/* ellip_dlopts -- ellip option dlopts(line_options) *! version 1.0.0 26apr2004 Anders Alexandersson modified from stopts -- graph options for a student t density curve VERSION 1.0.0 21dec2002 This idlg requires the use of _graph.idlg and _std_graph.idlg for lengths, widths, heights. This idlg requires the use of _glist_def.idlg and _glist_sc.idlg at the beginning of your dialog file for initiating lists. */ DIALOG dlopts, label("") tabtitle("Diameter") BEGIN CHECKBOX ck_stud _lft _top _iwd ., /* */ label("Add a diameter for the ellipse") /* */ clickon(program gdlopts_check) /* */ clickoff(program gdlopts_check) EDIT sp_stud _indent2 _ms _spwd ., /* */ label("") /* */ numonly default(0) /* */ option("diameter") TEXT tx_stud _spsep @ _en7r2b ., /* */ label("Slope (default 0 is a horizontal line)") // how to make the slope of the major axis the default? GROUPBOX gb_line _lft _ls _cwd4_g _ht9h, /* */label("Line") DEFINE y @y TEXT tx_ccol _lft4_1gi _ss _txwd ., /* */label("Color:") right DEFINE scaty @y DEFINE scatx @x COMBOBOX cb_ccol _txsep @ _tcr4gi ., /* */label("Line color") option(clcolor) dropdownlist /* */contents(_dclst_2) onselchangelist(dlopts_color_ccol) /* */value(_dvlst_2) COLOR cl_ccol _tcr4gisep @ _colorwd ., /* */label("Line color") option(clcolor) default(255 0 0) TEXT tx_clwidth scatx _ms _txwd ., /* */ label("Width:") right COMBOBOX cb_clwidth _txsep @ _txr4gi ., /* */label("Connect width") dropdownlist /* */contents(_dclst_5) value(_dvlst_5) /* */ option(clwidth) TEXT tx_clpat scatx _ms _txwd ., /* */label("Pattern:") right COMBOBOX cb_clpat _txsep @ _txr4gi ., /* */label("Pattern") dropdownlist contents(_dclst_4) /* */ option(clpat) value(_dvlst_4) TEXT tx_conn scatx _ms _txwd ., /* */label("Type:") right COMBOBOX cb_conn _txsep @ _txr4gi ., /* */label("Connect type") option(connect) /* */ dropdownlist contents(_dclst_6) value(_dvlst_6) END LIST dlopts_color_ccol BEGIN dlopts.cl_ccol.hide dlopts.cl_ccol.show dlopts.cl_ccol.hide END PROGRAM gdlopts_check BEGIN if !H(dlopts.ck_stud) & dlopts.ck_stud { call gaction dlopts.sp_stud.enable call gaction dlopts.tx_stud.enable // line options call gaction dlopts.gb_line.enable call gaction dlopts.tx_ccol.enable call gaction dlopts.cb_ccol.enable call gaction dlopts.cl_ccol.enable call gaction dlopts.tx_clwidth.enable call gaction dlopts.cb_clwidth.enable call gaction dlopts.tx_clpat.enable call gaction dlopts.cb_clpat.enable call gaction dlopts.tx_conn.enable call gaction dlopts.cb_conn.enable } if H(dlopts.ck_stud) | ! dlopts.ck_stud { call gaction dlopts.sp_stud.disable call gaction dlopts.tx_stud.disable // line options call gaction dlopts.gb_line.disable call gaction dlopts.tx_ccol.disable call gaction dlopts.cb_ccol.disable call gaction dlopts.cl_ccol.disable call gaction dlopts.tx_clwidth.disable call gaction dlopts.cb_clwidth.disable call gaction dlopts.tx_clpat.disable call gaction dlopts.cb_clpat.disable call gaction dlopts.tx_conn.disable call gaction dlopts.cb_conn.disable } END SCRIPT gdlopts_disable BEGIN dlopts.ck_stud.disable program gdlopts_check END SCRIPT gdlopts_enable BEGIN dlopts.ck_stud.enable program gdlopts_check END PROGRAM ellip_dlopts_output BEGIN if dlopts.ck_stud { optionarg dlopts.sp_stud } if dlopts.ck_stud & /// !H(dlopts.ck_stud) & /// ( dlopts.cb_ccol | /// !H(dlopts.cl_ccol) | /// dlopts.cb_clwidth | /// dlopts.cb_clpat | /// dlopts.cb_conn /// ) { put "dlopts(" if H(dlopts.cl_ccol) { optionarg /hidedefault dlopts.cb_ccol } if !H(dlopts.cl_ccol) { optionarg /quoted dlopts.cl_ccol } optionarg /hidedefault dlopts.cb_clwidth optionarg /hidedefault dlopts.cb_clpat optionarg /hidedefault dlopts.cb_conn put ")" } END