* developed by E. F. Haghish - 2018 VERSION 14 POSITION . . 400 420 LIST file_ext BEGIN do-file ado-file END LIST file_style BEGIN Complete Basic END DIALOG d, label("dotemplate - Create template for Stata files") BEGIN //--------------------- // File content //--------------------- // select installable files TEXT tx_doinfo 10 10 . ., label("File information") // Type of file TEXT tx_fext 10 +20 . 290, label("File ext") COMBOBOX adofile 100 @ 85 . , dropdownlist /* */ contents(file_ext) // Style of file TEXT tx_fstyle 10 +25 . 290, label("Style") COMBOBOX type 100 @ 85 . , dropdownlist /* */ contents(file_style) option(type) // Name of the file TEXT tx_name 10 +25 . ., label("File name*") EDIT file 100 @ 290 19 , default("") option(file) // Objective of the document TEXT tx_obj 10 +20 . ., label("Objective") EDIT project 100 @ 290 19, default("") option(project) // Number of seciton TEXT tx_sec 10 +20 . ., label("# Sections") EDIT sections 100 @ 120 19, default("") option(sections) TEXT tx_sec2 230 @ . ., label("Integer") // Number of subsections TEXT tx_sub 10 +20 . ., label("# Subsections") EDIT steps 100 @ 120 19, default("") option(steps) TEXT tx_sub2 230 @ . ., label("Integer") // Path TEXT tx_dir 10 +20 . 290, label("Directory path") FILE path 100 @ 200 . , label("Browse ...") /// directory option(path) //--------------------- // Author information //--------------------- TEXT tx_autinfo 10 +30 . ., label("Author information") // Author of the document TEXT tx_author 10 +20 . +59, label("Author") EDIT author 100 @ 290 19, option(author) // E-mail TEXT tx_email 10 +20 . ., label("e-mail") EDIT email 100 @ 290 19, option(email) // Affiliation TEXT tx_affiliation 10 +20 . ., label("Affiliation") EDIT depend 100 @ 290 19 , option(depend) // URL TEXT tx_url 10 +20 . ., label("url link") EDIT url 100 @ 290 19 , option(url) //--------------------- // Additional options //--------------------- TEXT tx_addinfo 10 +30 . ., label("Additional options") // log CHECKBOX log 10 +20 @ . , option(log) default(0) /// label("Create log file") // replace CHECKBOX replace 10 +20 @ . , option(replace) default(0) /// label("replace") // required TEXT tx_required 10 +40 . 290, label("* stared items are required") END OK ok1, label("OK") CANCEL can1, label("Cancel") SUBMIT sub1, label("Submit") HELP hlp1, view("help usersite") RESET res1 COPY copy1 // --------------------------------------------------------- // MAKE COMMAND // ========================================================= PROGRAM command BEGIN // checks if (!d.file | d.file.iseq("")) { stopbox stop "Name of the file is required" } put "dotemplate" put ", " optionarg d.type optionarg d.file optionarg d.project optionarg d.sections optionarg d.steps optionarg d.path optionarg d.author optionarg d.depend optionarg d.email optionarg d.url option d.log option d.replace if (d.adofile.iseq("ado-file")) { put "adofile" } END