help for bygap                                                   (Roger Newson)

Insert a by-gap observation at the start of each by-group

bygap [ varlist ] [ if expression ] [ in range ] [ , gapindicator(newvarname) rstring(string_replacement_option) ]

where string_replacement_option can be name, label or labname.


bygap inserts a by-gap observation at the start of each by-group defined by the by-variables specified in the varlist, or at the start of the data set if the varlist is not specified. The by-gap observation for each by-group has the same by-variable values as the by-group, and all other variables are set to missing values. (The user can replace these missing values with other values afterwards.) Optionally, bygap generates an indicator variable, indicating which observations are by-gap observations. bygap is useful for preparing a data set to be plotted using graph together with the sencode package (downloadable from SSC), or output to a TeX, LaTeX, HTML or Microsoft Word table using the listtex package (also downloadable from SSC).


gapindicator(newvarname) specifies the name of a new variable to be generated, equal to 1 for the newly-inserted by-gap observations and 0 for all other observations.

rstring(string_replacement_option) specifies a rule for replacing the values of string variables (other than by-variables) in by-gap observations. If rstring is set to name, then string variables which are not by-variables are reset to their variable names in by-gap observations. If rstring is set to label, then string variables that are not by-variables are set to their variable labels in by-gap observations, or to missing values if their variable labels are missing. If rstring is set to labname, then string variables that are not by-variables are set to their variable labels in by-gap observations, or to their variable names if their variable labels are missing. If rstring is set to any other value, or not set, then string variables that are not by-variables are set to missing values. (Note that numeric variables that are not by-variables are always set to numeric missing values in by-gap observations.) The rstring option allows the user to add a title line to a data set of string variables, or to add a title line to each by-group of a data set of string variables. This option can be useful if the data set is output to a TeX, LaTeX, HTML or Microsoft Word table using the listtex package, downloadable from SSC.


bygap is used to convert a Stata data set to a set of table rows, with table gaps at the start of each by-group. The user can label these table gaps by using the rstring option, or by modifying the values of variables in the by-gap observations using replace. The user can then create plots using the graph command, or list the data set as a list of table rows, using either list or the listtex package (downloadable from SSC). It is often advisable for the user to type preserve before a sequence of commands including bygap, and to type restore after a sequence of commands using bygap, because bygap modifies the data set by adding new observations. It is often also advisable for the user to place the whole sequence of commands in a do-file, and to execute this do-file, rather than to type the sequence of commands one by one at the terminal.


. bygap,g(toprow)

. bygap foreign,g(gind)

. sort foreign rep78 make . bygap foreign rep78,g(gapobs)

The following example works in the auto data if the user has installed the listtex package, downloadable from SSC. It outputs to the Results window a generic ampersand-delimited text table, which can be cut and pasted into a Microsoft Word document, and then converted to the rows of a table inside Microsoft Word, using the menu sequence Table->Convert->Text to Table. (Note that the listtex command can alternatively create table rows suitable for input into a TeX, LaTeX or HTML file.)

. preserve . bygap foreign,gap(gap) . decode foreign,gene(orig) . replace make=orig+" cars:" if gap==1 . listtex make mpg weight,type . restore

The following example works in the auto data if the user has installed the listtex package, and also the tostring package of Nicholas J. Cox and Jeremy Wernow. (Both of these packages can be downloaded from SSC.) It outputs to the Results window a generic ampersand-delimited text table, which can be cut and pasted into a Microsoft Word document (as in the previous example), and then converted into two tables, one for American cars and one for non-American cars, each with a title line containing the variable labels in the auto data. Note that, to do this, the user must convert the numeric variables to string variables, and this is done using tostring.

. preserve . tostring *,use . bygap foreign,rstring(labname) . listtex make mpg weight price,type . restore

The following example works in the auto data if the user has installed the sencode package, downloadable from SSC. It produces a graph of mileage by car type (US or non-US) and repair record.

. preserve . gene str1 rowlab="" . replace rowlab=string(rep78,"%2.0f") . bygap foreign,gap(gapind) . replace rowlab="US cars:" if gapind==1 & foreign==0 . replace rowlab="Others:" if gapind==1 & foreign==1 . sencode rowlab,gene(row) many gs(foreign -gapind rep78) . lab var row "Repair record" . version 7:graph row mpg,yreverse ylab(1(1)12) yscale(0 13) xlab(0(10)50) . restore


Roger Newson, King's College, London, UK. Email: roger.newson@kcl.ac.uk

Also see

Manual: [U] 14.1.2 by varlist:, [U] 14.5 by varlist: construct, [U] 31.2 The by construct, [R] by, [R] expand On-line: help for by, byprog, ssc help for listtex, sencode and tostring if installed