help contour


Produces a contour plot


contour [varlist] [, options]

options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main split{numlist} specifies the values for the contours and takes a number list, the default is 3 contours at the mean, 25th and 75th percentiles. values specifies that the data points be plotted alongside the contours. twoway_options specifies options for example titles and labels. -------------------------------------------------------------------------


contour draws a contour plot for a variable list on the x-axis and the observations on the y-axis.


+------+ ----+ Main +-------------------------------------------------------------

split{numlist} specifies the values for the contours and takes a number list, the default is 3 contours at the mean, 25th and 75th percentiles.

values specifies that the data points be plotted alongside the contours.


Click the following commands in order. clear

set obs 8

gen x1=uniform() gen x2=uniform() gen x3=uniform() gen x4=uniform()

contour x1-x4 contour x1-x4, ylabel(,angle(0)) title(contours) split(0.5)

Also see

Online: twoway