Describe variables in memory ----------------------------
^ds2^ [varlist] [ , { ^n^umeric ^s^tring | ^t^ype^(^vartype^)^ } { ^h^asval^(a^|^y^|^u^|^n)^ | ^w^ithval^(^value_label_name^)^ } ^d^etail ]
Description -----------
^ds2^ lists variable names in a compact format (or optionally, in the same format as ^describe^). It is a variant on ^ds^.
Options -------
^numeric^ specifies that only numeric variables should be listed.
^string^ specifies that only string variables should be listed.
^type(^vartype^)^ specifies that only variables of type vartype should be listed. ^type( )^ may be abbreviated down to as few as one character for ^b^yte, ^i^nt, ^l^ong, ^f^loat and ^d^ouble. ^string^ or any abbreviation of it means string variables of any length, so that ^type(str)^ is equivalent to ^string^. ^type( )^ may not be combined with ^numeric^ or ^string^.
^hasval(a^|^y^|^u^|^n)^ specifies that variables with or without value labels attached should be listed. ^hasval(a)^ or ^hasval(y)^ means attached and ^hasval(u)^ or ^hasval(n)^ means unattached. The variables listed will be a subset of those otherwise specified. ^t(int) v(a)^ means int variables with value labels attached.
^withval(^value_label_name^)^ specifies that variables with value label value_label_name attached should be listed. The variables listed will be a subset of those otherwise specified.
^detail^ specifies that a more detailed listing should be given. ^ds2, s d^ is equivalent to ^describe^ with all the string variables. ^ds2, n d^ is equivalent to ^describe^ with all the numeric variables.
Saved results -------------
^ds2^ saves in ^r(varlist)^ the names of the variables listed.
Examples --------
. ^ds2, s^ . ^ds2, s d^
. ^ds2, n^ . ^order `r(varlist)'^
. ^ds2, n^ . ^su `r(varlist)'^
. ^ds2, s^ . ^edit `r(varlist)'^
. ^ds2, t(float)^ . ^ds2, t(str16)^
. ^ds2, w(origin)^
Author ------
Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K.
Acknowledgement --------------
Jay Kaufman's suggestions led to ^type()^ and ^withval( )^ options.
Also see --------
On-line: help for @describe@ Manual: ^[R] describe^, ^[R] saved results^