*! version 1.2.0 15oct2020 daniel klein program elabel_cmd_remove version 11.2 elabel parse [ anything ] [ , NOT noMEMory noDROP ] : `0' elabel parse elblnamelist(`memory') : `anything' local lblnamelist : list uniq lblnamelist if ("`not'"=="not") { elabel protectr quietly elabel dir , `memory' local alllbl `r(names)' `r(undefined)' local lblnamelist : list alllbl - lblnamelist } if ( mi("`lblnamelist'") ) exit preserve elabel swap (`lblnamelist') (.) if ( mi("`drop'") ) { foreach lbl of local lblnamelist { capture elabel drop `lbl' if ( !inlist(_rc, 0, 111) ) error _rc } } restore , not end exit /* --------------------------------------- 1.2.0 15oct2020 new option -nodrop- rewrite code in terms of -elabel swap- 1.1.1 02apr2019 fix bug with lblname _all 1.1.0 09feb2019 new options -not- and -nomemory- 1.0.0 02nov2018 first version