{smcl} {* *! version 1.0.0 21MAR2016}{...} {hline} {center:{back:back to brewtheme help}} {hline} {title:help for compass3dir}{break} {p 4 4 4}{hi:compass3dir {hline 2}} is an optional argument for {help brewtheme}.{p_end} {hline 70} {p2colset 8 40 40 8}{p2col:Keys}Values{p_end} {hline 70} {p2colset 8 40 40 8}{p2col:{stata view `c(sysdir_base)'/s/scheme-s2color.scheme:p (line 1455)*}}{stata graph query compass3dirstyle:compass3 direction styles}{p_end} {hline 70} {title:brewtheme defaults} {hline 70} {p2colset 8 40 40 8}{p2col:Keys}Values{p_end} {hline 70} {p2colset 8 40 40 8}{p2col: p}east{p_end} {hline 70} {p 4 4 8}{hi:(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.}{p_end} {hline} {center:{back:back to brewtheme help}} {hline}