{smcl} {.-} help for {cmd:desrep} {right: {browse "mailto:John_Hendrickx@yahoo.com":John Hendrickx}} {.-} {title:desrep} {p 8 27} {cmd:desrep} [{cmd:using} {it:filename}] [ {cmd:,} {cmd:fw(}#{cmd:)} {cmd:ndec(}#{cmd:)} {cmd:sigcut(}{it:numlist}{cmd:)} {cmd:sigsym(}{it:list}{cmd:)} {cmd:sigsep(}#{cmd:)} {cmd:nrwd(}#{cmd:)} {cmd:modinfo} {cmd:sig} {cmd:se} {cmd:zval} {cmd:prob} {cmd:ci} {cmd:all} {cmd:notrunc} {cmd:exp} {cmd:outraw} {cmd:replace} ] {title:Description} {p} {cmd:desrep} is a program for viewing the results of Stata estimation commands. It can be used after estimating any model but is particularly useful in conjunction with with {help desmat} in command model. By default, {cmd:desrep} prints the coefficients, their standard errors, and symbols indicating the significance, of the last model estimated, together with longer descriptive labels. In conjunction with {help desmat}, {cmd:desrep} will print labels on model terms and category values from the {hi:[varn]} and {hi:[valn]} characteristics {help desmat} assigns to its dummy variables. If {help desmat} was not used, variable labels are printed instead. Estimates are preceded by a summary of model information, based on results saved in {cmd:e()} by the command. {p} By default, {cmd:desrep} prints model information, coefficients, standard errors, and symbols indicating the significance. Additional statistics can be requested and printing of standard errors and signficance symbols can be suppressed. Defaults for some of these options can be modified using global macro variables (see below). {p} If {cmd:using} {it:filename} is specified then the results are written to a tab- delimited ascii file. The default extension for {it:filename} is {hi:.out} (cf. {help outsheet}). If {it:filename} already exists, {cmd:desrep} will attmept to find a valid filename by appending a number (see {help outshee2}). The {cmd:replace} option can be used to overwrite an existing file. {title:Options} {p 0 4} {cmd:fw(}#{cmd:)} specifies {ul:F}ield {ul:W}idth, the number of columns used to display the estimates, standard errors, and other requested statisics. Default=10. {p 0 4} {cmd:ndec(}#{cmd:)} specifies the number of decimal places. Default=3. {p 0 4} {cmd:sigcut(}{it:numlist}{cmd:)} specifies levels of significance to be indicated in the output. {cmd:desrep} places a symbol next to coefficients to indicate whether these are significant at a certain level. The {cmd:sigcut} option is used to modify these levels of significance. The numlist should contain a list of values in descending order with the same number of elements as the string list in {cmd:sigsym}. For example, {inp:sigcut(.1 .05 .01 .001)} together with {inp:sigsym(# * ** ***)} will use the symbols {res:#} for p < .1, {res:*} for p < .05, {res:**} for p < .01, and {inp:***} for p < .001. The default is (.05 .01). {p 0 4} {cmd:sigsym(}{it:list}{cmd:)} specifies set of symbols corresponding with the levels of significance given by {cmd:sigcut}. Default=(* **). {p 0 4} {cmd:sigsep(}#{cmd:)} spcifies the number of spaces between coefficients and symbols indicating significance. Default=0. {p 0 4} {cmd:nrwd(}#{cmd:)} specifies the number of columns reserved for numbering the effects. Specifying {cmd:nrwd(}0{cmd:)} can be used to suppress numbering. Default=3. {p 0 4} {cmd:modinfo} requests printing of summary information on the model. oUse {cmd:nomodinfo} to suppress this. Default={cmd:modinfo}. {p 0 4} {cmd:sig} requests printing of symbols indicating levels of significance. Use {cmd:nosig} to suppress this. Default={cmd:sig}. {p 0 4} {cmd:se} requests printing of standard errors Use {cmd:nose} to suppress this. Default={cmd:se}. {p 0 4} {cmd:zval} requests printing of z-values for models with a chi2 statistic, t-values for models with an F statistic. Default ={cmd:nozval}. {p 0 4} {cmd:prob} requests printing of p-values. Default={cmd:noprob}. {p 0 4} {cmd:ci} requests printing of confidence intervals. Default={cmd:noci}. {p 0 4} {cmd:all} request printing of coefficients, standard errors, z or t-values, probabilities, and confidence intervals, as in the standard {hi:Stata} output. Equivalent to {cmd:zval prob ci}. {p 0 4} {cmd:trunc} specifies that long labels are to be cut off and only the rightmost section displayed. Use {cmd:notrunc} to suppress this and print results on a separate line if necessary. Default={cmd:trunc}. {p 0 4} {cmd:exp} requests that multiplicative parameters be reported, If {cmd:exp} is specified the {cmd:desrep} will report multiplicative e.g. incident rate ratios in poisson regression, oddsratios in logistic regression. The parameters are transformed into {res:exp(b)} and their standard errors into {res:exp(b)*se}, where {res:b} is the linear estimate and {res:se} its standard error. Note that if {cmd:exp} is not specified, {cmd:desrep} will produce the {it:linear estimates} even if the procedure produces multiplicative versions, since the procedure stores the linear estimates and covariance matrix in {res:e(b)} and {res:e(V)}. {p 4 4} Earlier versions of {cmd:desrep} allowed {cmd:exp} to be specified as the only argument. This is still allowed if {cmd:exp} is indeed the only argument. If other options are specified, {cmd:exp} must be specified as an option. {p} The following two options apply only if {cmd:using} has been specified to write the data to a tab-delimited ascii file: {p 0 4} {cmd:outraw} requests that results be written using their default formats, e.g. %9.0g for floats. In addition, a tab will be inserted between coefficients and significance symbols. Otherwise, the variables are written with a fixed number of decimal places as specified by the {cmd:ndec} option (default 3) and significance symbols are appended to coefficients if {cmd:sigsep}=0. Default={cmd:nooutraw}. {p 0 4} {cmd:replace} specifies that any existing output file should be replaced. If not specified, {cmd:desrep} appends a number to the filename if it already exists. If no valid name has been found after appending 1 to 20, the process stops and the output is not saved. Default={cmd:noreplace}. {p} Note that these options can also be specified in the {cmd:desrep} option of the {help desmat} command. {title :Macro variables to control layout} {p} Macro variables can be use to alter the default for certain {cmd:desrep} options. The macro variables will still be overridden by options specified at the {cmd:desrep} command. The global variables can be specified once at the beginning of the Stata session or in the user's {help profile:profile.do} for all sessions. The following global variables may be defined: {cmd:$D_FW} {cmd:$D_NDEC} {cmd:$D_SIGCUT} {cmd:$D_SIGSYM} {cmd:$D_SIGSEP} {cmd:$D_NRWD} {cmd:$D_SIG} {cmd:$D_SE} {cmd:$D_ZVAL} {cmd:$D_PROB} {cmd:$D_CI} {cmd:$D_ALL} {cmd:$D_TRUNC} {cmd:$D_RAW} {cmd:$D_REPL} {p} For example, the following can be used to set the column width for estimates to 8, use 2 decimal places, and symbols and cutpoints for levels of significance: {inp:global D_NDEC 2} {inp:global D_FW 8} {inp:global D_SIGCUT ".1 .05 .01 .001"} {inp:global D_SIGSYM "# * ** ***"} {title:Aso see} {p 0 21} On-line: help for {help desmat}, {help outsheet}, {help outshee2} {help destest}, {help showtrms}, {help xi} {p_end}