** ADO FILE FOR POPULATION SHEET OF CEQ Master Workbook Section E ** VERSION AND NOTES (changes between versions described under CHANGES) *! v1.5 23jul2020 ** v1.4 01jun17 For use with July 2017 version of CEQ Master Workbook Section E ** v1.3 27mar17 For use with Oct 2016 version of CEQ Master Workbook Section E ** v1.2 12jan17 For use with Oct 2016 version of CEQ Master Workbook Section E ** v1.1 01dec16 For use with Oct 2016 version of CEQ Master Workbook Section E ** v1.0 29sep16 For use with Sep 2016 version of CEQ Master Workbook Section E ** (beta version; please report any bugs), written by Sean Higgins sean.higgins@ceqinstitute.org ** CHANGES ** 06-01-2017 Add additional options to print meta-information ** 03-27-2017 Adjust started row of warning messages (bug pointed out by Sandra Martinez) ** 01-12-2017 Set the data type of all newly generated variables to be double ** Add a check of the data type of income and fiscal variables and issue a warning if ** they are not double ** 12-01-2016 Fixed bug with estimates on Target attending public/private (bug pointed out by Maynor Cabrera) ** NOTES ** TO DO ************************* ** PRELIMINARY PROGRAMS * ************************* // BEGIN returncol (Higgins 2015) // Returns Excel column corresponding to a number cap program drop returncol program define returncol, rclass confirm integer number `1' mata: st_strscalar("col",numtobase26(`1')) return local col = col end // END returncol ********************** ** ceqeduc PROGRAM * ********************** ** For sheet E20. Edu Enrollment Rates // BEGIN ceqeduc (Higgins 2015) capture program drop ceqeduc program define ceqeduc, rclass version 13.0 #delimit ; syntax [using/] [if] [in] [pweight/] [, /* INCOME CONCEPTS: */ Market(varname) Mpluspensions(varname) Netmarket(varname) Gross(varname) Taxable(varname) Disposable(varname) Consumable(varname) Final(varname) /* PPP CONVERSION */ PPP(real -1) CPISurvey(real -1) CPIBase(real -1) YEARly MOnthly DAily /* SURVEY INFORMATION */ HHid(varname) PSU(varname) Strata(varname) /* EDUCATION DUMMIES */ PREschool(varname) PRImary(varname) SECondary(varname) TERtiary(varname) PRESCHOOLAGE(varname) PRIMARYAGE(varname) SECONDARYAGE(varname) TERTIARYAGE(varname) PUBlic(varname) /* EXPORTING TO CEQ MASTER WORKBOOK: */ sheet(string) OPEN /* GROUP CUTOFFS */ cut1(real 1.90) cut2(real 3.20) cut3(real 5.50) cut4(real 11.50) cut5(real 57.60) /* INFORMATION CELLS */ COUNtry(string) SURVeyyear(string) /* string because could be range of years */ AUTHors(string) BASEyear(real -1) SCENario(string) GROUp(string) PROJect(string) /* DROP MISSING VALUES */ IGNOREMissing ] ; #delimit cr *********** ** LOCALS * *********** ** general programming locals local dit display as text in smcl local die display as error in smcl local command ceqeduc local version 1.5 `dit' "Running version `version' of `command' on `c(current_date)' at `c(current_time)'" _n " (please report this information if reporting a bug to sean.higgins@ceqinstitute.org)" ** education levels local educ_levels preschool primary secondary tertiary local age_levels preschoolage primaryage secondaryage tertiaryage local educ_vars `preschool' `primary' `secondary' `tertiary' local age_vars `preschoolage' `primaryage' `secondaryage' `tertiaryage' ** income concepts local m `market' local mp `mpluspensions' local n `netmarket' local g `gross' local t `taxable' local d `disposable' local c `consumable' local f `final' local alllist m mp n g t d c f local cols = wordcount("`alllist'") local origlist m mp n g d tokenize `alllist' // so `1' contains m; to get the variable you have to do ``1'' local varlist "" local counter = 1 foreach y of local alllist { local varlist `varlist' ``y'' // so varlist has the variable names // reverse tokenize: local _`y' = `counter' // so _m = 1, _mp = 2 (regardless of whether these options included) local ++counter } scalar _d_m = "Market Income" scalar _d_mp = "Market Income + Pensions" scalar _d_n = "Net Market Income" scalar _d_g = "Gross Income" scalar _d_t = "Taxable Income" scalar _d_d = "Disposable Income" scalar _d_c = "Consumable Income" scalar _d_f = "Final Income" ** poverty lines local povlines `pl1' `pl2' `pl3' `nationalextremepl' `nationalmoderatepl' `otherextremepl' `othermoderatepl' local plopts pl1 pl2 pl3 nationalextremepl nationalmoderatepl otherextremepl othermoderatepl foreach p of local plopts { if "``p''"!="" { cap confirm number ``p'' // `p' is the option name eg pl125 so ``p'' is what the user supplied in the option if !_rc scalar _`p'_isscalar = 1 // !_rc = ``p'' is a number else { // if _rc, i.e. ``p'' not number cap confirm numeric variable ``p'' if _rc { `die' "Option " in smcl "{opt `p'}" as error " must be specified as a scalar or existing variable." exit 198 } else scalar _`p'_isscalar = 0 // else = if ``p'' is numeric variable } } } scalar _relativepl_isscalar = 1 // `relativepl' created later ** results local supercols totLCU totPPP pcLCU pcPPP shares cumshare foreach v of local origlist { local supercols `supercols' fi_`v' // even if ``v''=="", to add space } ** print warning messages local warning "Warnings" ************************ ** PRESERVE AND MODIFY * ************************ preserve if wordcount("`if' `in'")!=0 quietly keep `if' `in' ** make sure all newly generated variables are in double format set type double ****************** ** PARSE OPTIONS * ****************** ** Check if all income variables are in double format local inctypewarn foreach var of local varlist { if "`var'"!="" { local vartype: type `var' if "`vartype'"!="double" { if wordcount("`inctypewarn'")>0 local inctypewarn `inctypewarn', `var' else local inctypewarn `var' } } } if wordcount("`inctypewarn'")>0 `dit' "Warning: Income variable(s) `inctypewarn' not stored in double format. This may lead to substantial discrepancies in the MWB due to rounding error." if wordcount("`inctypewarn'")>0 local warning `warning' "Warning: Income variable(s) `inctypewarn' not stored in double format. This may lead to substantial discrepancies in the MWB due to rounding error." ** education variables foreach var in `educ_levels' `age_levels' { cap assert ``var''==0 | ``var''==1 if _rc { `die' "{bf:`var'} option should contain a dummy variable equal to 0 or 1 for all observations" exit } } cap assert `public'==0 | `public'==1 | `public'==. if _rc { `die' "{bf:public} option should contain a dummy variable equal to 0 or 1 for all observations" exit } qui count if `public'==. if r(N)==0 { `dit' "Warning: {bf:public} should be missing for those who do not attend school" local warning `warning' "Warning: public should be missing for those who do not attend school" } ** ado file specific if "`sheet'"=="" local sheet "E20. Edu Enrollment Rates" // default name of sheet in Excel files ** weight (if they specified hhsize*hhweight type of thing) if strpos("`exp'","*")> 0 { // TBD: what if they premultiplied w by hsize? `die' "Please use the household weight in {weight}; this will automatically be multiplied by the size of household given by {bf:hsize}" exit } ** ppp conversion if (`ppp'==-1 & `cpisurvey'==-1 & `cpibase'==-1) { local _ppp = 0 `dit' "Option {bf:ppp} required." exit 198 } else local _ppp = 1 if (`_ppp' & min(`ppp',`cpisurvey',`cpibase')==-1) { `die' "To convert to PPP, must provide {bf:ppp}, {bf:cpisurvey}, and {bf:cpibase} options" exit 198 } if (`_ppp'==0 & wordcount("`daily' `monthly' `yearly'")>0) { `die' "{bf:daily}, {bf:monthly}, or {bf:yearly} options require use of {bf:ppp}, {bf:cpisurvey}, and {bf:cpibase}" exit 198 } if (`_ppp' & wordcount("`daily' `monthly' `yearly'")==0) { `dit' "Warning: {bf:daily}, {bf:monthly}, or {bf:yearly} options not specified; variables assumed to be in {bf:yearly} local currency units" local warning `warning' "Warning: daily, monthly, or yearly options not specified; variables assumed to be in yearly local currency units." local yearly yearly } if (wordcount("`daily' `monthly' `yearly'")>1) { `die' "{bf:daily}, {bf:monthly}, and {bf:yearly} options are exclusive" exit 198 } if ("`daily'"!="") local divideby = 1 else if ("`monthly'"!="") local divideby = 365/12 else if ("`yearly'"!="") local divideby = 365 ** group cut-offs local cut0 = 0 local cut6 = . // +infinity cap assert `cut0'<`cut1'<`cut2'<`cut3'<`cut4'<`cut5'<`cut6' if _rc { `die' "Group cut-off options must be specified such that 0<{bf:cut1}<{bf:cut2}<{bf:cut3}<{bf:cut4}<{bf:cut5}" exit 198 } // titles of groups local g1 "y < `cut1'" local g2 "`cut1' < y < `cut2'" local g3 "y < `cut2'" local g4 "`cut2' < y < `cut3'" local g5 "y < `cut3'" local g6 "`cut3' < y < `cut4'" local g7 "`cut4' < y < `cut5'" local g8 "y > `cut5'" local g9 "y > `cut4'" local g10 "y > `cut3'" ** NO... options if wordcount("`nodecile' `nogroup' `nocentile' `nobin'")==4 { `die' "All options {bf:nodecile}, {bf:nogroup}, {bf:nocentile}, {bf:nobin} specified; no results to produce" exit 198 } if "`nodecile'"=="" local _dec dec if "`nogroup'"=="" local _group2 group2 if "`nocentile'"=="" local _cent cent if "`nobin'"=="" local _bin bin ** make sure using is xls or xlsx cap putexcel clear if `"`using'"'!="" { qui di " // for Notepad++ syntax highlighting if !strpos(`"`using'"' /* " */ , ".xls") { `die' "File extension must be .xls or .xlsx to write to an existing CEQ Master Workbook (requires Stata 13 or newer)" exit 198 } confirm file `"`using'"' qui di " } else { // if "`using'"=="" `dit' "Warning: No file specified with {bf:using}; results saved in {bf:return list} but not exported to CEQ Master Workbook Section E" } if strpos(`"`using'"'," ")>0 & "`open'"!="" { // has spaces in filename qui di " `dit' `"Warning: `"`using'"' contains spaces; {bf:open} option will not be executed. File can be opened manually after `command' runs."' local open "" // so that it won't try to open below } ** negative incomes foreach v of local alllist { if "``v''"!="" { qui count if ``v''<0 // note `v' is e.g. m, ``v'' is varname if r(N) `dit' "Warning: `r(N)' negative values of ``v''" if r(N) local warning `warning' "Warning: `r(N)' negative values of ``v''" } } ** hsize and hhid if wordcount("`hsize' `hhid'")!=1 { `die' "Must exclusively specify {bf:hsize} (number of household members for household-level data) or " `die' "{bf:hhid} (unique household identifier for individual-level data)" exit 198 } *********************** ** SVYSET AND WEIGHTS * *********************** cap svydes scalar no_svydes = _rc if !_rc qui svyset // gets the results saved in return list if "`r(wvar)'"=="" & "`exp'"=="" { `dit' "Warning: weights not specified in svydes or the command" `dit' "Hence, equal weights (simple random sample) assumed" local warning `warning' "Warning: weights not specified in svydes or the command. Hence, equal weights (simple random sample) assumed." } else { if "`exp'"=="" & "`r(wvar)'"!="" local w `r(wvar)' if "`exp'"!="" local w `exp' if "`w'"!="" { local pw "[pw = `w']" local aw "[aw = `w']" } if "`exp'"=="" & "`r(wvar)'"!="" { local weight "pw" local exp "`r(wvar)'" } } /* else if "`r(su1)'"=="" & "`psu'"=="" { di as text "Warning: primary sampling unit not specified in svydes or the `command' command's psu() option" di as text "P-values will be incorrect if sample was stratified" local warning `warning' "Warning: primary sampling unit not specified in svydes or the `command' command's psu() option. P-values will be incorrect if sample was stratified." } */ if "`psu'"=="" & "`r(su1)'"!="" { local psu `r(su1)' } if "`strata'"=="" & "`r(strata1)'"!="" { local strata `r(strata1)' } if "`strata'"!="" { local opt strata(`strata') } ** now set it: if "`exp'"!="" qui svyset `psu' `pw', `opt' else qui svyset `psu', `opt' ************************** ** VARIABLE MODIFICATION * ************************** ** keep the variables used in ceqdes #delimit ; local relevar `varlist' `allprogs' `w' `psu' `strata' `exp' `educ_vars' `age_vars' `public' ; #delimit cr quietly keep `relevar' ** missing income concepts foreach var of local varlist { qui count if missing(`var') if "`ignoremissing'"=="" { if r(N) { `die' "Missing values not allowed; `r(N)' missing values of `var' found" exit 198 } } else { if r(N) { qui drop if missing(`var') `dit' "Warning: `r(N)' observations that are missing `var' were dropped because the user specified {bf:ignoremissing}" local warning `warning' "Warning: `r(N)' observations that are missing `var' were dropped because the user specified the ignoremissing option." } } } ** PPP converted variables if (`_ppp') { local ppp_calculated = `ppp'*(`cpisurvey'/`cpibase') foreach v of local alllist { tempvar `v'_ppp if "``v''"!="" qui gen ``v'_ppp' = (``v''/`divideby')*(1/`ppp_calculated') } } ** temporary variables tempvar one qui gen `one' = 1 *************************************************** ** INCOME GROUPS AND BINS, DECILES, AND QUANTILES * *************************************************** foreach v of local alllist { if "``v''"!="" { ** groups if `_ppp' { *tempvar `v'_group2 qui gen `v'_group2 = . forval gp=1/6 { qui replace `v'_group2 = `gp' if ``v'_ppp'>=`cut`=`gp'-1'' & ``v'_ppp'<`cut`gp'' // this works because I set `cut0' = 0 and `cut6' = infinity } qui replace `v'_group2 = 1 if ``v'_ppp' < 0 } } } local group2 = 6 ********************** ** CALCULATE RESULTS * ********************** local _0_ "pri" local _1_ "pub" local matrices_list target total_pub total_pri target_pub target_pri matrix ones = J(6,1,1) // for totals foreach v of local alllist { if "``v''"!="" { foreach mat of local matrices_list { tempname `v'_`mat' matrix ``v'_`mat'' = J(4,6,.) } tab `v'_group2 `public' forval gp = 1/6 { local ee = 0 foreach educ of local educ_levels { local ++ee if "``educ''"=="" continue /*tab `public' if ``educ'' == 1 tab `public' if ``educ'age' == 1 */ // Target population qui summ `one' if ``educ'age'==1 & `v'_group2==`gp' `aw' matrix ``v'_target'[`ee',`gp'] = r(sum) // Total attending public/private forval pp=0/1 { qui summ `one' if ``educ''==1 & `public'==`pp' /// & `v'_group2==`gp' `aw' matrix ``v'_total_`_`pp'_''[`ee',`gp'] = r(sum) // `_`pp'_' is "pri" or "pub" } // Target attending public/private forval pp=0/1 { qui summ `one' if ``educ'age'==1 & `public'==`pp' /// & `v'_group2==`gp' & ``educ''==1 `aw' matrix ``v'_target_`_`pp'_''[`ee',`gp'] = r(sum) } // Totals row foreach mat of local matrices_list { tempname `v'_`mat'_totrow matrix ``v'_`mat'_totrow' = ``v'_`mat'' * ones matrix `v'_`mat' = ``v'_`mat'' , ``v'_`mat'_totrow' } } } } } ***************** ** SAVE RESULTS * ***************** if `"`using'"'!="" /* " */ { `dit' `"Writing to "`using'"; may take several minutes"' local startcol_o = 4 // this one will stay fixed (column D) // Print information local date `c(current_date)' local titlesprint local titlerow = 3 local titlecol = 1 local titlelist country surveyyear authors date ppp baseyear cpibase cpisurvey ppp_calculated /// scenario group project foreach title of local titlelist { returncol `titlecol' if "``title''"!="" & "``title''"!="-1" /// local titlesprint `titlesprint' `r(col)'`titlerow'=("``title''") local titlecol = `titlecol' + 1 } // Print version number on Excel sheet local versionprint A4=("Results produced by version `version' of `command' on `c(current_date)' at `c(current_time)'") // Export to Excel (matrices) local submatrices extp poor rest tot local extp_add = 0 local poor_add = 3 local rest_add = 5 local tot_add = 10 local startcol = `startcol_o' local startrow = 11 local vertincrement = 34 local pp_increment = 7 local horzincrement = 13 local therow = `startrow' foreach v of local alllist { if "``v''"!="" { foreach mat of local matrices_list { foreach sub of local submatrices { tempname `v'_`mat'_`sub' } matrix ``v'_`mat'_extp' = `v'_`mat'[1...,1..2] // Marc: need to re make these temp mats matrix ``v'_`mat'_poor' = `v'_`mat'[1...,3] matrix ``v'_`mat'_rest' = `v'_`mat'[1...,4..6] matrix ``v'_`mat'_tot' = `v'_`mat'[1...,7] /* if strpos("`mat'","pri") { noi mat list ``v'_`mat'_extp' noi mat list ``v'_`mat'_poor' noi mat list ``v'_`mat'_rest' noi mat list ``v'_`mat'_tot' } */ if "`mat'"=="target" local thecol `startcol_o' else if strpos("`mat'","pub") /// local thecol = `thecol' + `horzincrement' // if "pri" it goes below, not to the side if !strpos("`mat'","pri") local putrow = `therow' else local putrow = `therow' + `pp_increment' foreach sub of local submatrices { local thesubcol = `thecol' + ``sub'_add' returncol `thesubcol' local resultset `resultset' `r(col)'`putrow'=matrix(``v'_`mat'_`sub'') } } } local therow = `therow' + `vertincrement' } // Export to Excel (group cutoffs) local startcol = `startcol_o' local cutoffrow = 10 forval i=1/10 { returncol `startcol' local cutoffs `cutoffs' `r(col)'`cutoffrow'=("`g`i''") local ++startcol } // Print warning message on Excel sheet local warningrow = 222 local warningcount = -1 foreach x of local warning { local warningprint `warningprint' A`warningrow'=("`x'") local ++warningrow local ++warningcount } // overwrite the obsolete warning messages if there are any forval i=0/100 { local warningprint `warningprint' A`=`warningrow'+`i''=("") } // count warning messages and print at the top of MWB local warningprint `warningprint' A5=("`warningcount' important warning messages are printed starting on row 542.") // putexcel qui putexcel `titlesprint' `versionprint' `resultset' `cutoffs' `warningprint' using `"`using'"', modify keepcellformat sheet("`sheet'") // " } ********* ** OPEN * ********* if "`open'"!="" & "`c(os)'"=="Windows" { shell start `using' // doesn't work with "" or `""' so I already changed `open' to "" if using has spaces, } else if "`open'"!="" & "`c(os)'"=="MacOSX" { shell open `using' } else if "`open'"!="" & "`c(os)'"=="Unix" { shell xdg-open `using' } ************* ** CLEAN UP * ************* quietly putexcel clear restore // note this also restores svyset end // END ceqeduc