Timing portions of a program - ----------------------------
^elapse^ start_time [name_of_operation]
Where start_time is a previously defined macro equal to the global system macro S_TIME at some earlier point, and name_of_operation is a string.
Description - -----------
^Elapse^ displays a string with the name of the operation, if specified, and the time elapsed between start_time and current time.
Options - -------
name_of_operation is a user-defined string.
Remarks - -------
^Elapse^ automates the procedure of timing a piece of code or an entire program. It is accurate over midnight, but not over several days. It also creates a global S_elap, which is a numerical macro of the form hhmmss, where hh is the number of hours, mm the number of minutes, and ss the number of seconds.
Examples - --------
^local st = "$S_TIME"^ ^...^ ^local oper "Maximum likelihood estimation"^ ^elapse "`st'" "`oper'"^ - Maximum likelihood estimation took 7 minutes, 15 seconds.
^elapse `st'^ - Elapsed time was 1 hour, 10 minutes, 32 seconds.
^quietly elapse `st'^ ^if $S_elap > 4500 { mat xx = startxx }^
Saved Results - -------------
S_elap (see above).
Author - ------
Frederic Zimmerman Food Research Institute Stanford University