{smcl} {* 12oct2010}{...} {* @@ Written by Elliott Lowy, mostly on the US government's dime (17 US Code ยง 105).}{...} {vieweralsosee "dd" "dd"}{...} INCLUDE help also_vlowy {title:Title} {pstd}{bf:del} {hline 2} Describe(l) {title:Syntax} {p 8 15 2} {cmd:del} [{it:{help varelist}}] [{cmd:using} {it:{help path_el}}] [{cmd:,} {it:options}] {synoptset 24} {synopthdr} {synoptline} {synopt:{opt i:nclude(details)}}Specify information to display.{p_end} {synopt:{opt nov:ars}}Display only dataset info, not individual variable info.{p_end} {synopt:{opt wr:ap}}Wrap long text instead of truncating.{p_end} {synopt:{opt def:ine}}Saves metadata choices with dataset{p_end} INCLUDE help tabel_out1 {title:Description} {pstd}{cmd:del} describes a dataset in memory or on disk. It can be used with any file that {help usel} could read. For non-Stata files, some information may be missing or approximated. {pstd}The arrangement and information displayed can be customized for each data file, and can include {help char:characteristics} specific to that data file. {title:Options} {phang}{cmdab:i:nclude(}{it:column list} [{cmd:,} {opt only}]{cmd:)} where {it:column list} can include: {p2colset 9 25 25 2}{...} {p2col:{ul:Column}}{ul:Description}{p_end} {p2col:{opt irs:type}}integer/real/string, plus size in bytes{p_end} {p2col:{opt std:type}}Stata datatype (byte, long, etc.){p_end} {p2col:{opt nl:abel}}Name label{p_end} {p2col:{opt vl:abel}}Value labels{p_end} {p2col:{opt f:ormat}}{p_end} {p2col:{it:{help char:charname}}}Specify the characteristic name; the characteristic content is displayed.{p_end} {pmore}The columns you specify will be followed by any others in the saved/default display, unless you specify {opt only}. {pmore}{opt vl:abel} includes the value-label name as a link, which will bring up the actual labels in a viewer tab. {pmore}{it:{help char:charname}} will display the relevant content for both the variables, and the dataset, if present. {phang}{opt nov:ars} suppresses the table of variables, leaving only the description of the dataset as a whole. {it:{help char:charnames}} specified in {opt i:nclude()} can still add to the dataset display. {phang}{opt wr:ap} causes the text in the variables-table to wrap rather than truncate. The dataset-table (if present) always wraps. {phang}{opt def:ine} makes the current display the default for this dataset. The choice will be saved with the data. INCLUDE help tabel_out2 {title:Examples} {col 5}{stata usel exampel, sys} {col 5}{stata del} {col 5}{stata del, i(format)} {col 5}{stata del, i(irs method)} {col 5}{stata del, i(how irs method) wrap}