{smcl} {* 9 Feb 2009}{...} {hline} {cmd:help doubmass} {hline} {title:Double mass plot} {p 8 16 2} {cmd:doubmass} {it:yvar} {it:xvarlist} [{cmd:if} {it:exp}] [{cmd:in} {it:range}] [{cmd:,} {cmd:ratio} {it:scatter_options} ] {title:Description} {p 4 4 2} {cmd:doubmass} plots the cumulative sum of {it:yvar} against the average of the cumulated sums of each variable in {it:xvarlist}. If {it:xvarlist} contains just one variable {it:xvar}, {cmd:doubmass} reduces to a plot of the cumulative sum of {it:yvar} against the cumulative sum of {it:xvar}. {p 4 4 2} It is assumed that data are {help tsset} and that no more than one panel is considered in any call. Otherwise put, {cmd:doubmass} expects a data structure in which contemporaneous panels constitute parallel time series. {title:Remarks} {p 4 4 2} In hydrology double mass plots are a standard method of checking the consistency of time series. For precipitation or stream discharge in particular, nearby sites often have averages differing by a multiplier, so that their ratio is constant, to a good approximation. Any breaks of slope on the graph may indicate discontinuities such as station shift, instrument breakdown, or changes in site conditions. {p 4 4 2} This technique appears not to be covered in literature on cusum charts for quality control (e.g. Woodward and Goldsmith 1964). {title:Options} {p 4 8 2} {cmd:ratio} plots the slope cumulative sum of {it:yvar} {hline 38} average of cumulative sums of {it:xvarlist} {p 4 8 2} against average of cumulative sums of {it:xvarlist}. {p 4 8 2} {it:graph_options} are any of the options allowed with {help scatter}. {title:Example} {p 4 8 2}{cmd:. doubmass site1 site2} {title:Author} {p 4 4 2}Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University, U.K.{break} n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk {title:References} {p 4 8 2} Clarke, R.T. 1994. {it:Statistical Modelling in Hydrology.} Chichester: John Wiley, {p 4 8 2} Dingman, S.L. 1994. {it:Physical Hydrology.} Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. {p 4 8 2} Dunne, T. and L.B. Leopold. 1978. {it:Water in Environmental Planning.} San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. {p 4 8 2} McCuen, R.H. 1998. {it:Hydrologic Analysis and Design.} Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. pp.193-197. {p 4 8 2} Searcy, J.K. and C.H. Hardison. 1960. Double-mass curves. {it:United States Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper} 1541B. {p 4 8 2} Woodward, R.H. and P.L. Goldsmith. 1964. {it:Cumulative Sum Techniques.} Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd for Imperial Chemical Industries. {title:Also see} {p 4 13 2}help for {help scatter}