version 15 set matastrict on mata: // Function called r_0 in the paper, non-coverage probability real vector r (real vector t, real vector chi) { real vector idx, r, res idx = selectindex(sqrt(t) :- chi :<= 5) // Select relevant indices r = normal(-sqrt(t):-chi) :+ normal(sqrt(t):-chi) res = J(1,length(t), 1) if (sum(idx) > 0) res[idx] = r[idx] return(res) } // Derivative of r real vector r1 (real vector t, real scalar chi) { real vector idx, res, case1 idx = selectindex(t :>= 1e-8) case1 = (normalden(sqrt(t):-chi) :- normalden(sqrt(t):+chi)):/(2*sqrt(t)) res = J(1,length(t),chi:*normalden(chi)) if (sum(idx) > 0) res[idx] = case1[idx] return(res) } // Second Derivative of r real vector r2 (real vector t, real scalar chi) { real vector idx, res, case1 idx = selectindex(t :>= 2e-6) case1 = (normalden(sqrt(t):+chi):*(chi:*sqrt(t) :+ t :+ 1) :+ /// normalden(sqrt(t):-chi):*(chi:*sqrt(t) :- t :- 1)):/(4*t:^(3/2)) res = J(1,length(t),normalden(chi):*chi:*(chi^2-3)/6) if (sum(idx) > 0) res[idx] = case1[idx] return(res) } // Third Derivative of r real vector r3 (real vector t, real scalar chi) { real vector idx, res, case1 idx = selectindex(t :>= 2e-4) case1 = (normalden(sqrt(t):-chi):*(t:^2 :- 2*chi:*t:^(3/2) :+ (2+chi^2) :*t :- 3*chi:*sqrt(t) :+ 3) :- /// normalden(sqrt(t):+chi):*(t:^2 :+ 2*chi:*t:^(3/2) :+ (2+chi^2) :*t :+ 3*chi:*sqrt(t) :+ 3)):/(8*t:^(5/2)) res = J(1,length(t),normalden(chi):*(chi^5 - 10:*chi^3 + 15:*chi)/60) if (sum(idx) > 0) res[idx] = case1[idx] return(res) } // Find t0 and inflection point, called t1 in the paper struct t0ip { real scalar t0, ip } real scalar f0 (t,chi) return(r(t,chi) - t*r1(t,chi) - r(0,chi)) struct t0ip scalar rt0 (real scalar chi) { transmorphic mroot // avoids printing zeros for mm_root struct t0ip scalar res real scalar t0, ip, tol, up, lo // Find point where we touch origin // Need root finding function to be installed // ssc install moremata, replace tol = 1e-12 if (chi^2 < 3) { t0 = ip = 0 } else { if( abs(r2(chi^2 -3/2, chi)) < tol | (chi^2-3) - chi^2 ==0) ip = chi^2 -3/2 else mroot = mm_root(ip=., &r2(), chi^2 -3, chi^2, tol, 1000, chi) up = 2*chi^2 lo = ip while (f0(up,chi) <0) { lo = up up = 2*up } t0 = lo if (f0(lo,chi)<0) { mroot = mm_root(t0=., &f0(), lo, up, tol, 1000, chi) } else if (f0(lo,chi)>tol) printf("{red}Warning: Failed to solve for t0 using rt0 at chi = %9.0g. \n", chi) } res.ip = ip res.t0 = t0 return(res) } // \rho(m_2, \chi) real vector rho0 (real vector t, real vector chi){ struct t0ip scalar rt0_out real scalar res, t0 real vector idx, case1 rt0_out = rt0(chi) t0 = rt0_out.t0 idx = selectindex(t :>= t0) case1 = r(t,chi) res = r(t0,chi) :+ (t:- t0):*r1(t0,chi) if (sum(idx) > 0) res[idx] = case1[idx] return(res) } // \delta(x; x_0) real vector delta (real vector x, real scalar x0, real scalar chi) { real vector res, idx, case2 idx = selectindex(abs(x:-x0) :> 1e-4) res = r2(x0,chi)/2*J(1,length(x),1) case2 = (r(x,chi) :- r(x0,chi) :- r1(x0,chi):*(x:-x0)) :/ (x:-x0):^2 if (sum(idx) > 0) res[idx] = case2[idx] return(res) } real vector delta1 (real vector x, real scalar x0, real scalar chi) { real vector res, idx, case2 idx = selectindex(abs(x:-x0) :>= 1e-3) res = r3(x0,chi)/6*J(1,length(x),1) case2 = ((r1(x,chi) :+ r1(x0,chi)) :- 2*(r(x,chi):-r(x0,chi)):/(x:-x0)) :/ (x:-x0):^2 if (sum(idx) > 0) res[idx] = case2[idx] return(res) } // maximize delta(x,x0,chi) over x struct lamx0 { real scalar lam, x0 } /* Code up evaluator for delta */ struct lamx0 scalar lam (real scalar x0, real scalar chi) { struct t0ip scalar rt0_out struct lamx0 scalar opt0, res real vector xs, rt0_vec, der, val, indDerNeg, iMaxVal, w, diffDerPos, indDerPos real vector diffDerPosleq0, iDergeq0, ival, x, rr1max, robj_vec, rmin_vec real scalar sumDerNeg, idx, rr1val, i, idxmin, ngrid real scalar lo, up, phi, x2,x3, eps, flo, fup, c, xlen, fx2, fx3, fmin // Check derivatives at 0, inflection pt, t0 and x0 // If above ip, then max is below it, and it's at zero if der at zero is negative rt0_out = rt0(chi) rt0_vec = (rt0_out.t0, rt0_out.ip) xs = (min(rt0_vec), max(rt0_vec)) if (x0 >= xs[1]) xs = (0,xs[1]) else { xs = uniqrows((0\x0\xs')) xs=xs' } der = delta1(xs,x0,chi) val = delta(xs,x0,chi) opt0.lam = val[1]; opt0.x0=0 // Expect delta has single maximum, so first increasing, then decr up to tol // Need to convert the conditionals to scalars indDerNeg = der :<= 0; sumDerNeg = sum(indDerNeg) indDerPos = der :>= 0 maxindex(val,1,iMaxVal,w) // Assign iMaxVal for index of max diffDerPos = indDerPos[2..length(indDerPos)] - indDerPos[1..(length(indDerPos)-1)] diffDerPosleq0 = diffDerPos :<= 0 if (sumDerNeg == length(der) & iMaxVal == 1) { return(opt0) } else if (sum(diffDerPosleq0) == length(diffDerPosleq0) & der[length(der)] <= 0) { //Function first increasing, then decreasing minindex(indDerPos,1,iDergeq0,w) // Assign iDergeq0 for index of min idx = max((min(iDergeq0'),2)) ival = xs[((idx-1)..idx)] } else if (min(abs(der)) < 1e-6){ // Determine interval based on value of delta ival = (xs[max((iMaxVal-1,1))],xs[min((iMaxVal+1,length(val)))]) } else { //_error("There are multiple optima in the function delta(x, x0, chi)") // Commented out warning message printf("{red}Warning: There are multiple optima in the function delta(x, x0, chi). \n") return(opt0) } // Golden search algorithm eps = 1e-8 lo = min(ival); up = max(ival) phi = (sqrt(5) + 1)/2 //golden ratio while (up-lo >eps) { // Step 1: evaluate end points flo = -delta(lo,x0,chi); fup = -delta(up,x0,chi) // Step 2: calculate interior point c = 2-phi xlen = up -lo x2 = lo + (xlen)*c // Step 3: check convergence criterion if (xlen > eps) { // Step 4: calculate other interior point x3 = up - (xlen)*c // Step 5: choose points for next iteration fx2 = -delta(x2,x0,chi); fx3 = -delta(x3,x0,chi) fmin = min((flo,fx2,fx3,fup)) if (fmin == flo| fmin == fx2) up =x3 else lo = x2 } } rr1max = x2 rr1val = -delta(x2,x0,chi) // Finally check optimum at 0 is not higher if (-rr1val > opt0.lam) { res.lam = -rr1val; res.x0 = rr1max return(res) } else if (-rr1val > opt0.lam - 1e-9) { return(opt0) } else { // Commented out warning message printf("{red}Warning: Optimum may be wrong for lam(x0=%9.0g, chi=%9.0g) \n", x0,chi) return(opt0) } } struct alphaxp { real vector alpha, x, p } // Functions required for rho real scalar lammax (real scalar x0, real scalar tbar, real scalar chi){ real scalar res struct lamx0 scalar lam_out if (x0 >= tbar) { res = delta(0,x0,chi) return(res) } else { lam_out = lam(x0,chi) res = max((lam_out.lam,0)) return(res) } } real scalar obj (real scalar x0, real scalar chi, real scalar m2, real scalar tbar, real scalar kappa) { real scalar res res = r(x0,chi) + r1(x0,chi)*(m2-x0) + lammax(x0,tbar,chi)*(kappa*m2^2-2*x0*m2+x0^2) return(res) } struct alphaxp scalar rho (real scalar m2, real scalar kappa, real scalar chi) { // This function is missing the check for the linear program real vector r0, rmin_vec, robj_vec, p, xs0, xs0_vec real scalar t0, tbar, i, idxmin, rrmin, rrval, ngrid, rrmina, rrvala, rrminb, rrvalb real scalar lo, up, phi, x2,x3, eps, flo, fup, c, xlen, fx2, fx3, fmin struct t0ip scalar rt0_out struct alphaxp scalar res struct lamx0 scalar lam_out, lam_min r0 = rho0(m2,chi) rt0_out = rt0(chi) t0 = rt0_out.t0 if (kappa ==1) { res.alpha=r(m2,chi); res.x=(0,m2); res.p=(0,1) return(res) } else if (max(abs(m2)) >= t0) { // Concave part of parameter space res.alpha=r0; res.x=(0,m2); res.p=(0,1) return(res) } else if (kappa >= 1e10 | max(abs(m2:*kappa)) :>= t0) { // LF under rho: (0, t0) wp (1-m2/t0, m2/t0), E[t^2]=m2*t0 // So here kappa doesn't bind res.alpha=r0; res.x=(0,t0); res.p=(1:-m2:/t0, m2:/t0) return(res) } else { // First determine where delta(x, 0) is maximized lam_out = lam(0,chi) tbar = lam_out.x0 // Optimization routine //rb if (tbar >0) { // Golden search eps = 1e-8 lo = 0; up = tbar phi = (sqrt(5) + 1)/2 //golden ratio while (up-lo >eps) { // Step 1: evaluate end points flo = obj(lo,chi,m2,tbar,kappa); fup = obj(up,chi,m2,tbar,kappa) // Step 2: calculate interior point c = 2-phi xlen = up -lo x2 = lo + (xlen)*c // Step 3: check convergence criterion if (xlen > eps) { // Step 4: calculate other interior point x3 = up - (xlen)*c // Step 5: choose points for next iteration fx2 = obj(x2,chi,m2,tbar,kappa); fx3 = obj(x3,chi,m2,tbar,kappa) fmin = min((flo,fx2,fx3,fup)) if (fmin == flo| fmin == fx2) up =x3 else lo = x2 } } rrminb = x2 rrvalb = obj(x2,chi,m2,tbar,kappa) } else { rrminb = 0 rrvalb = obj(0,chi,m2,tbar,kappa) } //ra // Golden search eps = 1e-8 lo = tbar; up = t0 phi = (sqrt(5) + 1)/2 //golden ratio while (up-lo >eps) { // Step 1: evaluate end points flo = obj(lo,chi,m2,tbar,kappa); fup = obj(up,chi,m2,tbar,kappa) // Step 2: calculate interior point c = 2-phi xlen = up -lo x2 = lo + (xlen)*c // Step 3: check convergence criterion if (xlen > eps) { // Step 4: calculate other interior point x3 = up - (xlen)*c // Step 5: choose points for next iteration fx2 = obj(x2,chi,m2,tbar,kappa); fx3 = obj(x3,chi,m2,tbar,kappa) fmin = min((flo,fx2,fx3,fup)) if (fmin == flo| fmin == fx2) up =x3 else lo = x2 } } rrmina = x2 rrvala = obj(x2,chi,m2,tbar,kappa) // Comparing ra and rb if (rrvalb < rrvala) { rrmin = rrminb rrval = rrvalb } else { rrmin = rrmina rrval = rrvala } // Post optimization calculations lam_min = lam(rrmin,chi) xs0_vec = (rrmin, lam_min.x0) xs0 = (min(xs0_vec),max(xs0_vec)) p = (m2-xs0[2])/(xs0[1] - xs0[2]) res.alpha=rrval; res.x=xs0; res.p=(p, 1-p) return(res) } } real vector CVb (real vector B, real scalar alpha) { real vector r, idx, case2 idx = selectindex(B :< 10) r = B :+ invnormal(1-alpha) case2 = sqrt(invnchi2(1, B:^2,1-alpha)) if (sum(idx) >0) r[idx] = case2[idx] return(r) } // Compute average coverage critical value under moment constraints struct cvaxp { real vector cv, alpha, x, p } real scalar rho0m_alpha (chi,m2,alpha) return(rho0(m2,chi) - alpha) real scalar rhom_alpha (chi,m2,kappa,alpha) { struct alphaxp scalar rho_out rho_out = rho(m2, kappa, chi) return(rho_out.alpha - alpha) } struct cvaxp scalar cva_fn (real scalar m2, real scalar kappa, real scalar alpha) { transmorphic mroot struct cvaxp scalar res real scalar tol, chi_sol, lo, up, cv, check_val real vector limits struct alphaxp scalar rho_out tol = 1e-12 if (m2 >= 1e12) { = .; res.alpha = alpha; res.x = (0,m2); res.p=(0,1) return(res) } else if (kappa == 1 | m2==0) { = CVb(sqrt(m2),alpha); res.alpha = alpha; res.x = (0,m2); res.p=(0,1) return(res) } else { // Omit case of large m2 for now lo = CVb(sqrt(m2),alpha) - 0.01 limits = (lo,.) up = sqrt((1+m2)/alpha) if (abs(rho0(m2,up)-alpha) < 9e-6) { limits[2] = up } else { mroot = mm_root(chi_sol=., &rho0m_alpha(), lo, up, tol, 1000, m2,alpha) limits[2] = chi_sol } // If rejection rate is already close to alpha, keep cv under kappa = Inf check_val = rhom_alpha(limits[2],m2,kappa,alpha) if (check_val < -1e-5) { mroot = mm_root(cv=., &rhom_alpha(), limits[1], limits[2], tol, 1000, m2,kappa,alpha) } else { cv = limits[2] } rho_out = rho(m2, kappa, cv) = cv; res.alpha = rho_out.alpha; res.x = rho_out.x; res.p=rho_out.p return(res) } } // Functions that approximate cva real scalar f2 (real scalar m2){ real scalar res if (m2 <= 0.002) { res = 1.96 } else if (m2 <= 0.4){ res = -78.639 + 81.46*m2^0.1 - 7.544*log(m2) - 0.26*(log(m2))^2 } else if (m2 <= 10) { res = -556.141 + 559.434*m2^0.1 - 54.325*log(m2) - 2.059*(log(m2))^2 } else { res = -4.062 + 2.746*m2^0.1 + 4.461*m2^0.5 - 0.582*(log(m2)) } return(res) } real scalar cvapprox (real scalar m2, real scalar kappa) { real scalar res if (m2 > 0.05 & m2 <= 4 & kappa >=1 & kappa <=3) { res = -142.179 + 146.044*m2^0.1 -1.417*m2^0.5 + 146.917*kappa^0.1 - 2.339*kappa^0.5 /// -146.961*m2^0.1*kappa^0.1 + 2.574*m2^0.5*kappa^0.5 + 0.944*log(m2)*log(kappa) } else if (m2 > 0.05 & m2 <= 1 & kappa >3 & kappa <=10) { res = 14.625 - 18.029*m2^0.1 + 4.915*m2^0.5 - 0.133*(log(m2))^2 /// + 0.348*m2^0.5*kappa^0.5 + 1.687 *log(kappa)^(-1) - 0.963*(log(kappa))^(-2) } else if (m2 > 0.05 & m2 <= 1 & kappa >10 & kappa <=47.2){ res = 25.496 - 31.484*m2^0.1 + 9.236*m2^0.5 - 0.249*(log(m2))^2 - 0.081*(log(kappa))^(-2) } else if (m2 > 1 & m2 <= 4 & kappa >3 & kappa <=17.4) { res = 26.358 + 2.0495*m2^(0.5) - 7.0787*kappa^0.5 + 2.4885*(log(kappa))^2 - 12.481*m2^0.1*kappa^0.1 /// +0.679*m2^0.5*kappa^0.5 + 0.417*log(m2)*log(kappa) - 3.729*(log(kappa))^(-0.5) } else if (m2 > 4 & m2 <= 10 & kappa >=1 & kappa <=3) { res = 15.225 + 1.287*m2^0.5 - 1.339*kappa^0.1 - 12.765*m2^(0.1)*kappa^(0.1) /// + 0.9385*m2^0.5*kappa^0.5 + 0.9125*log(m2)*log(kappa) } else if (m2 > 4 & m2 <= 10 & kappa >3 & kappa <=10) { res = 6.7945 + 0.998*(log(m2))^2 + 15.768*kappa^0.1 - 18.959*m2^0.1*kappa^0.1 /// + 0.305*m2^0.5*kappa^0.5 + 1.027*log(m2)*log(kappa) } else if (m2 > 4 & m2 <= 10 & kappa >10 & kappa <=18.5) { res = 88.102 + 245.52*m2^0.1 - 54.885*kappa^0.5 + 24.89*(log(kappa))^2 /// - 233.27*m2^0.1*kappa^0.1 + 1.386*m2^0.5*kappa^0.5 + 2.0055*log(m2)*log(kappa) } else { res = f2(m2) } return(res) } real scalar cva (real scalar m2, real scalar kappa, real scalar alpha, real scalar approx) { // Choose cva function based on whether to use approx struct cvaxp scalar res real scalar resapp if (approx == 1) { resapp = cvapprox(m2, kappa) return(resapp) } else { res = cva_fn(m2, kappa,alpha) return( } } real scalar ci_length (real scalar w, real scalar kappa, real scalar alpha, real scalar S, real scalar approx) { real scalar m2, res m2 = (1/w - 1)^2*S res = cva(m2, kappa, alpha, approx)*w return(res) } real vector Fw_opt (real scalar S, real scalar kappa, real scalar alpha, real scalar approx) { real scalar maxbias, minbias, rmin, rval, m2, idxmin, I real scalar lo, up, phi, x2,x3, eps, flo, fup, c, xlen, fx2, fx3, fmin real vector robj_vec, rmin_vec, res maxbias = 100^2 minbias = 0 // Golden search eps = 1e-8 lo = 1/(sqrt(maxbias/S)+1) up = 1/(sqrt(minbias/S)+1) phi = (sqrt(5) + 1)/2 //golden ratio while (up-lo >eps) { // Step 1: evaluate end points flo = ci_length(lo,kappa,alpha,S, approx); fup = ci_length(up,kappa,alpha,S, approx) // Step 2: calculate interior point c = 2-phi xlen = up -lo x2 = lo + (xlen)*c // Step 3: check convergence criterion if (xlen > eps) { // Step 4: calculate other interior point x3 = up - (xlen)*c // Step 5: choose points for next iteration fx2 = ci_length(x2,kappa,alpha,S, approx); fx3 = ci_length(x3,kappa,alpha,S, approx) fmin = min((flo,fx2,fx3,fup)) if (fmin == flo| fmin == fx2) up =x3 else lo = x2 } } rmin = x2 rval = ci_length(rmin,kappa,alpha,S, approx) m2 = (1/rmin - 1)^2*S res = J(1,3,.) res[1] = rmin // w res[2] = cva(m2,kappa,alpha,approx)*rmin // length res[3] = m2 //m2 return(res) } real vector Fw_eb (real scalar S, real scalar kappa, real scalar alpha, real scalar approx) { real vector res real scalar w res = J(1,3,.) w = S/(1+S) res[1] = w //w res[2] = cva(1/S,kappa,alpha,approx)*w // length res[3] = 1/S //m2 return(res) } // Weighted sample variance and mean of truncated normal real scalar weighted_mean (real colvector A, real colvector B) { // Take in column vectors return(sum(A:*B)/sum(B)) } real scalar wgtV (real colvector Z, real colvector wgt) { return(sum(wgt:^2:*(Z:^2:-weighted_mean(Z, wgt):^2))/(sum(wgt):^2:-sum(wgt:^2))) } real scalar tmean (real scalar m, real scalar V) { return(m + sqrt(V)*normalden(m/sqrt(V))/normal(m/sqrt(V))) } real scalar ExtractAlpha (struct alphaxp scalar rho_out) { return(rho_out.alpha) } end // EBCI regression program capture program drop ebreg // Check that moremata is installed and install if not cap which moremata.hlp if _rc ssc install moremata program ebreg, eclass version 15 // Omit optimal shrinkage for length(se) > 30 // using approx option overwrites alpha option syntax varlist(min=1 numeric) [if] [in], se(varname) [weights(varname) alpha(real 0.05) kappa(real 1e12) /// wopt approx fs_correction(string) reg_options(string) genvar(string)] tempvar ebid gen `ebid' = _n preserve marksample touse qui keep if `touse' local za invnormal(1-`alpha'/2) local depvar `1' local xlist : subinstr local varlist "`depvar'" "", word if ("`weights'" == "") reg `varlist', `reg_options' else reg `varlist' [aw=`weights'], `reg_options' predict mu1, xb putmata mu1, replace putmata se = `se', replace // Set default method if ("`fs_correction'" == "") local fs_correction "PMT" if ("`wopt'" == "wopt") di "Computing, this may take a few minutes" mata{ Y = st_data(.,"`depvar'") za = `za' if ("`weights'" == "") wgt = J(length(Y),1,1) else wgt = st_data(.,"`weights'") approx = "`approx'" == "approx" Yt = Y set = se //delta = st_matrix("e(b)") w2 = (Yt :- mu1):^2 :- set:^2 w4 = (Yt :- mu1):^4 :- 6:*set:^2:*(Yt:-mu1):^2 :+ 3:*set:^4 // tilde mu2 and tilde mu4 tmu = (weighted_mean(w2,wgt), weighted_mean(w4,wgt)) pmt_trim = (2:*mean(wgt:^2:*set:^4) :/ (sum(wgt):*mean(wgt:*set:^2)), 32:*mean(wgt:^2:*set:^8) :/ (sum(wgt):*mean(wgt:*set:^4))) if ("`fs_correction'" == "none") { mu2 = max((tmu[1],0)) } else if ("`fs_correction'" == "PMT") { mu2 = max((tmu[1],pmt_trim[1])) } else if ("`fs_correction'" == "FPLIB") { mu2 = tmean(tmu[1],wgtV(w2,wgt)) } // Send results back to Stata st_numscalar("mu2",mu2) if (mu2==0) { w_eb = J(length(Yt),1,0) w_opt = J(length(Yt),1,0) ncov_pa = J(length(Yt),1,.) len_eb = J(length(Yt),1,.) len_op = J(length(Yt),1,.) len_pa = J(length(Yt),1,.) len_us = za:*se th_us = Y th_eb = Y :-mu1 th_op = J(length(Yt),1,.) cil_eb = J(length(Yt),1,.) ciu_eb = J(length(Yt),1,.) cil_op = J(length(Yt),1,.) ciu_op = J(length(Yt),1,.) cil_pa = J(length(Yt),1,.) ciu_pa = J(length(Yt),1,.) cil_us = th_us :- len_us ciu_us = th_us :+ len_us weights = wgt residuals = Y -mu1 EB_df = (w_eb , w_opt , ncov_pa , len_eb , len_op , len_pa , len_us, th_us , th_eb , th_op, se, weights, residuals) st_matrix("EB_df", EB_df) } else { // Assign kappa value if (`kappa' == 1e12) { if ("`fs_correction'" == "none") { kappa = max((tmu[2]/mu2^2,1)) } else if ("`fs_correction'" == "PMT") { kappa = max((tmu[2]/mu2^2,1+pmt_trim[2]/mu2^2)) } else if ("`fs_correction'" == "FPLIB") { kappa = 1+tmean(tmu[2]-tmu[1]^2,wgtV(w4-2*mu2*w2, wgt))/mu2^2 } } else kappa = `kappa' n = length(Yt) // EB shrinkage mu2se = mu2:/(se:^2) ebmat = J(n,3,.) for (i=1; i <= n; i++) { ebmat[i,] = Fw_eb(mu2se[i],kappa,`alpha',approx) } ebw = ebmat[,1] ebl = ebmat[,2] ebm = ebmat[,3] th_eb = mu1 :+ ebw:*(Y :-mu1) w_eb = ebw if ("`wopt'" == "wopt") { opmat = J(n,3,.) for (i=1; i <= n; i++) { opmat[i,] = Fw_opt(mu2se[i],kappa,`alpha',approx) } opw = opmat[,1] opl = opmat[,2] opm = opmat[,3] th_op = mu1:+opw:*(Yt:-mu1) w_opt = opw } else { th_op = J(n,1,.) w_opt = J(n,1,.) opl = J(n,1,.) } // Calculate ncov ncov_mat = J(n,1,.) se2mu = se:^2:/mu2 chi_vec = za*sqrt(1:+se2mu) for (i=1; i <= n; i++) { rho_out = rho(se2mu[i],kappa,chi_vec[i]) ncov_mat[i] = ExtractAlpha(rho_out) } ncov_pa = ncov_mat len_eb = ebl:*se len_op = opl:*se len_pa = sqrt(ebw):*za:*se len_us = za:*se th_us = Y weights = wgt residuals = Y -mu1 // Calculate confidence intervals cil_eb = th_eb :- len_eb ciu_eb = th_eb :+ len_eb cil_op = th_op :- len_op ciu_op = th_op :+ len_op cil_pa = th_eb :- len_pa ciu_pa = th_eb :+ len_pa cil_us = th_us :- len_us ciu_us = th_us :+ len_us EB_df = (w_eb , w_opt , ncov_pa , len_eb , len_op , len_pa , len_us , th_us , th_eb , th_op, se, weights, residuals) st_numscalar("tmu1",tmu[1]) st_numscalar("tmu2",tmu[2]) st_numscalar("kappa",kappa) //st_matrix("delta",delta) st_matrix("EB_df",EB_df) } // export individual columns of EB output st_matrix("w_eb",w_eb) st_matrix("w_opt",w_opt) st_matrix("ncov_pa",ncov_pa) st_matrix("len_eb",len_eb) st_matrix("len_op",len_op) st_matrix("len_pa",len_pa) st_matrix("len_us",len_us) st_matrix("th_us",th_us) st_matrix("th_eb",th_eb) st_matrix("th_op",th_op) st_matrix("se",se) st_matrix("weights",weights) st_matrix("residuals",residuals) st_matrix("cil_eb",cil_eb) st_matrix("ciu_eb",ciu_eb) st_matrix("cil_op",cil_op) st_matrix("ciu_op",ciu_op) st_matrix("cil_pa",cil_pa) st_matrix("ciu_pa",ciu_pa) st_matrix("cil_us",cil_us) st_matrix("ciu_us",ciu_us) } local Nobs = _N matrix idmat = J(`Nobs',1,.) forvalues v = 1/ `Nobs' { matrix idmat[`v',1] = `ebid'[`v'] } restore // Variable names local ebvar w_eb w_opt ncov_pa len_eb len_op len_pa len_us cil_eb ciu_eb /// cil_op ciu_op cil_pa ciu_pa cil_us ciu_us th_us th_eb th_op // Display results on stata if (mu2 == 0) { di "{red}Warning: mu2 estimate is 0" matrix colnames EB_df = "w_eb" "w_opt" "ncov_pa" "len_eb" "len_op" "len_pa" "len_us" "th_us" "th_eb" "th_op" "se" "weights" "residuals" di "sqrt_mu2: " 0 di "kappa = " `kappa' di "delta = " ereturn matrix EB_df = EB_df ereturn scalar mu2 = 0 } else { //getmata (ebw ebl ebm) = ebmat, replace matrix colnames EB_df ="w_eb" "w_opt" "ncov_pa" "len_eb" "len_op" "len_pa" "len_us" "th_us" "th_eb" "th_op" "se" "weights" "residuals" di "mu2: estimate = " mu2 ", uncorrected estimate = " tmu1 di "kappa: estimate = " kappa ", uncorrected estimate = " tmu2/tmu1^2 ereturn matrix EB_df = EB_df ereturn scalar mu2 = mu2 ereturn scalar mu2_uncorrected = tmu1 ereturn scalar kappa = kappa ereturn scalar kappa_uncorrected = tmu2/tmu1^2 } foreach var in `ebvar' { ereturn matrix `var' = `var' } if ("`genvar'" != "") { foreach var in `ebvar' { qui gen `genvar'_`var' =. matrix mat_`var' = e(`var') forvalues v =1/`Nobs' { qui replace `genvar'_`var' = mat_`var'[`v',1] if _n == idmat[`v',1] } } } end