{smcl} {cmd:help elabel development} {hline} {title:Title} {p 4 12 2} {cmd:elabel} {hline 2} {cmd:elabel} development {title:Description} {pstd} The {help [M-2] class:classes} and functions described here are used for developing the {cmd:elabel} package and are of little interest otherwise. {pstd} The classes and functions described here might change or even cease to exist in the future. See {help elabel_programming:elabel programming} for a list of programmer's commands and functions. {dlgtab:Mata classes (elabel)} {synoptset 28 tabbed}{...} {...} {synopt:{helpb mf_elabel_dir_class:Elabel_Dir() {sf:(class)}}} Obtain lists of value label names (class) {p_end} {...} {synopt:{helpb mf_elabel_eexp_class:Elabel_eExp() {sf:(class)}}} Manipulate {cmd:elabel} eexpression (class) {p_end} {...} {synopt:{helpb mf_elabel_options___class:Elabel_Options__() {sf:(class)}}} Manage {cmd:elabel} options (class) {p_end} {...} {synopt:{helpb mf_elabel_rules___class:Elabel_Rules__() {sf:(class)}}} Parse transformation rules (class) {p_end} {...} {synopt:{helpb mf_elabel_syntax_class:Elabel_Syntax() {sf:(class)}}} Parse {cmd:elabel} syntax (class) {p_end} {...} {synopt:{helpb mf_elabel_unab_class:Elabel_Unab() {sf:(class)}}} Unabbreviate value label name (class) {p_end} {...} {synopt:{helpb mf_elabel_valuelabel_class:Elabel_ValueLabel() {sf:(class)}}} Manipulate value label (class) {p_end} {synoptline} {title:Author} {pstd} Daniel Klein{break} University of Kassel{break} klein.daniel.81@gmail.com {title:Also see} {psee} Online: {help Mata}{p_end} {psee} if installed: {help elabel}{p_end}