/* Dialog for eclplot.ado (which can be called by typing -db eclplot- or by clicking on the dialog hypertext in eclplot.hlp). Author: Roger Newson Date: 02 July 2008 */ VERSION 10.0 /* Include graphs included in stsgraph.dlg */ INCLUDE graph_header INCLUDE header /* Include graphs required according to gr_twoway.idlg so that a subset of the twoyay options can work */ INCLUDE _graph INCLUDE _std_graph /* Help and reset buttons as in stsgraph.dlg */ HELP hlp1, view("help eclplot") RESET res1 /* Values and value names for -rplottype- option (to be used in main dialog) */ LIST rplottypes BEGIN rcap rarea rbar rcapsym rconnected rline rscatter rspike END LIST rplotnames BEGIN Capped spikes Area shading Bars Spikes capped with symbols Lines and markers Lines Markers Spikes END /* Main dialog box with basic settings */ DIALOG main, tabtitle("Main") label("eclplot - Plot estimates with confidence limits") BEGIN /* Include list definitions as specified in gr_twoway.idlg */ /* Basic settings */ GROUPBOX varlist 10 10 250 220,label("Variables to be plotted") TEXT estlab +10 +20 -20 .,label("Estimate variable") VARNAME estimate @ +20 @ .,label("Estimate variable") TEXT clminlab @ +20 @ .,label("Lower confidence limits variable") VARNAME clmin @ +20 @ .,label("Lower confidence limits variable") TEXT clmaxlab @ +20 @ .,label("Upper confidence limits variable") VARNAME clmax @ +20 @ .,label("Upper confidence limits variable") TEXT parmidlab @ +20 @ .,label("Plotted against variable:") VARNAME parmid @ +20 @ .,label("Plotted against variable") TEXT varlist2 @ +20 @ .,label("(Note: all of these variables") TEXT varlist2a @ +15 @ .,label("must be specified)") GROUPBOX orientgp 300 10 200 65,label("Confidence interval orientation") RADIO rb_vert +10 +20 -15 .,first label("Vertical CI plot") default(1) RADIO rb_hori @ +20 @ .,last label("Horizontal CI plot") default(0) GROUPBOX rplotgp -10 +40 200 140,label("Range plot type for CI plot") LISTBOX rplottype +10 +25 -30 .,label("Range plot types") contents(rplotnames) values(rplottypes) option(rplottype) END /* Include definition of dialog for specifying if/in qualifier */ INCLUDE ifin /* Include list scripts as specified in gr_twoway.idlg */ /* Beginning of twoway options specifications. (These are a subset of those specified in gr_twoway.idlg, because there is apparently not enough memory for them all.) */ INCLUDE gyaxis INCLUDE gxaxis INCLUDE gtitle INCLUDE gcaption SCRIPT gr_twoway_enable BEGIN script gyaxis_enable script gxaxis_enable script gtitle_enable script gcaption_enable END SCRIPT gr_twoway_disable BEGIN script gyaxis_disable script gxaxis_disable script gtitle_disable script gcaption_disable END /* End of twoway options specifications. (These are a subset of those specified in gr_twoway.idlg, because there is apparently not enough memory for them all.) */ /* Advanced options (including the option of specifying extra twoway options for which there is not enough memory to use the dialog boxes specified in gr_twoway.idlg). */ DIALOG advanced, tabtitle("Advanced options") BEGIN FRAME advframe 10 10 730 220,label("Frames or group boxes are usually used in Stata dialogs") TEXT estlab 15 +10 720 .,label("Estimate options (as for -twoway scatter-, eg marker options)") EDIT estopts @ +20 @ .,label("Estimate options") option(estopts) TEXT cilab @ +30 @ .,label("Confidence interval options (as for -twoway- range plots, eg CI marker options)") EDIT ciopts @ +20 @ .,label("CI options") option(ciopts) TEXT plotlab @ +30 @ .,label("Other -twoway- plots to be overlayed (as in -[G] addplot_option-)") EDIT plot @ +20 @ .,label("Additional plot option") option(addplot) TEXT twowaylab @ +30 @ .,label("Additional -twoway- options (eg region and legend options)") EDIT twowayopts @ +20 @ .,label("Other twoway options") END /* Program to build the command submitted to Stata */ PROGRAM command BEGIN //put "eclplot " main.estimate " " main.clmin " " main.clmax " " main.parmid put "eclplot " varlist main.estimate main.clmin main.clmax main.parmid /* Add if and in qualifiers */ INCLUDE _ifin_pr beginoptions if main.rb_hori { put "horizontal" } optionarg main.rplottype optionarg advanced.estopts optionarg advanced.ciopts /* Beginning of statements for adding standard twoway options (as specified in gr_twoway.idlg). */ put " " /program gyaxis_output put " " /program gxaxis_output put " " /program gtitle_output put " " /program gcaption_output /* End of statements for adding standard twoway options (as specified in gr_twoway.idlg). */ optionarg advanced.plot put " " advanced.twowayopts endoptions END