help for cprplots, acprplots

Graph (augmented) component-plus-residual plots in a single image

cprplots [varlist] [, rlopts(cline_options) lowess lsopts(lowess_options) mspline msopts(mspline_options) scatter_options combine_options ]

acprplots [varlist] [, rlopts(cline_options) lowess lsopts(lowess_options) mspline msopts(mspline_options) scatter_options combine_options ]

cprplots and acprplots are for use after regress and anova; see help regress and anova.


cprplots graphs component-plus-residual plots (a.k.a. partial residual plots) for the specified variables in a single image. acprplots graphs the augmented component-plus-residual plots. The variables in varlist must be independent variables that are currently in the model. If varlist is omitted, all independent variables in the model are used.

cprplots and acprplots are implemented as wrappers for cprplot and acprplot (see help cprplot).


rlopts(cline_options) affect the rendition of the reference line; see help cline_options.

lowess adds a lowess smooth of the plotted points in order to assist in detecting nonlinearities.

lsopts(lowess_options) affect the rendition of the lowess smooth; see help twoway_lowess. Specifying lsopts() implies the lowess option.

mspline adds a median spline of the plotted points in order to assist in detecting nonlinearities.

msopts(mspline_options) affect the rendition of the median spline smooth; see help twoway_mspline. Specifying msopts() implies the mspline option.

scatter_options affect the rendition of the plotted points; see help scatter.

combine_options are any of the options documented in help graph_combine. These include options for titling the graph (see help title_options) and options for saving the graph to disk (see help saving_option).


. regress price weight mpg . cprplots . acprplots


Ben Jann, ETH Zurich, jann@soz.gess.ethz.ch

Also see

Manual: [R] regress, [R] regression diagnostics