summary statistics for date variables -------------------------------------
^datesum^ date_varlist [^if^ exp] [^in^ range], ^F^ormat^(^date format^)^]
^by^ ... ^:^ may be used with ^datesum^; see help ^by^
Description -----------
^datesum^ displays summary distribution statistics for date variable(s) in date display format. The variables in the date_varlist are assumed to be stored as Stata elapsed-dates.
The output display format is: 1) from the ^format()^ option if specified, otherwise 2) the display format of the variable if a valid date format, otherwise 3) %dN/D/Y (eg. 03/31/99 )
Options -------
^format(^%d___^)^ should be a valid date display format. The default is to use the variable display format if a valid date format, otherwise %dN/D/Y.
Remarks -------
^datesum^ is a wrapper for the -summarize- command, allowing for the display of selected summary statistics in a date display format. Returned results are those left behind by -summarize varname, d- for the last variable in the date_varlist.
Author ------
Gary Longton, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Ctr.
Also see --------
On line: help for @summarize@, @dates@, @dfmt@
Manual: ^[U] 15.5.3 Date formats^ ^[R] summarize^