capt program drop cmi_interval program define cmi_interval, rclass version 11.1 // Programmed by Wooyoung Kim (University of Wisconsin-Madison, // This is the command implementing "Inference Based on Conditional Moment Inequalities" (Donald W.K. Andrews and Xiaoxia Shi, 2013). /* */ local lbvar ` ' local ubvar ` ' gettoken lbvar 0: 0, match(leftover) gettoken ubvar 0: 0, match(leftover) syntax anything [if] [in] [, LEVel(real 0.95) DECI(integer 3) *] local max_deci `deci' local reject = 1 - `level' local bon_reject = 1 - (1 + `level')/2 local num_lb = wordcount("`lbvar'") local num_ub = wordcount("`ubvar'") if `num_lb' != 0 { foreach a of local lbvar { quietly sum `a' local lowmin = `r(min)' local lowmax = `r(max)' } foreach a of local lbvar { quietly sum `a' local lowmin = min(`lowmin',`r(min)') local lowmax = max(`lowmax',`r(max)') } local ldist = `lowmax' - `lowmin' local lowmin = floor(`lowmin') local lowmax = ceil(`lowmax') } if `num_ub' != 0 { foreach a of local ubvar { quietly sum `a' local upmin = `r(min)' local upmax = `r(max)' } foreach a of local ubvar { quietly sum `a' local upmin = min(`upmin',`r(min)') local upmax = max(`upmax',`r(max)') } local udist = `upmax' - `upmin' local upmin = floor(`upmin') local upmax = ceil(`upmax') } if `num_lb' == 0 { /********************************************************************/ /******************* Upper Bound Only Case **************************/ /********************************************************************/ local dir = -1 local ujump = 1 local ubound `upmax' local inbound = 0 local pinbound = 0 if `udist' > 1 { while (`inbound' != 0 | `pinbound' != 1 | `ujump' != 1){ local pinbound = `inbound' local ub_temp ` ' foreach a of local ubvar { tempvar ubound_theta`i' gen `ubound_theta`i'' = `a' - `ubound' local dummy "`ubound_theta`i''" local ub_temp `ub_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`ub_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if `dir' == -1{ if `pval' < `reject'{ local ujump = `ujump' * 2 local inbound = 0 } else{ local ujump = max(`ujump' /2, 1) local dir = -1 * `dir' local inbound = 1 } } else{ if `pval' >= `reject'{ local ujump = `ujump' * 2 local inbound = 1 } else{ local ujump = max(`ujump' /2, 1) local dir = -1 * `dir' local inbound = 0 } } local ubound = `ubound' + `dir' * `ujump' } } forval deci = 1(1)`max_deci'{ local ujump = 10^(-`deci') local inbound = 0 while (`inbound' != 1){ local ub_temp ` ' foreach a of local ubvar { tempvar ubound_theta`i' gen `ubound_theta`i'' = `a' - `ubound' local dummy "`ubound_theta`i''" local ub_temp `ub_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`ub_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if `pval' > `reject' { local inbound = 1 } else{ local ubound = `ubound' - `ujump' } } local ubound = `ubound' + `ujump' } } else if `num_ub' == 0 { /********************************************************************/ /******************* Lower Bound Only Case **************************/ /********************************************************************/ local dir = 1 local ljump = 1 local lbound `lowmin' local inbound = 0 local pinbound = 0 if `ldist' > 1 { while (`inbound' != 0 | `pinbound' != 1 | `ljump' != 1){ local pinbound = `inbound' local lb_temp ` ' foreach a of local lbvar { tempvar lbound_theta`i' gen `lbound_theta`i'' = `lbound' - `a' local dummy "`lbound_theta`i''" local lb_temp `lb_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`lb_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if `dir' == 1{ if `pval' < `reject'{ local ljump = `ljump' * 2 local inbound = 0 } else{ local ljump = max(`ljump' /2, 1) local dir = -1 * `dir' local inbound = 1 } } else{ if `pval' >= `reject'{ local ljump = `ljump' * 2 local inbound = 1 } else{ local ljump = max(`ljump' /2, 1) local dir = -1 * `dir' local inbound = 0 } } local lbound = `lbound' + `dir' * `ljump' } } forval deci = 1(1)`max_deci'{ local ljump = 10^(-`deci') local inbound = 0 while (`inbound' != 1){ local lb_temp ` ' foreach a of local lbvar { tempvar lbound_theta`i' gen `lbound_theta`i'' = `lbound' - `a' local dummy "`lbound_theta`i''" local lb_temp `lb_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`lb_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if `pval' > `reject' { local inbound = 1 } else{ local lbound = `lbound' + `ljump' } } local lbound = `lbound' - `ljump' } } else{ /********************************************************************/ /************** Both Upper and Lower Bound Case *********************/ /********************************************************************/ /* STEP1: Bonferroni Upper Bound */ local dir = -1 local ujump = 1 local ubound `upmax' local inbound = 0 local pinbound = 0 if `udist' > 1{ while (`inbound' != 0 | `pinbound' != 1 | `ujump' != 1){ local pinbound = `inbound' local ub_temp ` ' foreach a of local ubvar { tempvar ubound_theta`i' gen `ubound_theta`i'' = `a' - `ubound' local dummy "`ubound_theta`i''" local ub_temp `ub_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`ub_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if `dir' == -1{ if (`pval' < `bon_reject'){ local ujump = `ujump' * 2 local inbound = 0 } else{ local ujump = max(`ujump' /2, 1) local dir = -1 * `dir' local inbound = 1 } } else{ if (`pval' >= `bon_reject'){ local ujump = `ujump' * 2 local inbound = 1 } else{ local ujump = max(`ujump' /2, 1) local dir = -1 * `dir' local inbound = 0 } } local ubound = `ubound' + `dir' * `ujump' } } forval deci = 1(1)`max_deci'{ local ujump = 10^(-`deci') local inbound = 0 while (`inbound' != 1){ local ub_temp ` ' foreach a of local ubvar { tempvar ubound_theta`i' gen `ubound_theta`i'' = `a' - `ubound' local dummy "`ubound_theta`i''" local ub_temp `ub_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`ub_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if (`pval' > `bon_reject') { local inbound = 1 } else{ local ubound = `ubound' - `ujump' } } local ubound = `ubound' + `ujump' } /* Bonferroni Lower Bound */ local dir = 1 local ljump = 1 local lbound `lowmin' local inbound = 0 local pinbound = 0 if `ldist' > 1 { while (`inbound' != 0 | `pinbound' != 1 | `ljump' != 1){ local pinbound = `inbound' local lb_temp ` ' foreach a of local lbvar { tempvar lbound_theta`i' gen `lbound_theta`i'' = `lbound' - `a' local dummy "`lbound_theta`i''" local lb_temp `lb_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`lb_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if `dir' == 1{ if `pval' < `bon_reject'{ local ljump = `ljump' * 2 local inbound = 0 } else{ local ljump = max(`ljump' /2, 1) local dir = -1 * `dir' local inbound = 1 } } else{ if (`pval' >= `bon_reject'){ local ljump = `ljump' * 2 local inbound = 1 } else{ local ljump = max(`ljump' /2, 1) local dir = -1 * `dir' local inbound = 0 } } local lbound = `lbound' + `dir' * `ljump' } } forval deci = 1(1)`max_deci'{ local ljump = 10^(-`deci') local inbound = 0 while (`inbound' != 1){ local lb_temp ` ' foreach a of local lbvar { tempvar lbound_theta`i' gen `lbound_theta`i'' = `lbound' - `a' local dummy "`lbound_theta`i''" local lb_temp `lb_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`lb_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if (`pval' > `bon_reject') { local inbound = 1 } else{ local lbound = `lbound' + `ljump' } } local lbound = `lbound' - `ljump' } /* STEP2: Calculate the strict bound */ if (`lbound' > `ubound') { local empty = 1 } else{ local empty = 0 local dist = `ubound' - `lbound' local jump = max(floor(`dist'/20),1) if (`dist' > 2){ local inbound = 0 while (`inbound' == 0 | `jump' > 1 ){ local i = 1 local lb_temp = ` ' foreach a of local lbvar { tempvar lbound_theta`i' gen `lbound_theta`i'' = `lbound' - `a' local dummy "`lbound_theta`i''" local lb_temp `lb_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } local i = 1 foreach a of local ubvar { tempvar ubound_theta`i' gen `ubound_theta`i'' = `a' - `lbound' local dummy "`ubound_theta`i''" local lb_temp `lb_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`lb_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if (`pval' > `reject') { local inbound = 1 local lbound = `lbound' - `jump' local jump = max(floor(`jump'/2),1) } else if (`prepval' > `pval'){ local inbound = 0.5 local lbound = `lbound' - 2 * `jump' local jump = max(floor(`jump'/2),1) } else{ local lbound = `lbound' + `jump' local inbound = 0 } } if (`inbound' == 0.5) { local ubound = `lbound' + 2 } else{ local inbound = 0 local dist = `ubound' - `lbound' local jump = max(floor(`dist'/20),1) while (`inbound' == 0 | `jump' > 1 ){ local i = 1 local ub_temp = ` ' foreach a of local lbvar { tempvar lbound_theta`i' gen `lbound_theta`i'' = `ubound' - `a' local dummy "`lbound_theta`i''" local ub_temp `ub_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } local i = 1 foreach a of local ubvar { tempvar ubound_theta`i' gen `ubound_theta`i'' = `a' - `ubound' local dummy "`ubound_theta`i''" local lb_temp `lb_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`ub_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if (`pval' > `reject') { local inbound = 1 local ubound = `ubound' + `jump' local jump = max(floor(`jump'/2),1) } else{ local ubound = `ubound' - `jump' local inbound = 0 } } } } forval deci = 1(1)`max_deci'{ local dist = `ubound' - `lbound' local jump = 10^(-`deci') if (`dist' > 20*`jump'){ local inbound = 0 while (`inbound' == 0){ local i = 1 local lb_temp ` ' foreach a of local lbvar { tempvar lbound_theta`i' gen `lbound_theta`i'' = `lbound' - `a' local dummy "`lbound_theta`i''" local lb_temp `lb_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } local i = 1 foreach a of local ubvar { tempvar ubound_theta`i' gen `ubound_theta`i'' = `a' - `lbound' local dummy "`ubound_theta`i''" local lb_temp `lb_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`lb_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if (`pval' > `reject') { local inbound = 1 } else{ local lbound = `lbound' + `jump' } } local lbound = `lbound' - `jump' local inbound = 0 while (`inbound' == 0){ local i = 1 local ub_temp ` ' foreach a of local lbvar { tempvar lbound_theta`i' gen `lbound_theta`i'' = `ubound' - `a' local dummy "`lbound_theta`i''" local ub_temp `ub_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } local i = 1 foreach a of local ubvar { tempvar ubound_theta`i' gen `ubound_theta`i'' = `a' - `ubound' local dummy "`ubound_theta`i''" local ub_temp `ub_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`ub_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if (`pval' > `reject') { local inbound = 1 } else{ local ubound = `ubound' - `jump' } } local ubound = `ubound' + `jump' } else if `dist' > `jump'{ local inbound = 0 local pval = 0 local prepval = 0 while (`inbound' == 0 & `pval' >= `prepval'){ local prepval = `pval' local i = 1 local lb_temp ` ' foreach a of local lbvar { tempvar lbound_theta`i' gen `lbound_theta`i'' = `lbound' - `a' local dummy "`lbound_theta`i''" local lb_temp `lb_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } local i = 1 foreach a of local ubvar { tempvar ubound_theta`i' gen `ubound_theta`i'' = `a' - `lbound' local dummy "`ubound_theta`i''" local lb_temp `lb_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`lb_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' /* A case in which we can find a point in the bound */ if (`pval' > `reject') { local inbound = 1 } else if (`pval' >= `prepval'){ local lbound = `lbound' + `jump' } } local lbound = `lbound' - `jump' if (`pval' < `prepval'){ /* we suspect a small interval here */ local lbound = `lbound' - `jump' local ubound = `lbound' + `jump' } else{ local inbound = 0 while (`inbound' == 0){ local i = 1 local ub_temp ` ' foreach a of local lbvar { tempvar lbound_theta`i' gen `lbound_theta`i'' = `ubound' - `a' local dummy "`lbound_theta`i''" local ub_temp `ub_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } local i = 1 foreach a of local ubvar { tempvar ubound_theta`i' gen `ubound_theta`i'' = `a' - `ubound' local dummy "`ubound_theta`i''" local ub_temp `ub_temp' `dummy' local i = `i' + 1 } quietly cmi_test (`ub_temp') () `anything' `if' `in' , `options' local pval = `r(pval)' if (`pval' > `reject') { local inbound = 1 local ubound = `ubound' + `jump' } else{ local inbound = 0 local ubound = `ubound' - `jump' } } } } } } } local N = `r(N)' local kappa = `r(kappa)' local ncube = `r(ncube)' local B = `r(B)' local epsilon = `r(epsilon)' local rep_cv = `r(rep_cv)' local a_obs = `r(a_obs)' local r_n = `r(r_n)' local method = "`r(method)'" local method_CV = "`r(method_CV)'" local method_FUN = "`r(method_FUN)'" return clear return local method = "`method'" return local method_CV = "`method_CV'" return local method_FUN = "`method_FUN'" return local x = "`anything'" if `num_ub' != 0 { return local ubvar = "`ubvar'" } if `num_lb' != 0 { return local lbvar = "`lbvar'" } return local title = "Conditional Moment Inequalities Interval" return local cmd = "cmi_interval" return scalar N = `N' if `num_lb' != 0 { return scalar lbound = `lbound' } if `num_ub' != 0 { return scalar ubound = `ubound' } return scalar level = `level' return scalar kappa = `kappa' return scalar ncube = `ncube' return scalar B = `B' return scalar epsilon = `epsilon' return scalar rep_cv = `rep_cv' return scalar a_obs = `a_obs' return scalar r_n = `r_n' return scalar deci = `max_deci' display as text _newline "Conditional Moment Inequalities Interval" _col(59) "Number of obs : " as result r(N) display as text "{hline 80}" display as text "" if "`lbvar'" != "" { display as text "Variables for the Lower Bound : " as result "`lbvar'" } else{ display as text "A Lower Bound is not computed" } if "`ubvar'" != "" { display as text "Variables for the Upper Bound : " as result "`ubvar'" } else{ display as text "An Upper Bound is not computed" } display as text "Instruments : " as result "`anything'" display as text "{hline 80}" display as text "" display as text "`method'" display as text "`method_CV'" display as text "`method_FUN'" display as text "{hline 80}" display as text "" display as result 100*r(level) as text "% confidence interval is:" if `num_lb' == 0 { display as result as text "( " as result "-inf" as text " , " %5.`max_deci'f as result `ubound' as text " )" } else if `num_ub' == 0 { display as result as text "( " %5.`max_deci'f as result `lbound' as text " , " as result "inf" as text " )" } else { if `empty' == 0{ display as result as text "( " %5.`max_deci'f as result `lbound' as text " , " as result %5.`max_deci'f `ubound' as text " )" } else{ display as text "The confidence interval is empty under " `max_deci' " digits decimal" } } end