*! ds2 NJC 1.2.1 25 November 1999 * ds2 NJC 1.2.0 25 February 1999 * ds version 3.1.0 06jun1998 program define ds2, rclass version 6 syntax [varlist] /* */ [, String Numeric Detail Type(str) Hasval(str) Withval(str) ] if "`type'" != "" { if index("byte","`type'") { local type "byte" } else if index("int","`type'") { local type "int" } else if index("long","`type'") { local type "long" } else if index("float","`type'") { local type "float" } else if index("double","`type'") { local type "double" } else if index("string","`type'") { local type local string "string" } else if substr("`type'",1,3) != "str" { di in r "invalid data type" exit 198 } else { local rest = real(substr("`type'",4,.)) if `rest' < 1 | `rest' > 80 { di in r "invalid data type" exit 198 } } } if "`type'" != "" & "`string'`numeric'" != "" { di in r "may not combine type( ) with `string' `numeric'" exit 198 } if "`hasval'`withval'" != "" { if "`string'" != "" { di in bl "may not label strings" } if "`hasval'" != "" { local hasval = lower("`hasval'") if !index("ynau","`hasval'") { di in r "invalid hasval( ) option" exit 198 } } else if "`withval'" != "" { qui label list `withval' } } /* valid input! */ tokenize `varlist' if "`string'" != "" | "`numeric'" != "" { if "`string'" != "" & "`numeric'" != "" { di in bl "string and numeric specified together" } else { local i 1 while "``i''" != "" { capture confirm string variable ``i'' if _rc == 0 { local slist "`slist' ``i''" } else local nlist "`nlist' ``i''" local i = `i' + 1 } if "`string'" != "" { tokenize `slist' } else tokenize `nlist' } } if "`type'" != "" { local i 1 while "``i''" != "" { local this : type ``i'' if "`this'" == "`type'" { local typlist "`typlist' ``i''" } local i = `i' + 1 } tokenize `typlist' } if "`hasval'" != "" { local hasval = index("ya", "`hasval'") != 0 local i 1 while "``i''" != "" { local vlabel : value label ``i'' local vlabel = "`vlabel'" != "" if `vlabel' == `hasval' { local vallist "`vallist' ``i''" } local i = `i' + 1 } tokenize `vallist' } else if "`withval'" != "" { local i 1 while "``i''" != "" { local vlabel : value label ``i'' if "`vlabel'" == "`withval'" { local vallist "`vallist' ``i''" } local i = `i' + 1 } tokenize `vallist' } if "`detail'" != "" { if "`*'" != "" { describe `*' } } else { local i 1 while "``i''" != "" { if (mod(`i'-1,8)==0 & `i'!=1) { di } local l=9-length("``i''")+(mod(`i',8)!=0) di in gr "``i''" _skip(`l') _c local i=`i'+1 } di } return local varlist `*' end exit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 variname variname variname variname variname variname variname variname