help drarea -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Draw an overlapping range area plot


drarea hi1 lo1 hi2 lo2 x [, options]

options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main color(colorstylelist) specifies the two colours for the two separate range areas. add specifies that markers are plotted in addition to the range plots. twoway_options specifies additional options in the graphic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------


Multiple graphics are produced in Stata by the rule "last drawn first seen". So the objects that are drawn last are the ones that are observed. The implication of this principle is that when overlapping two rarea graphs the overlapping area is hidden by the second rarea graph. This command drarea overlays two range area plots by merging the two colours and hence highlighting the true overlap. There are numerous graphics that could benefit from the same principles but at the moment the graphics engine does not remember what is beneath the plots that are observed.

drarea is short for double rarea plot


+------+ ----+ Main +-------------------------------------------------------------

color(colorstylelist) specifies the two colours for the two separate range areas. The option requires the same colorstyle be used and can handle both the words or the RGB format (CYMK is not supported at the moment). Note: if a third colour is specified then this will be the colour of the overlapping area.

add specifies that markers are plotted in addition to the range plots.


sysuse sp500, clear

gen high2 = high+15*uniform()

gen low2 = low+15*uniform()

drarea high low high2 low2 date in 1/20


Adrian Mander, MRC Human Nutrition Research, Cambridge, UK.


See Also

Related commands:

twoway rarea

Other Graphic Commands I have written: trellis (if installed) ssc install trellis (to install this command) cdfplot (if installed) ssc install cdfplot (to install this command) contour (if installed) ssc install contour (to install this command) surface (if installed) ssc install surface (to install this command) batplot (if installed) ssc install batplot (to install this command) plotbeta (if installed) ssc install plotbeta (to install this command) graphbinary (if installed) ssc install graphbinary (to install this command) palette_all (if installed) ssc install palette_all (to install this command) plotmatrix (if installed) ssc install plotmatrix (to install this command) metagraph (if installed) ssc install metagraph (to install this command)