help for ^ciform^                                                  (Roger Newso
> n)

Formatting numeric variables as a confidence interval for tables in documents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

^ciform^ [varlist] [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] , ^n^ewvars(newvarlist) [ ^f^ormat(format) ]

Description -----------

^ciform^ takes, as input, a list of 3 numeric variables, assumed to contain estimates, lower confidence limits and upper confidence limits, respectively, It creates, as output, a list of 3 new string variables, containing the 3 numeric input variables formatted as a confidence interval. These new variables are intended to be output using ^outsheet^ and imported into word processors or spreadsheets (or even TeX) to be incorporated into tables. ^ciform^ is intended for use after ^parmest^ (STB-49, May 1999), which saves a model fit as a new data set, with 1 observation per parameter of the most recently fitted model, a > nd variables containing point estimates and confidence limits. If ^varlist^ is absent, then ^ciform^ searches for variables called ^estimate^, ^min$S_level^ and ^max$S_level^ (as created by ^parmest^), where ^S_level^ is the global macro containing the current confidence level.

Options for use with ^ciform^ --------------------------

^newvars^ specifies a list of 3 new string variables, containing the input variables formatted as a confidence interval, with commas and parentheses added to the lower and upper limits as appropriate.

^format^ specifies the format to be used for the confidence interval. If ^format^ is not specified, then ^ciform^ uses the format of the first variable in ^varlist^.

Remarks -------

^ciform^ is designed to be used after ^parmest^ and before ^outsheet,noquote^ when creating tables of confidence intervals in a document. It saves the labour of manually reformatting the estimates and confidence limit > s and keying in the commas and parentheses one by one inside a word processor (or even a text editor in preparation for input to TeX). The output worksheet is typically a tab-delimited text file. The user can cut and paste this output into a word processor, or replace all the tabs with ampersands and all the ^<newline>^s with ^\cr<newline>^ and then cut and paste the result into a TeX table.

Examples --------

. ^regress mpg foreign weight,robust^ . ^parmest,label^ . ^ciform,f(%8.2f) n(beta betamin betamax)^ . ^outsheet parm label beta betamin betamax using table1.txt,noquote replace^

. ^ciform or ormin ormax,ne(sor sormin sormax) fo(%8.2f)^

Author ------

Roger Newson, Guy's, King's and St Thomas' School of Medicine, London, UK. Email: ^roger.newson@@kcl.ac.uk^

Also see --------

Manual: ^[R] outsheet^ STB: dm65 (STB-49) On-line: help for @outsheet@, help for @parmest@ if installed