = " in ye /* */ %6.4f e(p_`null') } di in gr _col(`col0') "Design-based" _col(`col1') "F(" in ye `df1' /* */ in gr ", " in ye `df2' in gr ")" _col(`col2') "= " in ye %9.4f /* */ e(F_`stat') _col(`col3') in gr "P = " in ye %6.4f e(p_`stat') end program define DispWald args title stat unadj local col0 5 /* left margin */ local col1 19 /* statistic */ local col2 35 /* equal sign */ local col3 51 /* p-value */ di _n in gr " `title'" local df1 = (e(r) - 1)*(e(c) - 1) di in gr _col(`col0') "Unadjusted" _col(`col1') "chi2(" in ye /* */ `df1' in gr ")" _col(`col2') "= " in ye %9.4f /* */ e(cun_`stat') if "`unadj'"!="" { di in gr _col(`col0') "Unadjusted" _col(`col1') "F(" in ye /* */ `df1' in gr ", " in ye e(df_r) /* */ in gr ")" _col(`col2') "= " in ye %9.4f e(Fun_`stat') /* */ _col(`col3') in gr "P = " in ye %6.4f e(pun_`stat') } di in gr _col(`col0') "Adjusted" _col(`col1') "F(" in ye /* */ `df1' in gr ", " in ye e(df_r)-`df1'+1 in gr ")" /* */ _col(`col2') "= " in ye %9.4f e(F_`stat') _col(`col3') /* */ in gr "P = " in ye %6.4f e(p_`stat') end exit /*-------------------------------- old code --------------------------------*/ program define Check args tr tra b b0 V row col X1 X2 D Da local nrow = colsof(`row') local ncol = colsof(`col') tempname A trc di in gr "tr(Ho) = " in ye %12.8f `tr' di in gr "tr(Ha) = " in ye %12.8f `tra' TraceD $S_VYnobs `nrow' `ncol' `b' `b0' `V' `trc' di in gr "tr(comparison) = " in ye %12.8f `trc' /* */ %12.1e abs((`trc'-`tr')/`tr') Fuller `b0' `V' `row' `col' `A' scalar `trc' = trace(`A') di in gr "tr(Fuller) = " in ye %12.8f `trc' /* */ %12.1e abs((`trc'-`tr')/`tr') Nested `b0' `V' `X1' `X2' `A' scalar `trc' = trace(`A') di in gr "tr(Nested b0) = " in ye %12.8f `trc' /* */ %12.1e abs((`trc'-`tr')/`tr') %12.1e mreldif(`A',`D') Nested `b' `V' `X1' `X2' `A' scalar `trc' = trace(`A') di in gr "tr(Nested b) = " in ye %12.8f `trc' /* */ %12.1e abs((`trc'-`tra')/`tra') %12.1e mreldif(`A',`Da') end program define Nested /* With b0 as input, this program yields D with the same trace(D) and trace(D^2) as DeffMat with b0, but D's are different. With b as input, gives same traces as DeffMat with b (except when there are zeros in table). */ args b0 V X1 X2 D tempname A P Xt2 /* Construct misspecified variance estimate `P' under Ho. */ mat `P' = `b0''*`b0' mat `A' = diag(`b0') mat `P' = `A' - `P' /* Project `X2' onto the orthogonal complement of `X1' space w.r.t. `P' norm. */ ProjOper `X1' `P' `A' mat `Xt2' = `A'*`X2' /* Compute generalized design effects matrix. */ mat `A' = `P'*`Xt2' mat `A' = `Xt2''*`A' SymInv `A' mat `D' = `V'*`Xt2' mat `D' = `Xt2''*`D' mat `D' = `A'*`D' mat `D' = $S_VYnobs*`D' end program define Fuller /* This program yields D with the same trace(D) and trace(D^2) as DeffMat with b0, but D's are different; they are not even the same dimension. When called with b, gives something not related to other methods. */ args b0 V row col D tempname A B X local nrow = colsof(`row') local ncol = colsof(`col') /* Compute `X' matrix. */ mat `A' = I(`nrow') mat `B' = `col'' mat `X' = `A' # `B' mat `A' = I(`ncol') mat `B' = `row'' mat `A' = `B' # `A' mat `X' = `X' , `A' local dim = `nrow' + `ncol' - 1 mat `X' = `X'[1...,1..`dim'] /* Compute projection matrix. */ mat `A' = diag(`b0') mat `A' = syminv(`A') ProjOper `X' `A' `D' mat `D' = `A'*`D' mat `D' = `D'*`V' mat `D' = $S_VYnobs*`D' end program define ProjOper /* returns P = I - X (X'WX)^-1 X'W */ args X W P tempname A mat `A' = `W'*`X' mat `A' = `X''*`A' SymInv `A' mat `A' = `A'*`X'' mat `A' = `X'*`A' Sym `A' mat `A' = `A'*`W' local dim = colsof(`A') mat `P' = I(`dim') mat `P' = `P' - `A' end program define TraceD args n nrow ncol b b0 V tr tempname A B row col Vrow Vcol /* Get marginal row and column sums. */ mat `A' = I(`nrow') mat `B' = J(1,`ncol',1) mat `A' = `A' # `B' mat `row' = `b'*`A'' mat `Vrow' = `V'*`A'' mat `Vrow' = `A'*`Vrow' mat `A' = J(1,`nrow',1) mat `B' = I(`ncol') mat `A' = `A' # `B' mat `col' = `b'*`A'' mat `Vcol' = `V'*`A'' mat `Vcol' = `A'*`Vcol' scalar `tr' = 0 local i 1 while `i' <= `nrow'*`ncol' { scalar `tr' = `tr' + `V'[`i',`i']/`b0'[1,`i'] local i = `i' + 1 } local i 1 while `i' <= `nrow' { scalar `tr' = `tr' - `Vrow'[`i',`i']/`row'[1,`i'] local i = `i' + 1 } local i 1 while `i' <= `ncol' { scalar `tr' = `tr' - `Vcol'[`i',`i']/`col'[1,`i'] local i = `i' + 1 } scalar `tr' = `n'*`tr' end /*---------------------------- end of old code ------------------------------*/ (1) Non-Wald statistics: Pear = Pearson with observed misspecified variance Penl = Pearson with null misspecified variance LR = LR with observed LRnl = LR with null all these yield cun_Pear uncorrected (i.e., misspecified) chi2 F_Pear F-statistic: F = chi2/df1 df1_Pear df1 = tr^2/tr2 df2_Pear df2 = df1*(#psu - #strata) p_Pear p-value for above F-statistic ~ F(df1,df2) (2) Fuller variant: Full = Pearson with null misspecified variance using Fuller et al.'s formula. F_Full F = chi2/df1 ~ F(df1,df2) df1_Full df1 = df2_Full df2 = #psu - #strata p_Full p-value for above F-statistic ~ F(df1,df2) (3) Wald statistics: Wald = "Pearson" Wald LLW = log-linear Wald both of these produce (with W or T in place of W below): F_Wald adjusted F = (dfv-df1+1)*chi2/(df1*dfv) df1_Wald (# rows - 1)*(# columns - 1) df2_Wald df2 = dfv - df1 + 1, where dfv = #psu - #strata p_Wald p-value for adjusted F-statistic ~ F(df1,df2) cun_Wald unadjusted chi2 Fun_Wald unadjusted F = chi2/df1 pun_Wald p-value for unadjusted F-statistic ~ F(df1,dfv) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------