#delim ; prog def cprdent_14, rclass; version 13; /* Decode data* variables for entity type 14. *!Author: Roger Newson *!Date: 04 November 2016 */ syntax [ , DOfile(string) ]; * Check that all data variables are present *; local Ndatafield=2; local datavars ""; forv i1=1(1)`Ndatafield' {; local datavars "`datavars' data`i1'"; }; local datavars: list retokenize datavars; confirm string var `datavars'; * Input value labels if present *; if `"`dofile'"'!="" {; run `"`dofile'"'; }; * Decode data variables to new variables *; unab oldvars: *; qui {; gene height=real(data1); compress height; lab var height "Height (metres)"; gene double heightcentile=real(data2); compress heightcentile; cap lab val heightcentile cen; lab var heightcentile "Height centile"; }; unab newvars: *; local newvars: list newvars - oldvars; * Remove non-existent value labels for new variables *; foreach X of var `newvars' {; local Xvallab: val lab `X'; if "`Xvallab'"!="" {; mata: st_local("labpres",strofreal(st_vlexists("`Xvallab'"))); if !`labpres' lab val `X'; }; }; * Describe new variables *; desc `newvars', fu; * Return results *; return clear; return local newvars "`newvars'"; return local datavars "`datavars'"; end;