{smcl} {.-} help for {cmd:destest} {right: {browse "mailto:John_Hendrickx@yahoo.com":John Hendrickx}} {.-} {title:destest} {p 8 27} {cmd:destest} [{it:termlist}] [{cmd:using} {it:filename}] [{cmd:,} {cmdab:j:oint} {cmdab:e:qual} {cmd:outraw} {cmd:replace} {cmd:ndec(}#{cmd:)} {cmd:sigcut(}numlist{cmd:)} {cmd:sigsym(}list{cmd:)} {cmd:sigsep(}#{cmd:)} {title:Description} {p} {cmd:destest} is a companion program for {help desmat}. It is used after estimating a model to perform a Wald test on model terms. The {it:termlist} consists of one or more terms as specified in {help desmat}. A {it:term} can consist of a single variable, or two or more variables separated by either asterisks or periods. If asterisks are used, they will be changed into periods by {cmd:destest}, i.e. only the highest order interaction will be tested. If no arguments are specified, all terms from the last {help desmat} model will be tested. {p} The default is to test whether the effects of each separate term are equal to zero. If the option {cmd:joint} is specified, {cmd:destest} will test instead whether all the effects in all the terms are jointly equal to zero. If the option {cmd:equal} is specified, {cmd:destest} will test whether the effects of each separate term are equal. The {cmd:joint} and {cmd:equal} options may be combined to test whether all effects are jointly equal, although this would be a somewhat peculiar hypothesis. Only the first letter of the {cmd:joint} and {cmd:equal} option is sigificant. {p} If {cmd:using} {it:filename} is specified then the results are written to a tab- delimited ascii file. The default extension for {it:filename} is {cmd:.out} (cf. {help outsheet}). If {it:filename} already exists, {cmd:desrep} will attempt to find a valid {it:filename} by appending a number (see {help outshee2}). The {cmd:replace} option can be used to overwrite an existing file. {title:Options} {p} The options {cmd:ndec()}, {cmd:sigcut()}, {cmd:sigsym()}, {cmd:sigsep()} have the same usage as in {help desrep}. {p 0 4} {cmd:ndec(}#{cmd:)} specifies the number of decimal places. Default=3. {p 0 4} {cmd:sigcut(}{it:numlist}{cmd:)} specifies levels of significance to be indicated in the output. {cmd:destest} places a symbol next to the Chi-square or F statistics to indicate whether these are significant at a certain level. The {cmd:sigcut} option is used to specify these levels of significance. The {it:numlist} should contain a list of values in descending order with the same number of elements as the string list in {cmd:sigsym}. For example, {inp:sigcut(.1 .05 .01 .001)} together with {inp:sigsym(# * ** ***)} will use the symbols {res:#} for p < .1, {res:*} for p < .05, {res:**} for p < .01, and {inp:***} for p < .001. The default is (.05 .01). {p 0 4} {cmd:sigsym(}{it:list}{cmd:)} specifies set of symbols corresponding with the levels of significance given by {cmd:sigcut}. Default=(* **). {p 0 4} {cmd:sigsep(}#{cmd:)} spcifies the number of spaces between coefficients and symbols indicating significance. Default=0. {p} The following two options apply only if {cmd:using} has been specified to write the data to a tab-delimited ascii file: {p 0 4} {cmd:outraw} requests that results be written using their default formats, e.g. %9.0g for floats. In addition, a tab will be inserted between coefficients and significance symbols. Otherwise, the variables are written with a fixed number of decimal places as specified by the {cmd:ndec} option (default 3) and significance symbols are appended to coefficients if {cmd:sigsep}=0. Default={cmd:nooutraw}. {p 0 4} {cmd:replace} specifies that any existing output file should be replaced. If not specified, {cmd:destest} appends a number to the filename if it already exists. If no valid name has been found after appending 1 to 20, the process stops and the output is not saved. Default={cmd:noreplace}. {title:Macro variables to control layout} {p} Global macro variables can be used to specify different defaults for these options, either for the session or for all Stata sessions, by placing the global variables in the user's {help profile:profile.do}. {cmd:$D_NDEC} {cmd:$D_SIGCUT} {cmd:$D_SIGSYM} {cmd:$D_SIGSEP} {cmd:$D_RAW} {cmd:$D_REPL} {p} Options specified in the {cmd:destest} command string will override these global variables. {title:Notes} {p} {help desmat} creates global macro variables {cmd:$term1}, {cmd:$term2}, etc. containing a {it:varlist} for each term in the model. {cmd:destest} runs through each of these terms, finds the terms corresponding with the {it:termlist}, and runs {help testparm} with the {it:varlist} corresponding with each term. If these global variables have not been defined, {cmd:destest} will only print header information. These global variables can of course also be used separately in {help testparm}, {help sw}, or related programs. {title:Aso see} {p 0 21} {bind: }Manual: {hi:[R] Test} {p_end} {p 0 21} On-line: help for {help desmat}, {help desrep}, {help outsheet}, {help outshee2}, {help showtrms}, {help test} {p_end}