** did_multiplegt_dyn : did_multiplegt, robust to dynamic effects and with asymptotic variances ** Henceforth, "the paper" refers to "Difference-in-Differences Estimators of Intertemporal ** Treatment Effects", by Chaisemartin and D'Haultfoeuille. ** Henceforth, "the companion paper" refers to "Estimators and Variance Estimators Computed by the ** did_multiplegt_dyn Command", by Chaisemartin et al. ** The adofile contains two programs. ** Each program contains numbered sections, tagged with "//////////". ** Sections may contain unnumbered subsections, tagged with "/////". ** Subsections may contain unnumbered subsubsections, tagged with "//". ** Subsubsections may be further divided into paragraphs, tagged with "*". ** Comments are also tagged with "*". ** This version : March 21st, 2024 ******************************************************************************** * PROGRAM 1 * ******************************************************************************** capture program drop did_multiplegt_dyn program did_multiplegt_dyn, eclass version 12.0 syntax varlist(min=4 max=4 numeric) [if] [in] [, effects(integer 1) placebo(integer 0) switchers(string) only_never_switchers controls(varlist numeric) trends_nonparam(varlist numeric) weight(varlist numeric max=1) dont_drop_larger_lower NORMALIZED cluster(varlist numeric max=1) graphoptions(string) save_results(string) graph_off same_switchers same_switchers_pl effects_equal drop_if_d_miss_before_first_switch trends_lin ci_level(integer 95) by(varlist numeric max=1) predict_het(string) design(string) date_first_switch(string) NORMALIZED_weights CONTinuous(integer 0) save_sample less_conservative_se by_path(string) bootstrap(string)] ////////// 1. Checking that necessary tools to run command installed, and that syntax correctly specified. ///// Check if gtools is installed, if not present link to install qui cap which gtools if _rc{ di "" di as error "You have not installed the gtools package which is used within the did_multiplegt_dyn command." di `"{stata "ssc install gtools": Click here to install gtools}"' di as input _continue "" exit } // Save controls in a specific local if trends_lin by() continuous() and continuous are specified at the same time if "`trends_lin'"!=""&"`by'"!=""&`continuous'!=0{ local controls_orig_XX = "`controls'" } // Error message if by and by_path specified at the same time if "`by'"!=""&"`by_path'"!=""{ di as error "" di as error "The options by() and by_path() can not be specified at the same time!" di as input _continue "" exit } if `continuous'<0{ di "" di as error "The input of the continuous() option has to be a positive integer!" di as input _continue "" exit } if ("`by_path'"!=""&"`graphoptions'"!=""){ di "" di as error "by_path() builds on pre-specified graph options so it does not allow for any further inputs in graphoptions()!" di as input _continue "" exit } if ("`by_path'"!=""&"`by_path'"!="all"){ capture confirm integer number `by_path' if _rc{ di "" di as error "The input of the by_path() option has to be {it:all} or a positive integer!" di as input _continue "" exit } if `by_path'<=0{ di "" di as error "The input of the by_path() option has to be {it:all} or a positive integer!" di as input _continue "" exit } } if "`bootstrap'"!=""&`continuous'==0{ di as error "You specified the bootstrap option without the continuous option. Please be aware that we strongly recommend to only compute bootstraped standard errors when you want to use the continuous option. Otherwise you can rely on the (much faster) computation of analytical standard errors." di as input _continue "" } if "`bootstrap'"==""&`continuous'>0{ di as error "You specified the continuous option without the bootstrap option. Please be aware that we strongly recommend to compute bootstraped standard errors when you are using the continuous option as the analytical standard errors tend to be very liberal in that case." di as input _continue "" } // Allow to specify seed with bootstrap if "`bootstrap'"==""{ local bootstrap_XX = 0 // allowing to keep the structure from before } if "`bootstrap'"!=""{ if strpos("`bootstrap'", ",") == 0 { di as error "" di as error "Syntax error in bootstrap option" di as error "Comma required" di as input _continue "" exit } local bootstrap_XX = strtrim(substr("`bootstrap'", 1, strpos("`bootstrap'", ",") - 1)) local seed_temp_XX = strtrim(substr("`bootstrap'", strpos("`bootstrap'", ",") + 1, .)) // set default to 50 reps if "`bootstrap_XX'"==""{ local bootstrap_XX = 50 } // set default to no seed if "`seed_temp_XX'"==""{ local seed_XX "" } if "`seed_temp_XX'"!=""{ local seed_XX "seed(`seed_temp_XX')" } } // Check that bootstrap input is correct if `bootstrap_XX'!=0{ local controls_bs_orig_XX="`controls'" capture confirm integer number `bootstrap_XX' if _rc{ di "" di as error "The input of the bootstrap() option has to be a positive integer!" di as input _continue "" exit } if `bootstrap_XX'<0{ di "" di as error "The input of the bootstrap() option has to be a positive integer!" di as input _continue "" exit } } ///// Add a Warning that same_switchers_pl only works when same_switchers is specified. if "`same_switchers_pl'"!=""&"`same_switchers'"==""{ di "" di as error "The same_switchers_pl option only works if same_switchers is specified as well!" di as input _continue "" exit } ///// Add a Warning that continous and the design option(s) should not be specified simulataneously if `continuous'>0&"`design'"!=""{ di "" di as error "The design option can not be specified together with the continuous option!" di as input _continue "" exit } ////////// 2. Data preparation steps ///// Storing path of initial dataset local dataset_name_XX `c(filename)' if "`save_sample'" != "" { cap drop _did_sample* } ///// Preserving data preserve ///// Quietly qui{ ///// capture drop of several variables created below capture drop outcome_non_diff_XX capture drop outcome_XX capture drop group_XX capture drop time_XX capture drop treatment_XX capture drop d_sq_XX capture drop d_fg_XX capture drop diff_from_sq_XX capture drop ever_change_d_XX capture drop never_change_d_XX capture drop temp_F_g_XX capture drop F_g_XX capture drop t_min_XX capture drop T_max_XX capture drop N_gt_XX capture drop T_g_XX capture drop controls_time_XX capture drop _fillin capture drop time_d_nonmiss_XX capture drop min_time_d_nonmiss_XX capture drop d_F_g_temp_XX capture drop d_F_g_XX capture drop S_g_XX capture drop S_g_het_XX capture drop L_g_XX capture drop U_Gg_plus_XX capture drop U_Gg_minus_XX capture drop U_Gg_global_XX capture drop w_plus_XX capture drop first_obs_by_gp_XX capture drop first_obs_by_clust_XX capture drop avg_post_switch_treat_XX capture drop count_time_post_switch_XX_temp capture drop count_time_post_switch_XX capture drop ever_strict_increase_XX capture drop ever_strict_decrease_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_plus_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_minus_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_global_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_global_2_XX capture drop weight_XX capture drop delta_XX // ereturn clear //Modif Felix tokenize `varlist' ///// Patching the cluster option: by default, command clusters at group level. ///// If user specified clustering according to group, replace it by empty. if "`cluster'"=="`2'" local cluster "" ///// Selecting the sample //dropping observations with missing group or time drop if `2'==.|`3'==. //dropping observations with missing controls if "`controls'" !=""{ foreach var of varlist `controls'{ drop if `var'==. } } //dropping observations not included in the if condition if "`if'" !=""{ keep `if' } // dropping observations not included in the in condition if "`in'" !=""{ keep `in' } ///// Collapse and weight // Checking wether data has to be collapsed, because at a more disaggregated level than group*time. capture drop counter_XX capture drop counter_temp_XX gen counter_temp_XX=1 bys `2' `3' : gegen counter_XX=count(counter_temp_XX) sum counter_XX scalar aggregated_data=0 if r(max)==1{ scalar aggregated_data=1 } // Creating the weight variable. if("`weight'"==""){ gen weight_XX = 1 } else{ gen weight_XX = `weight' } replace weight_XX=0 if weight_XX==. // Collapsing the data when necessary if scalar(aggregated_data)==0{ replace weight_XX=10^(-38) if `1'==. capture drop tag_y_miss_XX gen tag_y_miss_XX=(`1'==.) if "`1'"!="`4'"{ collapse (mean) `1' `4' tag_y_miss_XX `controls' `trends_nonparam' `cluster' `by' `predict_het' (count) weight_XX [pw=weight_XX], by(`2' `3') } if "`1'"=="`4'"{ collapse (mean) `1' `controls' `trends_nonparam' `cluster' `by' `predict_het' (count) weight_XX [pw=weight_XX], by(`2' `3') } replace weight_XX=0 if tag_y_miss_XX==1 } ///// by option for heterogeneous treatment effects analysis // define local so we run the loop once if by is not specified local levels_byvar_XX 1 // checking that by variable is time-invariant scalar by_XX = 1 if "`by'" !=""{ xtset `2' `3' xtsum `by' if `r(sd_w)'!=0{ display as error "The variable specified in the option by" display as error "is time-varying. That variable should" display as error "be time-invariant." di as input _continue "" exit } } if "`by'" !=""{ // save data to load again in the multiple repetitions of the estimation tempfile by_data_XX save "`by_data_XX'.dta", replace // store local with number of estimations we need to run levelsof `by', local(levels_byvar_XX) local `by'_lab_XX: value label `by' } // Loop to run estimation multiple times in case of by } // end of the quietly condition foreach l_by of local levels_byvar_XX { qui{ if "`by'" !=""{ * Check if we have value labels ds `by', has(vallabel) local `by'_has_vallabel_XX=r(varlist) if "``by'_has_vallabel_XX'"!="."{ local val_lab_int_XX "`: label ``by'_lab_XX' `l_by''" } if "``by'_has_vallabel_XX'"=="."{ local val_lab_int_XX "`l_by'" } // sample restriction for the by option keep if `by' == `l_by' } ///// Further sample selection steps // dropping observations with a missing clustering variable if "`cluster'" !=""{ drop if `cluster'==. } //dropping groups with always missing treatment or outcome capture drop mean_d_XX capture drop mean_y_XX bys `2': gegen mean_d_XX=mean(`4') bys `2': gegen mean_y_XX=mean(`1') drop if mean_d_XX==.|mean_y_XX==. drop mean_d_XX mean_y_XX // save data for bootstrap if `bootstrap_XX'!=0{ qui tempfile data_bootstrap_XX qui save "`data_bootstrap_XX'.dta", replace if "`less_conservative_se'"!=""{ di as error "" di as error "The less_conservative_se option has no effect when bootstrap is specified, therefore it is ignored in this case to save computation time." di as input _continue "" local less_conservative_se "" } } ///// predict_het option for heterogeneous treatment effects analysis if "`predict_het'"!=""{ if strpos("`predict_het'", ",") == 0 { di as error "" di as error "Syntax error in predict_het option" di as error "Comma required" di as input _continue "" exit } local het_vars_XX = strtrim(substr("`predict_het'", 1, strpos("`predict_het'", ",") - 1)) local het_nums_XX = strtrim(substr("`predict_het'", strpos("`predict_het'", ",") + 1, .)) local pred_het `het_vars_XX' local het_effects `het_nums_XX' * Check if predict_het and normalized are specified simulataneously if "`normalized'"!=""{ local pred_het "" local het_effects "" local predict_het "" di as error "" di as error "The options normalized and predict_het can not be" di as error "specified at the same time, therefore predict_het" di as error "will be ignored." di as input _continue "" } * Check if predict_het and controls are specified simulataneously if "`predict_het'"!=""&"`controls'"!=""{ local pred_het "" local het_effects "" local predict_het "" di as error "" di as error "The options controls() and predict_het can not be" di as error "specified at the same time, therefore predict_het" di as error "will be ignored." di as input _continue "" } } * Check if only time-invariant variables are specified in predict_het if "`pred_het'" !=""{ local predict_het_bad="" local predict_het_good="" foreach var in `pred_het'{ bys `2': sum `var' if r(sd)!=0{ local predict_het_bad="`predict_het_bad' `var'" } if r(sd)==0{ local predict_het_good="`predict_het_good' `var'" } } if "`predict_het_bad'"!=""{ display as error "The variable(s) (`predict_het_bad') specified in the option predict_het" display as error "is(are) time-varying, the command will therefore ignore them." di as input _continue "" } } ///// Creating Y G T D variables gen outcome_XX=`1' gegen group_XX=group(`2') gegen time_XX=group(`3') gen treatment_XX=`4' ///// Declaring data as (G,T) panel xtset group_XX time_XX ///// Creating variables useful to deal with imbalanced panels: // G's first and last date when D not missing gen time_d_nonmiss_XX=time_XX if treatment_XX!=. bys group_XX: gegen min_time_d_nonmiss_XX=min(time_d_nonmiss_XX) capture drop max_time_d_nonmiss_XX bys group_XX: gegen max_time_d_nonmiss_XX=max(time_d_nonmiss_XX) // G's first date when Y not missing capture drop time_y_nonmiss_XX capture drop min_time_y_nonmiss_XX gen time_y_nonmiss_XX=time_XX if outcome_XX!=. bys group_XX: gegen min_time_y_nonmiss_XX=min(time_y_nonmiss_XX) // G's first date when D missing after Y has been not missing capture drop time_d_miss_XX capture drop min_time_d_miss_aft_ynm_XX gen time_d_miss_XX=time_XX if treatment_XX==.&time_XX>=min_time_y_nonmiss_XX bys group_XX: gegen min_time_d_miss_aft_ynm_XX=min(time_d_miss_XX) drop time_d_nonmiss_XX time_y_nonmiss_XX time_d_miss_XX ///// Creating baseline treatment ///// D_{g,1} in paper, redefined to account for imbalanced panels: ///// g's treatment at first period where g's treatment non missing gen d_sq_XX_temp=treatment_XX if time_XX==min_time_d_nonmiss_XX bys group_XX: gegen d_sq_XX=mean(d_sq_XX_temp) drop d_sq_XX_temp ///// Enforcing Design Restriction 2 in the paper. ///// If the option dont_drop_larger_lower was not specified, ///// drop (g,t) cells such that at t, g has experienced both a strictly lower ///// and a strictly higher treatment than its baseline treatment. gen diff_from_sq_XX=(treatment_XX-d_sq_XX) if "`dont_drop_larger_lower'"==""{ sort group_XX time_XX gen ever_strict_increase_XX=(diff_from_sq_XX>0&treatment_XX!=.) replace ever_strict_increase_XX=1 if ever_strict_increase_XX[_n-1]==1&group_XX==group_XX[_n-1] gen ever_strict_decrease_XX=(diff_from_sq_XX<0&treatment_XX!=.) replace ever_strict_decrease_XX=1 if ever_strict_decrease_XX[_n-1]==1&group_XX==group_XX[_n-1] drop if ever_strict_increase_XX==1 & ever_strict_decrease_XX==1 drop ever_strict_increase_XX ever_strict_decrease_XX } ///// Sort data sort group_XX time_XX ///// Counting number of groups sum group_XX scalar G_XX=r(max) ///// Ever changed treatment gen ever_change_d_XX=(abs(diff_from_sq_XX)>0&treatment_XX!=.) replace ever_change_d_XX=1 if ever_change_d_XX[_n-1]==1&group_XX==group_XX[_n-1] ///// Creating date of first treatment change sort group_XX time_XX gen temp_F_g_XX=time_XX if ever_change_d_XX==1&ever_change_d_XX[_n-1]==0 replace temp_F_g_XX=0 if temp_F_g_XX==. bys group_XX: gegen F_g_XX=max(temp_F_g_XX) drop temp_F_g_XX ///// If continuous option specified, generating polynomials of D_{g,1}, ///// storing D_{g,1} somewhere, and replacing it by 0. if `continuous'>0{ scalar degree_pol = `continuous' forvalues pol_level = 1/`=degree_pol'{ scalar pol_level_XX = `pol_level' capture drop d_sq_`pol_level'_XX gen d_sq_`pol_level'_XX = d_sq_XX^scalar(pol_level_XX) } capture drop d_sq_XX_orig gen d_sq_XX_orig=d_sq_XX replace d_sq_XX=0 } // Create a new variable = to d_sq_XX expressed in integers capture drop d_sq_int_XX gegen d_sq_int_XX = group(d_sq_XX) ///// Dropping the values of the baseline treatment such that no variance in F_g within those values. capture drop var_F_g_XX bys d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam': gegen var_F_g_XX=sd(F_g_XX) drop if var_F_g_XX==0 drop var_F_g_XX ///// Error message if Design Restriction 1 is not met. count if r(N)==0{ di as error "" di as error "No treatment effect can be estimated." di as error "This is because Design Restriction 1 in" di as error "de Chaisemartin & D'Haultfoeuille (2024)" di as error "is not satisfied in the data, given the" di as error "options requested. This may be due to" di as error "the fact that groups' period-one treatment" di as error "is continuous, or takes a large number of values," di as error "and you have not specified the continuous option." di as error "If so, you can try to specify this option." di as error "If the issue persists even with this option," di as error "this means that all groups experience their first" di as error "treatment change at the same date, a situation" di as error "where the estimators of de Chaisemartin & D'Haultfoeuille (2024)" di as error "cannot be used." di as input _continue "" exit } ///// For each value of the baseline treatment, we drop time periods such that we do not have any control with that baseline treatment after that period ///// This means the panel is no longer balanced, though it is balanced within values of the baseline treatment gen never_change_d_XX=1-ever_change_d_XX bys time_XX d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam': gegen controls_time_XX=max(never_change_d_XX) drop if controls_time_XX==0 ///// Computing t_min_XX, T_max_XX, and replacing F_g_XX by last period plus one for those that never change treatment sum time_XX scalar t_min_XX=r(min) scalar T_max_XX=r(max) replace F_g_XX=T_max_XX+1 if F_g_XX==0 ///// Dealing with missing treatments: most conservative option *Let FMD_g denote the first date when g's treatment is missing while y has been not missing at least once, so that we know for sure that g already exists. If that date is before the first period when g's treatment changes, we do not know when g's treatment has changed for the first time. Then, a conservative option is to drop all of g's outcomes starting at FMD_g. if "`drop_if_d_miss_before_first_switch'"!=""{ replace outcome_XX=. if min_time_d_miss_aft_ynm_XX=min_time_d_miss_aft_ynm_XX } ///// Dealing with missing treatments: most liberal option *Let FD_g and LD_g respectively denote the first and last period where a group's treatment is non missing. Let FY_g denote the first period where a group's outcome is non missing. *For groups that experience at least one treatment change, let LDBF_g denote the last date before F_g where g's treatment is non missing. We have FD_g<=LDBF_gmin_time_d_nonmiss_XX *For groups that experience a treatment change, if D_gt missing at LDBF_glast_obs_D_bef_switch_XX&last_obs_D_bef_switch_XXF_g_XX&last_obs_D_bef_switch_XX==F_g_XX-1 *For groups that do not experience a treatment change, if D_gt missing at FD_gmin_time_d_nonmiss_XX&time_XXLD_g. Even in a binary and staggered design, we cannot infer their treatment at t>LD_g. replace outcome_XX=. if F_g_XX==T_max_XX+1&time_XX>max_time_d_nonmiss_XX replace trunc_control_XX=max_time_d_nonmiss_XX+1 if F_g_XX==T_max_XX+1 ///// Store the outcome in levels, will be useful later when predict_het and trends_lin specified if "`predict_het_good'"!=""{ gen outcome_non_diff_XX=outcome_XX } ///// If trends_lin option specified, drop units for which F_g_XX==2, and redefine ///// outcome and controls in first difference. if "`trends_lin'"!=""{ drop if F_g_XX==2 xtset group_XX time_XX capture drop FD_outcome_XX gen FD_outcome_XX =outcome_XX-L.outcome_XX replace outcome_XX = FD_outcome_XX drop FD_outcome_XX // adapt controls for case where trends_lin by and continuous specified together if "`trends_lin'"!=""&"`by'"!=""&`continuous'!=0{ local controls = "`controls_orig_XX'" } if "`controls'" !=""{ foreach var of varlist `controls'{ capture drop FD_`var'_XX gen FD_`var'_XX =`var' -L.`var' replace `var' = FD_`var'_XX drop FD_`var'_XX } } drop if time_XX==1 sum time_XX scalar t_min_XX=r(min) } ///// Balancing the panel cap rename _merge _merge_og fillin group_XX time_XX capture drop d_sq_XX_new bys group_XX: gegen d_sq_XX_new=mean(d_sq_XX) drop d_sq_XX rename d_sq_XX_new d_sq_XX ///// Defining N_gt, the weight of each cell (g,t) gen N_gt_XX=1 replace N_gt_XX = N_gt_XX*weight_XX // replace N_gt_XX=0 if outcome_XX==.|treatment_XX==. ///// Determining last period where g still has a control group: ///// There is still a group with same ///// treatment as g's in period 1 and whose treatment has not changed since ///// start of panel. Definition adapted from the paper, to account for ///// imbalanced panel. capture drop F_g_trunc_XX gen F_g_trunc_XX=F_g_XX replace F_g_trunc_XX=min(F_g_XX,trunc_control_XX) if trunc_control_XX!=. bys d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam': gegen T_g_XX = max(F_g_trunc_XX) replace T_g_XX = T_g_XX-1 ///// Defining S_g: ///// an indicator variable for groups whose average post switch ///// treatment value is larger than their initial treatment D_{g,1}. ///// They will be considered switchers in. If S_g==0, the group is a switcher out. ///// For never-switchers, S_g is undefined. ///// Definition of S_g matches that in paper, unless dont_drop_larger_lower specified. bys group_XX : gegen avg_post_switch_treat_XX_temp = total(treatment_XX) if time_XX>=F_g_XX&time_XX<=T_g_XX gen count_time_post_switch_XX_temp=(treatment_XX!=.) if time_XX>=F_g_XX&time_XX<=T_g_XX bysort group_XX : gegen count_time_post_switch_XX=total(count_time_post_switch_XX_temp) replace avg_post_switch_treat_XX_temp =avg_post_switch_treat_XX_temp/count_time_post_switch_XX bys group_XX: gegen avg_post_switch_treat_XX=mean(avg_post_switch_treat_XX_temp) drop avg_post_switch_treat_XX_temp // When a group is a switching group, but its average post-treatment treatment // value is exactly equal to its baseline treatment, we cannnot classify it as // a swicher in or a switcher out, but it is not a control either. // As such, we drop it from the estimation. Those groups are referred to // as no-first-stage-switchers. This issue can only arise // if dont_drop_larger_lower specified. // if continuous is specified we do this according to the original // baseline treatment and not to the one set to 0 to correctly // track if a group is switcher in or switcher out. if `continuous'==0{ drop if avg_post_switch_treat_XX==d_sq_XX&F_g_XX!=T_g_XX+1 gen S_g_XX=(avg_post_switch_treat_XX>d_sq_XX) if F_g_XX!=T_max_XX+1 } else if `continuous'>0{ drop if avg_post_switch_treat_XX==d_sq_XX_orig&F_g_XX!=T_g_XX+1 gen S_g_XX=(avg_post_switch_treat_XX>d_sq_XX_orig) if F_g_XX!=T_max_XX+1 } // Define another version where S_g=-1 for switchers out, which we need // when predict_het or continuous specified. if "`predict_het_good'"!="" | `continuous'>0{ gen S_g_het_XX=S_g_XX replace S_g_het_XX=-1 if S_g_het_XX==0 if "`predict_het_good'"!=""{ scalar heterogeneity_scalar_XX=1 } } ///// If continuous option specified: binarizing and staggerizing treatment, ///// and adding time_FEs interacted with D_{g,1} as controls if `continuous'>0{ //Binarizing and staggerizing treatment capture drop treatment_XX_temp gen treatment_XX_temp = (F_g_XX<=time_XX)*S_g_het_XX if S_g_het_XX!=. capture drop treatment_XX_orig gen treatment_XX_orig=treatment_XX replace treatment_XX = treatment_XX_temp //Enriching controls tab time_XX, gen(time_fe_XX_) local max_time_XX=r(r) // Modif Clément: actually, to compute the estimator with the continuous option we need to control for polynomial in D_{g,1} interacted with \sum_{k=1}^t'1\{t=k}, sum of period FEs up to t'. forvalue i=2/`max_time_XX'{ replace time_fe_XX_`i'=(time_XX>=`i') } // End modif Clément foreach var of varlist time_fe_XX_2-time_fe_XX_`max_time_XX'{ forvalues pol_level = 1/`=degree_pol'{ gen `var'_bt`pol_level'_XX = `var'*d_sq_`pol_level'_XX local controls "`controls' `var'_bt`pol_level'_XX" } capture drop `var' } capture drop time_fe_XX_1 } ///// Creating treatment at F_g: D_{g,F_g} gen d_fg_XX_temp=treatment_XX if time_XX==F_g_XX bys group_XX: gegen d_fg_XX=mean(d_fg_XX_temp) replace d_fg_XX=d_sq_XX if d_fg_XX==. & F_g_XX==T_max_XX+1 drop d_fg_XX_temp ///// Creating the variable L_g_XX = T_g_XX - F_g_XX, so that we can compute L_u or L_a afterwards. gen L_g_XX = T_g_XX - F_g_XX +1 ///// Creating the equivalent variable L_g_placebo_XX for the placebos. if `placebo'!=0{ capture drop L_g_placebo_XX gen L_g_placebo_XX = min(L_g_XX, F_g_XX-2) if F_g_XX>=3 } ///// Tagging first observation of each group_XX. sort group_XX time_XX bysort group_XX : gen first_obs_by_gp_XX = (_n==1) ///// If cluster option specified, tagging first observation of each cluster, ///// and checking clustering variable weakly coarser than group variable. if "`cluster'"!=""{ capture drop cluster_var_g_XX bysort `cluster' : gen first_obs_by_clust_XX = (_n==1) //Error message for clustering: non-nested case bysort group_XX: gegen cluster_var_g_XX = sd(`cluster') sum cluster_var_g_XX scalar max_cluster_var_XX = `r(max)' if (scalar(max_cluster_var_XX) >0){ di as error "" di as error "The group variable should be nested within the clustering variable." di as input _continue "" exit } } ///// Declaring data as panel // xtset group_XX time_XX ///// Creating first-differenced outcome and treatment// capture drop diff_y_XX capture drop diff_d_XX gen diff_y_XX = d.outcome_XX g diff_d_XX = d.treatment_XX ////////// 3. Necessary pre-estimation steps when the controls option is specified. if "`controls'" !=""{ local count_controls=0 capture drop fd_X_all_non_missing_XX gen fd_X_all_non_missing_XX=1 foreach var of varlist `controls'{ local count_controls=`count_controls'+1 capture drop diff_X`count_controls'_XX capture drop avg_diff_X`count_controls'_XX capture drop resid_X`count_controls'_time_FE_XX ///// Computing the first differences of the control variables xtset group_XX time_XX gen diff_X`count_controls'_XX=D.`var' replace fd_X_all_non_missing_XX=0 if diff_X`count_controls'_XX==. } ///// Residualization, and computation of term entering variance. local count_controls=0 local mycontrols_XX "" local prod_controls_y "" foreach var of varlist `controls'{ local count_controls=`count_controls'+1 capture drop sum_weights_control_XX //So as to consider the weighted regressions. // Computing \Delta X_{.,t}: average of controls' first difference at time t, // among groups whose treatment has not changed yet. bys time_XX d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen sum_weights_control_XX = total(N_gt_XX) if ever_change_d_XX==0&diff_y_XX!=.&fd_X_all_non_missing_XX==1 bys time_XX d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen avg_diff_X`count_controls'_XX = total(N_gt_XX*diff_X`count_controls'_XX) if ever_change_d_XX==0&diff_y_XX!=.&fd_X_all_non_missing_XX==1 bys time_XX d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam' : replace avg_diff_X`count_controls'_XX = avg_diff_X`count_controls'_XX/sum_weights_control_XX // Computing \Delta\Dot{X}_{g,t}, the difference between the first differences // of covariates and the average of their first-difference, which gives us // the residuals of a regression of covariates on time fixed effects. //Multiply by sqrt(N_gt_XX) to replicate weighted regression. gen resid_X`count_controls'_time_FE_XX = sqrt(N_gt_XX)*(diff_X`count_controls'_XX - avg_diff_X`count_controls'_XX) replace resid_X`count_controls'_time_FE_XX=0 if resid_X`count_controls'_time_FE_XX==. // Storing the obtained residuals for the computation of theta_d local mycontrols_XX "`mycontrols_XX' resid_X`count_controls'_time_FE_XX" // Generating the product between \Delta\Dot{X}_{g,t} and \Delta Y_{g,t} //Multiply by sqrt(N_gt_XX) to replicate weighted regression capture drop prod_X`count_controls'_Ngt_XX // Delete those we do not need anymore capture drop prod_X`count_controls'_diff_y_temp_XX capture drop prod_X`count_controls'_diff_y_XX capture drop diff_y_wXX gen diff_y_wXX = sqrt(N_gt_XX)*diff_y_XX * Note: resid_X`count_controls'_time_FE_XX is already multiplied by sqrt(N_gt_XX) gen prod_X`count_controls'_Ngt_XX=resid_X`count_controls'_time_FE_XX*sqrt(N_gt_XX) replace prod_X`count_controls'_Ngt_XX=0 if prod_X`count_controls'_Ngt_XX==. } ///// Computing the Den_d matrices and their inverts, ///// and creating locals storing the status quos for which Den_d^{-1} not defined. local store_singular_XX "" local store_noresidualization_XX "" local levels_d_sq_XX_final "" levelsof d_sq_int_XX, local(levels_d_sq_XX) foreach l of local levels_d_sq_XX { capture drop E_y_hat_gt_int_`l'_XX // Running residualization regression to compute predicted values local controlsXX "" forv i = 1/`count_controls'{ local controlsXX "`controlsXX' diff_X`i'_XX" } reg diff_y_XX `controlsXX' ibn.time_XX [aw=N_gt_XX] if d_sq_int_XX==`l'&time_XX1){ // Isolate the observations used in the computation of theta_d keep if ever_change_d_XX==0&diff_y_XX!=.&fd_X_all_non_missing_XX==1&d_sq_int_XX==`l' // Using the matrix accum function, to regress the first difference of outcome on the first differences of covariates. We will obtain the vectors of coefficients \theta_d s, where d indexes values of the baseline treatment. capture matrix accum overall_XX = diff_y_wXX `mycontrols_XX' scalar rc_XX=_rc if scalar(rc_XX)!=0{ scalar store_singular_`l'_XX = 1 local store_noresidualization_XX "`store_noresidualization_XX' `l'" scalar useful_res_`l'_XX=1 } else { // Isolate the parts of the matrix we need matrix didmgt_XX = overall_XX[2..`=`count_controls'+1',2..`=`count_controls'+1'] matrix didmgt_Xy = overall_XX[2..`=`count_controls'+1',1] // Computing the vectors of coefficients \theta_d s for each value of the baseline treatment matrix coefs_sq_`l'_XX = invsym(didmgt_XX)*didmgt_Xy local levels_d_sq_XX_final "`levels_d_sq_XX_final' `l'" // Added local so as to avoid adding to the final block non-existent coefficients. // Computing the matrix Den^{-1}_d //Check first if the matrix is invertible, invsym() inverts a matrix even if it is singular capture drop scalar det_XX scalar det_XX = det(didmgt_XX) if (abs(scalar(det_XX))<=10^(-16)){ scalar store_singular_`l'_XX = 1 scalar drop det_XX } matrix inv_Denom_`l'_XX = invsym(didmgt_XX)*G_XX } use "`data_XX'.dta", clear } } //Fill up store_singular_XX, with correct values of statu quo and not the levels -> Modif Felix levelsof d_sq_XX, local(levels_d_sq_bis_XX) scalar index_sing_XX = 0 foreach l of local levels_d_sq_bis_XX { scalar index_sing_XX = scalar(index_sing_XX)+1 capture confirm scalar store_singular_`=index_sing_XX'_XX if _rc==0{ if(scalar(store_singular_`=index_sing_XX'_XX) == 1){ local store_singular_XX = "`store_singular_XX' `l'" } } } ///// Display errors if one of the Den_d^{-1} is not defined if ("`store_singular_XX'"!=""){ di as error "Some control variables are not taken into account for groups with baseline treatment equal to: [`store_singular_XX']" di as error "This may occur in the following situations:" di as error "1. For groups with those values of the baseline treatment," di as error "the regression of the outcome first difference on the controls' first differences " di as error "and time fixed effects has fewer observations than variables." di as error "Note that for each value of the baseline treatment," di as error "those regressions are estimated among (g,t)s such that g has not changed treatment yet at t." di as error "2. For groups with those values of the baseline treatment, " di as error "two or more of your control variables are perfectly collinear " di as error "in the sample where the regression is run, for instance because those control variables do not vary over time." di as input _continue "" } ///// Values of baseline treatment such that residualization could not be performed at all are dropped. foreach l of local store_noresidualization_XX { drop if d_sq_int_XX==`l' } } // end of the if "`controls'" !="" condition ////////// 4. Performing the estimation and storing the results ///// Computing L_u/L_a, maximum number of event-study effects that can be computed ///// for the switchers in/out, to compare them to number of effects requested, ///// and finally determine the number of effects to be estimated. ///// Same thing for the placebos. // Initializing L_u_XX and L_a_XX with default values. scalar L_u_XX=. scalar L_a_XX=. // For switchers in if "`switchers'"==""|"`switchers'"=="in"{ sum L_g_XX if S_g_XX==1 scalar L_u_XX=r(max) *For placebos if `placebo'!=0{ sum L_g_placebo_XX if S_g_XX==1 scalar L_placebo_u_XX=r(max) // If the trends_lin option was specified, L_placebo_u_XX should be decreased by 1 // because data starts at period 2 instead of 1. if "`trends_lin'"!=""{ scalar L_placebo_u_XX=L_placebo_u_XX-1 } } } // For switchers out if "`switchers'"==""|"`switchers'"=="out"{ sum L_g_XX if S_g_XX==0 scalar L_a_XX=r(max) *For placebos if `placebo'!=0{ sum L_g_placebo_XX if S_g_XX==0 scalar L_placebo_a_XX=r(max) if "`trends_lin'"!=""{ scalar L_placebo_a_XX=L_placebo_a_XX-1 } } } // Error message if Design Restriction 1 is not met if ("`switchers'"=="in"&(L_u_XX==.|L_u_XX==0))|("`switchers'"=="out"&(L_a_XX==.|L_a_XX==0))|("`switchers'"==""&(L_u_XX==.|L_u_XX==0)&(L_a_XX==.|L_a_XX==0)){ di as error "" di as error "No treatment effect can be estimated." di as error "This is because Design Restriction 1 in" di as error "de Chaisemartin & D'Haultfoeuille (2024)" di as error "is not satisfied in the data, given the" di as error "options requested. This may be due to" di as error "the fact that groups' period-one treatment" di as error "is continuous, or takes a large number of values," di as error "and you have not specified the continuous option." di as error "If so, you can try to specify this option." di as error "If the issue persists even with this option," di as error "this means that all groups experience their first" di as error "treatment change at the same date, a situation" di as error "where the estimators of de Chaisemartin & D'Haultfoeuille (2024)" di as error "cannot be used." di as input _continue "" noi di as error "We exit" // Felix exit } // Checking that the number of dynamic and placebo effects requested by user // are feasible, and correcting them if they are not. if "`switchers'"==""{ scalar l_XX=max(L_a_XX, L_u_XX) scalar l_XX=min(l_XX, `effects') if `placebo'!=0{ scalar l_placebo_XX=max(L_placebo_a_XX, L_placebo_u_XX) scalar l_placebo_XX=min(l_placebo_XX, `placebo') // The number of placebos computed cannot be greater than the number of effects computed: scalar l_placebo_XX=min(l_placebo_XX, `effects') } else{ scalar l_placebo_XX=0 } } if "`switchers'"=="in"{ scalar l_XX=min(`effects', L_u_XX) if `placebo'!=0{ scalar l_placebo_XX=min(`placebo', L_placebo_u_XX) // The number of placebos computed cannot be greater than the number of effects computed: scalar l_placebo_XX=min(l_placebo_XX, `effects') } else{ scalar l_placebo_XX=0 } } if "`switchers'"=="out"{ scalar l_XX=min(`effects', L_a_XX) if `placebo'!=0{ scalar l_placebo_XX=min(`placebo', L_placebo_a_XX) // The number of placebos computed cannot be greater than the number of effects computed: scalar l_placebo_XX=min(l_placebo_XX, `effects') } else{ scalar l_placebo_XX=0 } } //If the number of effects or placebos initially asked by user was too large, // display an error message. if l_XX<`effects'{ di as error "" di as error "The number of effects requested is too large." di as error "The number of effects which can be estimated is at most " l_XX "." di as error "The command will therefore try to estimate " l_XX " effect(s)." di as input _continue "" } if `placebo'!=0{ if l_placebo_XX<`placebo'&`effects'>=`placebo'{ di as error "" di as error "The number of placebos which can be estimated is at most " l_placebo_XX "." di as error "The command will therefore try to estimate " l_placebo_XX " placebo(s)." di as input _continue "" } if `effects'<`placebo'{ di as error "" di as error "The number of placebo requested cannot be larger than the number of effects requested." di as error "The command cannot compute more than " l_placebo_XX " placebo(s)." di as input _continue "" } } // Adjustment to add more placebos (did_multiplegt_dyn_all_pl) local max_pl_u_XX = 0 local max_pl_a_XX = 0 local max_pl_gap_u_XX = 0 local max_pl_gap_a_XX = 0 gen pl_gap_XX = (F_g_XX - 2) - L_g_XX if S_g_XX != . if ("`switchers'" == "" | "`switchers'" == "in") { sum F_g_XX if S_g_XX == 1 local max_pl_u_XX = r(max) - 2 sum pl_gap_XX if S_g_XX == 1 local max_pl_gap_u_XX = r(max) } if ("`switchers'" == "" | "`switchers'" == "out") { sum F_g_XX if S_g_XX == 0 local max_pl_a_XX = r(max) - 2 sum pl_gap_XX if S_g_XX == 0 local max_pl_gap_a_XX = r(max) } scalar max_pl_XX = max(`max_pl_u_XX', `max_pl_a_XX') scalar max_pl_gap_XX = max(`max_pl_gap_u_XX', `max_pl_gap_a_XX') drop pl_gap_XX ///// Start the by_path option here -> after defining l_XX etc. but before calling the core program if "`by_path'"!=""{ // Disentangle all the treatment paths and match switchers with those paths with not yet switchers with the same baseline that can be used as controls forvalues k=0/`=l_XX'{ gen dummy_treat_`k'_temp=treatment_XX if time_XX==F_g_XX-1+`k' gegen dummy_treat_`k'=max(dummy_treat_`k'_temp), by(group_XX) capture drop dummy_treat_`k'_temp } // Variable grouping all groups that follow exactly the same treatment path from F_g-1 to F_g-1+\ell gegen different_paths_temp_XX=group(dummy_treat_*) if time_XX<=F_g_XX-1+`=l_XX' gegen different_paths_XX=max(different_paths_temp_XX), by(group_XX) // Modify for never switchers replace different_paths_XX=. if F_g_XX==T_g_XX+1 sum different_paths_XX local num_paths_XX=r(max) // count number of different switchers paths // Issue, controls can be controls for multiple treatment paths (as long as they have the same baseline treatment) // And as not yet switchers are also controls there will be some groups for which less than the l_XX effects will be estimated -> specify same_switchers option if "`by_path'"=="all"{ // case where we dont specify a numeric value local by_path=`num_paths_XX' } // Warnings if `by_path'>`num_paths_XX'{ di "" di as error "You specified a number that exceeds the number of treatment paths in the by_path() option!" di as error "The number of paths is automatically set to the number of treatment paths in the sample." di as input _continue "" local by_path=`num_paths_XX' } // count number of groups within each path and sort the numbers accordingly in ascending order (1 -> most, 2 -> second most etc...) if `by_path'<`num_paths_XX'{ gen count_path_XX=. forvalues k=1/`num_paths_XX'{ count if different_paths_XX==`k'&first_obs_by_gp_XX==1 // important to count each group just once in case of unbalanced panel! replace count_path_XX=r(N) if different_paths_XX==`k' } gegen rank_paths_XX=group(-count_path_XX) if count_path_XX!=. replace different_paths_XX=rank_paths_XX } // prevent \ell to be overwritten, should be checked each repetition again scalar l_XX_orig=scalar(l_XX) scalar l_placebo_XX_orig=scalar(l_placebo_XX) // create dummies which state for which path you can act as control depending on the same F_g-1 and not having switched (yet) at F_g_XX-1+l_XX global graph_by_path "" forvalues k=1/`by_path'{ sum d_sq_XX if different_paths_XX==`k' local path_d_sq_XX=r(mean) sum F_g_XX if different_paths_XX==`k' local path_min_Fg_XX=r(min) // keep everyone prior to switch (and same baseline) capture drop cont_path_alt_XX gen cont_path_alt_XX=(time_XX do not run "the full sample" } // end "by_path" option ///// Generating default values for the variables which will be aggregated ///// after Program 2 below has been run for switchers in and for switchers out. forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ capture drop U_Gg`i'_plus_XX capture drop U_Gg`i'_minus_XX capture drop count`i'_plus_XX capture drop count`i'_minus_XX capture drop U_Gg`i'_global_XX capture drop count`i'_global_XX capture drop N_effect_`i'_XX capture drop DID_`i'_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_`i'_in_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_`i'_out_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_glob_eff`i'_sqrd_XX capture drop delta_D_g_`i'_plus_XX capture drop delta_D_g_`i'_minus_XX gen U_Gg`i'_plus_XX = 0 gen U_Gg`i'_minus_XX = 0 gen count`i'_plus_XX = 0 gen count`i'_minus_XX = 0 scalar N1_`i'_XX=0 scalar N0_`i'_XX=0 gen U_Gg_var_`i'_in_XX=0 gen U_Gg_var_`i'_out_XX=0 scalar sum_for_var_in_XX=0 scalar sum_for_var_out_XX=0 gen delta_D_g_`i'_plus_XX=0 gen delta_D_g_`i'_minus_XX=0 scalar N0_`i'_XX_new=0 scalar N1_`i'_XX_new=0 if "`weight'"!=""{ scalar N0_`i'_XX_weight=0 scalar N1_`i'_XX_weight=0 } if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar delta_D_`i'_in_XX = 0 scalar delta_D_`i'_out_XX = 0 } } if l_placebo_XX!=0{ forvalue i=1/`=l_placebo_XX'{ capture drop U_Gg_pl_`i'_plus_XX capture drop U_Gg_pl_`i'_global_XX capture drop U_Gg_pl_`i'_minus_XX capture drop DID_placebo_`i'_XX capture drop N_placebo_`i'_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_in_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_out_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_2_XX capture drop count`i'_pl_plus_XX capture drop count`i'_pl_minus_XX capture drop count`i'_pl_global_XX gen U_Gg_pl_`i'_plus_XX = 0 gen U_Gg_pl_`i'_minus_XX = 0 scalar N1_placebo_`i'_XX=0 scalar N0_placebo_`i'_XX=0 gen U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_in_XX=0 gen U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_out_XX=0 scalar sum_for_var_placebo_in_XX=0 scalar sum_for_var_placebo_out_XX=0 gen count`i'_pl_plus_XX = 0 gen count`i'_pl_minus_XX = 0 scalar N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new=0 scalar N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new=0 if "`weight'"!=""{ scalar N0_`i'_pl_XX_weight=0 scalar N1_`i'_pl_XX_weight=0 } if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar delta_D_pl_`i'_in_XX = 0 scalar delta_D_pl_`i'_out_XX = 0 } } } gen U_Gg_plus_XX = 0 gen U_Gg_minus_XX = 0 scalar U_Gg_den_plus_XX = 0 scalar U_Gg_den_minus_XX = 0 scalar sum_N1_l_XX = 0 scalar sum_N0_l_XX = 0 gen U_Gg_var_plus_XX = 0 gen U_Gg_var_minus_XX = 0 // Initialize switchers tag variable to earmark switchers after did_multiplegt_dyn_core capture drop switcher_tag_XX gen switcher_tag_XX = . ///// Perform the estimation: call the program did_multiplegt_dyn_core, ///// for switchers in and for switchers out, and store the results. // For switchers in if ("`switchers'"==""|"`switchers'"=="in"){ if L_u_XX!=.&L_u_XX!=0{ ***** MODIF FELIX: Replaced all the weights by weight(weight_XX) instead of weight(`weight') due to the fact that `weights' does not exist anymore after collapsing * Perform the estimation of effects and placebos outside of the loop on * number of effects if trends_lin not specified if "`trends_lin'"==""{ did_multiplegt_dyn_core_new outcome_XX group_XX time_XX treatment_XX, effects(`=l_XX') placebo(`=l_placebo_XX') switchers_core(in) `only_never_switchers' controls(`controls') trends_nonparam(`trends_nonparam') `normalized' `same_switchers' `same_switchers_pl' `effects_equal' continuous(`continuous') `less_conservative_se' weight(weight_XX) // Store the number of the event-study effect for switchers-in forv k = 1/`=l_XX' { replace switcher_tag_XX = `k' if distance_to_switch_`k'_XX == 1 } } forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ * Perform the estimation of effects inside of the loop on number of effects * if trends_lin is specified * Note that if the option trends_lin was specified, same_switchers must also be specified. if "`trends_lin'"!=""{ did_multiplegt_dyn_core_new outcome_XX group_XX time_XX treatment_XX, effects(`i') switchers_core(in) `only_never_switchers' controls(`controls') trends_nonparam(`trends_nonparam') `normalized' same_switchers `effects_equal' trends_lin continuous(`continuous') `less_conservative_se' weight(weight_XX) // Store the number of the event-study effect for switchers-in replace switcher_tag_XX = `i' if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX == 1 } * Store variables necessary for computation of effects. * N.B.: in the case of unbalanced panels, it can happen that the U_Gg`i'_XX are not computed by program 2 (for example when y is missing). Consequently, for the command not to display an error message and continue running, we need to verify the variable is created, which is conditional on N1_`i'_XX!=0. if N1_`i'_XX!=0{ replace U_Gg`i'_plus_XX = U_Gg`i'_XX replace count`i'_plus_XX= count`i'_core_XX replace U_Gg_var_`i'_in_XX=U_Gg`i'_var_XX scalar N1_`i'_XX_new=N1_`i'_XX if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar delta_D_`i'_in_XX = delta_norm_`i'_XX } if "`trends_lin'"==""{ replace delta_D_g_`i'_plus_XX = delta_D_g_`i'_XX } } } *Same as above, for placebos. if l_placebo_XX!=0{ forvalue i=1/`=l_placebo_XX'{ if "`trends_lin'"!=""{ did_multiplegt_dyn_core_new outcome_XX group_XX time_XX treatment_XX, effects(`i') placebo(`i') switchers_core(in) `only_never_switchers' controls(`controls') trends_nonparam(`trends_nonparam') `normalized' same_switchers same_switchers_pl `effects_equal' trends_lin continuous(`continuous') `less_conservative_se' weight(weight_XX) } if N1_placebo_`i'_XX!=0{ replace U_Gg_pl_`i'_plus_XX = U_Gg_placebo_`i'_XX replace count`i'_pl_plus_XX= count`i'_pl_core_XX replace U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_in_XX=U_Gg_pl_`i'_var_XX scalar N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new=N1_placebo_`i'_XX if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar delta_D_pl_`i'_in_XX = delta_norm_pl_`i'_XX } } } } * Store variables necessary for computation of average effect. if "`trends_lin'"==""{ if sum_N1_l_XX!=0{ replace U_Gg_plus_XX = U_Gg_XX scalar U_Gg_den_plus_XX=U_Gg_den_XX replace U_Gg_var_plus_XX = U_Gg_var_XX } } } } // end of the condition for switchers in // Same thing as above, for switchers out if ("`switchers'"==""|"`switchers'"=="out"){ if L_a_XX!=.&L_a_XX!=0{ if "`trends_lin'"==""{ did_multiplegt_dyn_core_new outcome_XX group_XX time_XX treatment_XX, effects(`=l_XX') placebo(`=l_placebo_XX') switchers_core(out) `only_never_switchers' controls(`controls') trends_nonparam(`trends_nonparam') `normalized' `same_switchers' `same_switchers_pl' `effects_equal' continuous(`continuous') `less_conservative_se' weight(weight_XX) // Store the number of the event-study effect for switchers-out forv k = 1/`=l_XX' { replace switcher_tag_XX = `k' if distance_to_switch_`k'_XX == 1 } } forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ if "`trends_lin'"!=""{ did_multiplegt_dyn_core_new outcome_XX group_XX time_XX treatment_XX, effects(`i') switchers_core(out) `only_never_switchers' controls(`controls') trends_nonparam(`trends_nonparam') `normalized' same_switchers `effects_equal' trends_lin continuous(`continuous') `less_conservative_se' weight(weight_XX) // Store the number of the event-study effect for switchers-out replace switcher_tag_XX = `i' if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX == 1 } if N0_`i'_XX!=0{ replace U_Gg`i'_minus_XX = - U_Gg`i'_XX replace count`i'_minus_XX= count`i'_core_XX replace U_Gg_var_`i'_out_XX=U_Gg`i'_var_XX scalar N0_`i'_XX_new=N0_`i'_XX if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar delta_D_`i'_out_XX = delta_norm_`i'_XX } if "`trends_lin'"==""{ replace delta_D_g_`i'_minus_XX = delta_D_g_`i'_XX } } } if l_placebo_XX!=0{ forvalue i=1/`=l_placebo_XX'{ if "`trends_lin'"!=""{ did_multiplegt_dyn_core_new outcome_XX group_XX time_XX treatment_XX, effects(`i') placebo(`i') switchers_core(out) `only_never_switchers' controls(`controls') trends_nonparam(`trends_nonparam') `normalized' same_switchers same_switchers_pl `effects_equal' trends_lin continuous(`continuous') `less_conservative_se' weight(weight_XX) } if N0_placebo_`i'_XX!=0{ replace U_Gg_pl_`i'_minus_XX = -U_Gg_placebo_`i'_XX replace count`i'_pl_minus_XX= count`i'_pl_core_XX replace U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_out_XX=U_Gg_pl_`i'_var_XX scalar N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new=N0_placebo_`i'_XX if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar delta_D_pl_`i'_out_XX = delta_norm_pl_`i'_XX } } } } if "`trends_lin'"==""{ if sum_N0_l_XX!=0{ replace U_Gg_minus_XX = - U_Gg_XX scalar U_Gg_den_minus_XX=U_Gg_den_XX replace U_Gg_var_minus_XX = U_Gg_var_XX } } } } // end of the loop for switchers out ////////// 5. Computing the estimators and their variances ///// Computing DID_\ell // Creation of the matrix which stores all the estimators (DID_l, DID_pl, delta, etc.), their sd and the CIs matrix mat_res_XX = J(l_XX+l_placebo_XX+1,7,.) // Loop over the number of effects to be estimated // Create a local to store effects we cant estimate local missing_eff_XX "" forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ // Aggregating the U_(g,l) for switchers in and out gen U_Gg`i'_global_XX = (N1_`i'_XX_new/(N1_`i'_XX_new+N0_`i'_XX_new))*U_Gg`i'_plus_XX +(N0_`i'_XX_new/(N1_`i'_XX_new+N0_`i'_XX_new))*U_Gg`i'_minus_XX replace U_Gg`i'_global_XX=. if first_obs_by_gp_XX==0 gen count`i'_global_XX = max(count`i'_plus_XX, count`i'_minus_XX) // Computing aggregated delta_D (difference between treatments received wrt status quo, from F_g-1 to F_g-1+\ell), only needed for the normalized estimator if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar delta_D_`i'_global_XX = (N1_`i'_XX_new/(N1_`i'_XX_new+N0_`i'_XX_new))*delta_D_`i'_in_XX+(N0_`i'_XX_new/(N1_`i'_XX_new+N0_`i'_XX_new))*delta_D_`i'_out_XX } // Storing the results and the number of switchers into the matrix mat_res_XX local rownames "`rownames' Effect_`i'" // Counting number of switchers DID_\ell applies to scalar N_switchers_effect_`i'_XX=N1_`i'_XX_new+N0_`i'_XX_new matrix mat_res_XX[`i',6]=N_switchers_effect_`i'_XX matrix mat_res_XX[`i',7]=`i' ereturn scalar N_switchers_effect_`i' = N_switchers_effect_`i'_XX // Counting number of observations used in the computation of DID_\ell gegen N_effect_`i'_XX = total(count`i'_global_XX) scalar N_effect_`i'_XX = N_effect_`i'_XX ereturn scalar N_effect_`i' = N_effect_`i'_XX matrix mat_res_XX[`i',5]=N_effect_`i'_XX // Modif Felix weight -> Display correct N with weights if "`weight'"!=""{ matrix mat_res_XX[`i',6]=N1_`i'_XX_weight+N0_`i'_XX_weight ereturn scalar N_switchers_effect_`i'_w= N1_`i'_XX_weight+N0_`i'_XX_weight capture drop count`i'_global_XX_w capture drop N_effect_`i'_XX_w gen count`i'_global_XX_w=count`i'_global_XX/weight_XX gegen N_effect_`i'_XX_w = total(count`i'_global_XX_w) scalar N_effect_`i'_XX_w = N_effect_`i'_XX_w ereturn scalar N_effect_`i'_w = N_effect_`i'_XX_w matrix mat_res_XX[`i',5]=N_effect_`i'_XX_w } // Error message if DID_\ell cannot be estimated if N_switchers_effect_`i'_XX==0|N_effect_`i'_XX==0{ di as error "" di as error "Effect_"`i' " cannot be estimated." di as error "There is no switcher or no control" di as error "for this effect." di as input _continue "" local missing_eff_XX `missing_eff_XX' `i' } // Averaging the U_Gg\ell to compute DID_\ell gegen DID_`i'_XX = total(U_Gg`i'_global_XX) replace DID_`i'_XX = DID_`i'_XX/G_XX scalar DID_`i'_XX = DID_`i'_XX // Computing DID_n_l" if the option was specified if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar DID_`i'_XX = scalar(DID_`i'_XX)/scalar(delta_D_`i'_global_XX) } // Set DID_\ell missing when there is no switcher or no control if ("`switchers'"==""&N1_`i'_XX_new==0&N0_`i'_XX_new==0)|("`switchers'"=="out"&N0_`i'_XX_new==0)|("`switchers'"=="in"&N1_`i'_XX_new==0){ scalar DID_`i'_XX=. } // Store DID_\ell estimates in the ereturn and in the results matrix which will be printed out ereturn scalar Effect_`i' = scalar(DID_`i'_XX) matrix mat_res_XX[`i',1]= scalar(DID_`i'_XX) } ///// Computing the average total effect // The average effect cannot be estimated when the trends_lin option is specified so the whole part will be skipped in that case if "`trends_lin'"==""{ // Computing the weight w_+. if "`switchers'"==""{ scalar w_plus_XX = U_Gg_den_plus_XX*sum_N1_l_XX/(U_Gg_den_plus_XX*sum_N1_l_XX+U_Gg_den_minus_XX*sum_N0_l_XX) } * When the "switchers" option is used, full weight is put to either switchers out or in if "`switchers'"=="out"{ scalar w_plus_XX=0 } if "`switchers'"=="in"{ scalar w_plus_XX=1 } // Aggregating the U_{G,g} for switchers in and out gen U_Gg_global_XX = w_plus_XX*U_Gg_plus_XX +(1-w_plus_XX)*U_Gg_minus_XX replace U_Gg_global_XX=. if first_obs_by_gp_XX==0 // Averaging the U_Gg to compute average total effect gegen delta_XX = total(U_Gg_global_XX) replace delta_XX = delta_XX/G_XX scalar delta_XX = delta_XX ereturn scalar Av_tot_effect = scalar(delta_XX) // Completing the results matrix * Storing the results matrix mat_res_XX[l_XX+1,1]= scalar(delta_XX) local rownames "`rownames' Av_tot_eff" * Number of switchers scalar N_switchers_effect_XX=0 forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ scalar N_switchers_effect_XX = N_switchers_effect_XX + N_switchers_effect_`i'_XX } matrix mat_res_XX[l_XX+1,6]=N_switchers_effect_XX matrix mat_res_XX[l_XX+1,7]=0 ereturn scalar N_switchers_effect_average = N_switchers_effect_XX * Number of observations used in the estimation capture drop count_global_XX capture drop N_effect_XX gen count_global_XX=0 forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ replace count_global_XX= max(count_global_XX, count`i'_global_XX) } sum count_global_XX scalar N_effect_XX=r(sum) matrix mat_res_XX[l_XX+1,5]=scalar(N_effect_XX) ereturn scalar N_avg_total_effect = scalar(N_effect_XX) } // Modif Felix weight if "`weight'"!=""{ scalar N_switchers_effect_XX_w=0 forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ scalar N_switchers_effect_XX_w = N_switchers_effect_XX_w + N1_`i'_XX_weight+N0_`i'_XX_weight } matrix mat_res_XX[l_XX+1,6]=N_switchers_effect_XX_w ereturn scalar N_switchers_effect_average_w=N_switchers_effect_XX_w capture drop count_global_XX_w capture drop N_effect_XX_w gen count_global_XX_w=0 forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ replace count_global_XX_w= max(count_global_XX_w, count`i'_global_XX_w) } sum count_global_XX_w scalar N_effect_XX_w=r(sum) matrix mat_res_XX[l_XX+1,5]=scalar(N_effect_XX_w) ereturn scalar N_avg_total_effect_w = scalar(N_effect_XX_w) } // Add time_to_treat to the results matrix even when computation of average total effect skipped with trends_lin, important fot the graph later. if "`trends_lin'"!=""{ local rownames "`rownames' Av_tot_eff" matrix mat_res_XX[l_XX+1,7]=0 } ///// Computing the placebo estimators (same steps as for the DID_\ell, not commented) if l_placebo_XX!=0{ // Create a local to store effects we cant estimate local missing_pl_XX "" forvalue i=1/`=l_placebo_XX'{ gen U_Gg_pl_`i'_global_XX = (N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new/(N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new+N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new))*U_Gg_pl_`i'_plus_XX +(N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new/(N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new+N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new))*U_Gg_pl_`i'_minus_XX replace U_Gg_pl_`i'_global_XX=. if first_obs_by_gp_XX==0 gen count`i'_pl_global_XX=max(count`i'_pl_plus_XX, count`i'_pl_minus_XX) if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar delta_D_pl_`i'_global_XX = (N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new/(N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new+N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new))*delta_D_pl_`i'_in_XX+(N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new/(N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new+N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new))*delta_D_pl_`i'_out_XX } gegen DID_placebo_`i'_XX = total(U_Gg_pl_`i'_global_XX) replace DID_placebo_`i'_XX= DID_placebo_`i'_XX/G_XX scalar DID_placebo_`i'_XX = DID_placebo_`i'_XX if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar DID_placebo_`i'_XX = scalar(DID_placebo_`i'_XX)/scalar(delta_D_pl_`i'_global_XX) } if ("`switchers'"==""&N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new==0&N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new==0)|("`switchers'"=="out"&N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new==0)|("`switchers'"=="in"&N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new==0){ scalar DID_placebo_`i'_XX=. } ereturn scalar Placebo_`i' = scalar(DID_placebo_`i'_XX) matrix mat_res_XX[`=l_XX'+ 1 + `i',1]=scalar(DID_placebo_`i'_XX) local rownames "`rownames' Placebo_`i'" scalar N_switchers_placebo_`i'_XX=N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new+N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new matrix mat_res_XX[`=l_XX'+ 1 + `i',7]= `=-`i'' ereturn scalar N_switchers_placebo_`i' = N_switchers_placebo_`i'_XX gegen N_placebo_`i'_XX = total(count`i'_pl_global_XX) scalar N_placebo_`i'_XX = N_placebo_`i'_XX if N_switchers_placebo_`i'_XX==0|N_placebo_`i'_XX==0{ di as error "" di as error "Placebo_"`i' " cannot be estimated." di as error "There is no switcher or no control" di as error "for this placebo." di as input _continue "" local missing_pl_XX `missing_pl_XX' `i' } if "`normalized'"!=""{ if (delta_D_pl_`i'_global_XX==0|delta_D_pl_`i'_global_XX==.){ di as error "" di as error "Placebo_"`i' " cannot be estimated." di as error "The denominator is missing for this normalized placebo." di as input _continue "" local missing_pl_XX `missing_pl_XX' `i' scalar N_placebo_`i'_XX=0 scalar N_switchers_placebo_`i'_XX=0 } } ereturn scalar N_placebo_`i' = N_placebo_`i'_XX matrix mat_res_XX[`=l_XX' + 1 + `i',5]=N_placebo_`i'_XX matrix mat_res_XX[`=l_XX'+ 1 + `i',6]=N_switchers_placebo_`i'_XX // Modif Felix weight if "`weight'"!=""{ matrix mat_res_XX[`=l_XX'+ 1 + `i',6]=N1_`i'_pl_XX_weight+N0_`i'_pl_XX_weight ereturn scalar N_switchers_placebo_`i'_w=N1_`i'_pl_XX_weight+N0_`i'_pl_XX_weight capture drop count`i'_pl_global_XX_w capture drop N_placebo_`i'_XX_w gen count`i'_pl_global_XX_w=count`i'_pl_global_XX/weight_XX gegen N_placebo_`i'_XX_w = total(count`i'_pl_global_XX_w) scalar N_placebo_`i'_XX_w = N_placebo_`i'_XX_w ereturn scalar N_placebo_`i'_w = N_placebo_`i'_XX_w matrix mat_res_XX[`=l_XX' + 1 + `i',5]=N_placebo_`i'_XX_w } } } //// Extract estimates vector (without avg_effect) for honestdid matrix didmgt_results_no_avg1_XX=J(`=l_XX',1,.) matrix didmgt_results_no_avg1_XX=mat_res_XX[1 .. `=l_XX',1] matrix didmgt_results_no_avg_XX = didmgt_results_no_avg1_XX if `=l_placebo_XX'>0{ matrix didmgt_results_no_avg2_XX=J(`=l_placebo_XX',1,.) matrix didmgt_results_no_avg2_XX=mat_res_XX[`=l_XX'+2 .. `=l_XX'+`=l_placebo_XX'+1,1] matrix didmgt_results_no_avg_XX = didmgt_results_no_avg1_XX \ didmgt_results_no_avg2_XX } matrix didmgt_results_no_avg_XX=didmgt_results_no_avg_XX' capture matrix drop didmgt_results_no_avg1_XX didmgt_results_no_avg2_XX //// Add bootstrap if `bootstrap_XX'!=0{ // Save "pre-bootstraped" results matrix so it does not get overwritten matrix mat_res_bs_XX=mat_res_XX // Save "pre-bootstrap" data qui tempfile data_pre_bootstrap_XX qui save "`data_pre_bootstrap_XX'.dta", replace // Load original data use "`data_bootstrap_XX'.dta", clear // gen numlists numlist "1/`=l_XX'" local num_eff_XX "`r(numlist)'" numlist "1/`=l_placebo_XX'" local num_pl_XX "`r(numlist)'" // Adjust for missings local num_eff_XX: list num_eff_XX- missing_eff_XX local num_pl_XX: list num_pl_XX- missing_pl_XX //Store the coefficients to bootstrap local coefs "" foreach i of numlist `num_eff_XX'{ local coefs = "`coefs' e(Effect_`i')" } foreach i of numlist `num_pl_XX'{ local coefs = "`coefs' e(Placebo_`i')" } if "`trends_lin'"==""{ local coefs "`coefs' e(Av_tot_effect)" } xtset, clear // need this to ensure bootstrap is running correctly // Save pre-bootstraped coefficients matrix for residualization (controls) and matrix for the actual coefficient matrix to be used in the ereturn post foreach u of local levels_d_sq_XX { matrix coefs_sq_bs_`u'_XX = coefs_sq_`u'_XX } matrix didmgt_bs_results_no_avg_XX=didmgt_results_no_avg_XX // Modif Felix // Modif Felix: Ensure that we do not add missings in this process gen existing_pre_XX=1 // Save pre-bootstraped scalars mata: scalars_XX = st_dir("global", "numscalar", "*_XX") getmata (scalars_XX*) = scalars_XX, force // Fix this by counting the number of observations before and after we add all the scalars in and then delete the additional cells we might add!!! levelsof(scalars_XX), local(scalars_save) foreach w of local scalars_save { local k = subinstr("`w'","_XX","_XY",.) scalar `k' = `w' } capture drop scalars_XX* // Modif Felix: Ensure that we do not add missings in this process drop if existing_pre_XX==. drop existing_pre_XX global bootstrap_on_XX "yes" // bootstrap the whole command if "`cluster'"==""{ bootstrap "`coefs'", reps(`bootstrap_XX') cluster(`2') `seed_XX': did_multiplegt_dyn `1' `2' `3' `4', effects(`=l_XY') placebo(`=l_placebo_XY') `same_switchers' switchers(`switchers') `only_never_switchers' controls(`controls_bs_orig_XX') trends_nonparam(`trends_nonparam') weight(`weight') `dont_drop_larger_lower' `drop_if_d_miss_before_first_switch' `normalized' `same_switchers_pl' `trends_lin' continuous(`continuous') graph_off } else if "`cluster'"!=""{ bootstrap "`coefs'", reps(`bootstrap_XX') cluster(`cluster') `seed_XX': did_multiplegt_dyn `1' `2' `3' `4', effects(`=l_XY') placebo(`=l_placebo_XY') `same_switchers' switchers(`switchers') `only_never_switchers' controls(`controls_bs_orig_XX') trends_nonparam(`trends_nonparam') weight(`weight') `dont_drop_larger_lower' `normalized' `same_switchers_pl' `drop_if_d_miss_before_first_switch' `trends_lin' continuous(`continuous') graph_off } //global bootstrap_on_XX "" // store bootstrap results matrix matrix bs_out_XX=r(table) matrix bs_var_cov_XX=e(V) // Modif Felix: also fetch var/cov Matrix // Restore residualization matrix foreach u of local levels_d_sq_XX { matrix coefs_sq_`u'_XX = coefs_sq_bs_`u'_XX } matrix didmgt_results_no_avg_XX=didmgt_bs_results_no_avg_XX // Modif Felix // Restore scalars mata: scalars_XY = st_dir("global", "numscalar", "*_XY") getmata (scalars_XY*) = scalars_XY, force levelsof(scalars_XY), local(scalars_save) foreach w of local scalars_save { local k = subinstr("`w'","_XY","_XX",.) scalar `k' = `w' } capture drop scalars_XY* // row 1 to l_XX are the effects mat se_eff_bs_XX=J(`=l_XX',1,.) local j=1 // local to find the correct row in the bootstrap output matrix foreach k of numlist `num_eff_XX'{ mat se_eff_bs_XX[`k',1]=bs_out_XX[2,`j'] local j=`j'+1 } // row l_XX+1 to l_XX+l_placebo_XX are the placebos if l_placebo_XX!=0{ mat se_pl_bs_XX=J(`=l_placebo_XX',1,.) local for_count_2_XX=`=l_XX'+`=l_placebo_XX' // Felix: obsolete local for_count_3_XX=`=l_XX'+1 // Felix: obsolete foreach k of numlist `num_pl_XX'{ mat se_pl_bs_XX[`k',1]=bs_out_XX[2,`j'] local j=`j'+1 } } if "`trends_lin'"==""{ // row l_XX+l_placebo_XX+1 isvaverage cummulative (total) effect mat se_avg_eff_bs_XX=bs_out_XX[2,`j'] } // Reload results matrix matrix mat_res_XX=mat_res_bs_XX // Reload the "pre-bootstrap" data use "`data_pre_bootstrap_XX'.dta", clear } global bootstrap_on_XX "" // Modif Felix ///// Computing the variance of DID_\ell // Loop over the number of effects to be estimated forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ // Check that the effect can be estimated if ("`switchers'"==""&(N1_`i'_XX_new!=0|N0_`i'_XX_new!=0))|("`switchers'"=="out"&N0_`i'_XX_new!=0)|("`switchers'"=="in"&N1_`i'_XX_new!=0){ // Aggregating the U_Gg_var_\ell for switchers in and out gen U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX = U_Gg_var_`i'_in_XX * (scalar(N1_`i'_XX_new)/(scalar(N1_`i'_XX_new)+scalar(N0_`i'_XX_new))) + U_Gg_var_`i'_out_XX* (scalar(N0_`i'_XX_new)/(scalar(N1_`i'_XX_new)+scalar(N0_`i'_XX_new))) // Compute sigma_hat_2_l without clustering if "`cluster'"==""{ gen U_Gg_var_glob_eff`i'_sqrd_XX = U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX^2*first_obs_by_gp_XX sum U_Gg_var_glob_eff`i'_sqrd_XX scalar sum_for_var_`i'_XX=r(sum)/G_XX^2 } // Compute sigma_hat_2_l with clustering: sum U_Gg_var_l within a cluster, and then take average of square. if "`cluster'"!=""{ capture drop clust_U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX capture drop clust_U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_2_XX replace U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX = U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX*first_obs_by_gp_XX * Sum within cluster bys `cluster' : gegen clust_U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX = total(U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX) * Compute average of square gen clust_U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_2_XX=clust_U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX^2*first_obs_by_clust_XX sum clust_U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_2_XX scalar sum_for_var_`i'_XX=r(sum)/G_XX^2 replace U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX = clust_U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX } // Compute SE scalar se_`i'_XX = sqrt(sum_for_var_`i'_XX) // Normalize SE if normalized option was specified if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar se_`i'_XX = scalar(se_`i'_XX)/scalar(delta_D_`i'_global_XX) } // Adapting the se scalars with the bootstrap if `bootstrap_XX'!=0{ scalar se_`i'_XX=se_eff_bs_XX[`i',1] } // Storing the results * SE matrix mat_res_XX[`i',2]=scalar(se_`i'_XX) ereturn scalar se_effect_`i'=scalar(se_`i'_XX) * ci_level scalar ci_level = `ci_level'/100 scalar z_level = invnormal(scalar(ci_level) + (1-scalar(ci_level))/2) * Lower bound of the confidence interval scalar LB_CI_`i'_XX = scalar(DID_`i'_XX) - scalar(z_level)*scalar(se_`i'_XX) matrix mat_res_XX[`i',3]= scalar(LB_CI_`i'_XX) * Upper bound of the confidence interval scalar UB_CI_`i'_XX = scalar(DID_`i'_XX) + scalar(z_level)*scalar(se_`i'_XX) matrix mat_res_XX[`i',4]=scalar(UB_CI_`i'_XX) } } ///// Computing the variances of the placebo estimators (same steps as for the DID_\ell, not commented) if l_placebo_XX!=0{ forvalue i=1/`=l_placebo_XX'{ if ("`switchers'"==""&(N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new!=0|N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new!=0))|("`switchers'"=="out"&N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new!=0)|("`switchers'"=="in"&N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new!=0){ gen U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX = U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_in_XX * (N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new/(N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new+N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new)) + U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_out_XX* (N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new/(N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new+N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new)) if "`cluster'"==""{ gen U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_2_XX = U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX^2*first_obs_by_gp_XX sum U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_2_XX scalar sum_for_var_placebo_`i'_XX=r(sum)/G_XX^2 } if "`cluster'"!=""{ capture drop clust_U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX capture drop clust_U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_2_XX replace U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX = U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX*first_obs_by_gp_XX bys `cluster' : gegen clust_U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX= total(U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX) gen clust_U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_2_XX=clust_U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX^2*first_obs_by_clust_XX sum clust_U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_2_XX scalar sum_for_var_placebo_`i'_XX=r(sum)/G_XX^2 replace U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX = clust_U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX } scalar se_placebo_`i'_XX = sqrt(sum_for_var_placebo_`i'_XX) if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar se_placebo_`i'_XX = scalar(se_placebo_`i'_XX)/scalar(delta_D_pl_`i'_global_XX) } // Adapting the se scalars with the bootstrap if `bootstrap_XX'!=0{ scalar se_placebo_`i'_XX=se_pl_bs_XX[`i',1] } matrix mat_res_XX[`=l_XX' + 1 + `i',2]=scalar(se_placebo_`i'_XX) ereturn scalar se_placebo_`i'=scalar(se_placebo_`i'_XX) scalar LB_CI_placebo_`i'_XX = scalar(DID_placebo_`i'_XX) - scalar(z_level)*scalar(se_placebo_`i'_XX) matrix mat_res_XX[`=l_XX'+ 1 + `i', 3]= scalar(LB_CI_placebo_`i'_XX) scalar UB_CI_placebo_`i'_XX = scalar(DID_placebo_`i'_XX) + scalar(z_level)*scalar(se_placebo_`i'_XX) matrix mat_res_XX[`=l_XX'+ 1 + `i',4]=scalar(UB_CI_placebo_`i'_XX) } } } ///// Computing the variance of the average total effect (same steps as for the DID_\ell, not commented) if "`trends_lin'"==""{ if ("`switchers'"==""&(sum_N1_l_XX!=0|sum_N0_l_XX!=0))|("`switchers'"=="out"&sum_N0_l_XX!=0)|("`switchers'"=="in"&sum_N1_l_XX!=0){ gen U_Gg_var_global_XX = w_plus_XX * U_Gg_var_plus_XX + (1 - w_plus_XX) * U_Gg_var_minus_XX if "`cluster'"==""{ capture drop U_Gg_var_global_2_XX gen U_Gg_var_global_2_XX = U_Gg_var_global_XX^2*first_obs_by_gp_XX sum U_Gg_var_global_2_XX scalar sum_for_var_XX=r(sum)/G_XX^2 } if "`cluster'"!=""{ capture drop clust_U_Gg_var_global_XX replace U_Gg_var_global_XX=U_Gg_var_global_XX*first_obs_by_gp_XX bys `cluster' : gegen clust_U_Gg_var_global_XX= total(U_Gg_var_global_XX) replace clust_U_Gg_var_global_XX=clust_U_Gg_var_global_XX^2*first_obs_by_clust_XX sum clust_U_Gg_var_global_XX scalar sum_for_var_XX=r(sum)/G_XX^2 } scalar se_XX = sqrt(sum_for_var_XX) // Adapting the se scalars with the bootstrap if `bootstrap_XX'!=0{ scalar se_XX=se_avg_eff_bs_XX[1,1] } matrix mat_res_XX[l_XX+1,2]=se_XX ereturn scalar se_avg_total_effect = se_XX scalar LB_CI_XX = delta_XX - scalar(z_level)*se_XX matrix mat_res_XX[l_XX+1,3]= LB_CI_XX scalar UB_CI_XX = delta_XX + scalar(z_level)*se_XX matrix mat_res_XX[l_XX+1,4]= UB_CI_XX } } ///// Storing results in a way ensuring that command compatible with "event_plot" command // Extract Estimates matrix didmgt_b2=mat_res_XX[1...,1..1] // Extract Variances matrix didmgt_var2=J(`=l_placebo_XX'+`=l_XX'+1,1,0) forvalue i=1/`=`=l_placebo_XX'+`=l_XX'+1'{ matrix didmgt_var2[`i',1]=mat_res_XX[`i',2]^2 } // Add reference period local rownames2 "`rownames' Effect_0" matrix zero=J(1,1,0) matrix didmgt_b2=didmgt_b2\zero matrix didmgt_var2=didmgt_var2\zero // Add correct names matrix rownames didmgt_var2= `rownames2' matrix rownames didmgt_b2 = `rownames2' // For compatibility with old do files: matrix compatibility_variances = didmgt_var2 // Set up the output to match event_plot /* ereturn matrix estimates=didmgt_b2 ereturn matrix didmgt_variances=didmgt_var2 ereturn matrix variances= compatibility_variances ereturn local cmd "did_multiplegt_dyn" */ ////////// 6. Computing p-values from the tests //// Generate combined Variance-Covariance Matrix for honestdid // Note: Check if all of them are defined! // If test is feasible, initalize scalar at 0 scalar all_Ns_pl_not_zero=0 scalar all_delta_pl_not_zero=0 // Count the number of placebos that can be estimated forvalue i=1/`=l_placebo_XX'{ if ("`switchers'"==""&(N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new!=0|N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new!=0))|("`switchers'"=="out"&N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new!=0)|("`switchers'"=="in"&N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new!=0){ scalar all_Ns_pl_not_zero=all_Ns_pl_not_zero+1 } // Count the number of normalized placebos that can be estimated if "`normalized'"!=""{ if (delta_D_pl_`i'_global_XX!=0 & delta_D_pl_`i'_global_XX!=.){ scalar all_delta_pl_not_zero=all_delta_pl_not_zero+1 } } } scalar all_Ns_not_zero=0 forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ if ("`switchers'"==""&(N1_`i'_XX_new!=0|N0_`i'_XX_new!=0))|("`switchers'"=="out"&N0_`i'_XX_new!=0)|("`switchers'"=="in"&N1_`i'_XX_new!=0){ scalar all_Ns_not_zero=all_Ns_not_zero+1 } } if ((all_Ns_pl_not_zero==l_placebo_XX & "`normalized'"=="")|(all_Ns_pl_not_zero==l_placebo_XX & "`normalized'"!="" & all_delta_pl_not_zero==l_placebo_XX))&all_Ns_not_zero==l_XX{ // Creating a matrix where the variances and the covariances will be stored. matrix didmgt_Var_all_XX=J(`=l_XX'+`=l_placebo_XX',`=l_XX'+`=l_placebo_XX',0) local total_num_estimates_XX=`=l_XX'+`=l_placebo_XX' // combine effects and placebos in "one" variable with running index (similarly for scalars storing the se's) capture drop U_Gg_var_comb_*_XX forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ gen U_Gg_var_comb_`i'_XX=U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX scalar se_all_`i'_XX=se_`i'_XX if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar delta_D_all_`i'_XX=delta_D_`i'_global_XX } } forvalue i=`=l_XX+1'/`total_num_estimates_XX'{ local j=`i'-`=l_XX' gen U_Gg_var_comb_`i'_XX=U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`j'_XX scalar se_all_`i'_XX=se_placebo_`j'_XX if "`normalized'"!=""{ scalar delta_D_all_`i'_XX=delta_D_pl_`j'_global_XX } } // If the option cluster is specified, we have previously replaced U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX by clust_U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX, and U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX by clust_U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX. // Now, we must also replace first_obs_by_gp_XX by first_obs_by_clust_XX if "`cluster'"!=""{ replace first_obs_by_gp_XX=first_obs_by_clust_XX } forvalue i=1/`total_num_estimates_XX'{ // Fill the diagonal with the Variances matrix didmgt_Var_all_XX[`i',`i']= scalar(se_all_`i'_XX)^2 // Fill off diagonal with covariances if `i'<`total_num_estimates_XX'{ forvalue j=`=`i'+1'/`total_num_estimates_XX'{ * Create variables necessary to compute the covariances capture drop U_Gg_var_comb_`i'_`j'_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_comb_`i'_`j'_2_XX if ("`normalized'"==""){ gen U_Gg_var_comb_`i'_`j'_XX = U_Gg_var_comb_`i'_XX + U_Gg_var_comb_`j'_XX } // Also need adjusted delta_D for all effects!!! if "`normalized'"!=""{ gen U_Gg_var_comb_`i'_`j'_XX = U_Gg_var_comb_`i'_XX/scalar(delta_D_all_`i'_XX) + U_Gg_var_comb_`j'_XX/scalar(delta_D_all_`j'_XX) } * Estimate the covariances gen U_Gg_var_comb_`i'_`j'_2_XX = U_Gg_var_comb_`i'_`j'_XX^2*first_obs_by_gp_XX sum U_Gg_var_comb_`i'_`j'_2_XX scalar var_sum_comb_`i'_`j'_XX=r(sum)/G_XX^2 scalar cov_comb_`i'_`j'_XX = (scalar(var_sum_comb_`i'_`j'_XX) - scalar(se_all_`i'_XX)^2 - scalar(se_all_`j'_XX)^2)/2 * Store the results matrix didmgt_Var_all_XX[`i',`j']= scalar(cov_comb_`i'_`j'_XX) matrix didmgt_Var_all_XX[`j',`i']= scalar(cov_comb_`i'_`j'_XX) } } } *** Modif Felix: replace by bootstrap var/cov matrix if `bootstrap_XX'!=0{ matrix didmgt_Var_all_XX=bs_var_cov_XX } } // Error message if not all of the specified effects/placebos could be estimated else{ di as error "" di as error "Some placebos/effects could not be estimated." di as error "Therefore, the command will not be compatible" di as error "with the honestdid command." di as input _continue "" } ///// Performing a test that all placebo are jointly equal to 0. // initalize scalar scalar all_Ns_pl_not_zero=. scalar all_delta_pl_not_zero=. // Test can only be run when at least two placebos requested: if (l_placebo_XX!=0)&l_placebo_XX>1{ // If test is feasible, initalize scalar at 0 scalar all_Ns_pl_not_zero=0 scalar all_delta_pl_not_zero=0 // Count the number of placebos that can be estimated forvalue i=1/`=l_placebo_XX'{ if ("`switchers'"==""&(N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new!=0|N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new!=0))|("`switchers'"=="out"&N0_placebo_`i'_XX_new!=0)|("`switchers'"=="in"&N1_placebo_`i'_XX_new!=0){ scalar all_Ns_pl_not_zero=all_Ns_pl_not_zero+1 } // Count the number of normalized placebos that can be estimated if "`normalized'"!=""{ if (delta_D_pl_`i'_global_XX!=0 & delta_D_pl_`i'_global_XX!=.){ scalar all_delta_pl_not_zero=all_delta_pl_not_zero+1 } } } // Test can only be run when all requested placebos could be computed: // Add condition with normalized if (all_Ns_pl_not_zero==l_placebo_XX & "`normalized'"=="")|(all_Ns_pl_not_zero==l_placebo_XX & "`normalized'"!="" & all_delta_pl_not_zero==l_placebo_XX){ // Creating a vector with all placebo estimates matrix didmgt_Placebo=J(l_placebo_XX,1,0) // Creating a matrix where the variances and the covariances of the placebos will be stored. matrix didmgt_Var_Placebo=J(l_placebo_XX,l_placebo_XX,0) // Fill those matrices forvalue i=1/`=l_placebo_XX'{ matrix didmgt_Placebo[`i',1]=scalar(DID_placebo_`i'_XX) matrix didmgt_Var_Placebo[`i',`i']= scalar(se_placebo_`i'_XX)^2 if `i'<`=l_placebo_XX'{ forvalue j=`=`i'+1'/`=l_placebo_XX'{ * Create variables necessary to compute the covariances capture drop U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_`j'_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_`j'_2_XX if ("`normalized'"==""){ gen U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_`j'_XX = U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX + U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`j'_XX } if "`normalized'"!=""{ gen U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_`j'_XX = U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`i'_XX/scalar(delta_D_pl_`i'_global_XX) + U_Gg_var_glob_pl_`j'_XX/scalar(delta_D_pl_`j'_global_XX) } * Estimate the covariances gen U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_`j'_2_XX = U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_`j'_XX^2*first_obs_by_gp_XX sum U_Gg_var_pl_`i'_`j'_2_XX scalar var_sum_pla_`i'_`j'_XX=r(sum)/G_XX^2 scalar cov_pl_`i'_`j'_XX = (scalar(var_sum_pla_`i'_`j'_XX) - scalar(se_placebo_`i'_XX)^2 - scalar(se_placebo_`j'_XX)^2)/2 * Store the results matrix didmgt_Var_Placebo[`i',`j']= scalar(cov_pl_`i'_`j'_XX) matrix didmgt_Var_Placebo[`j',`i']= scalar(cov_pl_`i'_`j'_XX) } } } *** Modif Felix: replace matrix with bootstrap if `bootstrap_XX'!=0{ matrix didmgt_Var_Placebo=bs_var_cov_XX["_bs_`=l_XX+1'".."_bs_`=l_XX+l_placebo_XX'","_bs_`=l_XX+1'".."_bs_`=l_XX+l_placebo_XX'"] } // Compute P-value for the F-test on joint nullity of all placebos matrix didmgt_Var_Placebo_inv=invsym(didmgt_Var_Placebo) matrix didmgt_Placebo_t=didmgt_Placebo' matrix didmgt_chi2placebo=didmgt_Placebo_t*didmgt_Var_Placebo_inv*didmgt_Placebo scalar p_jointplacebo=1-chi2(l_placebo_XX,didmgt_chi2placebo[1,1]) ereturn scalar p_jointplacebo=1-chi2(l_placebo_XX,didmgt_chi2placebo[1,1]) } // Error message if not all of the specified placebos could be estimated else{ di as error "" di as error "Some placebos could not be estimated." di as error "Therefore, the test of joint nullity of the placebos " di as error "could not be computed." di as input _continue "" } } ///// Performing a test that all DID_\ell effects are equal (similar structure as test on placebos, not commented, except for the small differences with placebos) scalar all_Ns_not_zero=. if ("`effects_equal'")!=""&l_XX>1{ scalar all_Ns_not_zero=0 forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ if ("`switchers'"==""&(N1_`i'_XX_new!=0|N0_`i'_XX_new!=0))|("`switchers'"=="out"&N0_`i'_XX_new!=0)|("`switchers'"=="in"&N1_`i'_XX_new!=0){ scalar all_Ns_not_zero=all_Ns_not_zero+1 } } if all_Ns_not_zero==l_XX{ matrix didmgt_Effects = mat_res_XX[1..l_XX, 1] matrix didmgt_Var_Effects=J(l_XX, l_XX, 0) matrix didmgt_identity = J(`=l_XX-1', l_XX,0) forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ if ("`switchers'"==""&(N1_`i'_XX_new!=0|N0_`i'_XX_new!=0))|("`switchers'"=="out"&N0_`i'_XX_new!=0)|("`switchers'"=="in"&N1_`i'_XX_new!=0){ matrix didmgt_Var_Effects[`i',`i']= scalar(se_`i'_XX)^2 if `i'<`=l_XX'{ matrix didmgt_identity[`i',`i'] =1 } if `i'<`=l_XX'{ forvalue j=`=`i'+1'/`=l_XX'{ capture drop U_Gg_var_`i'_`j'_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_`i'_`j'_2_XX if ("`normalized'"==""){ gen U_Gg_var_`i'_`j'_XX = U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX+ U_Gg_var_glob_`j'_XX } if "`normalized'"!=""{ gen U_Gg_var_`i'_`j'_XX = U_Gg_var_glob_`i'_XX/scalar(delta_D_`i'_global_XX) + U_Gg_var_glob_`j'_XX/scalar(delta_D_`j'_global_XX) } gen U_Gg_var_`i'_`j'_2_XX = U_Gg_var_`i'_`j'_XX^2*first_obs_by_gp_XX sum U_Gg_var_`i'_`j'_2_XX scalar var_sum_`i'_`j'_XX=r(sum)/G_XX^2 scalar cov_`i'_`j'_XX = (scalar(var_sum_`i'_`j'_XX) - scalar(se_`i'_XX)^2 - scalar(se_`j'_XX)^2)/2 matrix didmgt_Var_Effects[`i',`j']= scalar(cov_`i'_`j'_XX) matrix didmgt_Var_Effects[`j',`i']= scalar(cov_`i'_`j'_XX) } } } } *** Modif Felix: replace by bootstrap var/cov matrix if `bootstrap_XX'!=0{ matrix didmgt_Var_Effects=bs_var_cov_XX["_bs_1".."_bs_`=l_XX'","_bs_1".."_bs_`=l_XX'"] } *Creating a matrix of demeaned effects: null being tested = joint equality, not jointly 0 matrix didmgt_D =didmgt_identity -J(`=l_XX-1',l_XX,(1/l_XX)) matrix didmgt_test_effects = didmgt_D*didmgt_Effects matrix didmgt_test_var = didmgt_D*didmgt_Var_Effects*didmgt_D' *Enforcing symmetry matrix didmgt_test_var = (didmgt_test_var + didmgt_test_var')/2 matrix didmgt_test_var_inv=invsym(didmgt_test_var) matrix didmgt_test_effects_t=didmgt_test_effects' matrix didmgt_chi2_equal_ef=didmgt_test_effects_t*didmgt_test_var_inv*didmgt_test_effects scalar p_equality_effects=1-chi2(`=l_XX-1',didmgt_chi2_equal_ef[1,1]) ereturn scalar p_equality_effects=1-chi2(`=l_XX-1',didmgt_chi2_equal_ef[1,1]) } else{ di as error "" di as error "Some effects could not be estimated." di as error "Therefore, the test of equality of the effects " di as error "could not be computed." di as input _continue "" } } } // end of the quietly condition ////////// 7. Output the final tables // Supress output during the bootstrap replications if "$bootstrap_on_XX"==""{ ///// Generating the output that will be shown in the console // Adjust the row and cloumn names for the output tables matrix rownames mat_res_XX= `rownames' matrix colnames mat_res_XX= "Estimate" "SE" "LB CI" "UB CI" "N" "Switchers" "time_to_treat" ///// Table for the DID_l estimates display _newline di "{hline 80}" di _skip(13) "{bf:Estimation of treatment effects: Event-study effects}" if "`by'" !=""{ * Add description with the by variable level if by is specified di _skip(35) "{bf:By: `by' = `val_lab_int_XX'}" } if "$k"!=""{ local k=$k local nb_obs_adj_XX = strlen("${path_`k'_XX}") di _skip(`=42-`nb_obs_adj_XX'') "{bf:Path (${path_`k'_XX})}" } di "{hline 80}" noisily matlist mat_res_XX[1..l_XX, 1..6] di "{hline 80}" if l_XX>1&"`effects_equal'"!=""&all_Ns_not_zero==l_XX{ * When effects_equal is specified show P-value here di as text "{it:Test of equality of the effects : p-value =} " scalar(p_equality_effects) } ///// Table for the Average total effect estimate if "`trends_lin'"==""{ * Not computed and therefore not shown when trends_lin is used matrix mat_res_avg_XX=mat_res_XX[l_XX+1, 1..6] matrix mat_res_avg_XX=(mat_res_avg_XX, .z ) matrix colnames mat_res_avg_XX= "Estimate" "SE" "LB CI" "UB CI" "N" "Switch" "x Periods" display _newline di "{hline 80}" di _skip(15) "{bf:Average cumulative (total) effect per treatment unit}" if "`by'" !=""{ * Add description with the by variable level if by is specified di _skip(35) "{bf:By: `by' = `val_lab_int_XX'}" } if "$k"!=""{ local k=$k local nb_obs_adj_XX = strlen("${path_`k'_XX}") di _skip(`=42-`nb_obs_adj_XX'') "{bf:Path (${path_`k'_XX})}" } di "{hline 80}" noisily matlist mat_res_avg_XX, nodotz di "{hline 80}" ///// Preparing computation of average number of cumulated effects // Determine max number of effects by group qui{ // unify delta_D_g_`i'_plus_XX and delta_D_g_`i'_minus_XX capture drop delta_D_g_1_XX - delta_D_g_`=l_XX'_XX // generate M_g_XX, maximum number of estimable effects by group capture drop var_l_XX_* gen var_l_XX_1=`=l_XX' gen var_l_XX_2=T_g_XX-F_g_XX+1 gegen M_g_XX=min(var_l_XX_1 var_l_XX_2), by(group_XX) // generate one variable that stores all the different delta_D_g_`i'_XX capture drop delta_D_g_XX gen delta_D_g_XX=. forvalues j=1/`=l_XX'{ capture drop delta_D_g_`j'_XX gen delta_D_g_`j'_XX=delta_D_g_`j'_plus_XX replace delta_D_g_`j'_XX=delta_D_g_`j'_minus_XX if delta_D_g_`j'_XX==0 // Note delta_D_g_`j'_plus_XX/_minus_XX were initiallized with value 0 replace delta_D_g_`j'_XX=. if delta_D_g_`j'_XX==0 // does this matter? // Replace the "general" variable with the corresponding delta_D for all effects included in the estimation replace delta_D_g_XX=delta_D_g_`j'_XX if switcher_tag_XX==`j' } // Multiply by the corresponding L gen delta_D_g_num_XX=delta_D_g_XX*[(M_g_XX-(switcher_tag_XX-1))] // take the total over periods and groups gegen delta_D_num_total_XX=total(delta_D_g_num_XX) sum delta_D_num_total_XX local delta_D_num_total_XX=r(mean) gegen delta_D_denom_total_XX=total(delta_D_g_XX) sum delta_D_denom_total_XX local delta_D_denom_total_XX=r(mean) } di as text "{it:Average number of time periods over which a treatment's effect is accumulated = }" `delta_D_num_total_XX'/`delta_D_denom_total_XX' } // Output in case trends_lin is specified if "`trends_lin'"!=""{ display _newline di "{hline 80}" di _skip(4) "{bf:When the option {it:trends_lin} is specified no average effects are reported}" di "{hline 80}" } ///// Table for the placebo estimates if l_placebo_XX!=0{ * Only shown when some placebos are requested display _newline di "{hline 80}" di _skip(10) "{bf:Testing the parallel trends and no anticipation assumptions}" if "`by'" !=""{ * Add description with the by variable level if by is specified di _skip(35) "{bf:By: `by' = `val_lab_int_XX'}" } if "$k"!=""{ local k=$k local nb_obs_adj_XX = strlen("${path_`k'_XX}") di _skip(`=42-`nb_obs_adj_XX'') "{bf:Path (${path_`k'_XX})}" } di "{hline 80}" matlist mat_res_XX[l_XX+2...,1..6] di "{hline 80}" if (l_placebo_XX>1&all_Ns_pl_not_zero==l_placebo_XX&all_delta_pl_not_zero==l_placebo_XX&"`normalized'"!="")|(l_placebo_XX>1&all_Ns_pl_not_zero==l_placebo_XX&"`normalized'"==""){ di as text "{it:Test of joint nullity of the placebos : p-value =} " scalar(p_jointplacebo) } } } // end bootstrap condition ////////// 8. Output other post estimation options ///// Testing for effect heterogeneity if "`predict_het_good'"!=""{ qui{ sort group_XX time_XX // Define number of effects we want to calculate if "`het_effects'"=="all"{ local all_effects_XX "" // Take all effects corresponding to the number of requested effect estimates forvalues i=1/`=l_XX'{ local all_effects_XX "`all_effects_XX' `i'" } } if "`het_effects'"!="all"{ // allow to only show some effects specified in the option local all_effects_XX "`het_effects'" local test_eff_XX : subinstr local het_effects " " ",", all local count_length_XX: word count `test_eff_XX' if `count_length_XX'==1{ local max_test_eff_XX=`test_eff_XX' } else{ local max_test_eff_XX = max(`test_eff_XX') } if `max_test_eff_XX'>`=l_XX'{ * error if specified effects not matching with those actually calculated di as error "" di as error "You specified some numbers in predict_het that exceed the number of effects possible to estimate!" di as error "Please specify only numbers that are smaller or equal to the number you request in effects()." di as input _continue "" exit } } // Loop the procedure over all requested effects for which potential heterogeneity should be predicted foreach i in `all_effects_XX'{ capture drop Yg_Fg_min_1_XX capture drop Yg_Fg_min_2_XX capture drop Yg_Fg_`i'_XX capture drop prod_het_`i'_XX capture drop interact_var_XX capture drop group_interact_var_XX capture drop d_sq_group_XX // Defining the parts needed for the long difference * Yg,Fg−1 gen Yg_Fg_min1_XX_temp=outcome_non_diff_XX if time_XX==F_g_XX-1 bys group_XX: gegen Yg_Fg_min_1_XX=mean(Yg_Fg_min1_XX_temp) capture drop Yg_Fg_min1_XX_temp * Yg,Fg−2 if "`trends_lin'" != ""{ gen Yg_Fg_min2_XX_temp=outcome_non_diff_XX if time_XX==F_g_XX-2 bys group_XX: gegen Yg_Fg_min_2_XX=mean(Yg_Fg_min2_XX_temp) capture drop Yg_Fg_min2_XX_temp } * Yg,Fg−1+ℓ gen Yg_Fg_`i'_XX_temp=outcome_non_diff_XX if time_XX==F_g_XX-1+`i' bys group_XX: gegen Yg_Fg_`i'_XX=mean(Yg_Fg_`i'_XX_temp) capture drop Yg_Fg_`i'_XX_temp // Now generate Sg*(Yg,Fg−1+ℓ − Yg,Fg−1) gen prod_het_`i'_XX=(Yg_Fg_`i'_XX - Yg_Fg_min_1_XX) if "`trends_lin'" != ""{ replace prod_het_`i'_XX=prod_het_`i'_XX-`i'*(Yg_Fg_min_1_XX-Yg_Fg_min_2_XX) } replace prod_het_`i'_XX=S_g_het_XX*prod_het_`i'_XX * keep one observation by group to not artificially increase sample bys group_XX: replace prod_het_`i'_XX = . if _n != 1 * F_g_XX#d_sq_XX#S_g_het_XX gegen d_sq_group_XX=group(d_sq_XX) // Run regression of interest if "`trends_nonparam'" == "" { reg prod_het_`i'_XX `predict_het_good' F_g_XX#d_sq_group_XX#S_g_XX [aw=N_gt_XX] if F_g_XX-1+`i'<=T_g_XX, level(`ci_level') vce(robust) } if "`trends_nonparam'" != "" { gegen trends_nonparam_temp_XX=group(`trends_nonparam') reg prod_het_`i'_XX `predict_het_good' F_g_XX#d_sq_group_XX#S_g_XX#trends_nonparam_temp_XX [aw=N_gt_XX] if F_g_XX-1+`i'<=T_g_XX, level(`ci_level') vce(robust) capture drop trends_nonparam_temp_XX } // Retrieve the results from the regression forvalues j=1/`:word count `predict_het_good''{ scalar beta_het_`j'_eff`i'_hat_XX=_b["`: word `j' of `predict_het_good''"] scalar se_het_`j'_eff`i'_hat_XX=_se["`: word `j' of `predict_het_good''"] scalar lb_het_`j'_eff`i'_hat_XX=_r_lb["`: word `j' of `predict_het_good''"] scalar ub_het_`j'_eff`i'_hat_XX=_r_ub["`: word `j' of `predict_het_good''"] scalar t_het_`j'_eff`i'_hat_XX=scalar(beta_het_`j'_eff`i'_hat_XX)/scalar(se_het_`j'_eff`i'_hat_XX) } scalar N_het_`i'_hat_XX=e(N) // Add F-test on joint significance test `predict_het_good' scalar p_het_`i'_hat_XX=r(p) scalar F_het_`i'_hat_XX=r(F) } } // Output Part of the predict_het option // Generate results matrix foreach i in `all_effects_XX'{ matrix effect_het_`i'_XX=J(`:word count `predict_het_good'',6,.) local effect_het_rownames_`i'_XX "" forvalue j=1/`:word count `predict_het_good''{ matrix effect_het_`i'_XX[`j',1]=scalar(beta_het_`j'_eff`i'_hat_XX) matrix effect_het_`i'_XX[`j',2]=scalar(se_het_`j'_eff`i'_hat_XX) matrix effect_het_`i'_XX[`j',3]=scalar(t_het_`j'_eff`i'_hat_XX) matrix effect_het_`i'_XX[`j',4]=scalar(lb_het_`j'_eff`i'_hat_XX) matrix effect_het_`i'_XX[`j',5]=scalar(ub_het_`j'_eff`i'_hat_XX) matrix effect_het_`i'_XX[`j',6]=scalar(N_het_`i'_hat_XX) // Generate local with rownames local effect_het_rownames_`i'_XX "`effect_het_rownames_`i'_XX' "`: word `j' of `predict_het_good''"" } // Assign names matrix colnames effect_het_`i'_XX= "Estimate" "SE" "t" "LB CI" "UB CI" "N" matrix rownames effect_het_`i'_XX=`effect_het_rownames_`i'_XX' } // Output the table display _newline di "{hline 80}" di _skip(25) "{bf:Predicting effect heterogeneity}" if "`by'" !=""{ * Add description with the by variable level if by is specified di _skip(35) "{bf:By: `by' = `val_lab_int_XX'}" } di "{hline 80}" // output only the specified effects foreach i in `all_effects_XX'{ display _newline di "{hline 80}" di _skip(37) "{bf:Effect_`i'}" di "{hline 80}" matlist effect_het_`i'_XX di "{hline 80}" di as text "{it:Test of joint nullity of the estimates : p-value =} " p_het_`i'_hat_XX } } ///// Store all the ereturns after the last reg was called ereturn clear // Modif Felix: Put ereturn post before all the other ereturns and adjust row/col names /* -> Problems with format -> didmgt_results_no_avg_XX does not take out missings, didmgt_Var_all_XX does, so we would need to change one of them to make it work (plus we create b V with all those missings, would need to change it too) // Adjust for missings local minus "" if "`missing_eff_XX'" != ""{ foreach i of numlist `missing_eff_XX'{ local minus = "`minus' Effect_`i'" } } if "`missing_pl_XX'" != ""{ foreach i of numlist `missing_pl_XX'{ local minus = "`minus' Placebo_`i'" } } local minus " `minus' Av_tot_eff" local rownames_alt : list rownames-minus */ local minus Av_tot_eff local rownames_alt : list rownames-minus ////// Integration with esttab matrix b=(didmgt_results_no_avg_XX, scalar(delta_XX)) local nc = colsof(b) matrix V = J(`nc', `nc', 0) if "`bootstrap'"==""{ // Modif Felix: Adapt Matrix for bootstrap forv i=1/`=`nc'-1' { forv j =1/`=`nc'-1' { mat V[`i', `j'] = didmgt_Var_all_XX[`i', `j'] } } } if "`bootstrap'"!=""{ // Modif Felix: Adapt Matrix for bootstrap mat V=didmgt_Var_all_XX } // Note Felix: Drop this bootstrap distiction after we reeplaced didmgt_Var_all_XX by bs_var_cov_XX above so we get the "correct" variance covariance matrix with and without bootstrap. // Modif Felix: Adjust for cases where SE cant be computed -> with bootstrap we already have the Avg_tot_eff in there if "`bootstrap'"==""{ if scalar(se_XX)!=. { mat V[`nc', `nc'] = scalar(se_XX)^2 } if scalar(se_XX)==. { mat V[`nc', `nc'] = 0 } } matrix colnames b= `rownames_alt' Av_tot_eff matrix rownames V = `rownames_alt' Av_tot_eff matrix colnames V = `rownames_alt' Av_tot_eff if "`predict_het'" != "" { local het_rown "" foreach v in `rownames_alt' Av_tot_eff { local het_rown "`het_rown' `1':`v'" } foreach i in `all_effects_XX'{ local nc = rowsof(effect_het_`i'_XX) local nv = rowsof(V) mat V`i' = J(`nc', `nc', 0) forv j = 1/`nc' { mat b = (b, scalar(effect_het_`i'_XX[`j', 1])) mat V`i'[`j', `j'] = scalar(effect_het_`i'_XX[`j', 2])^2 } mat V = (V, J(`nv',`nc', 0)\J(`nc', `nv', 0), V`i') local rnames "" foreach rn in `effect_het_rownames_`i'_XX' { local rnames "`rnames' Effect_`i':`rn'" } local het_rown "`het_rown' `rnames'" } mat coln b = `het_rown' mat rown V = `het_rown' mat coln V = `het_rown' } // Felix -> Lets add cap and print error message when we are in the case with some missings in the matrices (cases where we have missings in the output table) cap ereturn post b V if _rc!=0{ di "" di as error "Warning: some of the effects/placebos could not be computed so e(b)/e(V) will not be defined!" } // Felix: Continue by adding Av_tot_eff to the Var/Cov matrix forvalue i=1/`=l_XX'{ capture ereturn scalar Effect_`i' = scalar(DID_`i'_XX) capture ereturn scalar N_effect_`i' = N_effect_`i'_XX capture ereturn scalar N_switchers_effect_`i' = N_switchers_effect_`i'_XX capture ereturn scalar se_effect_`i'=scalar(se_`i'_XX) } if "`effects_equal'" != ""{ capture ereturn scalar p_equality_effects=scalar(p_equality_effects) } if l_placebo_XX!=0{ forvalue i=1/`=l_placebo_XX'{ capture ereturn scalar Placebo_`i' = scalar(DID_placebo_`i'_XX) capture ereturn scalar N_placebo_`i' = N_placebo_`i'_XX capture ereturn scalar N_switchers_placebo_`i' = N_switchers_placebo_`i'_XX capture ereturn scalar se_placebo_`i'=scalar(se_placebo_`i'_XX) } if (l_placebo_XX>1&all_Ns_pl_not_zero==l_placebo_XX&all_delta_pl_not_zero==l_placebo_XX&"`normalized'"!="")|(l_placebo_XX>1&all_Ns_pl_not_zero==l_placebo_XX&"`normalized'"==""){ capture ereturn scalar p_jointplacebo=scalar(p_jointplacebo) } } if "`trends_lin'"==""{ capture ereturn scalar Av_tot_effect = scalar(delta_XX) capture ereturn scalar N_avg_total_effect = scalar(N_effect_XX) capture ereturn scalar N_switchers_effect_average = N_switchers_effect_XX capture ereturn scalar se_avg_total_effect = se_XX } ereturn local cmd "did_multiplegt_dyn" ereturn matrix estimates=didmgt_b2 //ereturn matrix didmgt_variances=didmgt_var2 ereturn matrix variances=compatibility_variances if "`predict_het'"!=""{ foreach i in `all_effects_XX'{ ereturn matrix effect_het_`i'_XX=effect_het_`i'_XX } } ///// Option that shows a table with weights attached to each normalized effect if "`normalized_weights'" != "" { qui { // Error as normalized_weights only works in combination with normalized if "`normalized'" == "" { noi di as err "normalized option required to compute normalized_weights" di as input _continue "" exit } // Set up the matrix for the output table mat define weight_mat = J(`=l_XX + 1', `=l_XX', .) local cols "" forv i = 1/`=l_XX'{ local m = "ℓ=`i'" local cols `cols' `m' gen N_gt_`i'_temp_XX = N_gt_XX if time_XX == F_g_XX - 1 + `i' gegen N_gt_`i'_XX = mean(N_gt_`i'_temp_XX), by(group_XX) drop N_gt_`i'_temp_XX forv k = 0/`=`i' - 1' { // Visualization by k local row = `k' + 1 // Compute the delta_ℓ_k, if the continuous option is specified the original treatment values are used if `continuous'==0{ gen delta_`i'_`k' = abs(treatment_XX - d_sq_XX) if time_XX == F_g_XX - 1 + `i' - `k' & F_g_XX - 1 + `i' <= T_g_XX } else if `continuous'>0{ gen delta_`i'_`k' = abs(treatment_XX_orig - d_sq_XX_orig) if time_XX == F_g_XX - 1 + `i' - `k' & F_g_XX - 1 + `i' <= T_g_XX } replace delta_`i'_`k' = delta_`i'_`k' * N_gt_`i'_XX // Filling the weight matrix sum delta_`i'_`k' mat weight_mat[`row', `i'] = (`r(sum)' / scalar(delta_D_`i'_global_XX)) / scalar(N_switchers_effect_`i'_XX) //mat weight_mat[`row', `i'] = (`r(sum)' / `denom_`i'_norm_XX') } drop N_gt_`i'_XX } // Generating the row names // Visualization by k local rows "" forv j = 1/`=l_XX' { local r = "k=`=`j'-1'" local rows `rows' `r' } local rows `rows' "Total" // Fill the values for the displayed table matrix define mat_temp = J(`=l_XX', `=l_XX', 0) forv i = 1/`=l_XX' { forv j = 1/`=l_XX' { if weight_mat[`i', `j'] != . { mat mat_temp[`i', `j'] = weight_mat[`i', `j'] } } } // Getting the correct order matrix define mat_total = mat_temp' * J(`=l_XX', 1, 1) forv i = 1/`=l_XX' { mat weight_mat[`=l_XX+1', `i'] = mat_total[`i', 1] } // Add row and column names mat rown weight_mat = `rows' mat coln weight_mat = `cols' } // Output the table display _newline di "{hline 70}" di _skip(15) "{bf:Weights on treatment lags}" if "`by'" !=""{ * Add description with the by variable level if by is specified di _skip(25) "{bf:By: `by' = `val_lab_int_XX'}" } di "{hline 70}" matlist weight_mat, format(%9.4fc) lines(rowtotal) display _newline } // Saving data for further options as save sample drops variables qui tempfile data_predesign qui save `data_predesign', replace ///// save_sample option that allows to see which groups were included in the estimation and if they were switcher in/out ot control if "`save_sample'" != "" { qui { // keeping only group, time and switcher status (if not missing) keep if !missing(`2') & !missing(`3') keep `2' `3' S_g_XX switcher_tag_XX if "`by'"==""{ // redefine S_g_XX to show if group is switcher in/out or control rename S_g_XX _did_sample rename switcher_tag_XX _effect replace _did_sample = -1 if _did_sample == 0 replace _did_sample = 0 if _did_sample == . cap label drop switch_lab_XX label define switch_lab_XX 0 "Control" 1 "Switcher-in" -1 "Switcher-out" label values _did_sample switch_lab_XX // Save dataset to be in the memory at the end tempfile did_sample save `did_sample', replace } // Same procedure, but with by we get multiple samples else if "`by'"!=""{ // redefine S_g_XX to show if group is switcher in/out or control rename S_g_XX _did_sample_`l_by' rename switcher_tag_XX _effect_`l_by' replace _did_sample_`l_by' = -1 if _did_sample_`l_by' == 0 replace _did_sample_`l_by' = 0 if _did_sample_`l_by' == . cap label drop switch_lab_XX label define switch_lab_XX 0 "Never-switcher" 1 "Switcher-in" -1 "Switcher-out" label values _did_sample_`l_by' switch_lab_XX // Save dataset to be in the memory at the end tempfile did_sample_`l_by' save `did_sample_`l_by'', replace } } } ///// design option which shows the different treatment paths that switcher groups follow if "`design'" != "" { qui { // Releaod the data before it was changed in save_sample use `data_predesign', clear // Error message if the arguments in the option were specified wrong if strpos("`design'", ",") == 0 { di as error "" di as error "Syntax error in design option" di as error "Comma required" di as input _continue "" exit } // Fetch the arguments local des_p = strtrim(substr("`design'", 1, strpos("`design'", ",") - 1)) local des_path = strtrim(substr("`design'", strpos("`design'", ",") + 1, .)) local des_n = l_XX // When no percentage value is specified (for how many paths should be shown) it is set to a default of 100% if missing("`des_p'") { local des_p = 1 } local des_per = `des_p' * 100 local des_per : di %9.2fc `des_per' // keep periods up to ℓ periods after the first switch gen F_g_plus_n_XX = F_g_XX + `des_n' - 1 keep if time_XX >= F_g_XX - 1 & time_XX <= F_g_plus_n_XX sort group_XX time_XX bys group_XX : gen time_l_XX = _n // Aggregate weights by group keep group_XX time_l_XX weight_XX treatment_XX F_g_XX { if "`weight'" != "" { gegen g_weight_XX = sum(weight_XX), by(group_XX) } else { gen g_weight_XX = 1 } } drop weight_XX // Reshape wide to represent the treatment path by time greshape wide treatment_XX, i(group_XX g_weight_XX F_g_XX) j(time_l_XX) // Drop missing treatments foreach v of varlist treatment_XX* { drop if `v' == . } // Remove non switchers count if F_g_XX > T_max_XX local non_switchers = r(N) drop if F_g_XX > T_max_XX // Creating varibale to store number of groups per treatment path and collapsing gen N_XX = 1 sum g_weight_XX gen N_w_XX = (g_weight_XX * N_XX) / r(sum) drop group_XX g_weight_XX gcollapse (sum) N_XX N_w_XX, by(treatment_XX*) order N* treat* sum N_XX local tot_switch = r(sum) // Keep the observations amounting to p% of the detected treatment paths gen neg_N_XX = -N_XX sort neg_N_XX treatment_XX* gen cum_sum_XX = sum(N_w_XX) gen in_table_XX = (cum_sum_XX <= `des_p') sort in_table_XX cum_sum_XX bys in_table_XX: gen id_XX = _n // Keep all observations up to the first exceeding the p% keep if (in_table_XX == 1) | (in_table_XX == 0 & id_XX == 1) // Store the final % of groups included by the design option { if `des_p' < 1 { sum cum_sum_XX if in_table == 0 local last_p : di %9.2fc 100 * r(min) } else { local last_p : di %9.2fc 100 } } sort neg_N_XX treatment_XX* drop neg_N_XX in_table_XX id_XX cum_sum_XX // Prepare matrix for the output table mat define desmat = J(`=_N', `= 2 + 1 + `des_n'', .) local colnames label var N_XX "#Groups" label var N_w_XX "%Groups" replace N_w_XX=100*N_w_XX * display in % terms // Generate the column/row names and fill treatment path local j = 1 foreach v of varlist _all { local m : var label `v' if strpos("`v'", "treatment_XX") > 0 { local k = substr("`v'", length("treatment_XX") + 1, .) local m = "ℓ=`=`k'-1'" } local colnames `colnames' `m' // Fill treatement path forv i = 1/`=_N' { matrix desmat[`i', `j'] = `v'[`i'] } local j = `j' + 1 } local rownames forv i = 1/`=_N' { local rownames `rownames' "TreatPath`i'" } foreach v in col row { mat `v'n desmat = ``v'names' } } // output in console if "`des_path'" == "console" { display _newline di "{hline 80}" di _skip(10) "{bf:Detection of treatment paths - `des_n' periods after first switch}" if "`by'" !=""{ * Add description with the by variable level if by is specified di _skip(35) "{bf:By: `by' = `val_lab_int_XX'}" } di "{hline 80}" matlist desmat, format(%9.4gc) di "{hline 80}" di "{it: Treatment paths detected in at least `=strtrim("`des_per'")'% of the switching groups `tot_switch' for which `effects' effects could be estimated.}" di "{it: Total % = `=strtrim("`last_p'")' %}" // Get values for the reference line that explains how to read the table qui { local n_groups = N_XX[1] local d_start = treatment_XX1[1] if `des_n' == 1 { local d_vec : di %9.2gc treatment_XX2[1] local d_vec = strtrim("`d_vec'") } else { local d_vec = "vector (" forv j = 1/`des_n' { local k : di %9.2gc treatment_XX`=`j' + 1'[1] local k = strtrim("`k'") local d_vec = "`d_vec'`k', " } local d_vec = substr("`d_vec'", 1, length("`d_vec'")-2) + ")" } } di as text "{it: Design interpretation (first row):}" di as text "{it: `n_groups' groups started with treatment `d_start' and then experienced treatment `d_vec'.}" } // output as excel else if "`des_path'" != "console" & "`des_path'" != "" { if "`by'"==""{ qui { putexcel set "`des_path'", replace sheet("Design", replace) putexcel A1 = matrix(desmat, names) } di "{bf:Design exported to `des_path'}" } else if "`by'"!=""{ qui { * Create new sheet for each by level when by is specified putexcel set "`des_path'", modify sheet("Design `by' = `val_lab_int_XX'", replace) putexcel A1 = matrix(desmat, names) } di "{bf:Design exported to `des_path'}" } } } ///// Date first switch option: produces a table showing the number of groups switching for the first time by period if "`date_first_switch'" != "" { qui { // Reload the data before it was changed in save_sample use `data_predesign', clear // Fetch the arguments local dfs_opt = strtrim(substr("`date_first_switch'", 1, strpos("`date_first_switch'", ",") - 1)) local dfs_path = strtrim(substr("`date_first_switch'", strpos("`date_first_switch'", ",") + 1, .)) // Error message if the arguments in the option were specified wrong if "`dfs_opt'" != "" & "`dfs_opt'" != "by_baseline_treat" { di as error "" di as error "Only option {bf:by_baseline_treat} allowed" di as input _continue "" exit } // Drop non switchers drop if F_g_XX == T_max_XX+1 | F_g_XX == . keep if time_XX == F_g_XX *Keep just 1 observation per group keep `2' `3' F_g_XX d_sq_XX } // When by_baseline_treat is not specified if missing("`dfs_opt'") { qui { // collapse the number of groups by time gcollapse (count) `2', by(`3') tostring `3', replace // generate the share of each group sum `2' local tot_s = r(sum) gen share_XX = `2'/`tot_s' * 100 // make matrix with the number and share of groups by time mkmat `2' share_XX, matrix(dfs) rownames(`3') mat colnames dfs = #Groups %Groups } // output in console if "`dfs_path'" == "console" { display _newline di "{hline 48}" di _skip(10) "{bf:Switching dates}" if "`by'" !=""{ * Add description with the by variable level if by is specified di _skip(10) "{bf:By: `by' = `val_lab_int_XX'}" } di "{hline 48}" matlist dfs, format(%9.4gc) rowtitle("Any status quo treat.") twidth(25) // New text di "{hline 48}" ereturn scalar switch_dates = `=_N' } // output as excel else if "`dfs_path'" != "console" & "`dfs_path'" != "" { if "`by'"==""{ qui putexcel set "`dfs_path'", replace sheet("Switching dates", replace) qui putexcel A1 = matrix(dfs, names) di "{bf:Switching dates exported to `dfs_path'}" } else if "`by'"!=""{ * Create new sheet for each by level when by is specified qui putexcel set "`dfs_path'", modify sheet("Switching dates `by' = `val_lab_int_XX'", replace) qui putexcel A1 = matrix(dfs, names) di "{bf:Switching dates exported to `dfs_path'}" } } } // When by_baseline_treat is specified else { // collapse, but this time by time and status quo treatment qui { gcollapse (count) `2', by(`3' d_sq_XX) tostring `3', replace gegen tot_share_XX = sum(`2'), by(d_sq_XX) gen share_XX = `2'/tot_share_XX * 100 sort d_sq_XX `3' } display _newline if "`dfs_path'" == "console" { di "{hline 48}" di _skip(10) "{bf:Switching dates}" di "{hline 48}" } // make matrix with the number and share of groups by time, one for each level of status quo treatment qui { tostring d_sq_XX, replace levelsof d_sq_XX, local(levels_d_sq_XX) local i = 1 } foreach m of local levels_d_sq_XX { qui { mkmat `2' share_XX if d_sq_XX == "`m'", matrix(dfs`i') rownames(`3') mat colnames dfs`i' = #Groups %Groups sum `2' local tot_s = r(sum) } // output in console if "`dfs_path'" == "console" { matlist dfs`i', format(%9.4gc) rowtitle("Status quo treat. = `m'") twidth(25) // New di "{hline 48}" qui { sum `2' if d_sq_XX == "`m'" local tot_s = r(sum) count if d_sq_XX == "`m'" ereturn scalar switch_dates_Dsq_`l_by' = `r(N)' // New } } // output as excel else if "`dfs_path'" != "console" & "`dfs_path'" != "" { qui { if `i' == 1 { local rep_opt "replace" } else { local rep_opt "modify" } if "`by'"==""{ putexcel set "`dfs_path'", `rep_opt' sheet("Switch. Dates Base treat `m'", replace) putexcel A1 = matrix(dfs`i', names) noi di _newline } else if "`by'"!=""{ * Create new sheet for each by level when by is specified putexcel set "`dfs_path'", modify sheet("Dates Base treat=`m' & `by' = `val_lab_int_XX'", replace) //`by' = `val_lab_int_XX' putexcel A1 = matrix(dfs`i', names) noi di _newline } } } local i = `i' + 1 } // consol message if output is written to excel if "`dfs_path'" != "console" & "`dfs_path'" != "" { di "Switching dates exported to `dfs_path'" } } } // Reload the data before it was changed in save_sample qui use `data_predesign', clear // Modif Felix: Add qui // If by specified, reload the original data before restricting the sample with by if "`by'" !=""{ use "`by_data_XX'.dta", clear local rownames "" // Save the matrices to generate multiple graphs matrix mat_res_XX_by_`l_by'=mat_res_XX } } // End of the byvar loop ////////// 9. Event study graph ///// Producing a graph qui { // Initialize color pattern for multiple graphs wihen by is specified local col1 "midblue" local col2 "midblue" local col3 "red" local col4 "red" local col5 "green" local col6 "green" local col7 "magenta" local col8 "magenta" local col9 "gold" local col10 "gold" local col11 "lime" local col12 "lime" local graph_input "" local graph_options "" local graph_options_int "" if "`by'" ==""|scalar(by_XX)==0{ *Version with only one event study graph // Translate results matrix into data capture drop mat_res_XX1 mat_res_XX2 mat_res_XX3 mat_res_XX4 mat_res_XX5 mat_res_XX6 mat_res_XX7 svmat mat_res_XX // artificially replacing the result of average effect by 0 forvalue index=1/6{ replace mat_res_XX`index'=0 if mat_res_XX7==0 } capture drop point_estimate capture drop se_point_estimate capture drop lb_CI_95 capture drop up_CI_95 capture drop N capture drop N_switchers capture drop time_to_treat rename mat_res_XX1 point_estimate rename mat_res_XX2 se_point_estimate rename mat_res_XX3 lb_CI_95 rename mat_res_XX4 up_CI_95 rename mat_res_XX5 N rename mat_res_XX6 N_switchers rename mat_res_XX7 time_to_treat sort time_to_treat // Define fixed graph options as they are implemented as flexible locals local graph_input "(connected point_estimate time_to_treat, lpattern(solid)) (rcap up_CI_95 lb_CI_95 time_to_treat)" local graph_options "legend(off)" } if "`by'" !=""{ // Save tempfile because we will do sorting afterwards tempfile before_graph_XX save "`before_graph_XX'.dta", replace // Create datasets from the results matrix for each level of the by variable local cnt_XX=1 local merge_count=1 foreach l of local levels_byvar_XX { use "`before_graph_XX'.dta", clear capture drop mat_res_XX_by_`l'1 mat_res_XX_by_`l'2 mat_res_XX_by_`l'3 mat_res_XX_by_`l'4 mat_res_XX_by_`l'5 mat_res_XX_by_`l'6 mat_res_XX_by_`l'7 svmat mat_res_XX_by_`l' // artificially replacing the result of average effect by 0 forvalue index=1/6{ replace mat_res_XX_by_`l'`index'=0 if mat_res_XX_by_`l'7==0 } capture drop point_estimate_`l' capture drop se_point_estimate_`l' capture drop lb_CI_95_`l' capture drop up_CI_95_`l' capture drop N_`l' capture drop N_switchers_`l' capture drop time_to_treat rename mat_res_XX_by_`l'1 point_estimate_`l' rename mat_res_XX_by_`l'2 se_point_estimate_`l' rename mat_res_XX_by_`l'3 lb_CI_95_`l' rename mat_res_XX_by_`l'4 up_CI_95_`l' rename mat_res_XX_by_`l'5 N_`l' rename mat_res_XX_by_`l'6 N_switchers_`l' rename mat_res_XX_by_`l'7 time_to_treat // pick CI color matching the line color local col_CI=`cnt_XX'+1 // Create a local that adjusts the graph automatically for ll the by levels local graph_input "`graph_input' (connected point_estimate_`l' time_to_treat, lpattern(solid) lcolor(`col`cnt_XX'') mcolor(`col`cnt_XX'')) (rcap up_CI_95_`l' lb_CI_95_`l' time_to_treat, lcolor(`col`col_CI''))" // Store value labels for the legend if they exist, show the level otherwise ds `by', has(vallabel) local `by'_has_vallabel_XX=r(varlist) if "``by'_has_vallabel_XX'"!="."{ local val_lab_int_XX "`: label ``by'_lab_XX' `l''" } if "``by'_has_vallabel_XX'"=="."{ local val_lab_int_XX "`l'" } // Automatcially adjust the legend for each additional graph from the by option local graph_options_int "`graph_options_int' `cnt_XX' "`by' = `val_lab_int_XX'"" // +2 to skip the CI's to get the correct color for the next event study graph local cnt_XX=`cnt_XX'+2 // Save the specific dataset needed for the graphs keep point_estimate_`l' se_point_estimate_`l' lb_CI_95_`l' up_CI_95_`l' N_`l' N_switchers_`l' time_to_treat tempfile graph_`l'_XX keep if time_to_treat!=. *to allow time_to_treat as id of the dataset and use merge 1:1 save "`graph_`l'_XX'.dta", replace // Merge the different datasts if there is more then one event study graph to be shown if `merge_count'==1{ use "`graph_`l'_XX'.dta", clear sort time_to_treat tempfile graph_merge_XX save "`graph_merge_XX'.dta", replace } if `merge_count'>1{ use "`graph_merge_XX'.dta", clear merge 1:1 time_to_treat using "`graph_`l'_XX'.dta" capture drop _merge tempfile graph_merge_XX save "`graph_merge_XX'.dta", replace } local merge_count=`merge_count'+1 } // end of the differentlevels_byvar_XX loop // Add universal graph options local graph_options "legend(pos(6) order(`graph_options_int') rows(1))" } } // Event Study graph without any additional graph options if ("`graph_off'"==""){ if "`graphoptions'"==""{ twoway `graph_input', xlabel(`=-l_placebo_XX'[1]`=l_XX') xtitle("Relative time to last period before treatment changes (t=0)", size(large)) title("DID, from last period before treatment changes (t=0) to t", size(large)) graphregion(color(white)) plotregion(color(white)) `graph_options' } // Event Study graph with additional graph options else{ global options="`graphoptions'" twoway `graph_input', $options } } ///// Saving the results if requested if "`save_results'"!=""{ quietly{ keep if time_to_treat!=. } // keep main results if "`by'"==""{ keep time_to_treat point_estimate se_point_estimate lb_CI_95 up_CI_95 N N_switchers } else if "`by'"!=""{ keep time_to_treat point_estimate* se_point_estimate* lb_CI_95* up_CI_95* N* N_switchers* } // Store information about the dataset label data "Stores did_multiplegt_dyn estimates' information: Type 'notes' for details." local command_options_XX effects(`effects') placebo(`placebo') switchers(`switchers') `only_never_switchers' controls(`controls') trends_nonparam(`trends_nonparam') weight(`weight') `dont_drop_larger_lower' `normalized' cluster(`cluster') `same_switchers' `trends_lin' by(`by') predict_het(`predict_het') ci_level(`ci_level') design(`design') date_first_switch(`date_first_switch') continuous(`continuous') `less_conservative_se' `normalized_weights' notes : "{bf:{ul:Date of Run:}} `c(current_date)' at `c(current_time)'" notes : "{bf:{ul:Command Syntax:}} did_multiplegt `1' `2' `3' `4' `if' `in', `command_options_XX' " notes : "{bf:{ul:Path of the Used Dataset:}} `dataset_name_XX' " save "`save_results'", replace } display _newline di as text "The development of this package was funded by the European Union (ERC, REALLYCREDIBLE,GA N°101043899)." // Restoring data restore ///// When both save_sample and by were specified merge the different datasets for each level of the by variable into one dataset that will be in memory after the command ran if "`save_sample'" != "" { if "`by'"==""{ qui merge m:1 `2' `3' using `did_sample', gen(_merge_XX) qui drop if _merge_XX == 2 qui drop _merge_XX } else if "`by'"!=""{ foreach l of local levels_byvar_XX { qui merge m:1 `2' `3' using `did_sample_`l'', gen(_merge_XX) qui drop if _merge_XX == 2 qui drop _merge_XX } } } end ******************************************************************************** * PROGRAM 2 * ******************************************************************************** *Main goal: compute the variables U_Gg_plus_XX, U_Gg_minus_XX, U_Gg_var_plus_XX, and U_Gg_var_minus_XX, *which are necessary to compute the DID_\ell estimators and their variance. capture program drop did_multiplegt_dyn_core_new program did_multiplegt_dyn_core_new, eclass version 12.0 syntax varlist(min=4 max=4 numeric) [, effects(integer 1) placebo(integer 0) switchers(string) only_never_switchers controls(varlist numeric) trends_nonparam(varlist numeric) weight(varlist numeric) dont_drop_larger_lower NORMALIZED cluster(varlist numeric) graphoptions(string) SAVe_results(string) graph_off same_switchers same_switchers_pl effects_equal drop_if_d_miss_before_first_switch trends_lin ci_level(integer 95) by(varlist numeric max=1) predict_het(string) design(string) date_first_switch(string) NORMALIZED_weights CONTinuous(string) switchers_core(string) less_conservative_se] qui{ ////////// 1. Scalars initialization ///// Initializing the number of effects and placebos to estimate, depending on whether we consider switchers in or switchers out. ///// Initializing also a scalar for whether the estimation is for switchers in or out. if "`switchers_core'"=="in"{ scalar l_u_a_XX=min(`effects', L_u_XX) if `placebo'!=0{ if L_placebo_u_XX!=.&L_placebo_u_XX!=0{ scalar l_placebo_u_a_XX=min(`placebo', L_placebo_u_XX) } } scalar increase_XX=1 } if "`switchers_core'"=="out"{ scalar l_u_a_XX=min(`effects', L_a_XX) if `placebo'!=0{ if L_placebo_a_XX!=.&L_placebo_a_XX!=0{ scalar l_placebo_u_a_XX=min(`placebo', L_placebo_a_XX) } } scalar increase_XX=0 } ///// Initializing values of baseline treatment levelsof d_sq_int_XX, local(levels_d_sq_XX) ////////// 2. Data preparation steps to generate variables necessary for computation of event-study effects ///// Drop some variables we only create once capture drop num_g_paths_0_XX capture drop cohort_fullpath_0_XX capture drop path_0_XX capture drop d_fg0_XX ///// Loop over the number of dynamic effects_equal forvalue i=1/`=l_u_a_XX'{ ///// Capture drop of variables created below capture drop distance_to_switch_`i'_XX capture drop never_change_d_`i'_XX capture drop N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_XX capture drop N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_XX_w capture drop N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_g_XX capture drop N_gt_control_`i'_XX capture drop diff_y_`i'_XX capture drop dummy_U_Gg`i'_XX capture drop U_Gg`i'_temp_XX capture drop U_Gg`i'_XX capture drop count`i'_core_XX capture drop U_Gg`i'_temp_var_XX capture drop U_Gg`i'_var_XX capture drop never_change_d_`i'_wXX capture drop distance_to_switch_`i'_wXX capture drop d_fg`i'_XX capture drop path_`i'_XX capture drop num_g_paths_`i'_XX capture drop cohort_fullpath_`i'_XX capture drop dof_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX capture drop dof_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX capture drop dof_cohort_`i'_s0_t_XX capture drop dof_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX capture drop dof_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX capture drop count_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX capture drop count_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX capture drop count_cohort_`i'_s0_t_XX capture drop count_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX capture drop count_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX capture drop total_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX capture drop total_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX capture drop total_cohort_`i'_s0_t_XX capture drop total_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX capture drop total_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX capture drop mean_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX capture drop mean_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX capture drop mean_cohort_`i'_s0_t_XX capture drop mean_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX capture drop mean_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX capture drop E_hat_gt_`i'_XX capture drop DOF_gt_`i'_XX ///// Creating long difference of outcome xtset group_XX time_XX bys group_XX : gen diff_y_`i'_XX = outcome_XX - L`i'.outcome_XX ///// Creating treatment paths if less_conservative_se option specified if "`less_conservative_se'" != ""{ // Creating a time-invariant, group-level variable, containing g's treatment at F_g-1+\ell gen d_fg_XX_temp=treatment_XX if time_XX==F_g_XX + `=-1+`i'' bys group_XX: gegen d_fg`i'_XX=mean(d_fg_XX_temp) // This variable might be missing, for groups whose treatment never changes, and // for groups not observed \ell periods after treatment change. Then, we impute // their treatment at F_g-1+\ell-1. Inconsequential, just to avoid missing values. // We also need to initialize a variable d_fg0_XX, when \ell=1. if `i'==1{ gen d_fg0_XX=d_sq_XX gegen path_0_XX=group(d_fg0_XX F_g_XX) } replace d_fg`i'_XX=d_fg`=`i'-1'_XX if d_fg`i'_XX==. gegen path_`i'_XX = group(path_`=`i'-1'_XX d_fg`i'_XX) drop d_fg_XX_temp // For each group, define a variable counting how many groups belong to the same cohort, // with cohorts defined as d_fg0_XX F_g_XX, as well as the full path. if `i'==1{ bysort path_0_XX: gegen num_g_paths_0_XX=nunique(group_XX) } bysort path_`i'_XX: gegen num_g_paths_`i'_XX=nunique(group_XX) // For each group, generate a dummy for whether at least two groups in their cohort. gen cohort_fullpath_`i'_XX=(num_g_paths_`i'_XX>1) if `i'==1{ gen cohort_fullpath_0_XX=(num_g_paths_0_XX>1) } } ///// Identifying the control (g,t)s in the estimation of dynamic effect i bys group_XX: gen never_change_d_`i'_XX=(F_g_XX>time_XX) if diff_y_`i'_XX!=. if "`only_never_switchers'" != "" { replace never_change_d_`i'_XX = 0 if F_g_XX > time_XX & F_g_XX < T_max_XX + 1 & diff_y_`i'_XX != . } ///// Creating N^g_t: ///// number of control groups for g at t gen never_change_d_`i'_wXX = never_change_d_`i'_XX*N_gt_XX bys time_XX d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam': gegen N_gt_control_`i'_XX=total(never_change_d_`i'_wXX) ///// Creating binary variable indicating whether g is \ell periods away from switch // If the same_switchers option is specified: if ("`same_switchers'"!=""){ capture drop relevant_y_missing_XX capture drop cum_fillin_XX capture drop fillin_g_XX capture drop fillin_g_pl_XX capture drop dum_fillin_temp_XX capture drop still_switcher_`i'_XX sort group_XX time_XX * If the same_switchers_pl option is specified: if ("`same_switchers_pl'"!=""){ * Generate a variable tagging the switchers that should be dropped * Is the case if at least one of the placebos or effects we try to estimate is missing: gen relevant_y_missing_XX=(outcome_XX==.&time_XX>=F_g_XX-1-`=`placebo''&time_XX<=F_g_XX-1+`=`effects'') * Or if some of the controls are missing: if "`controls'" != ""{ replace relevant_y_missing_XX=1 if fd_X_all_non_missing_XX==0&time_XX>=F_g_XX-1-`=`placebo''&time_XX<=F_g_XX-1+`=`effects'' } bys group_XX: gen cum_fillin_XX = sum(relevant_y_missing_XX) gen dum_fillin_temp_XX = (cum_fillin_XX==0&time_XX==F_g_XX-1+`=`effects'') bys group_XX: gegen fillin_g_XX = total(dum_fillin_temp_XX) gen dum_fillin_temp_pl_XX = (cum_fillin_XX==0&time_XX==F_g_XX-1-`=`placebo'') bys group_XX: gegen fillin_g_pl_XX = total(dum_fillin_temp_pl_XX) capture drop dum_fillin_temp_XX capture drop dum_fillin_temp_pl_XX * tag switchers who have no missings from F_g_XX-1-`=`placebo'' to F_g_XX-1+`=`effects'' gen still_switcher_`i'_XX = (F_g_XX-1+`=`effects''<=T_g_XX&fillin_g_XX>0) gen distance_to_switch_`i'_XX=(still_switcher_`i'_XX&time_XX==F_g_XX-1+`i'&`i'<=L_g_XX&S_g_XX==increase_XX&N_gt_control_`i'_XX>0&N_gt_control_`i'_XX!=.) if diff_y_`i'_XX!=. } * If the same_switchers_pl option is not specified: if ("`same_switchers_pl'"==""){ * Generate a variable tagging the switchers that should be dropped * Is the case if at least one of the effects we try to estimate is missing: gen relevant_y_missing_XX=(outcome_XX==.&time_XX>=F_g_XX-1&time_XX<=F_g_XX-1+`=`effects'') * Or if some of the controls are missing: if "`controls'" != ""{ replace relevant_y_missing_XX=1 if fd_X_all_non_missing_XX==0&time_XX>=F_g_XX&time_XX<=F_g_XX-1+`=`effects'' } bys group_XX: gen cum_fillin_XX = sum(relevant_y_missing_XX) gen dum_fillin_temp_XX = (cum_fillin_XX==0&time_XX==F_g_XX-1+`=`effects'') bys group_XX: gegen fillin_g_XX = total(dum_fillin_temp_XX) * tag switchers who have no missings from F_g_XX-1 to F_g_XX-1+`=`effects'' gen still_switcher_`i'_XX = (F_g_XX-1+`=`effects''<=T_g_XX&fillin_g_XX>0) gen distance_to_switch_`i'_XX=(still_switcher_`i'_XX&time_XX==F_g_XX-1+`i'&`i'<=L_g_XX&S_g_XX==increase_XX&N_gt_control_`i'_XX>0&N_gt_control_`i'_XX!=.) if diff_y_`i'_XX!=. } } // If the same_switchers option is not specified else{ gen distance_to_switch_`i'_XX=(time_XX==F_g_XX-1+`i'&`i'<=L_g_XX&S_g_XX==increase_XX&N_gt_control_`i'_XX>0&N_gt_control_`i'_XX!=.) if diff_y_`i'_XX!=. } ///// Creating a variable counting the number of groups \ell periods away from switch at t gen distance_to_switch_`i'_wXX = distance_to_switch_`i'_XX*N_gt_XX bys time_XX: gegen N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_XX=total(distance_to_switch_`i'_wXX) ///// Computing N1_l,N0_l. // Initializing the N1_`i'_XX/N0_`i'_XX scalar at 0. scalar N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX =0 // Loop over t incrementing the scalar forvalue t=`=t_min_XX'/`=T_max_XX'{ sum N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_XX if time_XX==`t' if !missing(r(mean)) scalar N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX = N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX + r(mean) } // Modif Felix weight if "`weight'"!=""{ bys time_XX: gegen N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_XX_w=total(distance_to_switch_`i'_XX) scalar N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX_weight =0 // Loop over t incrementing the scalar forvalue t=`=t_min_XX'/`=T_max_XX'{ sum N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_XX_w if time_XX==`t' if !missing(r(mean)) scalar N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX_weight = N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX_weight + r(mean) } } ///// Creating N^1_{t,\ell,g}/N^0_{t,\ell,g}: ///// Variable counting number of groups \ell periods away from switch at t, ///// and with same D_{g,1} and trends_nonparam. bys time_XX d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam': gegen N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_g_XX=total(distance_to_switch_`i'_wXX) ///// Creating all the adjustment terms to compute estimators with controls, and their variances if "`controls'" != ""{ // Initialize intermediate Variable needed later capture drop part2_switch`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX gen part2_switch`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX=0 // generation of the T_d variable = max_{g:D_g,1 = d} F_g - 1: // last period when treatment effects can still be estimated for groups with baseline treatment equal to d capture drop T_d_XX gegen T_d_XX = max(F_g_XX), by(d_sq_int_XX) replace T_d_XX = T_d_XX - 1 // Computing the long differences of the control variables (X_g_t - X_g_t-l) local count_controls=0 foreach var of varlist `controls'{ local count_controls=`count_controls'+1 capture drop diff_X`count_controls'_`i'_XX xtset group_XX time_XX gen diff_X`count_controls'_`i'_XX=`var' - L`i'.`var' // Computing N_g_t * (X_g_t - X_g_t-l) capture drop diff_X`count_controls'_`i'_N_XX gen diff_X`count_controls'_`i'_N_XX = N_gt_XX * diff_X`count_controls'_`i'_XX foreach l of local levels_d_sq_XX { // index l corresponds to d in the paper // intermediate variable to count the number of groups within each not yet switched cohort capture drop dummy_XX gen dummy_XX=(F_g_XX>time_XX & d_sq_int_XX == `l') // Computing coordinates of vectors m_+_(g,d,l) and m_-_(g,d,l) *Creating variable inside the summation across t in m^+_{g,d,\ell}/m^-_{g,d,\ell} capture drop m`=increase_XX'_g_`count_controls'_`l'_`i'_XX gen m`=increase_XX'_g_`count_controls'_`l'_`i'_XX = (`i' <= T_g_XX-2 & d_sq_int_XX == `l')* (G_XX / N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX) * ([distance_to_switch_`i'_XX - (N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_g_XX/N_gt_control_`i'_XX) * never_change_d_`i'_XX] * (time_XX>=`=`i'+1'&time_XX<=T_g_XX) * diff_X`count_controls'_`i'_N_XX) *Summing that variable across t, and leaving one non missing observation per g capture drop m`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX bys group_XX: gegen m`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX=total(m`=increase_XX'_g_`count_controls'_`l'_`i'_XX) bys group_XX: replace m`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX = . if _n != 1 // Computing coordinates of vectors M^+_{d,\ell} and M^-_{d,\ell} capture drop M`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX egen M`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX = total(m`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX) replace M`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX = (1/G_XX)*M`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX // number of groups within each not yet switched cohort capture drop E_hat_denom_`count_controls'_`l'_XX bys time_XX : egen E_hat_denom_`count_controls'_`l'_XX = total(dummy_XX) if d_sq_int_XX == `l' // Add the indicator for at least two groups in the cohort to E_y_hat_gt_`l'_XX (demeaning is possible) capture drop E_y_hat_gt_`l'_XX gen E_y_hat_gt_`l'_XX=E_y_hat_gt_int_`l'_XX*(E_hat_denom_`count_controls'_`l'_XX>=2) // Computing the summation from t=2 to F_g-1 that appears in the last term // of U^{+,var,X}_{g,\ell} and U^{-,var,X}_{g,\ell}, defined in the companion paper. capture drop in_sum_temp_`count_controls'_`l'_XX capture drop N_c_`l'_temp_XX capture drop N_c_`l'_XX gen N_c_`l'_temp_XX = d_sq_int_XX == `l' & time_XX >= 2 & time_XX <= T_d_XX & time_XX < F_g_XX egen N_c_`l'_XX = total(N_c_`l'_temp_XX) gen in_sum_temp_`count_controls'_`l'_XX = (prod_X`count_controls'_Ngt_XX*(1+(E_hat_denom_`count_controls'_`l'_XX>=2)*(sqrt((E_hat_denom_`count_controls'_`l'_XX)/(E_hat_denom_`count_controls'_`l'_XX - 1))-1))*(diff_y_XX-E_y_hat_gt_`l'_XX)*(time_XX>=2 & time_XX<=F_g_XX-1)) / N_c_`l'_XX capture drop in_sum_`count_controls'_`l'_XX bys group_XX: gegen in_sum_`count_controls'_`l'_XX = total(in_sum_temp_`count_controls'_`l'_XX) } // Residualize the outcome difference wrt control differences: // Yg,t − Yg,t−ℓ − (Xg,t − Xg,t−ℓ)*θ_{Dg,1} foreach l of local levels_d_sq_XX { if (scalar(useful_res_`l'_XX)>1){ replace diff_y_`i'_XX = diff_y_`i'_XX - coefs_sq_`l'_XX[`=`count_controls'',1]*diff_X`count_controls'_`i'_XX if d_sq_int_XX==`l' * N.B. : in the above line, we do not add "&diff_X`count_controls'_`i'_XX!=." because we want to exclude from the estimation any first/long-difference for which the covariates are missing. // Initialize intermediate Variable needed later capture drop in_brackets_`l'_`count_controls'_XX gen in_brackets_`l'_`count_controls'_XX=0 } } } } ///// Computing the variables used for the demeaning of outcome's long difference diff_y_`i', ///// which we will use to create the U_g^{var} variables, which are used to compute ///// the estimators' variances. // Generate long-differences of outcomes time N_{g,t}, and dummy for (g,t) such that // diff_y_`i' non missing and N_gt non missing. capture drop diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX gen diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX=N_gt_XX*diff_y_`i'_XX capture drop dof_diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX gen dof_diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX=(N_gt_XX!=0&diff_y_`i'_XX!=.) // For never switchers, demeaning wrt to cohorts defined by D_{g,1}, `trends_nonparam' //(\mathcal{D}_k in companion paper) // Modif Clément: we need to add by time * Mean's denominator bys d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam' time_XX : gegen count_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX=total(N_gt_XX) if diff_y_`i'_XX!=.&never_change_d_`i'_XX==1&N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_XX>0&N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_XX!=. * Mean's numerator bys d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam' time_XX: gegen total_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX=total(diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX) if never_change_d_`i'_XX==1&N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_XX>0&N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_XX!=. * Mean gen mean_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX=total_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX/count_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX * Counting number of groups for DOF adjustment bys d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam' time_XX: gegen dof_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX=total(dof_diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX) if diff_y_`i'_XX!=.&never_change_d_`i'_XX==1&N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_XX>0&N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_XX!=. // End modif Clément // For switchers, if option less_conservative_se not specified, demeaning wrt to // cohorts defined by D_{g,1}, F_g, D_{g,F_g}, `trends_nonparam' (\mathcal{C}_k in companion paper). if "`less_conservative_se'" == ""{ * Mean's denominator bys d_sq_XX F_g_XX d_fg_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen count_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX=total(N_gt_XX) if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 * Mean's numerator bys d_sq_XX F_g_XX d_fg_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen total_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX=total(diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX) if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 * Mean gen mean_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX=total_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX/count_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX * Counting number of groups for DOF adjustment bys d_sq_XX F_g_XX d_fg_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen dof_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX=total(dof_diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX) if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 } // For switchers, if option less_conservative_se specified, demeaning wrt to cohorts // defined by D_{g,1} F_g, D_{g,F_g},..., D_{g,F_g+\ell}, if that cohort has at least two groups, // if not: demeaning wrt to cohorts // defined by D_{g,1} F_g, D_{g,F_g}, if that cohort has at least two groups, // if not: demeaning wrt D_{g,1} F_g. if "`less_conservative_se'" != ""{ * Mean's denominator * by D_{g,1}, F_g, `trends_nonparam': bys path_0_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen count_cohort_`i'_s0_t_XX=total(N_gt_XX) if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 * by D_{g,1}, F_g, D_{g,F_g}, `trends_nonparam': bys path_1_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen count_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX=total(N_gt_XX) if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 * by D_{g,1}, F_g, D_{g,F_g},..., D_{g,F_g+\ell}, `trends_nonparam': bys path_`i'_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen count_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX=total(N_gt_XX) if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 * Mean's numerator * by D_{g,1}, F_g, `trends_nonparam': bys path_0_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen total_cohort_`i'_s0_t_XX=total(diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX) if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 * by D_{g,1}, F_g, D_{g,F_g}, `trends_nonparam': bys path_1_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen total_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX=total(diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX) if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 * by D_{g,1}, F_g, D_{g,F_g},..., D_{g,F_g+\ell}, `trends_nonparam': bys path_`i'_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen total_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX=total(diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX) if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 * Counting number of groups for DOF adjustment * by D_{g,1}, F_g, `trends_nonparam': bys path_0_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen dof_cohort_`i'_s0_t_XX=total(dof_diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX) if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 * by D_{g,1}, F_g, D_{g,F_g}, `trends_nonparam': bys path_1_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen dof_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX=total(dof_diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX) if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 * by D_{g,1}, F_g, D_{g,F_g},..., D_{g,F_g+\ell}, `trends_nonparam': bys path_`i'_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen dof_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX=total(dof_diff_y_`i'_N_gt_XX) if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 *Attributing the right number of groups depending on which cohort will be used in demeaning: gen dof_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX=dof_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX if dof_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX>=2 replace dof_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX=dof_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX if dof_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX<2&dof_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX>=2 replace dof_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX=dof_cohort_`i'_s0_t_XX if dof_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX<2&dof_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX<2 * Mean gen mean_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX=total_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX/count_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX if dof_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX>=2 replace mean_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX=total_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX/count_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX if dof_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX<2&dof_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX>=2 replace mean_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX=total_cohort_`i'_s0_t_XX/count_cohort_`i'_s0_t_XX if dof_cohort_`i'_s2_t_XX<2&dof_cohort_`i'_s1_t_XX<2 } ///// From those parts, generate variables for the demeaning and the DOF adjustment // E_hat_(g,t), defined from parts depending on the cohort definition gen E_hat_gt_`i'_XX=mean_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX*(dof_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX>=2) if (time_XX=2) if (F_g_XX-1+`i'==time_XX) // DOF_(g,t) for DOF adjustement, defined from parts depending on the cohort definition gen DOF_gt_`i'_XX=1+(dof_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX>=2)*(sqrt(dof_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX/(dof_cohort_`i'_s_t_XX-1))-1) if (F_g_XX-1+`i'==time_XX) replace DOF_gt_`i'_XX=1+(dof_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX>=2)*(sqrt(dof_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX/(dof_cohort_`i'_ns_t_XX-1))-1) if (time_XX=`=`i'+1'&time_XX<=T_g_XX) * N_gt_XX* [distance_to_switch_`i'_XX - (N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_g_XX/N_gt_control_`i'_XX) * never_change_d_`i'_XX] replace U_Gg`i'_temp_XX = U_Gg`i'_temp_XX* diff_y_`i'_XX bysort group_XX : gegen U_Gg`i'_XX=total(U_Gg`i'_temp_XX) replace U_Gg`i'_XX = U_Gg`i'_XX*first_obs_by_gp_XX // Counting the number of cells for which we can estimate U_Gg`i'_temp_XX, // to compute the "N" displayed by command gen count`i'_core_XX=0 replace count`i'_core_XX=N_gt_XX if (U_Gg`i'_temp_XX!=.&U_Gg`i'_temp_XX!=0|(U_Gg`i'_temp_XX==0&diff_y_`i'_XX==0&(distance_to_switch_`i'_XX!=0|(N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_g_XX!=0&never_change_d_`i'_XX!=0)))) // Computing U_(+,var)_(G,g,l) gen U_Gg`i'_temp_var_XX = 0 // Final computation replace U_Gg`i'_temp_var_XX= dummy_U_Gg`i'_XX*(G_XX / N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX) * [distance_to_switch_`i'_XX - (N`=increase_XX'_t_`i'_g_XX/N_gt_control_`i'_XX) * never_change_d_`i'_XX] * (time_XX>=`=`i'+1'&time_XX<=T_g_XX) * N_gt_XX * DOF_gt_`i'_XX *(diff_y_`i'_XX-E_hat_gt_`i'_XX) ///// Adding the additional part of U^(+,var,X)_{G,g,l}/U^(-,var,X)_{G,g,l} when controls are included: ///// sum across values of baseline treatment d of M^+_(d,l)* a term in brackets in companion paper. if "`controls'"!=""{ // Loop over values of d_sq_int_XX:sum across values of baseline treatment levelsof d_sq_int_XX, local(levels_d_sq_XX) foreach l of local levels_d_sq_XX { capture drop combined`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`i'_XX gen combined`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`i'_XX=0 // Loop over controls: inner product of M^+_(d,l)* term in brackets in companion paper. forvalues j=1/`count_controls'{ // Loop over k: computation of term in brackets in companion paper. forvalues k=1/`count_controls'{ // Computation of all cross products between elements of jth line of Den^{-1}_d and term multiplying it capture drop in_brackets_`l'_`j'_`k'_temp_XX gen in_brackets_`l'_`j'_`k'_temp_XX = inv_Denom_`l'_XX[`j',`k'] * in_sum_`k'_`l'_XX * (d_sq_int_XX == `l' & F_g_XX>=3) // Summing over k, to have jth coordinate of vector Den^{-1}_d*... replace in_brackets_`l'_`j'_XX=in_brackets_`l'_`j'_XX+in_brackets_`l'_`j'_`k'_temp_XX } // end loop over k // Withdrawing theta_d replace in_brackets_`l'_`j'_XX=in_brackets_`l'_`j'_XX - coefs_sq_`l'_XX[`j',1] // Computation of all cross products between coordinates of M^+_(d,l) and those of term in brackets capture drop combined`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`j'_`i'_XX gen combined`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`j'_`i'_XX=M`=increase_XX'_`l'_`j'_`i'_XX*in_brackets_`l'_`j'_XX // Summing over j replace combined`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`i'_XX=combined`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`i'_XX+combined`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`j'_`i'_XX } // end loop over j // Final sum over the status quo treatment (outer sum over d in the formula) replace part2_switch`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX=part2_switch`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX+combined`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`i'_XX if d_sq_int_XX==`l' } // end loop over l // Making the adjustement to U^(+,var)_{G,g,l} when controls are included if `=increase_XX'==1{ replace U_Gg`i'_temp_var_XX=U_Gg`i'_temp_var_XX - part2_switch1_`i'_XX } if `=increase_XX'==0{ replace U_Gg`i'_temp_var_XX=U_Gg`i'_temp_var_XX + part2_switch0_`i'_XX } } // Summing the U^(var)_{G,g,l}s over time periods for each group bys group_XX: gegen U_Gg`i'_var_XX=total(U_Gg`i'_temp_var_XX) } ////////// 4. Computing adjustements for the normalized and trends_lin options ///// Compute \delta^D for normalized option if "`normalized'"!=""{ capture drop sum_treat_until_`i'_XX capture drop delta_D_`i'_cum_temp_XX if `continuous'==0{ bys group_XX : gegen sum_treat_until_`i'_XX = total(treatment_XX - d_sq_XX) if time_XX>=F_g_XX&time_XX<=F_g_XX-1+`i'&S_g_XX==increase_XX } // Redefine this with original treatment if continuous is defined (treatment was binarized and staggerized) else if `continuous'>0{ bys group_XX : gegen sum_treat_until_`i'_XX = total(treatment_XX_orig - d_sq_XX_orig) if time_XX>=F_g_XX&time_XX<=F_g_XX-1+`i'&S_g_XX==increase_XX } gen delta_D_`i'_cum_temp_XX = N_gt_XX/N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX*[sum_treat_until_`i'_XX* S_g_XX + (1-S_g_XX)*(-sum_treat_until_`i'_XX)] if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 sum delta_D_`i'_cum_temp_XX scalar delta_norm_`i'_XX = r(sum) } } // End of the loop over l_u_a_XX. // At this point we have all the U_Gg_`i'_XX we need. Thus, we can sum them now for the trends_lin option. ///// trends_lin option // As trends_lin relies on summing up the l effects we can only estimate effect l when we can estimate all prior l-1 effects, we verify if this condition is met. scalar Ntrendslin=1 forvalue i=1/`=l_u_a_XX' { scalar Ntrendslin=min(Ntrendslin , N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX ) } // Compute the U_Gg_\ell for trends_lin if "`trends_lin'"!="" & Ntrendslin != 0 { capture drop U_Gg`=l_u_a_XX'_TL capture drop U_Gg`=l_u_a_XX'_var_TL // Initializing at 0 gen U_Gg`=l_u_a_XX'_TL = 0 gen U_Gg`=l_u_a_XX'_var_TL = 0 // summing up the U_Gg's up to the l-th (current) effect forvalue i=1/`=l_u_a_XX'{ replace U_Gg`=l_u_a_XX'_TL = U_Gg`=l_u_a_XX'_TL + U_Gg`i'_XX replace U_Gg`=l_u_a_XX'_var_TL = U_Gg`=l_u_a_XX'_var_TL + U_Gg`i'_var_XX } // replacing the U_Gg's with the one adjusted for group specific linear trends replace U_Gg`=l_u_a_XX'_XX = U_Gg`=l_u_a_XX'_TL replace U_Gg`=l_u_a_XX'_var_XX = U_Gg`=l_u_a_XX'_var_TL } ////////// 5. Data preparation steps to generate variables necessary for computation of placebo effects if `placebo'!=0{ if `=l_placebo_u_a_XX'>=1{ forvalue i=1/`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'{ ///// Capture drop of variables created below capture drop diff_y_pl_`i'_XX capture drop U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_XX capture drop U_Gg_placebo_`i'_XX capture drop U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_var_XX capture drop U_Gg_pl_`i'_var_XX capture drop dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX capture drop never_change_d_pl_`i'_XX capture drop N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_XX capture drop N`=increase_XX'_t_pl_`i'_XX_w capture drop N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_g_XX capture drop N_gt_control_placebo_`i'_XX capture drop dummy_U_Gg_pl_`i'_XX capture drop never_change_d_pl_`i'_wXX capture drop dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_wXX capture drop dof_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX capture drop dof_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX capture drop dof_cohort_pl_`i'_s0_t_XX capture drop dof_cohort_pl_`i'_s1_t_XX capture drop dof_cohort_pl_`i'_s2_t_XX capture drop count_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX capture drop count_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX capture drop count_cohort_pl_`i'_s0_t_XX capture drop count_cohort_pl_`i'_s1_t_XX capture drop count_cohort_pl_`i'_s2_t_XX capture drop total_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX capture drop total_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX capture drop total_cohort_pl_`i'_s0_t_XX capture drop total_cohort_pl_`i'_s1_t_XX capture drop total_cohort_pl_`i'_s2_t_XX capture drop mean_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX capture drop mean_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX capture drop mean_cohort_pl_`i'_s0_t_XX capture drop mean_cohort_pl_`i'_s1_t_XX capture drop mean_cohort_pl_`i'_s2_t_XX capture drop E_hat_gt_pl_`i'_XX capture drop DOF_gt_pl_`i'_XX //The steps to compute the placebos are: // 1. to place the corresponding outcome (y_{F_g-1} - y_{F_g - l - 1})) values in the same row of that (y_{F_g + l -1} - y_{F_g - 1}) of the symmetric DID_l. // 2. The other variables, such as N_gt, N0_l or N1_l, remain unchanged, except that we have to check if diff_y_placebo ( = y_{F_g - 2l -2}- y_{F_g - l -1}) exists. ///// Computing the long differences for the placebos xtset group_XX time_XX bys group_XX : gen diff_y_pl_`i'_XX = L`=2*`i''.outcome_XX - L`i'.outcome_XX ///// Identifying the control (g,t)s in the estimation of placebo i bys group_XX: gen never_change_d_pl_`i'_XX=never_change_d_`i'_XX*(diff_y_pl_`i'_XX!=.) gen never_change_d_pl_`i'_wXX=never_change_d_pl_`i'_XX*N_gt_XX ///// number of control groups for g at t bys time_XX d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam': gegen N_gt_control_placebo_`i'_XX=total(never_change_d_pl_`i'_wXX) ///// Creating binary variable indicating whether g is \ell periods away from switch & (diff_y_pl_`i'_XX!=.) is well defined -> based on the already defined distance_to_switch_`i'_XX variable gen dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX=distance_to_switch_`i'_XX*(diff_y_pl_`i'_XX!=.) if "`same_switchers_pl'"!=""{ replace dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX=dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX*fillin_g_pl_XX } ///// Creating a variable counting the number of groups \ell periods away from switch at t gen dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_wXX= dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX*N_gt_XX bys time_XX: gegen N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_XX=total(dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_wXX) ///// Computing N^1_\ell/N^0_\ell. for the placebos // Initializing the N1_`i'_XX/N0_`i'_XX scalar at 0. scalar N`=increase_XX'_placebo_`i'_XX=0 // Loop over t incrementing the scalar forvalue t=`=t_min_XX'/`=T_max_XX'{ sum N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_XX if time_XX==`t' if !missing(r(mean)) scalar N`=increase_XX'_placebo_`i'_XX = N`=increase_XX'_placebo_`i'_XX + r(mean) // Modif Diego } // Modif Felix weight if "`weight'"!=""{ bys time_XX: gegen N`=increase_XX'_t_pl_`i'_XX_w=total(dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX) scalar N`=increase_XX'_`i'_pl_XX_weight=0 // Loop over t incrementing the scalar forvalue t=`=t_min_XX'/`=T_max_XX'{ sum N`=increase_XX'_t_pl_`i'_XX_w if time_XX==`t' if !missing(r(mean)) scalar N`=increase_XX'_`i'_pl_XX_weight = N`=increase_XX'_`i'_pl_XX_weight + r(mean) // Modif Diego } } ///// Creating N^1_{t,\ell,g}/N^0_{t,\ell,g} for the placebos: ///// Variable counting number of groups \ell periods away from switch at t, ///// and with same D_{g,1} and trends_nonparam. bys time_XX d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam': gegen N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_g_XX=total(dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_wXX) ///// Creating all the adjustment terms to compute estimators with controls, and their variances if "`controls'" != ""{ // Initialize intermediate Variable needed later capture drop part2_pl_switch`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX gen part2_pl_switch`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX=0 local count_controls=0 // Computing the long differences of the control variables (X_g_t - X_g_t-l) foreach var of varlist `controls'{ local count_controls=`count_controls'+1 capture drop diff_X_`count_controls'_placebo_`i'_XX xtset group_XX time_XX gen diff_X_`count_controls'_placebo_`i'_XX = L`=2*`i''.`var' - L`i'.`var' // Computing N_g_t * (X_g_t - X_g_t-l) capture drop diff_X`count_controls'_pl_`i'_N_XX gen diff_X`count_controls'_pl_`i'_N_XX = N_gt_XX * diff_X_`count_controls'_placebo_`i'_XX foreach l of local levels_d_sq_XX { // index l corresponds to d in the paper capture drop m`=increase_XX'_pl_g_`count_controls'_`l'_`i'_XX gen m`=increase_XX'_pl_g_`count_controls'_`l'_`i'_XX = (`i' <= T_g_XX-2 & d_sq_int_XX == `l')* (G_XX / N`=increase_XX'_placebo_`i'_XX) * ([dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX - (N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_g_XX/N_gt_control_placebo_`i'_XX) * never_change_d_pl_`i'_XX] * (time_XX>=`=`i'+1'&time_XX<=T_g_XX) * diff_X`count_controls'_pl_`i'_N_XX) capture drop m_pl`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX bys group_XX: gegen m_pl`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX=total(m`=increase_XX'_pl_g_`count_controls'_`l'_`i'_XX) bys group_XX: replace m_pl`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX = . if _n != 1 capture drop M_pl`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX egen M_pl`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX = total(m_pl`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX) replace M_pl`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX = (1/G_XX)*M_pl`=increase_XX'_`l'_`count_controls'_`i'_XX } foreach l of local levels_d_sq_XX { if (scalar(useful_res_`l'_XX)>1){ replace diff_y_pl_`i'_XX = diff_y_pl_`i'_XX - coefs_sq_`l'_XX[`=`count_controls'',1]*diff_X_`count_controls'_placebo_`i'_XX if d_sq_int_XX==`l' capture drop in_brackets_pl_`l'_`count_controls'_XX gen in_brackets_pl_`l'_`count_controls'_XX=0 } } } } ///// Computing the variables used for the demeaning of outcome's placebo long difference diff_y_`i', ///// which we will use to create the U_g^{var} variables, which are used to compute ///// the placebos' variances. // Generate placebo long-differences of outcomes time N_{g,t}, and dummy for (g,t) such that // diff_y_`i' non missing and N_gt non missing. capture drop diff_y_pl_`i'_N_gt_XX gen diff_y_pl_`i'_N_gt_XX=N_gt_XX*diff_y_pl_`i'_XX capture drop dof_diff_y_pl_`i'_N_gt_XX gen dof_diff_y_pl_`i'_N_gt_XX=(N_gt_XX!=0&diff_y_pl_`i'_XX!=.) // For never switchers, demeaning wrt to cohorts defined by D_{g,1}, `trends_nonparam' //(\mathcal{D}_k in companion paper) // Modif Clément: we need to add by time * Mean's denominator bys d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam' time_XX : gegen count_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX=total(N_gt_XX) if diff_y_pl_`i'_XX!=.&never_change_d_pl_`i'_XX==1&N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_XX>0&N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_XX!=. * Mean's numerator bys d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam' time_XX : gegen total_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX=total(diff_y_pl_`i'_N_gt_XX) if never_change_d_pl_`i'_XX==1&N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_XX>0&N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_XX!=. * Mean gen mean_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX=total_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX/count_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX * Counting number of groups for DOF adjustment bys d_sq_XX `trends_nonparam' time_XX : gegen dof_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX=total(dof_diff_y_pl_`i'_N_gt_XX) if diff_y_pl_`i'_XX!=.&never_change_d_pl_`i'_XX==1&N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_XX>0&N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_XX!=. // End modif Clément // For switchers, for placebos we no longer need to distinguish depending on whether the option // less_conservative_se specified or not, we always demean wrt to // cohorts defined by D_{g,1}, F_g, D_{g,F_g}, `trends_nonparam' (\mathcal{C}_k in companion paper). * Mean's denominator bys d_sq_XX F_g_XX d_fg_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen count_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX=total(N_gt_XX) if dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX==1 * Mean's numerator bys d_sq_XX F_g_XX d_fg_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen total_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX=total(diff_y_pl_`i'_N_gt_XX) if dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX==1 * Mean gen mean_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX=total_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX/count_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX * Counting number of groups for DOF adjustment bys d_sq_XX F_g_XX d_fg_XX `trends_nonparam' : gegen dof_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX=total(dof_diff_y_pl_`i'_N_gt_XX) if dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX==1 ///// From those parts, generate variables for the demeaning and the DOF adjustment // E_hat_pl_(g,t), defined from parts depending on the cohort definition gen E_hat_gt_pl_`i'_XX=mean_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX*(dof_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX>=2) if (time_XX=2) if (F_g_XX-1+`i'==time_XX) // DOF_pl_(g,t) for DOF adjustement, defined from parts depending on the cohort definition gen DOF_gt_pl_`i'_XX=1+(dof_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX>=2)*(sqrt(dof_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX/(dof_cohort_pl_`i'_s_t_XX-1))-1) if (F_g_XX-1+`i'==time_XX) replace DOF_gt_pl_`i'_XX=1+(dof_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX>=2)*(sqrt(dof_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX/(dof_cohort_pl_`i'_ns_t_XX-1))-1) if (time_XX=`=`i'+1'&time_XX<=T_g_XX)* N_gt_XX * [dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX - (N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_g_XX/N_gt_control_placebo_`i'_XX) * never_change_d_pl_`i'_XX] *diff_y_pl_`i'_XX bysort group_XX : gegen U_Gg_placebo_`i'_XX=total(U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_XX) replace U_Gg_placebo_`i'_XX= U_Gg_placebo_`i'_XX*first_obs_by_gp_XX capture drop count`i'_pl_core_XX gen count`i'_pl_core_XX=0 replace count`i'_pl_core_XX= N_gt_XX if (U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_XX!=.&U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_XX!=0|(U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_XX==0&diff_y_pl_`i'_XX==0&(dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX!=0|(N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_g_XX!=0&never_change_d_pl_`i'_XX!=0)))) gen U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_var_XX =0 replace U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_var_XX= dummy_U_Gg_pl_`i'_XX*(G_XX / N`=increase_XX'_placebo_`i'_XX) * [dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX - (N`=increase_XX'_t_placebo_`i'_g_XX/N_gt_control_placebo_`i'_XX) * never_change_d_pl_`i'_XX] * (time_XX>=`=`i'+1'&time_XX<=T_g_XX) * N_gt_XX * DOF_gt_pl_`i'_XX *(diff_y_pl_`i'_XX-E_hat_gt_pl_`i'_XX) if "`controls'"!=""{ levelsof d_sq_int_XX, local(levels_d_sq_XX) foreach l of local levels_d_sq_XX { capture drop combined_pl`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`i'_XX gen combined_pl`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`i'_XX=0 forvalues j=1/`count_controls'{ forvalues k=1/`count_controls'{ capture drop in_brackets_pl_`l'_`j'_`k'_temp_XX gen in_brackets_pl_`l'_`j'_`k'_temp_XX = inv_Denom_`l'_XX[`j',`k'] * in_sum_`k'_`l'_XX * (d_sq_int_XX == `l' & F_g_XX>=3) replace in_brackets_pl_`l'_`j'_XX=in_brackets_pl_`l'_`j'_XX+in_brackets_pl_`l'_`j'_`k'_temp_XX } replace in_brackets_pl_`l'_`j'_XX=in_brackets_pl_`l'_`j'_XX - coefs_sq_`l'_XX[`j',1] capture drop combined_pl`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`j'_`i'_XX gen combined_pl`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`j'_`i'_XX=M_pl`=increase_XX'_`l'_`j'_`i'_XX*in_brackets_pl_`l'_`j'_XX replace combined_pl`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`i'_XX=combined_pl`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`i'_XX+combined_pl`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`j'_`i'_XX } replace part2_pl_switch`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX=part2_pl_switch`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX+combined_pl`=increase_XX'_temp_`l'_`i'_XX if d_sq_int_XX==`l' } if `=increase_XX'==1{ replace U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_var_XX=U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_var_XX - part2_pl_switch1_`i'_XX } if `=increase_XX'==0{ replace U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_var_XX=U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_var_XX + part2_pl_switch0_`i'_XX } } bys group_XX: gegen U_Gg_pl_`i'_var_XX=total(U_Gg_pl_`i'_temp_var_XX) } ////////// 7. Computing adjustements for the normalized and trends_lin options for placebos ////////// (similar to part 4, not commented) if "`normalized'"!=""{ capture drop sum_treat_until_`i'_pl_XX capture drop delta_D_pl_`i'_cum_temp_XX if `continuous'==0{ bys group_XX : gegen sum_treat_until_`i'_pl_XX = total(treatment_XX - d_sq_XX) if time_XX>=F_g_XX&time_XX<=F_g_XX-1+`i'&diff_y_pl_`i'_XX!=.&S_g_XX==increase_XX } else if `continuous'>0{ bys group_XX : gegen sum_treat_until_`i'_pl_XX = total(treatment_XX_orig - d_sq_XX_orig) if time_XX>=F_g_XX&time_XX<=F_g_XX-1+`i'&S_g_XX==increase_XX&diff_y_pl_`i'_XX!=. } gen delta_D_pl_`i'_cum_temp_XX = N_gt_XX/N`=increase_XX'_placebo_`i'_XX*[sum_treat_until_`i'_pl_XX* S_g_XX + (1-S_g_XX)*(-sum_treat_until_`i'_pl_XX)] if dist_to_switch_pl_`i'_XX==1 sum delta_D_pl_`i'_cum_temp_XX scalar delta_norm_pl_`i'_XX = r(sum) } } // End of the loop over l_placebo_u_a_XX. } scalar Ntrendslin_pl=1 forvalue i=1/`=l_placebo_u_a_XX' { scalar Ntrendslin_pl=min(Ntrendslin_pl , N`=increase_XX'_placebo_`i'_XX ) } if "`trends_lin'"!="" & Ntrendslin_pl != 0 { capture drop U_Gg_pl_`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'_TL capture drop U_Gg_pl_`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'_var_TL gen U_Gg_pl_`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'_TL = 0 gen U_Gg_pl_`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'_var_TL = 0 forvalue i=1/`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'{ replace U_Gg_pl_`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'_TL = U_Gg_pl_`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'_TL + U_Gg_placebo_`i'_XX replace U_Gg_pl_`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'_var_TL = U_Gg_pl_`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'_var_TL + U_Gg_pl_`i'_var_XX } replace U_Gg_placebo_`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'_XX = U_Gg_pl_`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'_TL replace U_Gg_pl_`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'_var_XX =U_Gg_pl_`=l_placebo_u_a_XX'_var_TL } } //End of condition checking if at least one placebo requested. ////////// 8. Computing Average Total Effect estimator ///// Average total effect not estimated if trends_lin option requested: if "`trends_lin'"==""{ ///// Computing the sum of the N1_`i'_XX for the weights w. scalar sum_N`=increase_XX'_l_XX = 0 forvalue i=1/`=l_u_a_XX'{ scalar sum_N`=increase_XX'_l_XX = sum_N`=increase_XX'_l_XX + N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX } ///// Dropping/Initializing needed variables capture drop U_Gg_XX capture drop U_Gg_num_XX capture drop U_Gg_den_XX capture drop U_Gg_num_var_XX capture drop U_Gg_var_XX gen U_Gg_num_XX=0 gen U_Gg_den_XX=0 gen U_Gg_num_var_XX=0 forvalue i=1/`=l_u_a_XX'{ if (N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX!=0){ capture drop delta_D_`i'_temp_XX capture drop delta_D_`i'_XX ///// Computing the weights w_+,l scalar w_`i'_XX = N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX / sum_N`=increase_XX'_l_XX ///// Computing the delta_D_+,l", which enter in the denominator of \hat{\delta}_+/\hat{\delta}_-. if `continuous'==0{ gen delta_D_`i'_temp_XX = N_gt_XX/N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX*[(treatment_XX-d_sq_XX)* S_g_XX + (1-S_g_XX)*(d_sq_XX-treatment_XX)] if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 } // Redefine this with original treatment if continuous option specified (treatment was binarized and staggerized) else if `continuous'>0{ gen delta_D_`i'_temp_XX = N_gt_XX/N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX*[(treatment_XX_orig-d_sq_XX_orig)* S_g_XX + (1-S_g_XX)*(d_sq_XX_orig-treatment_XX_orig)] if distance_to_switch_`i'_XX==1 } // For the average cumulative effect we want to keep delta_D_`i'_temp_XX and rescale it by N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX/N_gt_XX to get an unweightened version of [D_{g,Fg-1+l} - D_{g,1}] // Maybe call it delta_D_g_`i'_XX instead of delta_D_`i'_temp_XX and then keep it? capture drop delta_D_g_`i'_XX replace delta_D_`i'_temp_XX=0 if delta_D_`i'_temp_XX==. gegen delta_D_`i'_XX = total(delta_D_`i'_temp_XX) gen delta_D_g_`i'_XX=delta_D_`i'_temp_XX * (N`=increase_XX'_`i'_XX/N_gt_XX) drop delta_D_`i'_temp_XX ///// Computing the numerator of U^+_{G,g}: summing up the U_{G,g,l}s, after weighting them bys group_XX : replace U_Gg_num_XX = U_Gg_num_XX + w_`i'_XX * U_Gg`i'_XX ///// Computing the numerator of the "alternative" U_{G,g}s for the variance : summing up the U_{G,g,l}_vars, after weighting them bys group_XX : replace U_Gg_num_var_XX = U_Gg_num_var_XX + w_`i'_XX * U_Gg`i'_var_XX ///// Computing the denominator of U^+_{G,g}: summing up the delta^D_{+,l}s, after weighting them bys group_XX : replace U_Gg_den_XX = U_Gg_den_XX + w_`i'_XX * delta_D_`i'_XX } } ///// Computing the U_+_(G,g)s". bys group_XX : gen U_Gg_XX = U_Gg_num_XX/U_Gg_den_XX ///// Computing the U^+_{G,g}_vars. bys group_XX : gen U_Gg_var_XX = U_Gg_num_var_XX/U_Gg_den_XX } } // end of the quietly condition end