p d3network module to create network visualizations using D3.js to view in browser p dadjoke module to produce terrible dad jokes p dag module to provide utilities for directed acyclic graphs p dagfit module to fit a Generalized Beta (Type 2) distribution to grouped data via ML p dagumfit module to fit a Dagum distribution by maximum likelihood p dash module to score Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand p dashgph module to construct dashed lines in scatterplots p dashln module to add dashed lines to graphs p datacheck module to perform data checks and produce informative output p dataex module to generate a properly formatted data example for Statalist p dataframe module to store/restore multiple Stata datasets to/from memory p datanet module to facilitate dataset organization for network analysis purposes p dataout module to export a dataset or tab-delimited file into various formats p dataplink module to import data from plink p datefrac module to convert calendar dates to fractional years p datelist module to to create ascending numeric lists of dates p datesum module to display summary statistics for date variables p datmat module to multiply variables via matrix multiplication p dbmscopybatch module to produce a batch file for DBMS/Copy p dbnomics module for DB.nomics, the world's economic database p dcreate module to create efficient designs for discrete choice experiments p ddf2dct module to facilitate infiling US Government data distributed with a DDF p ddml module for Double/Debiased Machine Learning p deci module to perform Variable Base conversion p decomp module to compute decompositions of earnings gaps p decompose module to compute decompositions of wage differentials p delaunay module for Delaunay triangulation p delta module to compute the Delta index of scale discrimination p demotivate module to remind users of the harsh reality of econometric & statistical practice p denton module to interpolate a flow or stock series from low-frequency totals via proportional Denton method p dep4asm module to create [in]dependent variable for alternative-specific models p dependencies module to manage required user-written commands (ado version freeze) p depthplot module to plot one or more variables with depth as vertical axis p des2 module to describe current dataset with clickable output p descgen module to add Stata dataset attribute variables to a xdir resultsset p desclong module to create and save a dataset holding variable information while including long variable labels p descogini module to perform Gini decomposition by income source p descsave module to export data set and machine-readable codebook p designplot module to produce a graphical summary of response given one or more factors p desma module to design and simulate (adaptive) multi-arm clinical trials p desmat module to generate interactions and contrasts p detect module to compute the DETECT, Iss and R indexes to test a partition of items p devcon module to apply the deviation contrast transform to estimation results p devnplot module for deviation plots p devr2 module to compute Cameron and Windmeijer's deviance based R-squared measure p dfao module to perform Dickey-Fuller unit root test in the presence of additive outliers p dfgls module to compute Dickey-Fuller/GLS unit root test p dfl module to estimate DiNardo, Fortin and Lemieux Counterfactual Kernel Density p dfsummary module to compute the (Augmented) Dickey-Fuller unit-root test and reports a summary table for different lags p dftol module to compute distribution-free tolerance intervals p dgraph module for t test plots and tables p diagma module for the split component synthesis method of diagnostic meta-analysis p diagram module to analyze executed ado programs and produce a dynamic profile diagram p diagreg module to compute Model Selection Diagnostic Criteria p diagreg2 module to compute 2SLS-IV ModeL Selection Diagnostic Criteria p diagsampsi module for computing sample size for a single diagnostic test with a binary outcome p diagt module to report summary statistics for diagnostic tests compared to true disease status p diagtest module to report summary statistics for diagnostic test p dichoct module to dichotomizes a variable at a specified centile and generates a new variable containing the dichotomized values p dict module to loop over multiple arguments p did2s module to estimate a TWFE model using the two-stage difference-in-differences approach p did_had module to estimate the effect of a treatment on an outcome in a heterogeneous adoption design with no stayers but some quasi stayers p did_imputation module to perform treatment effect estimation and pre-trend testing in event studies p did_multiplegt module to estimate sharp Difference-in-Difference designs with multiple groups and periods p did_multiplegt_dyn module to estimate event-study Difference-in-Difference (DID) estimators in designs with multiple groups and periods, with a potentially non-binary treatment that may increase or decrease multiple times p did_multiplegt_old module to estimate sharp Difference-in-Difference designs with multiple groups and periods p did_multiplegt_stat module for heterogeneity-robust difference-in differences (DID) estimators p didplacebo module for in-time, in-space and mixed placebo tests for estimating difference-in-differences (DID) models p didq module to compute treatment effects under alternative Parallel-q assumptions p difd module to evaluate test items for differential item functioning (DIF) p difdetect module to detect and adjust for differential item functioning (DIF) p diff module to perform Differences in Differences estimation p diff_plot module to visualize classic difference-in-differences model p diffpi module to calculate difference expressed as a percentage p difwithpar module for detection of and adjustment for differential item functioning (DIF) p digdis module to analyze the distribution of digits p digits module to examine digit preferences in numeric variables p diplot module to draw double interval plot p diptest module to compute dip statistic to test for unimodality p directma module to conducts multiple pair-wise meta-analysis (head-to-head comparisons) and export the pooled results to Excel p dirifit module to fit a Dirichlet distribution p dirlist module to retrieve directory information p dirtools modules to manage files in the working directory p dirtree module to display the content of a directory as a tree p discrates module to provide estimation and statistical test for gross and net discrimination rates p discrepancy module to implement a pseudo-ANOVA method for partitions of pairwise distance matrices p disjoint module to generate end variable demarcating disjoint spells p dissim module to calculate dissimilarity index p distan module to generate similarity measures p distcomp module to compare distributions p distcomp2var module to compare the distributions of two variables p distill module to assess heterogeneous treatment effects in randomized controlled trials p distinct module to display distinct values of variables p distmatch module to perform distance matching based on latitudes and longitudes p distplot module to generate distribution function plot p distrate module to compute direct standardized rates with improved confidence interval p divcat module to calculate five measures of diversity for multiple categories p divratio module for estimating diversion ratios and willingness-to-pay from a semiparametric choice model p dkdensity module for deconvolution kernel density estimation and construction of its uniform confidence band p dlagif Module to Estimate Irving Fisher Arithmetic Distributed Lag Model p dldq module to compute treatment effects under alternative Parallel-q assumptions p dlist module to list with variable labels p dlogit2 modules to compute marginal effects for logit, probit, and mlogit p dltable module to produce regression tables for Randomized Controlled Trials Using Double LASSO p dmariano module to calculate Diebold-Mariano comparison of forecast accuracy p dmerge module to merge datasets using a modification of Stata's merge p dmexogxt module to test consistency of OLS vs XT-IV estimates p dmout module to create difference-in-means tables p do2screen module to display do-files in result window p docd module to change the working directory before executing a do-file p docxtab module to list variables to a Word table with head or foot rows from characteristics p doiplot module for visualization of asymmetry and heterogeneity in meta-analysis p dolog modules to execute commands from a file with logging p dologx modules to execute commands from a file with logging p domdiag module to construct dominance diagrams p domin module to conduct dominance analysis p doparser module to look for dta-files used in do-files p doptimal module to find the D-optimal Design for Dose Ranging studies p doseresponse module to estimate dose-response function through adjustment for the generalized propensity score p doseresponse2 module to estimate generalized propensity score p dotemplate module to creates templates for do-files p dotex module to generate TeX log from do-file p doub2flt module to change storage type of real variable p doubleb module to compute Contingent Valuation using Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice p doubletofloat module to recast variables from double to float storage type p doubmass module to draw double mass plot p dpplot module for density probability plots p dpredict module to produce dynamic forecasts for ARIMA(p,s,q) models p dqd module to compute treatment effects under alternative Parallel-q assumptions p drarea module to overlap two range area plots p drcate module to estimate and plot conditional average treatment effect functions with uniform confidence bands using a doubly robust method p drdecomp module to estimate Shapley value of growth and distribution components of changes in poverty indicators p drdid module for the estimation of Doubly Robust Difference-in-Difference models p drm module to fit Sobel's Diagonal Reference Model (DRM) p drmeta module for dose-response meta-analysis p drmmws module to perform doubly-robust marginal mean weighting through stratification p ds2 v6 module to describe variables in memory p ds3 module to describe variables in memory p ds5 module to describe variables in memory p dsconcat module to concatenate a list of Stata data files into memory p dsearch module to find variables with given variable label p dseg module to compute decomposable multigroup segregation indexes p dsginideco module to compute decomposition of inequality change into pro-poor growth and mobility components p dstat module to compute summary statistics and distribution functions including standard errors and optional covariate balancing p dsweight module to generate direct standardization weights p dta2ddi module to convert Stata data to DDI standards p dta2html module to generate HTML code to display a Stata dataset on the web p dta2kml module to output a KML file from selected datapoints in a Stata dataset p dta2md module to convert Stata system file to metadata p dta2sav module to export in SPSS format p dtalink module to implement probabilistic record linkage p dtanotes module to add metadata as dataset notes p dtapaper module to create an HTML datapaper p dtastamp module to store current date and time in dataset characteristics p dthaz module to compute discrete-time hazard and survival probability estimates p dtobit2 module to estimate a tobit model with marginal effects at observed censoring rate p dubois module to provide Du Bois graphic scheme p dudahart module to calculate and graph Duda-Hart cluster stopping indices from distance matrix p dummies function to create families of dummy variables p dummies2 module to create indicator variables from categorical variable and vice versa p dummieslab module to convert categorical variable to dummy variables using label names p duncan module to calculate dissimilarity index p dups module to identify and optionally remove duplicate observations p durbinh module to calculate Durbin's h test for serial correlation p dyadid module to perform Dyad ID matching p dyads module to transform observations into dyads p dynardl module to dynamically simulate autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) models p dynpandoc module creating dynamic documents using dynamic tags and pandoc p dynsimpie module to examine dynamic compositional dependent variables p dynsimple module to examine dynamic compositional dependent variables