* version 1.0.4 26oct2009 dataout by roywada@hotmail.com * exports dataset or tab-delimited file into various formats * codes ripped from outreg/outreg2/logout/xmlsave program define dataout syntax [using/], [save(string) excel tex word NOHEAD HEAD replace NOAUTO auto(integer 3) dec(numlist int >=0 <=11) /* */ MIDborder(int 1) ] version 7 if `"`using'"'=="" & "`save'"=="" { noi di in red "must specify {opt using} or {opt save( )}" exit 198 } if "`using'"~="" { * attach .txt if nothing attached local beg_dot = index(`"`using'"',".") if `beg_dot'==0 { local using `"`using'.txt"' } } if "`save'"=="" { * assign save name local beg_dot = index(`"`using'"',".") local strippedname = substr(`"`using'"',1,`=`beg_dot'-1') local save "`strippedname'_logout.txt" } else { * assign save name local beg_dot = index(`"`save'"',".") if `beg_dot'~=0 { local strippedname = substr(`"`save'"',1,`=`beg_dot'-1') local save `"`strippedname'.txt"' } else { * `save' has no extension local strippedname `"`save'"' local save `"`save'.txt"' } if `"`using'"'=="" { * if using file was not specified but save was: local beg_dot = index(`"`save'"',".") if `beg_dot'~=0 { local strippedname = substr(`"`save'"',1,`=`beg_dot'-1') } else { local strippedname `"`save'"' } } } qui { if `"`using'"'~="" { preserve qui insheet using `"`using'"', noname clear } cap preserve *foreach var of varlist _all { * tostring `var', replace force *} stringMaker if "`dec'"~="" { * apply decimals foreach var of varlist _all { local N=_N forval num=1/`N' { local content=`var'[`num'] capture confirm number `content' if _rc==0 { * only if a number replace `var' = string(`content',"%12.`dec'fc") in `num' } else { * only if not a number *replace `var'=`"`content'"' in `num' } } } } if "`noauto'"~="noauto" & "`dec'"=="" { * apply autodigits foreach var of varlist _all { local N=_N forval num=1/`N' { local content=`var'[`num'] capture confirm number `content' if _rc==0 { * only if a number autodigits2 `content' `auto' `less' replace `var' = string(`content',"%12.`r(valstr)'") in `num' } else { * only if not a number *replace `var'=`"`content'"' in `num' } } } } if ("`nohead'"~="nohead" & `"`using'"'=="") | "`head'"=="head" { * moves the variable names down local N=_N+1 tempvar id gen `id'=_n set obs `N' replace `id'=0 in `N' sort `id' drop `id' local num 1 foreach var of varlist _all { replace `var'="`var'" in 1 } local num 1 foreach var of varlist _all { ren `var' v`num' local num=`num'+1 } } local titleWide 0 local headBorder `midborder' local N=_N local bottomBorder `N' local totrows `N' /* for wordout only */ *** Excel xml file thing if "`excel'"=="excel" { tempfile file1 cap confirm file `"`strippedname'.xml"' if !_rc & "`replace'"~="replace" { * it exists noi di in red `"`strippedname'.xml exists; specify {opt replace}"' exit 198 } save `file1', replace if "`raw'"=="raw" { replace raw=`"""' + raw + `"""' } *use `outing',clear * _xmlout using `"`strippedname'"', excelFile(`excelFile') nonames titleWide(`titleWide') /* * */ headBorder(`headBorder') bottomBorder(`bottomBorder') local N=_N _xmlout using `"`strippedname'"', nonames headBorder(`midborder') bottomBorder(`N') local usingTerm `"`strippedname'.xml"' local cl `"{browse `"`usingTerm'"'}"' noi di as txt `"`cl'"' use `file1', clear } if "`word'"=="word" | "`tex'"=="tex" { cap preserve if ("`nohead'"=="nohead" & `"`using'"'~="") & "`head'"~="head" { * `using' indicates * files not yet named v* local num 1 foreach var of varlist _all { ren `var' v`num' local num=`num'+1 } } *** Word rtf file thing if "`word'"=="word" { cap confirm file `"`strippedname'.rtf"' if !_rc & "`replace'"~="replace" { * it exists noi di in red `"`strippedname'.rtf exists; specify {opt replace}"' exit 198 } * there must be varlist to avoid error *_wordout v* `"`using'"', titleWide(`titleWide') headBorder(`headBorder') bottomBorder(`bottomBorder') replace nopretty _wordout v* using `"`strippedname'"', wordFile(`wordFile') titleWide(`titleWide') /* */ headBorder(`headBorder') bottomBorder(`bottomBorder') replace nopretty local temp `r(documentname)' * strip off "using" and quotes gettoken part rest: temp, parse(" ") gettoken usingTerm second: rest, parse(" ") local cl_word `"{browse `"`usingTerm'"'}"' noi di as txt `"`cl_word'"' } *** LaTeX thing *** (will mess up the original file) if "`tex'"=="tex" { cap confirm file `"`strippedname'.tex"' if !_rc & "`replace'"~="replace" { * it exists noi di in red `"`strippedname'.tex exists; specify {opt replace}"' exit 198 } * make certain `1' is not `"`using'"' (another context) _texout v* using `"`strippedname'"', texFile(`texFile') titleWide(`titleWide') headBorder(`headBorder') bottomBorder(`bottomBorder') `texopts' replace if `"`texFile'"'=="" { local endName "tex" } else { local endName "`texFile'" } local usingTerm `"`strippedname'.`endName'"' local cl_tex `"{browse `"`usingTerm'"'}"' noi di as txt `"`cl_tex'"' } } noi _cdout } /* quietly */ end ******************************************************************************************** *** ripped from outreg2 Mar 2008 program define autodigits2, rclass version 7.0 * getting the significant digits args input auto less if `input'~=. { local times=0 local left=0 * integer checked by modified mod function if round((`input' - int(`input')),0.0000000001)==0 { local whole=1 } else { local whole=0 * non-interger if `input'<. { * digits that need to be moved if it were only decimals: take the ceiling of log 10 of absolute value of decimals local times=abs(int(ln(abs(`input'-int(`input')))/ln(10)-1)) * the whole number: take the ceiling of log 10 of absolute value local left=int(ln(abs(`input'))/ln(10)+1) } } * assign the fixed decimal values into aadec if `whole'==1 { local aadec=0 } else if .>`left' & `left'>0 { * reduce the left by one if more than zero to accept one extra digit if `left'<=`auto' { local aadec=`auto'-`left'+1 } else { local aadec=0 } } else { local aadec=`times'+`auto'-1 } if "`less'"=="" { * needs to between 0 and 11 if `aadec'<0 { local aadec=0 } *if `aadec'<11 { if `aadec'<7 { * use fixed local valstr "`aadec'f" } else { * use exponential local valstr "`=`auto'-1'e" } } else { * needs to between 0 and 11 local aadec=`aadec'-`less' if `aadec'<0 { local aadec=0 } *if `aadec'<10 { if `aadec'<7 { * use fixed local valstr "`aadec'f" } else { * use exponential local valstr "`=`auto'-1'e" } } * make it exponential if too big if `input'>1000000 & `input'<. { local valstr "`=`auto'-0'e" } * make it exponential if too negative (small) if `input'<-1000000 & `input'<. { local valstr "`=`auto'-0'e" } return scalar value=`aadec' return local valstr="`valstr'" } else { * it is a missing value return scalar value=. return local valstr="missing" } end ******************************************************************************************** * ripped from outreg2 on Apr2009 * 26oct2009 nopretty for _texout fixed program define _texout, sortpreserve * based on out2tex version 0.9 4oct01 by john_gallup@alum.swarthmore.edu version 7.0 * add one if only one v* column exists unab list: v* local count: word count `list' if `count'==1 { gen str v2="" order v* } if `count'==0 { exit } if "`1'" == "using" { syntax using/ [, texFile(string) Landscape Fragment NOPRetty PRetty /* */ Fontsize(numlist integer max=1 >=10 <=12) noBorder Cellborder /* */ Appendpage noPAgenum a4 a5 b5 LETter LEGal EXecutive replace /* */ Fast ] if "`pretty'"=="pretty" { local nopretty "" } if "`fast'" == "" { preserve } loadout using `"`using'"', clear local numcol = `r(numcol)' local titleWide = `r(titleWide)' local headBorder = `r(headBorder)' local bottomBorder = `r(bottomBorder)' local totrows = _N local varname "v1" unab statvars : v2-v`numcol' } else { syntax varlist using/, titleWide(int) headBorder(int) bottomBorder(int) /* */ [texFile(string) TOtrows(int 0) Landscape Fragment NOPRetty PRetty /* */ Fontsize(numlist integer max=1 >=10 <=12) noBorder Cellborder /* */ Appendpage noPAgenum a4 a5 b5 LETter LEGal EXecutive replace ] if `totrows'==0 { local totrows = _N } local numcols : word count `varlist' gettoken varname statvars : varlist local fast 1 } if "`pretty'"=="pretty" { local pretty "" } else { local pretty "NOT PRETTY AT ALL" } local colhead1 = `titleWide' + 1 local strow1 = `headBorder' + 1 * insert $<$ to be handled in LaTeX conversion local N=_N forval num=`bottomBorder'/`N' { local temp=v1[`num'] tokenize `"`temp'"', parse (" <") local count 1 local newTex "" local noSpace 0 while `"``count''"'~="" { if `"``count''"'=="<" { local `count' "$<$" local newTex `"`newTex'``count''"' local noSpace 1 } else { if `noSpace'~=1 { local newTex `"`newTex' ``count''"' } else { local newTex `"`newTex'``count''"' local noSpace 0 } } local count=`count'+1 } replace v1=`"`newTex'"' in `num' } *** replace if equation column present count if v1=="EQUATION" if `r(N)'~=0 { tempvar myvar * use v2 instead replace v1 = v2 in `=`bottomBorder'+1'/`totrows' replace v2 = "" in `=`bottomBorder'+1'/`totrows' * change the string length gen str5 `myvar' ="" replace `myvar' =v2 drop v2 ren `myvar' v2 order v1 v2 } /* if file extension specified in `"`using'"', replace it with ".tex" for output local next_dot = index(`"`using'"', ".") if `next_dot' { local using = substr("`using'",1,`=`next_dot'-1') } */ if `"`texFile'"'=="" { local endName "tex" } else { local endName "`texFile'" } local using `"using "`using'.`endName'""' local fsize = ("`fontsize'" != "") if `fsize' { local fontsize "`fontsize'pt" } local lscp = ("`landscape'" != "") if (`lscp' & `fsize') { local landscape ",landscape" } local pretty = ("`pretty'" == "") local cborder = ("`cellborder'" != "") local noborder = ("`border'" != "") local nopagen = ("`pagenum'" != "") local nofrag = ("`fragment'" == "") if `cborder' & `noborder' { di in red "may not specify both cellborder and noborder options" exit 198 } local nopt : word count `a4' `a5' `b5' `letter' `legal' `executive' if `nopt' > 1 { di in red "choose only one of a4, a5, b5, letter, legal, executive" exit 198 } local pagesize "`a4'`a5'`b5'`letter'`legal'`executive'" if "`pagesize'"=="" | "`letter'"!="" { local pwidth "8.5in" local pheight "11in" } else if "`legal'"!="" { local pwidth "8.5in" local pheight "14in" } else if "`executive'"!="" { local pwidth "7.25in" local pheight "10.5in" } else if "`a4'"!="" { local pwidth "210mm" local pheight "297mm" } else if "`a5'"!="" { local pwidth "148mm" local pheight "210mm" } else if "`b5'"!="" { local pwidth "176mm" local pheight "250mm" } if `lscp' { local temp "`pwidth'" local pwidth "`pheight'" local pheight "`temp'" } if "`pagesize'"!="" { local pagesize "`pagesize'paper" if (`lscp' | `fsize') { local pagesize ",`pagesize'" } } if `cborder' & `noborder' { di in red "may not specify both cellborder and noborder options" exit 198 } quietly { tempvar has_eqn st2_row last_st pad0 pad1 pad2_n padN order * replace % with \%, and _ with \_ if <2 $'s (i.e. not an inline equation: $...$ * has_eqn indicates that varname has 2+ $'s gen byte `has_eqn' = index(`varname',"$") * make sure there are 2+ "$" in varname replace `has_eqn' = index(substr(`varname',`has_eqn'+1,.),"$")>0 if `has_eqn'>0 replace `varname'= subinstr(`varname',"_", "\_", .) if !`has_eqn' replace `varname'= subinstr(`varname',"%", "\%", .) if `pretty' { replace `varname'= subinword(`varname',"R-squared", "\$R^2$", 1) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder' replace `varname'= subinstr(`varname'," t stat", " \em t \em stat", 1) in `bottomBorder'/`totrows' replace `varname'= subinstr(`varname'," z stat", " \em z \em stat", 1) in `bottomBorder'/`totrows' } foreach svar of local statvars { /* make replacements for column headings rows of statvars */ replace `has_eqn' = index(`svar',"$") in `colhead1'/`headBorder' replace `has_eqn' = index(substr(`svar',`has_eqn'+1,.),"$")>0 in `colhead1'/`headBorder' if `has_eqn'>0 replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',"_", "\_", .) in `colhead1'/`headBorder' if !`has_eqn' replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',"%", "\%", .) in `colhead1'/`headBorder' /* replace <, >, {, }, | with $<$, $>$, \{, \}, and $|$ in stats rows */ /* which can be used as brackets by outstat */ replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',"<", "$<$", .) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder' replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',">", "$>$", .) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder' replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',"{", "\{", .) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder' replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',"}", "\}", .) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder' replace `svar'= subinstr(`svar',"|", "$|$", .) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder' } if `pretty' { /* make title fonts large; notes & t stats small */ local blarge "\begin{large}" local elarge "\end{large}" local bfnsize "\begin{footnotesize}" local efnsize "\end{footnotesize}" } if `cborder' { local vline "|" } gen str20 `pad0' = "" gen str20 `padN' = "" if `titleWide' { replace `pad0' = "\multicolumn{`numcols'}{`vline'c`vline'}{`blarge'" in 1 / `titleWide' replace `padN' = "`elarge'} \\\" in 1 / `titleWide' } if `bottomBorder' < `totrows' { local noterow1 = `bottomBorder' + 1 replace `pad0' = "\multicolumn{`numcols'}{`vline'c`vline'}{`bfnsize'" in `noterow1' / l replace `padN' = "`efnsize'} \\\" in `noterow1' / l } gen str3 `pad1' = " & " in `colhead1' / `bottomBorder' if `numcols' > 2 { gen str3 `pad2_n' = `pad1' } if `pretty' { /* make stats 2-N small font */ local strow1 = `headBorder' + 1 gen byte `st2_row' = 0 replace `st2_row' = (trim(`varname') == "") in `strow1' / `bottomBorder' /* only stats 2+ */ gen byte `last_st' = (`st2_row' & `varname'[_n+1] != "") /* last stats row */ if !`cborder' { replace `pad0' = "\vspace{4pt}" if `last_st' } replace `pad1' = `pad1' + "`bfnsize'" if `st2_row' if `numcols' > 2 { replace `pad2_n' = "`efnsize'" + `pad2_n' + "`bfnsize'" if `st2_row' } replace `padN' = "`efnsize'" if `st2_row' } replace `padN' = `padN' + " \\\" in `colhead1' / `bottomBorder' if `cborder' { replace `padN' = `padN' + " \hline" } else { if !`noborder' { if `headBorder' { if `titleWide' { replace `padN' = `padN' + " \hline" in `titleWide' } replace `padN' = `padN' + " \hline" in `headBorder' } replace `padN' = `padN' + " \hline" in `bottomBorder' } } local vlist "`pad0' `varname' `pad1'" tokenize `statvars' local ncols_1 = `numcols' - 1 local ncols_2 = `ncols_1' - 1 forvalues v = 1/`ncols_2' { local vlist "`vlist' ``v'' `pad2_n'" } local vlist "`vlist' ``ncols_1'' `padN'" local texheadfootrows = `nofrag' + `pretty' + 1 /* in both headers and footers */ local texheadrow = 2 * `nofrag' + `nopagen' + `texheadfootrows' local texfootrow = `texheadfootrows' local newtotrows = `totrows' + `texheadrow' + `texfootrow' if `newtotrows' > _N { local oldN = _N set obs `newtotrows' } else { local oldN = 0 } gen long `order' = _n + `texheadrow' in 1 / `totrows' local newtexhrow1 = `totrows' + 1 local newtexhrowN = `totrows' + `texheadrow' replace `order' = _n - `totrows' in `newtexhrow1' / `newtexhrowN' sort `order' * insert TeX header lines local ccc : display _dup(`ncols_1') "`vline'c" if `nofrag' { replace `pad0' = "\documentclass[`fontsize'`landscape'`pagesize']{article}" in 1 replace `pad0' = "\setlength{\pdfpagewidth}{`pwidth'} \setlength{\pdfpageheight}{`pheight'}" in 2 replace `pad0' = "\begin{document}" in 3 replace `pad0' = "\end{document}" in `newtotrows' } if `nopagen' { local row = `texheadrow' - 1 - `pretty' replace `pad0' = "\thispagestyle{empty}" in `row' } if `pretty' { local row = `texheadrow' - 1 replace `pad0' = "\begin{center}" in `row' local row = `newtotrows' - `texfootrow' + 2 replace `pad0' = "\end{center}" in `row' } local row = `texheadrow' replace `pad0' = "\begin{tabular}{`vline'l`ccc'`vline'}" in `row' if (!`titleWide' | `cborder') & !`noborder' { replace `pad0' = `pad0' + " \hline" in `row' } local row = `newtotrows' - `texfootrow' + 1 replace `pad0' = "\end{tabular}" in `row' outfile `vlist' `using' in 1/`newtotrows', `replace' runtogether * delete new rows created for TeX table, if any if `oldN' { keep in 1/`totrows' } } /* quietly */ end /* end _texout */ ******************************************************************************************** * ripped from outreg2 on Mar2009 program define _wordout, sortpreserve rclass version 7.0 * based on version 0.9 4oct01 by john_gallup@alum.swarthmore.edu if "`1'" == "using" { syntax using/ [, wordFile(string) Landscape Fragment noPRetty /* */ Fontsize(numlist max=1 >0) noBorder Cellborder /* */ Appendpage PAgesize(string) /* */ Lmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) Rmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) /* */ Tmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) Bmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) /* */ replace Fast] if "`fast'" == "" {preserve} loadout using `"`using'"', clear local numcol = `r(numcol)' local titleWide = `r(titleWide)' local headBorder = `r(headBorder)' local bottomBorder = `r(bottomBorder)' local totrows = _N local varname "v1" unab statvars : v2-v`numcol' } else { syntax varlist using/, titleWide(int) headBorder(int) bottomBorder(int) /* */ [wordFile(string) TOtrows(int 0) Landscape Fragment noPRetty /* */ Fontsize(numlist max=1 >0) noBorder Cellborder /* */ Appendpage PAgesize(string) /* */ Lmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) Rmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) /* */ Tmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) Bmargin(numlist max=1 >=0.5) /* */ replace] if `totrows'==0 { local totrows = _N } local numcols : word count `varlist' gettoken varname statvars : varlist local fast 1 } local colhead1 = `titleWide' + 1 local strow1 = `headBorder' + 1 *** replace if equation column present local hack 0 count if v1=="EQUATION" if `r(N)'~=0 { * use v2 instead replace v1 = v2 in `=`bottomBorder'+1'/`totrows' replace v2 = "" in `=`bottomBorder'+1'/`totrows' * change the string length gen str5 myvar ="" replace myvar =v2 drop v2 ren myvar v2 order v1 v2 local hack 1 } /* if file extension specified in `"`using'"', replace it with ".rtf" for output local next_dot = index(`"`using'"', ".") if `next_dot' { local using = substr(`"`using'"',1,`=`next_dot'-1') } */ if `"`wordFile'"'=="" { local endName "rtf" } else { local endName "`wordFile'" } local using `"using "`using'.`endName'""' return local documentname `"`using'"' if "`fontsize'" == "" { local fontsize "12" } local lscp = ("`landscape'" != "") local pretty = ("`pretty'" == "") local cborder = ("`cellborder'" != "") local noborder = ("`border'" != "") local stdborder = (!`noborder' & !`cborder') local nopagen = ("`pagenum'" != "") local nofrag = ("`fragment'" == "") if `cborder' & !`noborder' { di in red "may not specify both cellborder and noborder options" exit 198 } * reformat "R-squared" and italicize "t" or "z" if `pretty' { quietly { replace `varname'= subinword(`varname',"R-squared", "{\i R{\super 2}}", 1) in `strow1'/`bottomBorder' replace `varname'= subinstr(`varname'," t stat", " {\i t} stat", 1) in `bottomBorder'/`totrows' replace `varname'= subinstr(`varname'," z stat", " {\i z} stat", 1) in `bottomBorder'/`totrows' } } * font sizes in points*2 local font2 = int(`fontsize'*2) if `pretty' { /* make title fonts large; notes & t stats small */ local fslarge = "\fs" + string(int(`font2' * 1.2)) local fsmed = "\fs" + string(`font2') local fssmall = "\fs" + string(int(`font2' * 0.8)) local sa0 "\sa0" /* put space after t stats rows */ local gapsize = int(`fontsize'*0.4*20) /* 40% of point size converted to twips */ local sa_gap "\sa`gapsize'" } else { local fs0 = "\fs" + string(`font2') } local onecolhead = (`headBorder' - `titleWide' == 1) /* onecolhead = true if only one row of column headings */ *local onecolhead 0 if `stdborder' { if !`onecolhead' { * runs here *local trbrdrt "\clbrdrt\brdrs" /* table top is overlined */ *local trbrdrt "\trbrdrt\brdrs" /* table top is overlined */ local clbrdr_uo "\clbrdrt\brdrs" /* cells are overlined */ local clbrdr_ul "\clbrdrb\brdrs" /* cells are underlined */ } else { local clbrdr_both "\clbrdrt\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrs" /* cells are over- and underlined */ local clbrdr_uo "\clbrdrt\brdrs" /* cells are overlined */ local clbrdr_ul "\clbrdrb\brdrs" /* cells are underlined */ *local clbrdr_ul "\clbrdrt\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrs" /* cells are over- and underlined */ } local trbrdrb "\trbrdrb\brdrs" } if `cborder' { /* if !cborder then clbrdr is blank */ local clbrdr "\clbrdrt\brdrs\clbrdrb\brdrs\clbrdrl\brdrs\clbrdrr\brdrs" } * figure out max str widths to make cell boundaries * cell width in twips = (max str width) * (pt size) * 12 * (12 found by trial and error) local twipconst = int(`fontsize' * 12 ) tempvar newvarname qui gen str80 `newvarname' = `varname' in `strow1'/`bottomBorder' local newvarlist "`newvarname' `statvars'" qui compress `newvarlist' local cellpos = 0 foreach avar of local newvarlist { local strwidth : type `avar' local strwidth = subinstr("`strwidth'", "str", "", .) local strwidth = `strwidth' + 1 /* add buffer */ local cellpos = `cellpos' + `strwidth'*`twipconst' * hacking if `hack'==1 & "`avar'"=="`newvarname'" & `cellpos'<1350 { local cellpos=1350 } local clwidths "`clwidths'`clbrdr'\cellx`cellpos'" * put in underline at bottom of header in clwidth_ul local clwidth_ul "`clwidth_ul'`clbrdr_ul'\cellx`cellpos'" * put in overline local clwidth_ol "`clwidth_ol'`clbrdr_uo'\cellx`cellpos'" * put in both local clwidth_both "`clwidth_both'`clbrdr_both'\cellx`cellpos'" } if `stdborder' { if `onecolhead' { local clwidth1 "`clwidth_ul'" } else { local clwidth1 "`clwidths'" local clwidth2 "`clwidth_ul'" } local clwidth3 "`clwidths'" } else{ local clwidth1 "`clwidths'" } * statistics row formatting tempvar prettyfmt qui gen str12 `prettyfmt' = "" /* empty unless `pretty' */ if `pretty' { * make stats 2-N small font tempvar st2_row last_st quietly { gen byte `st2_row' = 0 replace `st2_row' = (trim(`varname') == "") in `strow1' / `bottomBorder' /* only stats 2+ */ gen byte `last_st' = (`st2_row' & `varname'[_n+1] != "") /* last stats row */ replace `prettyfmt' = "`sa0'" in `strow1' / `bottomBorder' replace `prettyfmt' = "`sa_gap'" if `last_st' in `strow1' / `bottomBorder' replace `prettyfmt' = `prettyfmt' + "`fsmed'" if !`st2_row' in `strow1' / `bottomBorder' replace `prettyfmt' = `prettyfmt' + "`fssmall'" if `st2_row' in `strow1' / `bottomBorder' } } * create macros with file write contents forvalues row = `colhead1'/`bottomBorder' { local svarfmt`row' `"(`prettyfmt'[`row']) "\ql " (`varname'[`row']) "\cell""' foreach avar of local statvars { local svarfmt`row' `"`svarfmt`row''"\qc " (`avar'[`row']) "\cell""' } local svarfmt`row' `"`svarfmt`row''"\row" _n"' } * write file tempname rtfile file open `rtfile' `using', write `replace' file write `rtfile' "{\rtf1`fs0'" _n /* change if not roman: \deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\froman}} */ * title if `titleWide' { file write `rtfile' "\pard\qc`fslarge'" _n forvalues row = 1/`titleWide' { file write `rtfile' (`varname'[`row']) "\par" _n } } * The top line if `onecolhead' { file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\intbl\trqc`fsmed'`trbrdrt'`clwidth_both'" _n file write `rtfile' `svarfmt1' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\intbl\trqc`fsmed'`trbrdrt'`clwidth_both'" _n } else { file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\intbl\trqc`fsmed'`trbrdrt'`clwidth_ol'" _n *file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\intbl\trqc`fsmed'`trbrdrt'`clwidth1'" _n local headBorder_1 = `headBorder' - 1 * write header rows 1 to N-1 forvalues row = `colhead1'/`headBorder_1' { file write `rtfile' `svarfmt`row'' * turn off the overlining the first time it's run file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\trqc`clwidth3'" _n } file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\trqc`clwidth2'" _n * write last header row file write `rtfile' `svarfmt`headBorder'' } local bottomBorder_1 = `bottomBorder' - 1 /* turn off cell underlining */ file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\trqc`clwidth3'" _n * table contents forvalues row = `strow1'/`bottomBorder_1' { file write `rtfile' `svarfmt`row'' } if `stdborder' { /* write last row */ *file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\trqc`trbrdrb'`clwidths'" _n * make it underline file write `rtfile' "\trowd\trgaph75\trleft-75\trqc`trbrdrb'`clwidth_ul'" _n file write `rtfile' `svarfmt`bottomBorder'' } /* write notes rows */ if `bottomBorder' < `totrows' { local noterow1 = `bottomBorder' + 1 file write `rtfile' "\pard\qc`fssmall'" _n forvalues row = `noterow1'/`totrows' { file write `rtfile' (`varname'[`row']) "\par" _n } } * write closing curly bracket file write `rtfile' "}" end /* end _wordout */ ******************************************************************************************** * ripped from outreg2 on Mar2009 program define _xmlout version 7.0 * invisible to Stata 7 local Version7 "" cap local Version7 `c(stata_version)' if "`Version7'"=="" { * it is version 7 *noi di in yel "limited functions under Stata 7" } else if `Version7'>=8.2 { version 8.2 } * emulates the output produced by xmlsave: * xmlsave myfile, replace doctype(excel) legible syntax using/ [, excelFile(string) LEGible noNAMes titleWide(integer 0) /* */ headBorder(integer 10) bottomBorder(integer 10) ] * assumes all columns are string; if numbers, then the format needs to be checked *local legible legible if "`legible'"=="legible" { local _n "_n" } tempname source saving if `"`excelFile'"'=="" { local endName "xml" } else { local endName "`excelFile'" } local save `"`using'.`endName'"' *file open `source' using `"`using'"', read file open `saving' using `"`save'"', write text replace *file write `saving' `"`macval(line)'"' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `"False"' `_n' file write `saving' `"False"' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' * styles file write `saving' `""' `_n' * bold & (center) file write `saving' `""' `_n' * top border & center file write `saving' `""' `_n' * main body (no border) & center file write `saving' `""' `_n' * bottom border & center file write `saving' `""' `_n' * goldfish (no border, left-justified) file write `saving' `""' `_n' * top border file write `saving' `""' `_n' * main body (no border) file write `saving' `""' `_n' * bottom border & center file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' * set up file size qui describe, short local N=_N local tableN `N' if "`names'"~="nonames" { * add one if variable names are to be inserted local tableN=`N'+1 } else { * add one for the look local tableN=`N'+1 } file write `saving' `""' `_n' * should be tostring and format here if dealing with numbers ds8 * write the variable names at the top or empty row if "`names'"~="nonames" { file write `saving' `""' `_n' foreach var in `dsVarlist' { if "`Version7'"~="" { file write `saving' `"`macval(var)'"' _n } else { file write `saving' `"`var'"' _n } } file write `saving' `""' `_n' } else { file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' } * title local count `titleWide' local total 1 while `count'~=0 { xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`total') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s1""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s1""') local count=`count'-1 local total=`total'+1 } * top border local count=`total' forval num=`count'/`count' { xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`num') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s21""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s31""') local total=`total'+1 } * ctitle local count=`total' forval num=`count'/`headBorder' { xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`num') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s22""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s32""') local total=`total'+1 } * top border (closes ctitle) local count=`total' forval num=`count'/`count' { xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`num') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s21""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s31""') local total=`total'+1 } * body local count=`total' forval num=`count'/`=`bottomBorder'-1' { xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`num') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s22""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s32""') local total=`total'+1 } * bottom border (closes body) local count=`total' forval num=`count'/`count' { xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`num') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s23""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s33""') local total=`total'+1 } * goldfish if `N'>`total' { local count=`total' forval num=`count'/`N' { xmlstack, saving(`saving') dsVarlist(`dsVarlist') num(`num') n(`N') style(`" ss:StyleID="s24""') style1(`" ss:StyleID="s24""') local total=`total'+1 } } /* forval num=1/`N' { file write `saving' `""' `_n' *foreach var in `=r(varlist)' { foreach var in `dsVarlist' { *local stuff `=`var'[`num']' local stuff=`var' in `num' local stuff : subinstr local stuff "<" "<", all local stuff : subinstr local stuff ">" ">", all * the main body if "`Version7'"~="" { file write `saving' `"`macval(stuff)'"' `_n' } else { file write `saving' `"`stuff'"' `_n' } } file write `saving' `""' `_n' } */ file write `saving' `"
"' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `"False"' `_n' file write `saving' `"False"' `_n' file write `saving' `""' `_n' file write `saving' `"
"' `_n' file write `saving' `"
"' `_n' * close out with the last line *file write `saving' _n *file close `source' file close `saving' end /* _xmlout */ ******************************************************************************************** * ripped from outreg2 on Mar2009 program define xmlstack syntax, saving(string) dsVarlist(string) num(numlist) n(numlist) style(string) style1(string) local N `n' *forval num=1/`N' { file write `saving' `""' `_n' local count 0 *foreach var in `=r(varlist)' { foreach var in `dsVarlist' { if `count'==0 { local STYLE `"`style1'"' } else { local STYLE `"`style'"' } *local stuff `=`var'[`num']' local stuff=`var' in `num' local stuff : subinstr local stuff "<" "<", all local stuff : subinstr local stuff ">" ">", all * the main body if "`Version7'"~="" { file write `saving' `"`macval(stuff)'"' `_n' } else { file write `saving' `"`stuff'"' `_n' } local count=`count'+1 } file write `saving' `""' `_n' *} end /* xmlstack */ ******************************************************************************************** *** ripped from outreg2 Mar 2009 program define ds8 * get you the list of variable like -ds- does for version 8 version 7.0 qui ds if "`r(varlist)'"=="" { local dsVarlist "" foreach var of varlist _all { local dsVarlist "`dsVarlist' `var'" } c_local dsVarlist `dsVarlist' } else { c_local dsVarlist `r(varlist)' } end ******************************************************************************************** program define stringMaker * makes a string out variables tempvar temp foreach var of varlist _all { cap confirm string var `var' if _rc { * not a string gen str2 `temp'="" replace `temp' = string(`var') move `var' `temp' drop `var' ren `temp' `var' } } end ******************************************************************************************** * cdout 1.0.1 Apr2009 by roywada@hotmail.com * opens the current directory for your viewing pleasure * the following disabled 14oct2009: cap winexec cmd /c start . * displays "current directory" instead of cdout or the folder location * displays dir" instead of cdout or the folder location program define _cdout cap version 7.0 *cap winexec cmd /c start . *cap !start cmd /c start . if _rc~=0 { * version 6 or earlier di `"{stata `"cdout"':dir}"' } else { * invisible to Stata 7 local Version7 local Version7 `c(stata_version)' if "`Version7'"=="" { * it is version 7 or earlier di `"{stata `"cdout"':dir}"' } else if `Version7'>=8.0 { version 8.0 di `"{browse `"`c(pwd)'"':dir}"' } } end exit * version 1.0.1 Mar2009 replace option added per Kit B. * version 1.0.2 Mar2009 tostring replace with stringMaker * version 1.0.3 Mar2009 _texout now accepts single column automatically formatted digits auto( ) noauto dec( ) * version 1.0.4 26oct2009 midborder option nopretty for _texout fixed _cdout inserted