program define choi_lr_testi, rclass version 14 * This is the immediate version of choi_lr_test * Calculate statistics for 2x2 tables contitioned on the marginal * success rate. These include the * Conditional maximum likelihood estimate of odds ratio (OR). * Conditional likelihood ratio for the null hypothesis that OR = 1 * LiChoi's likelihood ratio chi-squared test for 2x2 tables * The 1/6.8259358 likelihood support interval (LSI) for the OR * The 1/k LSI for the OR using some other value of k * See Choi et al. 2015 PLoS ONE. 10(4): e0121263. * INPUT: * a = number of exposed cases * b = number of unexposed cases * c = number of exposed controls * d = number of unexposed controls * k = a value used to calculate the 1/k LSI for the OR. * The 1/6.8259358 LSI is calculated by * default, which equals the frequentist 95% confidence * interval for normally distrubuted statistics. * OUTPUT: * or_cond = Maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the odds ratio for * exposure among cases vs. controls conditioned * on the total number of exposed subjects. * clr = Conditional likelihood ratio for the null hypothesis that OR = 1 * chi2_clr = Choi's LR chi-squared statistic. This is equation 9 of Choi et al. * p_choi = P value associated with the null hypothesis that OR = 1 * [lr6pt8lsi_lb, lr6pt8lsi_ub] * = likelihood ratio support interval for OR with k = 6.8259358. * [lrklsi_lb, lrklsi_ub] * = the likelihood ratio support interval for the user's value of k * SOME OTHER VARIABLES: * psi = the log of an odds ratio estimate. Not necessarily the MLE * psi_mle = the conditional MLE of psi * y1 = number of successes on treatment 1 * y2 = number of successes on treatment 2 * n1 = number of subjects on treatment 1 * n2 = number of subjects on treatment 2 * yplus = y1 + y2 = the marginal (total) number of successes * max_lnf = probability mass function of y1|yplus at psi_mle * * NOTATION * Choi et al. discuss a 2x2 table with n1 and n2 subjects on treatments 1 and * and 2, respectively with y1 and y2 successes observed on these two treatments. * This program is written using their notation. Hence, * a + b = n1 = total number of cases = total number of subjects on treatment 1 * c + d = n2 = total number of controls = total number of subjects on treatment 2 * a = y1 = number of exposed cases = number of successes on treatment 1 * c = y2 = number of exposed controls = number of successes on treatment 2 * CALLING SYNTAX * choi_lr_testi #a #b #c #d, k(#k) gettoken a 0 : 0, parse(" ,") gettoken b 0 : 0, parse(" ,") gettoken c 0 : 0, parse(" ,") gettoken d 0 : 0, parse(" ,") confirm integer number `a' confirm integer number `b' confirm integer number `c' confirm integer number `d' if `a'<0 | `b'<0 | `c'<0 | `d'<0 { display as error "negative numbers invalid" exit 498 } * Identify tables with too many zeros if `a'*`d'==0 & `b'*`c'==0 { display as error "Too many empty cells to estimate OR" exit 498 } syntax [, K(numlist max=1) Woolf TB COrnfield Exact Level(cilevel) * ] local levopt="level(`level')" preserve * Confirm that needed scalars do not exist in the calling program. If they * do, save them with another name so that they can be restored when the * program ends. foreach v in n1 n2 y1 y2 dummy psi p_choi chi2_clr clr max_lnf psi_mle k { capture confirm scalar `v' if _rc == 0 { scalar ______TMP`v' = `v' } } scalar y1 = `a' scalar y2 = `c' scalar n2 = `c' + `d' scalar n1 = `a' + `b' * * Do conventional case-control analysis * cci `a' `b' `c' `d', `woolf' `tb' `cornfield' `exact' `levopt' `options' local log_or_unconditional = log(r(or)) return scalar p = r(p) //two-sided p-value from the 2x2 chi^2 statistic without continuity correction return scalar p1_exact = r(p1_exact) //chi-squared or one-sided exact significance return scalar p_exact = r(p_exact) //two-sided exact significance return scalar or = r(or) //Unconditioned MLE of the odds ratio return scalar lb_or = r(lb_or) //lower bound of CI for or return scalar ub_or = r(ub_or) //upper bound of CI for or return scalar afe = r(afe) //attributable (prev.) fraction among exposed return scalar lb_afe = r(lb_afe) //lower bound of CI for afe return scalar ub_afe = r(ub_afe) //upper bound of CI for afe return scalar afp = r(afp) //attributable fraction for the population return scalar chi2 = r(chi2) //2x2 chi^2 statistic without continuity correction display " " clear quietly set obs 1 gen y1 = y1 gen y2 = y2 * Calculate the MLE of psi = log(or_cond) * See * for an introduction to Stata's ml program. The example given in this URL * was modified to maximize the likelihood function given in equation 7 of * Choi et al. 2015. * Identify if estimated OR = 0, infinity, of some positive number if `a'*`d'>0 & `b'*`c'>0 { // all cells are positive quietly ml model lf choi_lr_hypergeom (y1=) quietly ml init `log_or_unconditional', copy quietly ml maximize * The preceding command returns _b[_cons] which is the MLE of psi, * and e(ll) which is the maximum value of the log likelihood function scalar psi_mle = _b[_cons] scalar max_lnf = e(ll) * Calculate the probability of the observed results under the null hypothesis * that psi = 0. choi_lr_hyperg_prob n1 n2 y1 y2 0 * r(lnf) equals the log of the probability mass function when psi = 0 scalar clr = exp(max_lnf - r(lnf)) scalar chi2_clr = -2*(r(lnf)-max_lnf) scalar p_choi = chi2tail(1, chi2_clr) display as result " " display as result "Likelihood ratio statistics conditioned on the marginal exposure rate" display as result " " display as result "Maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of odds ratio = "exp(psi_mle) display as result "Likelihood ratio under the null hypothesis = "clr display as result "Likelihood ratio chi-squared statistic = "chi2_clr display as result "P value for the null hypothesis that the OR equals 1 = "p_choi return scalar or_cond = exp(_b[_cons]) return scalar clr = clr return scalar chi2_clr = chi2_clr return scalar p_choi = p_choi global k_global = 6.8259358 * Calculate the 1/6.8259358 LSI for the OR choi_lr_support_interval return scalar lr6pt8lsi_lb =LRsupport_lb return scalar lr6pt8lsi_ub =LRsupport_ub * Calculate the 1/k LSI for the OR if "`k'"~="" { global k_global = `k' choi_lr_support_interval return scalar lrklsi_lb =LRsupport_lb return scalar lrklsi_ub =LRsupport_ub } } else if `a'*`d'>0 & `b'*`c'==0 { // Estimated OR = infinity * Equation (7) of Choi et al 2015 approaches 1 as psi approaches infinity * A proof of this is given in Equn7whenAcellEquals0.pdf, which is stored in * my dropbox folder \OFFICE_desktop\ChoiFisherTest\Stata Program\ado\withZeros scalar max_lnf = 0 choi_lr_hyperg_prob n1 n2 y1 y2 0 scalar clr = exp(max_lnf - r(lnf)) scalar chi2_clr = -2*(r(lnf)-max_lnf) scalar p_choi = chi2tail(1, chi2_clr) display as result " " display as result "Likelihood ratio statistics conditioned on the marginal exposure rate" display as result " " display as result "Maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of odds ratio = infinity" display as result "Likelihood ratio under the null hypothesis = "clr display as result "Likelihood ratio chi-squared statistic = "chi2_clr display as result "P value for the null hypothesis that the OR equals 1 = "p_choi return scalar or_cond = . return scalar clr = clr return scalar chi2_clr = chi2_clr return scalar p_choi = p_choi global k_global = 6.8259358 * Calculate the 1/6.8259358 LSI for the OR choi_lr_support_interval_big_or return scalar lr6pt8lsi_lb =LRsupport_lb return scalar lr6pt8lsi_ub =. * To comfirm this lower bound execute the next three lines * local debug_psi = log(LRsupport_lb) //debug * choi_lr_hyperg_prob n1 n2 y1 y2 `debug_psi' //debug * di "LR at lb = " 1/exp(r(lnf)) //debug * Calculate the 1/k LSI for the OR if "`k'"~="" { global k_global = `k' choi_lr_support_interval_big_or return scalar lrklsi_lb =LRsupport_lb return scalar lrklsi_ub =. * To comfirm this lower bound execute the next three lines * local debug_psi = log(LRsupport_lb) //debug * choi_lr_hyperg_prob n1 n2 y1 y2 `debug_psi' //debug * di "LR at lb = " 1/exp(r(lnf)) //debug } } else if `a'*`d'==0 & `b'*`c'>0 { // Estimated OR = 0 * Equation (7) of Choi et al 2015 approaches 1 as psi approaches minus infinity * A proof of this is given in Equn7whenAcellEquals0.pdf, which is stored in * my dropbox folder \OFFICE_desktop\ChoiFisherTest\Stata Program\ado\withZeros scalar max_lnf = 0 choi_lr_hyperg_prob n1 n2 y1 y2 0 scalar clr = exp(max_lnf - r(lnf)) scalar chi2_clr = -2*(r(lnf)-max_lnf) scalar p_choi = chi2tail(1, chi2_clr) display as result " " display as result "Likelihood ratio statistics conditioned on the marginal exposure rate" display as result " " display as result "Maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of odds ratio = 0" display as result "Likelihood ratio under the null hypothesis = "clr display as result "Likelihood ratio chi-squared statistic = "chi2_clr display as result "P value for the null hypothesis that the OR equals 1 = "p_choi return scalar or_cond = 0 return scalar clr = clr return scalar chi2_clr = chi2_clr return scalar p_choi = p_choi global k_global = 6.8259358 * Calculate the 1/6.8259358 LSI for the OR choi_lr_support_interval_or_eq_0 return scalar lr6pt8lsi_lb =0 return scalar lr6pt8lsi_ub =LRsupport_ub * To comfirm this upper bound execute the next three lines * local debug_psi = log(LRsupport_ub) //debug * choi_lr_hyperg_prob n1 n2 y1 y2 `debug_psi' //debug * di "LR at ub = " 1/exp(r(lnf)) //debug * Calculate the 1/k LSI for the OR if "`k'"~="" { global k_global = `k' choi_lr_support_interval_or_eq_0 return scalar lrklsi_lb =0 return scalar lrklsi_ub =LRsupport_ub * To comfirm this upper bound execute the next three lines * local debug_psi = log(LRsupport_ub) //debug * choi_lr_hyperg_prob n1 n2 y1 y2 `debug_psi' //debug * di "LR at ub = " 1/exp(r(lnf)) //debug } } * Restore any scalar values from the calling program that have been changed foreach v in n1 n2 y1 y2 dummy psi p_choi chi2_clr clr max_lnf psi_mle k { capture confirm scalar ______TMP`v' if _rc == 0 { scalar `v' = ______TMP`v' scalar drop ______TMP`v' } } end // ********************************************************